# This file is part of Scapy
# See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more informations
# Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org>
# This program is published under a GPLv2 license

IPv4 (Internet Protocol v4).

import os
import time
import struct
import re
import socket
from select import select
from collections import defaultdict
from kamene.utils import checksum, is_private_addr
from kamene.layers.l2 import ( BitEnumField,
from kamene.sendrecv import sr, sr1
from kamene.plist import PacketList, SndRcvList
from kamene.automaton import Automaton, ATMT

import kamene.as_resolvers

# IP Tools class #

class IPTools:
    """Add more powers to a class that have a "src" attribute."""

    def whois(self):
        os.system("whois %s" % self.src)

    def ottl(self):
        t = [32, 64, 128, 255] + [self.ttl]
        return t[t.index(self.ttl) + 1]

    def hops(self):
        return self.ottl() - self.ttl - 1

    def is_priv_addr(self):
        return is_private_addr(self.src)

_ip_options_names = {0: "end_of_list",
                     1: "nop",
                     2: "security",
                     3: "loose_source_route",
                     4: "timestamp",
                     5: "extended_security",
                     6: "commercial_security",
                     7: "record_route",
                     8: "stream_id",
                     9: "strict_source_route",
                     10: "experimental_measurement",
                     11: "mtu_probe",
                     12: "mtu_reply",
                     13: "flow_control",
                     14: "access_control",
                     15: "encode",
                     16: "imi_traffic_descriptor",
                     17: "extended_IP",
                     18: "traceroute",
                     19: "address_extension",
                     20: "router_alert",
                     21: "selective_directed_broadcast_mode",
                     23: "dynamic_packet_state",
                     24: "upstream_multicast_packet",
                     25: "quick_start",
                     30: "rfc4727_experiment",

class _IPOption_HDR(Packet):
    fields_desc = [BitField("copy_flag", 0, 1),
                   BitEnumField("optclass", 0, 2, {0: "control", 2: "debug"}),
                   BitEnumField("option", 0, 5, _ip_options_names)]

class IPOption(Packet):
    name = "IP Option"
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR,
                   FieldLenField("length", None, fmt="B",  # Only option 0 and 1 have no length and value
                                 length_of="value", adjust=lambda pkt, l:l + 2),
                   StrLenField("value", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.length - 2)]

    def extract_padding(self, p):
        return b"", p

    registered_ip_options = {}

    def register_variant(cls):
        cls.registered_ip_options[cls.option.default] = cls

    def dispatch_hook(cls, pkt=None, *args, **kargs):
        if pkt:
            opt = pkt[0] & 0x1f
            if opt in cls.registered_ip_options:
                return cls.registered_ip_options[opt]
        return cls

class IPOption_EOL(IPOption):
    name = "IP Option End of Options List"
    option = 0
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR]

class IPOption_NOP(IPOption):
    name = "IP Option No Operation"
    option = 1
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR]

class IPOption_Security(IPOption):
    name = "IP Option Security"
    copy_flag = 1
    option = 2
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR,
                   ByteField("length", 11),
                   ShortField("security", 0),
                   ShortField("compartment", 0),
                   ShortField("handling_restrictions", 0),
                   StrFixedLenField("transmission_control_code", "xxx", 3),

class IPOption_LSRR(IPOption):
    name = "IP Option Loose Source and Record Route"
    copy_flag = 1
    option = 3
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR,
                   FieldLenField("length", None, fmt="B",
                                 length_of="routers", adjust=lambda pkt, l:l + 3),
                   ByteField("pointer", 4),  # 4 is first IP
                   FieldListField("routers", [], IPField("", ""),
                                  length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.length - 3)

    def get_current_router(self):
        return self.routers[self.pointer // 4 - 1]

class IPOption_RR(IPOption_LSRR):
    name = "IP Option Record Route"
    option = 7

class IPOption_SSRR(IPOption_LSRR):
    name = "IP Option Strict Source and Record Route"
    option = 9

class IPOption_Stream_Id(IPOption):
    name = "IP Option Stream ID"
    option = 8
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR,
                   ByteField("length", 4),
                   ShortField("security", 0), ]

class IPOption_MTU_Probe(IPOption):
    name = "IP Option MTU Probe"
    option = 11
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR,
                   ByteField("length", 4),
                   ShortField("mtu", 0), ]

class IPOption_MTU_Reply(IPOption_MTU_Probe):
    name = "IP Option MTU Reply"
    option = 12

class IPOption_Traceroute(IPOption):
    name = "IP Option Traceroute"
    copy_flag = 1
    option = 18
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR,
                   ByteField("length", 12),
                   ShortField("id", 0),
                   ShortField("outbound_hops", 0),
                   ShortField("return_hops", 0),
                   IPField("originator_ip", "")]

class IPOption_Address_Extension(IPOption):
    name = "IP Option Address Extension"
    copy_flag = 1
    option = 19
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR,
                   ByteField("length", 10),
                   IPField("src_ext", ""),
                   IPField("dst_ext", "")]

class IPOption_Router_Alert(IPOption):
    name = "IP Option Router Alert"
    copy_flag = 1
    option = 20
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR,
                   ByteField("length", 4),
                   ShortEnumField("alert", 0, {0: "router_shall_examine_packet"}), ]

class IPOption_SDBM(IPOption):
    name = "IP Option Selective Directed Broadcast Mode"
    copy_flag = 1
    option = 21
    fields_desc = [_IPOption_HDR,
                   FieldLenField("length", None, fmt="B",
                                 length_of="addresses", adjust=lambda pkt, l:l + 2),
                   FieldListField("addresses", [], IPField("", ""),
                                  length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.length - 2)

TCPOptions = (
    {0: ("EOL", None),
     1: ("NOP", None),
     2: ("MSS", "!H"),
     3: ("WScale", "!B"),
     4: ("SAckOK", None),
     5: ("SAck", "!"),
     8: ("Timestamp", "!II"),
     14: ("AltChkSum", "!BH"),
     15: ("AltChkSumOpt", None),
     25: ("Mood", "!p")
    {"EOL": 0,
     "NOP": 1,
     "MSS": 2,
     "WScale": 3,
     "SAckOK": 4,
     "SAck": 5,
     "Timestamp": 8,
     "AltChkSum": 14,
     "AltChkSumOpt": 15,
     "Mood": 25

class TCPOptionsField(StrField):
    islist = 1

    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
        opsz = (pkt.dataofs - 5) * 4
        if opsz < 0:
            warning("bad dataofs (%i). Assuming dataofs=5" % pkt.dataofs)
            opsz = 0
        return s[opsz:], self.m2i(pkt, s[:opsz])

    def m2i(self, pkt, x):
        opt = []
        while x:
            onum = x[0]
            if onum == 0:
                opt.append(("EOL", None))
                x = x[1:]
            if onum == 1:
                opt.append(("NOP", None))
                x = x[1:]
            olen = x[1]
            if olen < 2:
                warning("Malformed TCP option (announced length is %i)" % olen)
                olen = 2
            oval = x[2:olen]
            if onum in TCPOptions[0]:
                oname, ofmt = TCPOptions[0][onum]
                if onum == 5:  # SAck
                    ofmt += "%iI" % (len(oval) // 4)
                if ofmt and struct.calcsize(ofmt) == len(oval):
                    oval = struct.unpack(ofmt, oval)
                    if len(oval) == 1:
                        oval = oval[0]
                opt.append((oname, oval))
                opt.append((onum, oval))
            x = x[olen:]
        return opt

    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
        opt = b""
        for oname, oval in x:
            if type(oname) is str:
                if oname == "NOP":
                    opt += b"\x01"
                elif oname == "EOL":
                    opt += b"\x00"
                elif oname in TCPOptions[1]:
                    onum = TCPOptions[1][oname]
                    ofmt = TCPOptions[0][onum][1]
                    if onum == 5:  # SAck
                        ofmt += "%iI" % len(oval)
                    if ofmt is not None and (type(oval) is not str or "s" in ofmt):
                        if type(oval) is not tuple:
                            oval = (oval,)
                        oval = struct.pack(ofmt, *oval)
                    warning("option [%s] unknown. Skipped." % oname)
                onum = oname
                if type(oval) is not bytes:
                    warning("option [%i] is not of type bytes." % onum)
            opt += bytes([(onum), (2 + len(oval))]) + oval
        return opt + b"\x00" * (3 - ((len(opt) + 3) % 4))

    def randval(self):
        return []  # XXX

class ICMPTimeStampField(IntField):
    re_hmsm = re.compile("([0-2]?[0-9])[Hh:](([0-5]?[0-9])([Mm:]([0-5]?[0-9])([sS:.]([0-9]{0,3}))?)?)?$")

    def i2repr(self, pkt, val):
        if val is None:
            return "--"
            sec, milli = divmod(val, 1000)
            min, sec = divmod(sec, 60)
            hour, min = divmod(min, 60)
            return "%d:%d:%d.%d" % (hour, min, sec, int(milli))

    def any2i(self, pkt, val):
        if type(val) is str:
            hmsms = self.re_hmsm.match(val)
            if hmsms:
                h, _, m, _, s, _, ms = hmsms = hmsms.groups()
                ms = int(((ms or "") + "000")[:3])
                val = ((int(h) * 60 + int(m or 0)) * 60 + int(s or 0)) * 1000 + ms
                val = 0
        elif val is None:
            val = int((time.time() % (24 * 60 * 60)) * 1000)
        return val

class IP(Packet, IPTools):
    name = "IP"
    fields_desc = [BitField("version", 4, 4),
                   BitField("ihl", None, 4),
                   XByteField("tos", 0),
                   ShortField("len", None),
                   ShortField("id", 1),
                   FlagsField("flags", 0, 3, ["MF", "DF", "evil"]),
                   BitField("frag", 0, 13),
                   ByteField("ttl", 64),
                   ByteEnumField("proto", 0, IP_PROTOS),
                   XShortField("chksum", None),
                   #IPField("src", ""),
                   Emph(SourceIPField("src", "dst")),
                   Emph(IPField("dst", "")),
                   PacketListField("options", [], IPOption, length_from=lambda p:p.ihl * 4 - 20)]

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        ihl = self.ihl
        p += b"\0" * ((-len(p)) % 4)  # pad IP options if needed
        if ihl is None:
            ihl = len(p) // 4
            p = bytes([((self.version & 0xf) << 4) | ihl & 0x0f]) + p[1:]
        if self.len is None:
            l = len(p) + len(pay)
            p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", l) + p[4:]
        if self.chksum is None:
            ck = checksum(p)
            p = p[:10] + bytes([ck >> 8]) + bytes([ck & 0xff]) + p[12:]
        return p + pay

