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import itertools
import numpy

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

def pca_fit_and_filter_pixel_list(candidate_data, reference_data, parameters):
    ''' Performs PCA analysis, on the valid pixels and filters according
    to the distance from the principle eigenvector, for a single band.

    :param list candidate_band: A list of valid candidate data
    :param list reference_band: A list of coincident valid reference data
    :param pca_options parameters: Method specific parameters. Currently:
        threshold (float): Representing the width of the PCA filter

    :returns: A boolean list representing the pif pixels within valid_pixels
    fitted_pca = _pca_fit_single_band(candidate_data, reference_data)
    return _pca_filter_single_band(
        fitted_pca, candidate_data, reference_data, parameters.threshold)

def _pca_fit_single_band(cand_valid, ref_valid):
    ''' Uses SK Learn PCA module to do PCA fit
    X = _numpy_array_from_2arrays(cand_valid, ref_valid)

    # SK Learn PCA
    pca = PCA(n_components=2)

    # Fit the points

    return pca

def _numpy_array_from_2arrays(array1, array2, dtype=numpy.uint16):
    ''' Efficiently combine two 1-D arrays into a single 2-D array.

    Avoids large memory usage by creating the array using
    ``numpy.fromiter`` and then reshaping a view of the resulting
    record array.  This does the equivalent of:

        numpy.array(zip(array1, array2))

    but avoids holding a potentially large number of tuples in memory.

    >>> a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
    >>> b = numpy.array([4, 5, 6])
    >>> X = _numpy_array_from_2arrays(a, b)
    >>> X
    array([[1, 4],
           [2, 5],
           [3, 6]], dtype=uint16)

    :param array array1: A 1-D numpy array.
    :param array array2: A second 1-D numpy array.
    :param data-type dtype: Data type for array elements
        (must be same for both arrays)

    :returns: A 2D numpy array combining the two input arrays
    array_dtype = [('x', dtype), ('y', dtype)]

    return numpy.fromiter(itertools.izip(array1, array2), dtype=array_dtype) \
                .view(dtype=dtype) \
                .reshape((-1, 2))

def _pca_filter_single_band(pca, cand_valid, ref_valid, threshold):
    ''' Uses SciKit Learn PCA module to transform the data and filter
    major_pca_values = _pca_transform_get_only_major_values(
        pca, cand_valid, ref_valid)

    # Filter
    pixels_pass_filter = numpy.logical_and(
        major_pca_values >= (threshold * -1), major_pca_values <= threshold)

    return pixels_pass_filter

def _pca_transform_get_only_major_values(pca, cand_valid, ref_valid):
    ''' Transforms cand_valid and ref_valid but only returns the values in the
    major eigenvector's direction (the y-values)
    X = _numpy_array_from_2arrays(cand_valid, ref_valid)
    X_trans = pca.transform(X)
    return numpy.array([x[1] for x in X_trans])