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        l = self.len - (self.ihl << 2)
        return s[:l], s[l:]

    def send(self, s, slp=0):
        for p in self:
                s.sendto(bytes(p), (p.dst, 0))
            except socket.error as msg:
            if slp:

    def route(self):
        dst = self.dst
        if isinstance(dst, Gen):
            dst = next(iter(dst))
        return conf.route.route(dst)

    def hashret(self):
        if ((self.proto == socket.IPPROTO_ICMP)
            and (isinstance(self.payload, ICMP))
                and (self.payload.type in [3, 4, 5, 11, 12])):
            return self.payload.payload.hashret()
            if conf.checkIPsrc and conf.checkIPaddr:
                return strxor(inet_aton(self.src), inet_aton(self.dst)) + struct.pack("B", self.proto) + self.payload.hashret()
                return struct.pack("B", self.proto) + self.payload.hashret()

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, IP):
            return 0
        if conf.checkIPaddr and (self.dst != other.src):
            return 0
        if ((self.proto == socket.IPPROTO_ICMP) and
            (isinstance(self.payload, ICMP)) and
                (self.payload.type in [3, 4, 5, 11, 12])):
            # ICMP error message
            return self.payload.payload.answers(other)

            if ((conf.checkIPaddr and (self.src != other.dst)) or
                    (self.proto != other.proto)):
                return 0
            return self.payload.answers(other.payload)

    def mysummary(self):
        s = self.sprintf("%IP.src% > %IP.dst% %IP.proto%")
        if self.frag:
            s += " frag:%i" % self.frag
        return s

    def fragment(self, fragsize=1480):
        """Fragment IP datagrams"""
        fragsize = (fragsize + 7) // 8 * 8
        lst = []
        fnb = 0
        fl = self
        while fl.underlayer is not None:
            fnb += 1
            fl = fl.underlayer

        for p in fl:
            s = bytes(p[fnb].payload)
            nb = (len(s) + fragsize - 1) // fragsize
            for i in range(nb):
                q = p.copy()
                del q[fnb].payload
                del q[fnb].chksum
                del q[fnb].len
                if i == nb - 1:
                    q[IP].flags &= ~1
                    q[IP].flags |= 1
                q[IP].frag = i * fragsize // 8
                r = conf.raw_layer(load=s[i * fragsize:(i + 1) * fragsize])
                r.overload_fields = p[IP].payload.overload_fields.copy()
        return lst

class TCP(Packet):
    name = "TCP"
    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("sport", 20, TCP_SERVICES),
                   ShortEnumField("dport", 80, TCP_SERVICES),
                   IntField("seq", 0),
                   IntField("ack", 0),
                   BitField("dataofs", None, 4),
                   BitField("reserved", 0, 3),
                   FlagsField("flags", 0x2, 9, "FSRPAUECN"),
                   ShortField("window", 8192),
                   XShortField("chksum", None),
                   ShortField("urgptr", 0),
                   TCPOptionsField("options", {})]

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        p += pay
        dataofs = self.dataofs
        if dataofs is None:
            dataofs = 5 + ((len(self.get_field("options").i2m(self, self.options)) + 3) // 4)
            p = p[:12] + bytes([(dataofs << 4) | (p[12]) & 0x0f]) + p[13:]
        if self.chksum is None:
            if isinstance(self.underlayer, IP):
                if self.underlayer.len is not None:
                    ln = self.underlayer.len - 20
                    ln = len(p)
                psdhdr = struct.pack("!4s4sHH",
                ck = checksum(psdhdr + p)
                p = p[:16] + struct.pack("!H", ck) + p[18:]
            elif conf.ipv6_enabled and isinstance(self.underlayer, kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6) or isinstance(self.underlayer, kamene.layers.inet6._IPv6ExtHdr):
                ck = kamene.layers.inet6.in6_chksum(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, self.underlayer, p)
                p = p[:16] + struct.pack("!H", ck) + p[18:]
                warning("No IP underlayer to compute checksum. Leaving null.")
        return p

    def hashret(self):
        if conf.checkIPsrc:
            return struct.pack("H", self.sport ^ self.dport) + self.payload.hashret()
            return self.payload.hashret()

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, TCP):
            return 0
        if conf.checkIPsrc:
            if not ((self.sport == other.dport) and
                    (self.dport == other.sport)):
                return 0
        if abs(other.seq - self.ack) > 2 + len(other.payload):
            return 0
        return 1

    def mysummary(self):
        if isinstance(self.underlayer, IP):
            return self.underlayer.sprintf("TCP %IP.src%:%TCP.sport% > %IP.dst%:%TCP.dport% %TCP.flags%")
        elif conf.ipv6_enabled and isinstance(self.underlayer, kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6):
            return self.underlayer.sprintf("TCP %IPv6.src%:%TCP.sport% > %IPv6.dst%:%TCP.dport% %TCP.flags%")
            return self.sprintf("TCP %TCP.sport% > %TCP.dport% %TCP.flags%")

class UDP(Packet):
    name = "UDP"
    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("sport", 53, UDP_SERVICES),
                   ShortEnumField("dport", 53, UDP_SERVICES),
                   ShortField("len", None),
                   XShortField("chksum", None), ]

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        p += pay
        l = self.len
        if l is None:
            l = len(p)
            p = p[:4] + struct.pack("!H", l) + p[6:]
        if self.chksum is None:
            if isinstance(self.underlayer, IP):
                if self.underlayer.len is not None:
                    ln = self.underlayer.len - 20
                    ln = len(p)
                psdhdr = struct.pack("!4s4sHH",
                ck = checksum(psdhdr + p)
                p = p[:6] + struct.pack("!H", ck) + p[8:]
            elif isinstance(self.underlayer, kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6) or isinstance(self.underlayer, kamene.layers.inet6._IPv6ExtHdr):
                ck = kamene.layers.inet6.in6_chksum(socket.IPPROTO_UDP, self.underlayer, p)
                p = p[:6] + struct.pack("!H", ck) + p[8:]
                warning("No IP underlayer to compute checksum. Leaving null.")
        return p

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        l = self.len - 8
        return s[:l], s[l:]

    def hashret(self):
        return self.payload.hashret()

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, UDP):
            return 0
        if conf.checkIPsrc:
            if self.dport != other.sport:
                return 0
        return self.payload.answers(other.payload)

    def mysummary(self):
        if isinstance(self.underlayer, IP):
            return self.underlayer.sprintf("UDP %IP.src%:%UDP.sport% > %IP.dst%:%UDP.dport%")
        elif isinstance(self.underlayer, kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6):
            return self.underlayer.sprintf("UDP %IPv6.src%:%UDP.sport% > %IPv6.dst%:%UDP.dport%")
            return self.sprintf("UDP %UDP.sport% > %UDP.dport%")

icmptypes = {0: "echo-reply",
             3: "dest-unreach",
             4: "source-quench",
             5: "redirect",
             8: "echo-request",
             9: "router-advertisement",
             10: "router-solicitation",
             11: "time-exceeded",
             12: "parameter-problem",
             13: "timestamp-request",
             14: "timestamp-reply",
             15: "information-request",
             16: "information-response",
             17: "address-mask-request",
             18: "address-mask-reply"}

icmpcodes = {3: {0: "network-unreachable",
                 1: "host-unreachable",
                 2: "protocol-unreachable",
                 3: "port-unreachable",
                 4: "fragmentation-needed",
                 5: "source-route-failed",
                 6: "network-unknown",
                 7: "host-unknown",
                 9: "network-prohibited",
                 10: "host-prohibited",
                 11: "TOS-network-unreachable",
                 12: "TOS-host-unreachable",
                 13: "communication-prohibited",
                 14: "host-precedence-violation",
                 15: "precedence-cutoff", },
             5: {0: "network-redirect",
                 1: "host-redirect",
                 2: "TOS-network-redirect",
                 3: "TOS-host-redirect", },
             11: {0: "ttl-zero-during-transit",
                  1: "ttl-zero-during-reassembly", },
             12: {0: "ip-header-bad",
                  1: "required-option-missing", }, }

class ICMP(Packet):
    name = "ICMP"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 8, icmptypes),
                   MultiEnumField("code", 0, icmpcodes, depends_on=lambda pkt:pkt.type, fmt="B"),
                   XShortField("chksum", None),
                   ConditionalField(XShortField("id", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.type in [0, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]),
                   ConditionalField(XShortField("seq", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.type in [0, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]),
                   ConditionalField(ICMPTimeStampField("ts_ori", None), lambda pkt:pkt.type in [13, 14]),
                   ConditionalField(ICMPTimeStampField("ts_rx", None), lambda pkt:pkt.type in [13, 14]),
                   ConditionalField(ICMPTimeStampField("ts_tx", None), lambda pkt:pkt.type in [13, 14]),
                   ConditionalField(IPField("gw", ""), lambda pkt:pkt.type == 5),
                   ConditionalField(ByteField("ptr", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.type == 12),
                   ConditionalField(X3BytesField("reserved", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.type == 12),
                   ConditionalField(IPField("addr_mask", ""), lambda pkt:pkt.type in [17, 18]),
                   ConditionalField(IntField("unused", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.type not in [0, 5, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]),


    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        p += pay
        if self.chksum is None:
            ck = checksum(p)
            p = p[:2] + bytes([ck >> 8, ck & 0xff]) + p[4:]
        return p

    def hashret(self):
        if self.type in [0, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]:
            return struct.pack("HH", self.id, self.seq) + self.payload.hashret()
        return self.payload.hashret()

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, ICMP):
            return 0
        if ((other.type, self.type) in [(8, 0), (13, 14), (15, 16), (17, 18)] and
            self.id == other.id and
                self.seq == other.seq):
            return 1
        return 0

    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
        if self.type in [3, 4, 5, 11, 12]:
            return IPerror
            return None

    def mysummary(self):
        if isinstance(self.underlayer, IP):
            return self.underlayer.sprintf("ICMP %IP.src% > %IP.dst% %ICMP.type% %ICMP.code%")
            return self.sprintf("ICMP %ICMP.type% %ICMP.code%")

class IPerror(IP):
    name = "IP in ICMP"

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, IP):
            return 0
        if not (((conf.checkIPsrc == 0) or (self.dst == other.dst)) and
                (self.src == other.src) and
                (((conf.checkIPID == 0)
                  or (self.id == other.id)
                  or (conf.checkIPID == 1 and self.id == socket.htons(other.id)))) and
                (self.proto == other.proto)):
            return 0
        return self.payload.answers(other.payload)

    def mysummary(self):
        return Packet.mysummary(self)

class TCPerror(TCP):
# Better fix to be found for building and parsing TCPerror inside ICMP destination unreachable. With this at least the test suite passes
    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("sport", 20, TCP_SERVICES),
                   ShortEnumField("dport", 80, TCP_SERVICES),
                   IntField("seq", 0),
                   IntField("ack", 0),
                   BitField("dataofs", None, 4),
                   BitField("reserved", 0, 4),
                   FlagsField("flags", 0x2, 8, "FSRPAUEC"),
                   ShortField("window", 8192),
                   XShortField("chksum", None),
                   ShortField("urgptr", 0),
                   TCPOptionsField("options", {})]
    name = "TCP in ICMP"

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        p += pay
        return p

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, TCP):
            return 0
        if conf.checkIPsrc:
            if not ((self.sport == other.sport) and
                    (self.dport == other.dport)):
                return 0
        if conf.check_TCPerror_seqack:
            if self.seq is not None:
                if self.seq != other.seq:
                    return 0
            if self.ack is not None:
                if self.ack != other.ack:
                    return 0
        return 1

    def mysummary(self):
        return Packet.mysummary(self)

class UDPerror(UDP):
    name = "UDP in ICMP"

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, UDP):
            return 0
        if conf.checkIPsrc:
            if not ((self.sport == other.sport) and
                    (self.dport == other.dport)):
                return 0
        return 1

    def mysummary(self):
        return Packet.mysummary(self)

class ICMPerror(ICMP):
    name = "ICMP in ICMP"

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, ICMP):
            return 0
        if not ((self.type == other.type) and
                (self.code == other.code)):
            return 0
        if self.code in [0, 8, 13, 14, 17, 18]:
            if (self.id == other.id and
                    self.seq == other.seq):
                return 1
                return 0
            return 1

    def mysummary(self):
        return Packet.mysummary(self)

bind_layers(Ether, IP, type=2048)
bind_layers(CookedLinux, IP, proto=2048)
bind_layers(GRE, IP, proto=2048)
bind_layers(SNAP, IP, code=2048)
bind_layers(IPerror, IPerror, frag=0, proto=4)
bind_layers(IPerror, ICMPerror, frag=0, proto=1)
bind_layers(IPerror, TCPerror, frag=0, proto=6)
bind_layers(IPerror, UDPerror, frag=0, proto=17)
bind_layers(IP, IP, frag=0, proto=4)
bind_layers(IP, ICMP, frag=0, proto=1)
bind_layers(IP, TCP, frag=0, proto=6)
bind_layers(IP, UDP, frag=0, proto=17)
bind_layers(IP, GRE, frag=0, proto=47)

conf.l2types.register(101, IP)
conf.l2types.register_num2layer(12, IP)

conf.l3types.register(ETH_P_IP, IP)
conf.l3types.register_num2layer(ETH_P_ALL, IP)

conf.neighbor.register_l3(Ether, IP, lambda l2, l3: getmacbyip(l3.dst))
conf.neighbor.register_l3(Dot3, IP, lambda l2, l3: getmacbyip(l3.dst))

# Fragmentation #

def fragment(pkt, fragsize=1480):
    """Fragment a big IP datagram"""
    fragsize = (fragsize + 7) // 8 * 8
    lst = []
    for p in pkt:
        s = bytes(p[IP].payload)
        nb = (len(s) + fragsize - 1) // fragsize
        for i in range(nb):
            q = p.copy()
            del q[IP].payload
            del q[IP].chksum
            del q[IP].len
            if i == nb - 1:
                q[IP].flags &= ~1
                q[IP].flags |= 1
            q[IP].frag = i * fragsize // 8
            r = conf.raw_layer(load=s[i * fragsize:(i + 1) * fragsize])
            r.overload_fields = p[IP].payload.overload_fields.copy()
    return lst

def overlap_frag(p, overlap, fragsize=8, overlap_fragsize=None):
    if overlap_fragsize is None:
        overlap_fragsize = fragsize
    q = p.copy()
    del q[IP].payload

    qfrag = fragment(q, overlap_fragsize)
    qfrag[-1][IP].flags |= 1
    return qfrag + fragment(p, fragsize)

def defrag(plist):
    """defrag(plist) -> ([not fragmented], [defragmented],
                  [ [bad fragments], [bad fragments], ... ])"""
    frags = defaultdict(PacketList)
    nofrag = PacketList()
    for p in plist:
        ip = p[IP]
        if IP not in p:
        if ip.frag == 0 and ip.flags & 1 == 0:
        uniq = (ip.id, ip.src, ip.dst, ip.proto)
    defrag = []
    missfrag = []
    for lst in frags.values():
        lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.frag)
        p = lst[0]
        lastp = lst[-1]
        if p.frag > 0 or lastp.flags & 1 != 0:  # first or last fragment missing
        p = p.copy()
        if conf.padding_layer in p:
            del p[conf.padding_layer].underlayer.payload
        ip = p[IP]
        if ip.len is None or ip.ihl is None:
            clen = len(ip.payload)
            clen = ip.len - (ip.ihl << 2)
        txt = conf.raw_layer()
        for q in lst[1:]:
            if clen != q.frag << 3:  # Wrong fragmentation offset
                if clen > q.frag << 3:
                    warning("Fragment overlap (%i > %i) %r || %r ||  %r" % (clen, q.frag << 3, p, txt, q))
            if q[IP].len is None or q[IP].ihl is None:
                clen += len(q[IP].payload)
                clen += q[IP].len - (q[IP].ihl << 2)
            if conf.padding_layer in q:
                del q[conf.padding_layer].underlayer.payload
            ip.flags &= ~1  # !MF
            del ip.chksum
            del ip.len
            p = p / txt
    defrag2 = PacketList()
    for p in defrag:
    return nofrag, defrag2, missfrag

def defragment(plist):
    """defragment(plist) -> plist defragmented as much as possible """
    frags = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    final = []

    pos = 0
    for p in plist:
        p._defrag_pos = pos
        pos += 1
        if IP in p:
            ip = p[IP]
            if ip.frag != 0 or ip.flags & 1:
                ip = p[IP]
                uniq = (ip.id, ip.src, ip.dst, ip.proto)

    defrag = []
    missfrag = []
    for lst in frags.values():
        lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.frag)
        p = lst[0]
        lastp = lst[-1]
        if p.frag > 0 or lastp.flags & 1 != 0:  # first or last fragment missing
            missfrag += lst
        p = p.copy()
        if conf.padding_layer in p:
            del p[conf.padding_layer].underlayer.payload
        ip = p[IP]
        if ip.len is None or ip.ihl is None:
            clen = len(ip.payload)
            clen = ip.len - (ip.ihl << 2)
        txt = conf.raw_layer()
        for q in lst[1:]:
            if clen != q.frag << 3:  # Wrong fragmentation offset
                if clen > q.frag << 3:
                    warning("Fragment overlap (%i > %i) %r || %r ||  %r" % (clen, q.frag << 3, p, txt, q))
                missfrag += lst
            if q[IP].len is None or q[IP].ihl is None:
                clen += len(q[IP].payload)
                clen += q[IP].len - (q[IP].ihl << 2)
            if conf.padding_layer in q:
                del q[conf.padding_layer].underlayer.payload
            ip.flags &= ~1  # !MF
            del ip.chksum
            del ip.len
            p = p / txt
            p._defrag_pos = max(x._defrag_pos for x in lst)
    defrag2 = []
    for p in defrag:
        q = p.__class__(bytes(p))
        q._defrag_pos = p._defrag_pos
    final += defrag2
    final += missfrag
    final.sort(key=lambda x: x._defrag_pos)
    for p in final:
        del p._defrag_pos

    if hasattr(plist, "listname"):
        name = "Defragmented %s" % plist.listname
        name = "Defragmented"

    return PacketList(final, name=name)

# Add timeskew_graph() method to PacketList
def _packetlist_timeskew_graph(self, ip, **kargs):
    """Tries to graph the timeskew between the timestamps and real time for a given ip"""
    res = map(lambda x: self._elt2pkt(x), self.res)
    b = filter(lambda x: x.haslayer(IP) and x.getlayer(IP).src == ip and x.haslayer(TCP), res)
    c = []
    for p in b:
        opts = p.getlayer(TCP).options
        for o in opts:
            if o[0] == "Timestamp":
                c.append((p.time, o[1][0]))
    if not c:
        warning("No timestamps found in packet list")
    # d = map(lambda (x,y): (x%2000,((x-c[0][0])-((y-c[0][1])/1000.0))),c)
    d = map(lambda a: (a[0] % 2000, ((a[0] - c[0][0]) - ((a[1] - c[0][1]) / 1000.0))), c)
    return plt.plot(d, **kargs)

#PacketList.timeskew_graph = types.MethodType(_packetlist_timeskew_graph, None)

# Create a new packet list
class TracerouteResult(SndRcvList):

    def __init__(self, res=None, name="Traceroute", stats=None):
        PacketList.__init__(self, res, name, stats, vector_index=1)
        self.graphdef = None
        self.graphASres = 0
        self.padding = 0
        self.hloc = None
        self.nloc = None

    def show(self):
        # return self.make_table(lambda (s,r): (s.sprintf("%IP.dst%:{TCP:tcp%ir,TCP.dport%}{UDP:udp%ir,UDP.dport%}{ICMP:ICMP}"),
        return self.make_table(lambda s, r: (s.sprintf("%IP.dst%:{TCP:tcp%ir,TCP.dport%}{UDP:udp%ir,UDP.dport%}{ICMP:ICMP}"),
                                             r.sprintf("%-15s,IP.src% {TCP:%TCP.flags%}{ICMP:%ir,ICMP.type%}")))

    def get_trace(self):
        raw_trace = {}
        for s, r in self.res:
            if IP not in s:
            d = s[IP].dst
            if d not in raw_trace:
                raw_trace[d] = {}
            raw_trace[d][s[IP].ttl] = r[IP].src, ICMP not in r

        trace = {}
        for k in raw_trace.keys():
            m = [x for x in raw_trace[k].keys() if raw_trace[k][x][1]]
            if not m:
                trace[k] = raw_trace[k]
                m = min(m)
                trace[k] = {i: raw_trace[k][i] for i in raw_trace[k].keys() if not raw_trace[k][i][1] or i <= m}

        return trace

    def trace3D(self):
        """Give a 3D representation of the traceroute.
        right button: rotate the scene
        middle button: zoom
        left button: move the scene
        left button on a ball: toggle IP displaying
        ctrl-left button on a ball: scan ports 21,22,23,25,80 and 443 and display the result"""
        trace = self.get_trace()
        import visual

        class IPsphere(visual.sphere):
            def __init__(self, ip, **kargs):
                visual.sphere.__init__(self, **kargs)
                self.ip = ip
                self.label = None

            def setlabel(self, txt, visible=None):
                if self.label is not None:
                    if visible is None:
                        visible = self.label.visible
                    self.label.visible = 0
                elif visible is None:
                    visible = 0
                self.label = visual.label(text=txt, pos=self.pos, space=self.radius, xoffset=10, yoffset=20, visible=visible)

            def action(self):
                self.label.visible ^= 1

        visual.scene = visual.display()
        visual.scene.exit = True
        start = visual.box()
        rings = {}
        tr3d = {}
        for i in trace:
            tr = trace[i]
            tr3d[i] = []
            ttl = tr.keys()
            for t in range(1, max(ttl) + 1):
                if t not in rings:
                    rings[t] = []
                if t in tr:
                    if tr[t] not in rings[t]:
                    rings[t].append(("unk", -1))
                    tr3d[i].append(len(rings[t]) - 1)
        for t in rings:
            r = rings[t]
            l = len(r)
            for i in range(l):
                if r[i][1] == -1:
                    col = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
                elif r[i][1]:
                    col = visual.color.green
                    col = visual.color.blue

                s = IPsphere(pos=((l - 1) * visual.cos(2 * i * visual.pi / l), (l - 1) * visual.sin(2 * i * visual.pi / l), 2 * t),
                for trlst in tr3d.values():
                    if t <= len(trlst):
                        if trlst[t - 1] == i:
                            trlst[t - 1] = s
        forecol = colgen(0.625, 0.4375, 0.25, 0.125)
        for trlst in tr3d.values():
            col = next(forecol)
            start = (0, 0, 0)
            for ip in trlst:
                visual.cylinder(pos=start, axis=ip.pos - start, color=col, radius=0.2)
                start = ip.pos

        movcenter = None
        while 1:
            if visual.scene.kb.keys:
                k = visual.scene.kb.getkey()
                if k == "esc" or k == "q":
            if visual.scene.mouse.events:
                ev = visual.scene.mouse.getevent()
                if ev.press == "left":
                    o = ev.pick
                    if o:
                        if ev.ctrl:
                            if o.ip == "unk":
                            savcolor = o.color
                            o.color = (1, 0, 0)
                            a, _ = sr(IP(dst=o.ip) / TCP(dport=[21, 22, 23, 25, 80, 443]), timeout=2)
                            o.color = savcolor
                            if len(a) == 0:
                                txt = "%s:\nno results" % o.ip
                                txt = "%s:\n" % o.ip
                                for s, r in a:
                                    txt += r.sprintf("{TCP:%IP.src%:%TCP.sport% %TCP.flags%}{TCPerror:%IPerror.dst%:%TCPerror.dport% %IP.src% %ir,ICMP.type%}\n")
                            o.setlabel(txt, visible=1)
                            if hasattr(o, "action"):
                elif ev.drag == "left":
                    movcenter = ev.pos
                elif ev.drop == "left":
                    movcenter = None
            if movcenter:
                visual.scene.center -= visual.scene.mouse.pos - movcenter
                movcenter = visual.scene.mouse.pos

# # world_trace needs to be reimplemented as gnuplot dependency is removed
#    def world_trace(self):
#        from modules.geo import locate_ip
#        ips = {}
#        rt = {}
#        ports_done = {}
#        for s,r in self.res:
#            ips[r.src] = None
#            if s.haslayer(TCP) or s.haslayer(UDP):
#                trace_id = (s.src,s.dst,s.proto,s.dport)
#            elif s.haslayer(ICMP):
#                trace_id = (s.src,s.dst,s.proto,s.type)
#            else:
#                trace_id = (s.src,s.dst,s.proto,0)
#            trace = rt.get(trace_id,{})
#            if not r.haslayer(ICMP) or r.type != 11:
#                if trace_id in ports_done:
#                    continue
#                ports_done[trace_id] = None
#            trace[s.ttl] = r.src
#            rt[trace_id] = trace
#        trt = {}
#        for trace_id in rt:
#            trace = rt[trace_id]
#            loctrace = []
#            for i in range(max(trace.keys())):
#                ip = trace.get(i,None)
#                if ip is None:
#                    continue
#                loc = locate_ip(ip)
#                if loc is None:
#                    continue
# #               loctrace.append((ip,loc)) # no labels yet
#                loctrace.append(loc)
#            if loctrace:
#                trt[trace_id] = loctrace
#        tr = map(lambda x: Gnuplot.Data(x,with_="lines"), trt.values())
#        g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
#        world = Gnuplot.File(conf.gnuplot_world,with_="lines")
#        g.plot(world,*tr)
#        return g

    def make_graph(self, ASres=None, padding=0):
        if ASres is None:
            ASres = conf.AS_resolver
        self.graphASres = ASres
        self.graphpadding = padding
        ips = {}
        rt = {}
        ports = {}
        ports_done = {}
        for s, r in self.res:
            r = r.getlayer(IP) or (conf.ipv6_enabled and r[kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6]) or r
            s = s.getlayer(IP) or (conf.ipv6_enabled and s[kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6]) or s
            ips[r.src] = None
            if TCP in s:
                trace_id = (s.src, s.dst, 6, s.dport)
            elif UDP in s:
                trace_id = (s.src, s.dst, 17, s.dport)
            elif ICMP in s:
                trace_id = (s.src, s.dst, 1, s.type)
                trace_id = (s.src, s.dst, s.proto, 0)
            trace = rt.get(trace_id, {})
            ttl = conf.ipv6_enabled and kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6 in s and s.hlim or s.ttl
            if not (ICMP in r and r[ICMP].type == 11) and not (conf.ipv6_enabled and kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6 in r and kamene.layers.inet6.ICMPv6TimeExceeded in r):
                if trace_id in ports_done:
                ports_done[trace_id] = None
                p = ports.get(r.src, [])
                if TCP in r:
                    p.append(r.sprintf("<T%ir,TCP.sport%> %TCP.sport% %TCP.flags%"))
                    trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%":T%ir,TCP.sport%')
                elif UDP in r:
                    p.append(r.sprintf("<U%ir,UDP.sport%> %UDP.sport%"))
                    trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%":U%ir,UDP.sport%')
                elif ICMP in r:
                    p.append(r.sprintf("<I%ir,ICMP.type%> ICMP %ICMP.type%"))
                    trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%":I%ir,ICMP.type%')
                    p.append(r.sprintf("{IP:<P%ir,proto%> IP %proto%}{IPv6:<P%ir,nh%> IPv6 %nh%}"))
                    trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%":{IP:P%ir,proto%}{IPv6:P%ir,nh%}')
                ports[r.src] = p
                trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%"')
            rt[trace_id] = trace

        # Fill holes with unk%i nodes
        unknown_label = incremental_label("unk%i")
        blackholes = []
        bhip = {}
        for rtk in rt:
            trace = rt[rtk]
            k = trace.keys()
            for n in range(min(k), max(k)):
                if not n in trace:
                    trace[n] = next(unknown_label)
            if not rtk in ports_done:
                if rtk[2] == 1:  # ICMP
                    bh = "%s %i/icmp" % (rtk[1], rtk[3])
                elif rtk[2] == 6:  # TCP
                    bh = "%s %i/tcp" % (rtk[1], rtk[3])
                elif rtk[2] == 17:  # UDP
                    bh = '%s %i/udp' % (rtk[1], rtk[3])
                    bh = '%s %i/proto' % (rtk[1], rtk[2])
                ips[bh] = None
                bhip[rtk[1]] = bh
                bh = '"%s"' % bh
                trace[max(k) + 1] = bh

        # Find AS numbers
        ASN_query_list = dict.fromkeys(map(lambda x: x.rsplit(" ", 1)[0], ips)).keys()
        if ASres is None:
            ASNlist = []
            ASNlist = ASres.resolve(*ASN_query_list)

        ASNs = {}
        ASDs = {}
        for ip, asn, desc, in ASNlist:
            if asn is None:
            iplist = ASNs.get(asn, [])
            if ip in bhip:
                if ip in ports:
            ASNs[asn] = iplist
            ASDs[asn] = desc

        backcolorlist = colgen("60", "86", "ba", "ff")
        forecolorlist = colgen("a0", "70", "40", "20")

        s = "digraph trace {\n"

        s += "\n\tnode [shape=ellipse,color=black,style=solid];\n\n"

        s += "\n#ASN clustering\n"
        for asn in ASNs:
            s += '\tsubgraph cluster_%s {\n' % asn
            col = next(backcolorlist)
            s += '\t\tcolor="#%s%s%s";' % col
            s += '\t\tnode [fillcolor="#%s%s%s",style=filled];' % col
            s += '\t\tfontsize = 10;'
            s += '\t\tlabel = "%s\\n[%s]"\n' % (asn, ASDs[asn])
            for ip in ASNs[asn]:

                s += '\t\t"%s";\n' % ip
            s += "\t}\n"

        s += "#endpoints\n"
        for p in ports:
            s += '\t"%s" [shape=record,color=black,fillcolor=green,style=filled,label="%s|%s"];\n' % (p, p, "|".join(ports[p]))

        s += "\n#Blackholes\n"
        for bh in blackholes:
            s += '\t%s [shape=octagon,color=black,fillcolor=red,style=filled];\n' % bh

        if padding:
            s += "\n#Padding\n"
            pad = {}
            for _, rcv in self.res:
                if rcv.src not in ports and rcv.haslayer(conf.padding_layer):
                    p = rcv.getlayer(conf.padding_layer).load
                    if p != "\x00" * len(p):
                        pad[rcv.src] = None
            for rcv in pad:
                s += '\t"%s" [shape=triangle,color=black,fillcolor=red,style=filled];\n' % rcv

        s += "\n\tnode [shape=ellipse,color=black,style=solid];\n\n"

        for rtk in rt:
            s += "#---[%s\n" % repr(rtk)
            s += '\t\tedge [color="#%s%s%s"];\n' % next(forecolorlist)
            trace = rt[rtk]
            k = trace.keys()
            for n in range(min(k), max(k)):
                s += '\t%s ->\n' % trace[n]
            s += '\t%s;\n' % trace[max(k)]

        s += "}\n"
        self.graphdef = s

    def graph(self, ASres=None, padding=0, **kargs):
        """x.graph(ASres=conf.AS_resolver, other args):
        ASres=None          : no AS resolver => no clustering
        ASres=AS_resolver() : default whois AS resolver (riswhois.ripe.net)
        ASres=AS_resolver_cymru(): use whois.cymru.com whois database
        format: output type (svg, ps, gif, jpg, etc.), passed to dot's "-T" option
        figsize: w,h tuple in inches. See matplotlib documentation
        target: filename. If None uses matplotlib to display
        prog: which graphviz program to use"""
        if ASres is None:
            ASres = conf.AS_resolver
        if (self.graphdef is None or
            self.graphASres != ASres or
                self.graphpadding != padding):
            self.make_graph(ASres, padding)

        return do_graph(self.graphdef, **kargs)

def traceroute(target, dport=80, minttl=1, maxttl=30, sport=RandShort(), l4=None, filter=None, timeout=2, verbose=None, **kargs):
    """Instant TCP traceroute
traceroute(target, [maxttl=30,] [dport=80,] [sport=80,] [verbose=conf.verb]) -> None
    if verbose is None:
        verbose = conf.verb
    if filter is None:
        # we only consider ICMP error packets and TCP packets with at
        # least the ACK flag set *and* either the SYN or the RST flag
        # set
        filter = "(icmp and (icmp[0]=3 or icmp[0]=4 or icmp[0]=5 or icmp[0]=11 or icmp[0]=12)) or (tcp and (tcp[13] & 0x16 > 0x10))"
    if l4 is None:
        a, b = sr(IP(dst=target, id=RandShort(), ttl=(minttl, maxttl)) / TCP(seq=RandInt(), sport=sport, dport=dport),
                  timeout=timeout, filter=filter, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
        # this should always work
        filter = "ip"
        a, b = sr(IP(dst=target, id=RandShort(), ttl=(minttl, maxttl)) / l4,
                  timeout=timeout, filter=filter, verbose=verbose, **kargs)

    a = TracerouteResult(a.res)

    if verbose:
    return a, b

# Multi-Traceroute Class #
class MTR:
    # Initialize Multi-Traceroute Object Vars...
    def __init__(self, nquery=1, target=''):
        self._nquery = nquery		# Number or traceroute queries
        self._ntraces = 1		# Number of trace runs
        self._iface = ''		# Interface to use for trace
        self._gw = ''			# Default Gateway IPv4 Address for trace
        self._netprotocol = 'TCP'  # MTR network protocol to use for trace
        self._target = target		# Session targets
        self._exptrg = []		# Expanded Session targets
        self._host2ip = {}		# Target Host Name to IP Address
        self._ip2host = {}		# Target IP Address to Host Name
        self._tcnt = 0			# Total Trace count
        self._tlblid = []		# Target Trace label IDs
        self._res = []			# Trace Send/Receive Response Packets
        self._ures = []			# Trace UnResponse Sent Packets
        self._ips = {}			# Trace Unique IPv4 Addresses
        self._hops = {}			# Traceroute Hop Ranges
        self._rt = []			# Individual Route Trace Summaries
        self._ports = {}		# Completed Targets & Ports
        self._portsdone = {}		# Completed Traceroutes & Ports
        self._rtt = {}			# Round Trip Times (msecs) for Trace Nodes
        self._unknownlabel = incremental_label('"Unk%i"')
        self._asres = conf.AS_resolver  # Initial ASN Resolver
        self._asns = {}			# Found AS Numbers for the MTR session
        self._asds = {}			# Associated AS Number descriptions
        self._unks = {}			# Unknown Hops ASN IP boundaries
        self._graphdef = None
        self._graphasres = 0
        self._graphpadding = 0

    # Get the protocol name from protocol integer value.
    #  proto - Protocol integer value.
    #   Returns a string value representing the given integer protocol.
    def get_proto_name(self, proto):
        ps = str(proto)
        if ps == '6':
            pt = 'tcp'
        elif ps == '17':
            pt = 'udp'
        elif ps == '1':
            pt = 'icmp'
            pt = str(proto)
        return pt

    # Compute Black Holes...
    def get_black_holes(self):
        for t in range(0, self._ntraces):
            for rtk in self._rt[t]:
                trace = self._rt[t][rtk]
                k = trace.keys()
                for n in range(min(k), max(k)):
                    if not n in trace:				# Fill in 'Unknown' hops
                        trace[n] = next(self._unknownlabel)
                if not rtk in self._portsdone:
                    if rtk[2] == 1:  # ICMP
                        bh = "%s %i/icmp" % (rtk[1], rtk[3])
                    elif rtk[2] == 6:  # TCP
                        bh = "{ip:s} {dp:d}/tcp".format(ip=rtk[1], dp=rtk[3])
                    elif rtk[2] == 17:  # UDP
                        bh = '%s %i/udp' % (rtk[1], rtk[3])
                        bh = '%s %i/proto' % (rtk[1], rtk[2])
                    self._ips[rtk[1]] = None			# Add the Blackhole IP to list of unique IP Addresses
                    # Update trace with Blackhole info...
                    bh = '"{bh:s}"'.format(bh=bh)
                    trace[max(k) + 1] = bh
        # Detection for Blackhole - Failed target not set as last Hop in trace...
        for t in range(0, self._ntraces):
            for rtk in self._rt[t]:
                trace = self._rt[t][rtk]
                k = trace.keys()
                if (' ' not in trace[max(k)]) and (':' not in trace[max(k)]):
                    if rtk[2] == 1:  # ICMP
                        bh = "%s %i/icmp" % (rtk[1], rtk[3])
                    elif rtk[2] == 6:  # TCP
                        bh = "{ip:s} {dp:d}/tcp".format(ip=rtk[1], dp=rtk[3])
                    elif rtk[2] == 17:  # UDP
                        bh = '%s %i/udp' % (rtk[1], rtk[3])
                        bh = '%s %i/proto' % (rtk[1], rtk[2])
                    self._ips[rtk[1]] = None			# Add the Blackhole IP to list of unique IP Addresses
                    # Update trace with Blackhole info...
                    bh = '"{bh:s}"'.format(bh=bh)
                    trace[max(k) + 1] = bh

    # Compute the Hop range for each trace...
    def compute_hop_ranges(self):
        n = 1
        for t in range(0, self._ntraces):
            for rtk in self._rt[t]:
                trace = self._rt[t][rtk]
                k = trace.keys()
                # Detect Blackhole Endpoints...
                h = rtk[1]
                mt = max(k)
                if not ':' in trace[max(k)]:
                    h = trace[max(k)].replace('"', '')  # Add a Blackhole Endpoint (':' Char does not exist)
                    if max(k) == 1:
                        # Special case: Max TTL set to 1...
                        mt = 1
                        mt = max(k) - 1			# Blackhole - remove Hop for Blackhole -> Host never reached
                hoplist = self._hops.get(h, [])     	# Get previous hop value
                hoplist.append([n, min(k), mt])		# Append trace hop range for this trace
                self._hops[h] = hoplist			# Update mtr Hop value
                n += 1

    # Get AS Numbers...
    def get_asns(self, privaddr=0):
        """Obtain associated AS Numbers for IPv4 Addreses.
           privaddr: 0 - Normal display of AS numbers,
                     1 - Do not show an associated AS Number bound box (cluster) on graph for a private IPv4 Address."""
        ips = {}
        if privaddr:
            for k, v in self._ips.items():
                if not is_private_addr(k):
                    ips[k] = v
            ips = self._ips
        # Special case for the loopback IP Address: - Do not ASN resolve...
        if '' in ips:
            del ips['']
        # ASN Lookup...
        asnquerylist = dict.fromkeys(map(lambda x: x.rsplit(" ", 1)[0], ips)).keys()
        if self._asres is None:
            asnlist = []
                asnlist = self._asres.resolve(*asnquerylist)
        for ip, asn, desc, in asnlist:
            if asn is None:
            iplist = self._asns.get(asn, [])  # Get previous ASN value
            iplist.append(ip)			# Append IP Address to previous ASN

            # If ASN is a string Convert to a number: (i.e., 'AS3257' => 3257)
            if type(asn) == str:
                asn = asn.upper()
                asn = asn.replace('AS', '')
                    asn = int(asn)
                    self._asns[asn] = iplist
                    self._asds[asn] = desc
                self._asns[asn] = iplist
                self._asds[asn] = desc

    #  Get the ASN for a given IP Address.
    #    ip - IP Address to get the ASN for.
    #   Return the ASN for a given IP Address if found.
    #   A -1 is returned if not found.
    def get_asn_ip(self, ip):
        for a in self._asns:
            for i in self._asns[a]:
                if ip == i:
                    return a
        return -1

    # Guess Traceroute 'Unknown (Unkn) Hops' ASNs.
    #   Technique: Method to guess ASNs for Traceroute 'Unknown Hops'.
    #              If the assign ASN for the known Ancestor IP is the
    #              same as the known Descendant IP then use this ASN
    #              for the 'Unknown Hop'.
    #              Special case guess: If the Descendant IP is a
    #              Endpoint Host Target the assign it to its
    #              associated ASN.
    def guess_unk_asns(self):
        t = 1
        for q in range(0, self._ntraces):
            for rtk in self._rt[q]:
                trace = self._rt[q][rtk]
                tk = trace.keys()
                begip = endip = ''
                unklist = []
                for n in range(min(tk), (max(tk) + 1)):
                    if trace[n].find('Unk') == -1:
                        # IP Address Hop found...
                        if len(unklist) == 0:
                            # No 'Unknown Hop' found yet...
                            begip = trace[n]
                            # At least one Unknown Hop found - Store IP boundary...
                            endip = trace[n]
                            for u in unklist:
                                idx = begip.find(':')
                                if idx != -1:		# Remove Endpoint Trace port info: '"":T443'
                                    begip = begip[:idx]
                                idx = endip.find(':')
                                if idx != -1:
                                    endip = endip[:idx]
                                # u[0] - Unknown Hop name...
                                # u[1] - Hop number...
                                self._unks[u[0]] = [begip, endip, '{t:d}:{h:d}'.format(t=t, h=u[1])]
                            # Init var for new Unknown Hop search...
                            begip = endip = ''
                            unklist = []
                        # 'Unknown Hop' found...
                        unklist.append([trace[n], n])
                t += 1					# Inc next trace count
        # Assign 'Unknown Hop' ASN...
        for u in self._unks:
            bip = self._unks[u][0]
            bip = bip.replace('"', '')			# Begin IP - Strip off surrounding double quotes (")
            basn = self.get_asn_ip(bip)
            if basn == -1:
            eip = self._unks[u][1]
            eip = eip.replace('"', '')
            easn = self.get_asn_ip(eip)
            if easn == -1:
            # Append the 'Unknown Hop' to an ASN if
            # Ancestor/Descendant IP ASN match...
            if basn == easn:
                self._asns[basn].append(u.replace('"', ''))
                # Special case guess: If the Descendant IP is
                # a Endpoint Host Target the assign it to its
                # associated ASN.
                for d in self._tlblid:
                    if eip in d:
                        self._asns[easn].append(u.replace('"', ''))

    # Make the DOT graph...
    def make_dot_graph(self, ASres=None, padding=0, vspread=0.75, title="Multi-Traceroute (MTR) Probe", timestamp="", rtt=1):
        import datetime
        import html
        if ASres is None:
            self._asres = conf.AS_resolver
        self._graphasres = ASres
        self._graphpadding = padding
        # ASN box color generator...
        backcolorlist = colgen("60", "86", "ba", "ff")
        # Edge (trace arrows)  color generator...
        forecolorlist = colgen("a0", "70", "40", "20")
        # Begin the DOT Digraph...
        s = "### kamene Multi-Traceroute (MTR) DOT Graph Results ({t:s}) ###\n".format(t=datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(' '))

        s += "\ndigraph mtr {\n"
        # Define the default graph attributes...
        s += '\tgraph [bgcolor=transparent,ranksep={vs:.2f}];\n'.format(vs=vspread)
        # Define the default node shape and drawing color...
        s += '\tnode [shape="ellipse",fontname="Sans-Serif",fontsize=11,color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="white:#a0a0a0",style="filled"];\n'

        # Combine Trace Probe Begin Points...
        #                   k0       k1   k2       v0   v1           k0         k1    k2       v0   v1
        # Ex: bp = {('',5555,''): ['T1','T3'], ('',443,'https'): ['T2','T4']}
        bp = {}				# ep -> A single services label for a given IP
        for d in self._tlblid:  # k            v0          v1               v2       v3   v4    v5      v6   v7
            for k, v in d.items():  # Ex: k:  '' v: ('T1', '', '', 6, 443, 'https', 'SA', '')
                p = bp.get((v[1], v[4], v[5]))
                if p == None:
                    bp[(v[1], v[4], v[5])] = [v[0]]  # Add new (TCP Flags / ICMP / Proto) and initial trace ID
                    bp[(v[1], v[4], v[5])].append(v[0])  # Append additional trace IDs
        # Combine Begin Point services...
        #                   k                 sv0           sv1            sv0          sv1
        # Ex bpip = {'': [('<BT2>T2|<BT4>T4', 'https(443)'), ('<BB1>T1|<BT3>T3', '5555')]}
        bpip = {}			# epip -> Combined Endpoint services label for a given IP
        for k, v in bp.items():
            tr = ''
            for t in range(0, len(v)):
                if tr == '':
                    tr += '<B{ts:s}>{ts:s}'.format(ts=v[t])
                    tr += '|<B{ts:s}>{ts:s}'.format(ts=v[t])
            p = k[2]
            if p == '':			# Use port number not name if resolved
                p = str(k[1])
                p += '(' + str(k[1]) + ')'  # Use both name and port
            if k[0] in bpip:
                bpip[k[0]].append((tr, p))
                bpip[k[0]] = [(tr, p)]

        # Create Endpoint Target Clusters...
        epc = {}			# Endpoint Target Cluster Dictionary
        epip = []			# Endpoint IPs array
        oip = []			# Only Endpoint IP array
        epprb = []			# Endpoint Target and Probe the same IP array
        for d in self._tlblid:		# Spin thru Target IDs
            for k, v in d.items():      # Get access to Target Endpoints
                h = k
                if v[6] == 'BH':        # Add a Blackhole Endpoint Target
                    h = '{bh:s} {bhp:d}/{bht:s}'.format(bh=k, bhp=v[4], bht=v[3])
                elif v[1] == v[2]:      # When the Target and host running the mtr session are
                    epprb.append(k)     # the same then append IP to list target and probe the same array
        # Create unique arrays...
        uepip = set(epip)		# Get a unique set of Endpoint IPs
        uepipo = set(oip)		# Get a unique set of Only Endpoint IPs
        uepprb = set(epprb)		# Get a unique set of Only IPs: Endpoint Target and Probe the same
        # Now create unique endpoint target clusters....
        for ep in uepip:
            # Get Host only string...
            eph = ep
            f = ep.find(' ')
            if f >= 0:
                eph = ep[0:f]
            # Build Traceroute Hop Range label...
            if ep in self._hops:        # Is Endpoint IP in the Hops dictionary
                hr = self._hops[ep]
            elif eph in self._hops:     # Is Host only endpoint in the Hops dictionary
                hr = self._hops[eph]
                continue		# Not found in the Hops dictionary

            l = len(hr)
            if l == 1:
                hrs = "Hop Range ("
                hrs = "Hop Ranges ("
            c = 0
            for r in hr:
                hrs += 'T{s1:d}: {s2:d} &rarr; {s3:d}'.format(s1=r[0], s2=r[1], s3=r[2])
                c += 1
                if c < l:
                    hrs += ', '
            hrs += ')'
            ecs = "\t\t### MTR Target Cluster ###\n"
            uep = ep.replace('.', '_')
            uep = uep.replace(' ', '_')
            uep = uep.replace('/', '_')
            gwl = ''
            if self._gw == eph:
                gwl = ' (Default Gateway)'
            ecs += '\t\tsubgraph cluster_{ep:s} {{\n'.format(ep=uep)
            ecs += '\t\t\ttooltip="MTR Target: {trg:s}{gwl:s}";\n'.format(trg=self._ip2host[eph], gwl=gwl)
            ecs += '\t\t\tcolor="darkgreen";\n'
            ecs += '\t\t\tfontsize=11;\n'
            ecs += '\t\t\tfontname="Sans-Serif";\n'
            ecs += '\t\t\tgradientangle=270;\n'
            ecs += '\t\t\tfillcolor="white:#a0a0a0";\n'
            ecs += '\t\t\tstyle="filled,rounded";\n'
            ecs += '\t\t\tpenwidth=2;\n'
            ecs += '\t\t\tlabel=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD ALIGN="center"><B>Target: {h:s}{gwl:s}</B></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT POINT-SIZE="9">{hr:s}</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>>;\n'.format(h=html.escape(self._ip2host[eph]), gwl=html.escape(gwl), hr=hrs)
            ecs += '\t\t\tlabelloc="b";\n'
            pre = ''
            if ep in uepprb:		# Special Case: Separate Endpoint Target from Probe
                pre = '_'		# when they are the same -> Prepend an underscore char: '_'
            ecs += '\t\t\t"{pre:s}{ep:s}";\n'.format(pre=pre, ep=ep)
            ecs += "\t\t}\n"
            # Store Endpoint Cluster...
            epc[ep] = ecs

        # Create ASN Clusters (i.e. DOT subgraph and nodes)
        s += "\n\t### ASN Clusters ###\n"
        cipall = []			# Array of IPs consumed by all ASN Cluster
        cepipall = []			# Array of IP Endpoints (Targets) consumed by all ASN Cluster
        for asn in self._asns:
            cipcur = []
            s += '\tsubgraph cluster_{asn:d} {{\n'.format(asn=asn)
            s += '\t\ttooltip="AS: {asn:d} - [{asnd:s}]";\n'.format(asn=asn, asnd=self._asds[asn])
            col = next(backcolorlist)
            s += '\t\tcolor="#{s0:s}{s1:s}{s2:s}";\n'.format(s0=col[0], s1=col[1], s2=col[2])
            # Fill in ASN Cluster the associated generated color using an 11.7% alpha channel value (30/256)...
            s += '\t\tfillcolor="#{s0:s}{s1:s}{s2:s}30";\n'.format(s0=col[0], s1=col[1], s2=col[2])
            s += '\t\tstyle="filled,rounded";\n'
            s += '\t\tnode [color="#{s0:s}{s1:s}{s2:s}",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="white:#{s0:s}{s1:s}{s2:s}",style="filled"];\n'.format(s0=col[0], s1=col[1], s2=col[2])
            s += '\t\tfontsize=10;\n'
            s += '\t\tfontname="Sans-Serif";\n'
            s += '\t\tlabel=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD ALIGN="center"><B><FONT POINT-SIZE="11">AS: {asn:d}</FONT></B></TD></TR><TR><TD>[{des:s}]</TD></TR></TABLE>>;\n'.format(asn=asn, des=html.escape(self._asds[asn]))
            s += '\t\tlabelloc="t";\n'
            s += '\t\tpenwidth=3;\n'
            for ip in self._asns[asn]:
                # Only add IP if not an Endpoint Target...
                if not ip in uepipo:
                    # Spin thru all traces and only Add IP if not an ICMP Destination Unreachable node...
                    for tr in range(0, self._ntraces):
                        for rtk in self._rt[tr]:
                            trace = self._rt[tr][rtk]
                            k = trace.keys()
                            for n in range(min(k), (max(k) + 1)):
                                # Check for not already added...
                                if not ip in cipall:
                                    # Add IP Hop - found in trace and not an ICMP Destination Unreachable node...
                                    if '"{ip:s}"'.format(ip=ip) == trace[n]:
                                        s += '\t\t"{ip:s}" [tooltip="Hop Host: {ip:s}"];\n'.format(ip=ip)
                    # Special check for ICMP Destination Unreachable nodes...
                    if ip in self._ports:
                        for p in self._ports[ip]:
                            if p.find('ICMP dest-unreach') >= 0:
                                # Check for not already added...
                                uip = '{uip:s} 3/icmp'.format(uip=ip)
                                if uip not in cipall:
                                    s += '\t\t"{uip:s}";\n'.format(uip=uip)
                    cipcur.append(ip)   # Current list of Endpoints consumed by this ASN Cluster
                    cepipall.append(ip) # Accumulated list of Endpoints consumed by all ASN Clusters
            # Add Endpoint Cluster(s) if part of this ASN Cluster (Nested Clusters)...
            if len(cipcur) > 0:
                for ip in cipcur:
                    for e in epc:       # Loop thru each Endpoint Target Clusters
                        h = e
                        f = e.find(' ') # Strip off 'port/proto'
                        if f >= 0:
                            h = e[0:f]
                        if h == ip:
                            s += epc[e]
            s += "\t}\n"
        # Add any Endpoint Target Clusters not consumed by an ASN Cluster (Stand-alone Cluster)
        # and not the same as the host running the mtr session...
        for ip in epc:
            h = ip
            f = h.find(' ')		# Strip off 'port/proto'
            if f >= 0:
                h = ip[0:f]
            if not h in cepipall:
                for k, v in bpip.items():   # Check for target = host running the mtr session - Try to Add
                    if k != h:		    # this Endpoint target to the Probe Target Cluster below.
                        s += epc[ip]	    # Finally add the Endpoint Cluster if Stand-alone and
                                            # not running the mtr session.

        # Probe Target Cluster...
        s += "\n\t### Probe Target Cluster ###\n"
        s += '\tsubgraph cluster_probe_Title {\n'
        p = ''
        for k, v in bpip.items():
            p += ' {ip:s}'.format(ip=k)
        s += '\t\ttooltip="Multi-Traceroute (MTR) Probe: {ip:s}";\n'.format(ip=p)
        s += '\t\tcolor="darkorange";\n'
        s += '\t\tgradientangle=270;\n'
        s += '\t\tfillcolor="white:#a0a0a0";\n'
        s += '\t\tstyle="filled,rounded";\n'
        s += '\t\tpenwidth=3;\n'
        s += '\t\tfontsize=11;\n'
        s += '\t\tfontname="Sans-Serif";\n'
        # Format Label including trace targets...
        tstr = ''
        for t in self._target:
            tstr += '<TR><TD ALIGN="center"><FONT POINT-SIZE="9">Target: {t:s} ('.format(t=t)
            # Append resolve IP Addresses...
            l = len(self._host2ip[t])
            c = 0
            for ip in self._host2ip[t]:
                tstr += '{ip:s} &rarr; '.format(ip=ip)
                # Append all associated Target IDs...
                ti = []
                for d in self._tlblid:		# Spin thru Target IDs
                    for k, v in d.items():      # Get access to Target ID (v[0])
                        if k == ip:
                lt = len(ti)
                ct = 0
                for i in ti:
                    tstr += '{i:s}'.format(i=i)
                    ct += 1
                    if ct < lt:
                        tstr += ', '
                c += 1
                if c < l:
                    tstr += ', '
            tstr += ')</FONT></TD></TR>'
        s += '\t\tlabel=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD ALIGN="center"><B>{s0:s}</B></TD></TR>'.format(s0=html.escape(title))
        if timestamp != "":
            s += '<TR><TD ALIGN="center"><FONT POINT-SIZE="9">{s0:s}</FONT></TD></TR>'.format(s0=timestamp)
        s += '{s0:s}</TABLE>>;\n'.format(s0=tstr)
        s += '\t\tlabelloc="t";\n'
        for k, v in bpip.items():
            s += '\t\t"{ip:s}";\n'.format(ip=k)
        # Add in any Endpoint target that is the same as the host running the mtr session...
        for ip in epc:
            h = ip
            f = h.find(' ')		# Strip off 'port/proto'
            if f >= 0:
                h = ip[0:f]
            for k, v in bpip.items():   # Check for target = host running the mtr session - Try to Add
                if k == h:		# this Endpoint target to the Probe Target Cluster.
                    s += epc[ip]
        s += "\t}\n"

        # Default Gateway Cluster...
        s += "\n\t### Default Gateway Cluster ###\n"
        if self._gw != '':
            if self._gw in self._ips:
                if not self._gw in self._exptrg:
                    s += '\tsubgraph cluster_default_gateway {\n'
                    s += '\t\ttooltip="Default Gateway Host: {gw:s}";\n'.format(gw=self._gw)
                    s += '\t\tcolor="goldenrod";\n'
                    s += '\t\tgradientangle=270;\n'
                    s += '\t\tfillcolor="white:#b8860b30";\n'
                    s += '\t\tstyle="filled,rounded";\n'
                    s += '\t\tpenwidth=3;\n'
                    s += '\t\tfontsize=11;\n'
                    s += '\t\tfontname="Sans-Serif";\n'
                    s += '\t\tlabel=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" ALIGN="center"><TR><TD><B><FONT POINT-SIZE="9">Default Gateway</FONT></B></TD></TR></TABLE>>;\n'
                    s += '\t\t"{gw:s}" [shape="diamond",fontname="Sans-Serif",fontsize=11,color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="white:goldenrod",style="rounded,filled",tooltip="Default Gateway Host: {gw:s}"];\n'.format(gw=self._gw)
                    s += "\t}\n"

        # Build Begin Point strings...
        # Ex bps = '" [shape="record",color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="white:darkorange",style="filled",'
        #        + 'label="\nProbe|{http|{<BT1>T1|<BT3>T3}}|{https:{<BT2>T4|<BT3>T4}}"];'
        s += "\n\t### Probe Begin Traces ###\n"
        for k, v in bpip.items():
            tr = ''
            for sv in v:
                if self._netprotocol == 'ICMP':
                    if sv[1].find('ICMP') >= 0:
                        ps = '{p:s} echo-request'.format(p=sv[1])
                        ps = 'ICMP({p:s}) echo-request'.format(p=sv[1])
                    ps = '{pr:s}: {p:s}'.format(pr=self._netprotocol, p=sv[1])
                if tr == '':
                    tr += '{{{ps:s}|{{{t:s}}}}}'.format(ps=ps, t=sv[0])
                    tr += '|{{{ps:s}|{{{t:s}}}}}'.format(ps=ps, t=sv[0])
            bps1 = '\t"{ip:s}" [shape="record",color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="white:darkorange",style="filled,rounded",'.format(ip=k)
            if self._iface != '':
                bps2 = 'label="Probe: {ip:s}\\nNetwork Interface: {ifc:s}|{tr:s}",tooltip="Begin Host Probe: {ip:s}"];\n'.format(ip=k, ifc=self._iface, tr=tr)
                bps2 = 'label="Probe: {ip:s}|{tr:s}",tooltip="Begin Host Probe: {ip:s}"];\n'.format(ip=k, tr=tr)
            s += bps1 + bps2

        s += "\n\t### Target Endpoints ###\n"
        # Combine Trace Target Endpoints...
        #                   k0       k1   k2       v0   v1   v2           k0     k1     k2       v0   v1   v2
        # Ex: ep = {('',80,'http'): ['SA','T1','T3'], ('',443,'https'): ['SA','T2','T4']}
        ep = {}				# ep -> A single services label for a given IP
        for d in self._tlblid:  # k            v0          v1               v2       v3   v4    v5      v6  v7
            for k, v in d.items():  # Ex: k: v: ('T1', '', '', 6, 443, 'https', 'SA', '')
                if not v[6] == 'BH':  # Blackhole detection - do not create Endpoint
                    p = ep.get((k, v[4], v[5]))
                    if p == None:
                        ep[(k, v[4], v[5])] = [v[6], v[0]]  # Add new (TCP Flags / ICMP type / Proto) and initial trace ID
                        ep[(k, v[4], v[5])].append(v[0])  # Append additional trace IDs
        # Combine Endpoint services...
        #                   k                                 v                                 v
        #                   k                 sv0            sv1     sv2          sv0          sv1    sv2
        # Ex epip = {'': [('<ET8>T8|<ET10>T10', 'https', 'SA'), ('<ET7>T7|<ET6>T6', 'http', 'SA')]}
        epip = {}			# epip -> Combined Endpoint services label for a given IP
        for k, v in ep.items():
            tr = ''
            for t in range(1, len(v)):
                if tr == '':
                    tr += '<E{ts:s}>{ts:s}'.format(ts=v[t])
                    tr += '|<E{ts:s}>{ts:s}'.format(ts=v[t])
            p = k[2]
            if p == '':			# Use port number not name if resolved
                p = str(k[1])
                p += '(' + str(k[1]) + ')'  # Use both name and port
            if k[0] in epip:
                epip[k[0]].append((tr, p, v[0]))
                epip[k[0]] = [(tr, p, v[0])]
        # Build Endpoint strings...
        # Ex eps = '" [shape=record,color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="darkgreen:green",style=i"filled,rounded",'
        #        + 'label="\nTarget|{{<ET1>T1|<ET3>T3}|https SA}|{{<ET2>T4|<ET3>T4}|http SA}"];'
        for k, v in epip.items():
            tr = ''
            for sv in v:
                if self._netprotocol == 'ICMP':
                    ps = 'ICMP(0) echo-reply'
                    ps = '{p:s} {f:s}'.format(p=sv[1], f=sv[2])
                if tr == '':
                    tr += '{{{{{t:s}}}|{ps:s}}}'.format(t=sv[0], ps=ps)
                    tr += '|{{{{{t:s}}}|{ps:s}}}'.format(t=sv[0], ps=ps)
            pre = ''
            if k in uepprb:		# Special Case: Separate Endpoint Target from Probe
                pre = '_'			# when they are the same
            eps1 = '\t"{pre:s}{ip:s}" [shape="record",color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="darkgreen:green",style="filled,rounded",'.format(pre=pre, ip=k)
            eps2 = 'label="Resolved Target\\n{ip:s}|{tr:s}",tooltip="MTR Resolved Target: {ip:s}"];\n'.format(ip=k, tr=tr)
            s += eps1 + eps2
        # Blackholes...
        # ***Note: Order matters: If a hop is both a Blackhole on one trace and
        #                         a ICMP destination unreachable hop on another,
        #                         it will appear in the dot file as two nodes in
        #                         both sections. The ICMP destination unreachable
        #                         hop node will take precedents and appear only
        #                         since it is defined last.
        s += "\n\t### Blackholes ###\n"
        bhhops = []
        for d in self._tlblid:  # k             v0         v1               v2           v3    v4   v5   v6    v7
            for k, v in d.items():  # Ex: k: v: ('T1', '', '', 'tcp', 5555, '', 'BH', 'I3')
                if v[6] == 'BH':  # Blackhole detection
                    # If both a target blackhole and an ICMP packet hop, then skip creating this
                    # node we be created in the 'ICMP Destination Unreachable Hops' section.
                    if v[7] != 'I3':  # ICMP destination not reached detection
                        nd = '{b:s} {prt:d}/{pro:s}'.format(b=v[2], prt=v[4], pro=v[3])
                        if self._netprotocol == 'ICMP':
                            bhh = '{b:s}<BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="9">ICMP(0) echo-reply</FONT>'.format(b=v[2])
                            bhh = nd
                        # If not already added...
                        if bhh not in bhhops:
                            lb = 'label=<{lh:s}<BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="8">Failed Target</FONT>>'.format(lh=bhh)
                            s += '\t"{bh:s}" [{l:s},shape="doubleoctagon",color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="white:red",style="filled,rounded",tooltip="Failed MTR Resolved Target: {b:s}"];\n'.format(bh=nd, l=lb, b=v[2])

        # ICMP Destination Unreachable Hops...
        s += "\n\t### ICMP Destination Unreachable Hops ###\n"
        for d in self._ports:
            for p in self._ports[d]:
                if d in self._exptrg:
                    # Create Node: Target same as node that returns an ICMP packet...
                    if p.find('ICMP dest-unreach') >= 0:
                        unreach = 'ICMP(3): Destination'
                        #                   0    1        2             3          4  5
                        # Ex ICMP ports: '<I3> ICMP dest-unreach port-unreachable 17 53'
                        icmpparts = p.split(' ')
                        if icmpparts[3] == 'network-unreachable':
                            unreach += '/Network'
                        elif icmpparts[3] == 'host-unreachable':
                            unreach += '/Host'
                        elif icmpparts[3] == 'protocol-unreachable':
                            unreach += '/Protocol'
                        elif icmpparts[3] == 'port-unreachable':
                            unreach += '/Port'
                        protoname = self.get_proto_name(icmpparts[4])
                        protoport = '{pr:s}/{pt:s}'.format(pr=icmpparts[5], pt=protoname)
                        lb = 'label=<{lh:s} {pp:s}<BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="8">{u:s} Unreachable</FONT><BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="8">Failed Target</FONT>>'.format(lh=d, pp=protoport, u=unreach)
                        s += '\t"{lh:s} {pp:s}" [{lb:s},shape="doubleoctagon",color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="yellow:red",style="filled,rounded",tooltip="{u:s} Unreachable, Failed Resolved Target: {lh:s} {pp:s}"];\n'.format(lb=lb, pp=protoport, lh=d, u=unreach)
                    # Create Node: Target not same as node that returns an ICMP packet...
                    if p.find('ICMP dest-unreach') >= 0:
                        unreach = 'ICMP(3): Destination'
                        if p.find('network-unreachable') >= 0:
                            unreach += '/Network'
                        elif p.find('host-unreachable') >= 0:
                            unreach += '/Host'
                        elif p.find('protocol-unreachable') >= 0:
                            unreach += '/Protocol'
                        elif p.find('port-unreachable') >= 0:
                            unreach += '/Port'
                        lb = 'label=<{lh:s} 3/icmp<BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="8">{u:s} Unreachable</FONT>>'.format(lh=d, u=unreach)
                        s += '\t"{lh:s} 3/icmp" [{lb:s},shape="doubleoctagon",color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="white:yellow",style="filled,rounded",tooltip="{u:s} Unreachable, Hop Host: {lh:s}"];\n'.format(lb=lb, lh=d, u=unreach)
        # Padding check...
        if self._graphpadding:
            s += "\n\t### Nodes With Padding ###\n"
            pad = {}
            for t in range(0, self._ntraces):
                for _, rcv in self._res[t]:
                    if rcv.src not in self._ports and rcv.haslayer(conf.padding_layer):
                        p = rcv.getlayer(conf.padding_layer).load
                        if p != "\x00" * len(p):
                            pad[rcv.src] = None
            for sr in pad:
                lb = 'label=<<BR/>{r:s}<BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="8">Padding</FONT>>'.format(r=sr)
                s += '\t"{r:s}" [{l:s},shape="box3d",color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="white:red",style="filled,rounded"];\n'.format(r=sr, l=lb)

        # Draw each trace (i.e., DOT edge) for each number of queries...
        s += "\n\t### Traces ###\n"
        t = 0
        for q in range(0, self._ntraces):
            for rtk in self._rt[q]:
                s += "\t### T{tr:d} -> {r:s} ###\n".format(tr=(t + 1), r=repr(rtk))
                col = next(forecolorlist)
                s += '\tedge [color="#{s0:s}{s1:s}{s2:s}"];\n'.format(s0=col[0], s1=col[1], s2=col[2])
                # Probe Begin Point (i.e., Begining of a trace)...
                for k, v in self._tlblid[t].items():
                    ptr = probe = v[1]
                    s += '\t"{bp:s}":B{tr:s}:s -> '.format(bp=ptr, tr=v[0])
                # In between traces (i.e., Not at the begining or end of a trace)...
                trace = self._rt[q][rtk]
                tk = trace.keys()
                ntr = trace[min(tk)]
                # Skip in between traces if there are none...
                if len(trace) > 1:
                    lb = 'Trace: {tr:d}:{tn:d}, {lbp:s} -> {lbn:s}'.format(tr=(t + 1), tn=min(tk), lbp=ptr, lbn=ntr.replace('"', ''))
                    if not 'Unk' in ntr:
                        lb += ' (RTT: {prb:s} <-> {lbn:s} ({rtt:s}ms))'.format(prb=probe, lbn=ntr.replace('"', ''), rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][min(tk)])
                    if rtt:
                        if not 'Unk' in ntr:
                            llb = 'Trace: {tr:d}:{tn:d}, RTT: {prb:s} <-> {lbn:s} ({rtt:s}ms)'.format(tr=(t + 1), tn=min(tk), prb=probe, lbn=ntr.replace('"', ''), rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][min(tk)])
                            s += '{ntr:s} [label=<<FONT POINT-SIZE="8">&nbsp; {rtt:s}ms</FONT>>,edgetooltip="{lb:s}",labeltooltip="{llb:s}"];\n'.format(ntr=ntr, rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][min(tk)], lb=lb, llb=llb)
                            s += '{ntr:s} [edgetooltip="{lb:s}"];\n'.format(ntr=ntr, lb=lb)
                        s += '{ntr:s} [edgetooltip="{lb:s}"];\n'.format(ntr=ntr, lb=lb)
                    for n in range(min(tk) + 1, max(tk)):
                        ptr = ntr
                        ntr = trace[n]
                        lb = 'Trace: {tr:d}:{tn:d}, {lbp:s} -> {lbn:s}'.format(tr=(t + 1), tn=n, lbp=ptr.replace('"', ''), lbn=ntr.replace('"', ''))
                        if not 'Unk' in ntr:
                            lb += ' (RTT: {prb:s} <-> {lbn:s} ({rtt:s}ms))'.format(prb=probe, lbn=ntr.replace('"', ''), rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][n])
                        if rtt:
                            if not 'Unk' in ntr:
                                llb = 'Trace: {tr:d}:{tn:d}, RTT: {prb:s} <-> {lbn:s} ({rtt:s}ms)'.format(tr=(t + 1), tn=n, prb=probe, lbn=ntr.replace('"', ''), rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][n])
                                # Special check to see if the next and previous nodes are the same.
                                # If yes use the DOT 'xlabel' attribute to spread out labels so that they
                                # do not clash and 'forcelabel' so that they are placed.
                                if ptr == ntr:
                                    s += '\t{ptr:s} -> {ntr:s} [xlabel=<<FONT POINT-SIZE="8">&nbsp; {rtt:s}ms</FONT>>,forcelabel=True,edgetooltip="{lb:s}",labeltooltip="{llb:s}"];\n'.format(ptr=ptr, ntr=ntr, rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][n], lb=lb, llb=llb)
                                    s += '\t{ptr:s} -> {ntr:s} [label=<<FONT POINT-SIZE="8">&nbsp; {rtt:s}ms</FONT>>,edgetooltip="{lb:s}",labeltooltip="{llb:s}"];\n'.format(ptr=ptr, ntr=ntr, rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][n], lb=lb, llb=llb)
                                s += '\t{ptr:s} -> {ntr:s} [edgetooltip="{lb:s}"];\n'.format(ptr=ptr, ntr=ntr, lb=lb)
                            s += '\t{ptr:s} -> {ntr:s} [edgetooltip="{lb:s}"];\n'.format(ptr=ptr, ntr=ntr, lb=lb)
                # Enhance target Endpoint (i.e., End of a trace) replacement...
                for k, v in self._tlblid[t].items():
                    if v[6] == 'BH':		    # Blackhole detection - do not create Enhanced Endpoint
                        # Check for Last Hop / Backhole (Failed Target) match:
                        lh = trace[max(tk)]
                        lhicmp = False
                        if lh.find(':I3') >= 0:     # Is last hop and ICMP packet from target?
                            lhicmp = True
                        f = lh.find(' ')	    # Strip off 'port/proto' ''"":I3'
                        if f >= 0:
                            lh = lh[0:f]
                        f = lh.find(':')	    # Strip off 'proto:port' -> '" 801/tcp"'
                        if f >= 0:
                            lh = lh[0:f]
                        lh = lh.replace('"', '')    # Remove surrounding double quotes ("")
                        if k == lh:		    # Does Hop match final Target?
                            # Backhole last hop matched target:
                            # Check to skip in between traces...
                            if len(trace) > 1:
                                s += '\t{ptr:s} -> '.format(ptr=ntr)
                            if lhicmp:
                                # Last hop is an ICMP packet from target and was reached...
                                lb = 'Trace: {tr:d}:{tn:d}, {lbp:s} -> {lbn:s}'.format(tr=(t + 1), tn=max(tk), lbp=ntr.replace('"', ''), lbn=k)
                                lb += ' (RTT: {prb:s} <-> {lbn:s} ({rtt:s}ms))'.format(prb=v[1], lbn=lh, rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][max(tk)])
                                if rtt:
                                    llb = 'Trace: {tr:d}:{tn:d}, RTT: {prb:s} <-> {lbn:s} ({rtt:s}ms)'.format(tr=(t + 1), tn=max(tk), prb=v[1], lbn=k, rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][max(tk)])
                                    s += '"{bh:s} {bhp:d}/{bht:s}" [style="solid",label=<<FONT POINT-SIZE="8">&nbsp; {rtt:s}ms</FONT>>,edgetooltip="{lb:s}",labeltooltip="{llb:s}"];\n'.format(bh=k, bhp=v[4], bht=v[3], rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][max(tk)], lb=lb, llb=llb)
                                    s += '"{bh:s} {bhp:d}/{bht:s}" [style="solid",edgetooltip="{lb:s}"];\n'.format(bh=k, bhp=v[4], bht=v[3], lb=lb)
                                # Last hop is not ICMP packet from target (Fake hop - never reached - use dashed trace)...
                                lb = 'Trace: {tr:d} - Failed MTR Resolved Target: {bh:s} {bhp:d}/{bht:s}'.format(tr=(t + 1), bh=k, bhp=v[4], bht=v[3])
                                s += '"{bh:s} {bhp:d}/{bht:s}" [style="dashed",label=<<FONT POINT-SIZE="8">&nbsp; T{tr:d}</FONT>>,edgetooltip="{lb:s}",labeltooltip="{lb:s}"];\n'.format(bh=k, bhp=v[4], bht=v[3], tr=(t + 1), lb=lb)
                            # Backhole not matched (Most likely: 'ICMP (3) destination-unreached'
                            # but last hop not equal to the target:
                            # Add this last Hop (This Hop is not the Target)...
                            # Check to skip in between traces...
                            if len(trace) > 1:
                                s += '\t{ptr:s} -> '.format(ptr=ntr)
                                lb = 'Trace: {tr:d}:{tn:d}, {lbp:s} -> {lbn:s}'.format(tr=(t + 1), tn=max(tk), lbp=ntr.replace('"', ''), lbn=lh)
                                lb += ' (RTT: {prb:s} <-> {lbn:s} ({rtt:s}ms))'.format(prb=v[1], lbn=lh, rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][max(tk)])
                                llb = 'Trace: {tr:d}:{tn:d}, RTT: {prb:s} <-> {lbn:s} ({rtt:s}ms)'.format(tr=(t + 1), tn=max(tk), prb=v[1], lbn=lh, rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][max(tk)])
                                if rtt:
                                    s += '"{lh:s} 3/icmp" [style="solid",label=<<FONT POINT-SIZE="8">&nbsp; {rtt:s}ms</FONT>>,edgetooltip="{lb:s}",labeltooltip="{llb:s}"];\n'.format(lh=lh, rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][max(tk)], lb=lb, llb=llb)
                                    s += '"{lh:s} 3/icmp" [style="solid",edgetooltip="{lb:s} 3/icmp",labeltooltip="{llb:s}"];\n'.format(lh=lh, lb=lb, llb=llb)
                                # Add the Failed Target (Blackhole - Fake hop - never reached - use dashed trace)...
                                s += '\t"{lh:s} 3/icmp" -> '.format(lh=lh)
                            lb = 'Trace: {tr:d} - Failed MTR Resolved Target: {bh:s} {bhp:d}/{bht:s}'.format(tr=(t + 1), bh=k, bhp=v[4], bht=v[3])
                            s += '"{bh:s} {bhp:d}/{bht:s}" [style="dashed",label=<<FONT POINT-SIZE="8">&nbsp; T{tr:d}</FONT>>,edgetooltip="{lb:s}",labeltooltip="{llb:s}"];\n'.format(bh=k, bhp=v[4], bht=v[3], tr=(t + 1), lb=lb, llb=lb)

                    else:			# Enhanced Target Endpoint
                        # Check to skip in between traces...
                        if len(trace) > 1:
                            s += '\t{ptr:s} -> '.format(ptr=ntr)
                        lb = 'Trace: {tr:d}:{tn:d}, {lbp:s} -> {lbn:s}'.format(tr=(t + 1), tn=max(tk), lbp=ntr.replace('"', ''), lbn=k)
                        if not 'Unk' in k:
                            lb += ' (RTT: {prb:s} <-> {lbn:s} ({rtt:s}ms))'.format(prb=v[1], lbn=k, rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][max(tk)])
                        pre = ''
                        if k in uepprb:		# Special Case: Distinguish the Endpoint Target from Probe
                            pre = '_'		# when they are the same using the underscore char: '_'.
                        if rtt:
                            if not 'Unk' in k:
                                llb = 'Trace: {tr:d}:{tn:d}, RTT: {prb:s} <-> {lbn:s} ({rtt:s}ms)'.format(tr=(t + 1), tn=max(tk), prb=v[1], lbn=k, rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][max(tk)])
                                # Check to remove label clashing...
                                ntrs = ntr.replace('"', '')		# Remove surrounding double quotes ("")
                                if ntrs == k:
                                    s += '"{pre:s}{ep:s}":E{tr:s}:n [style="solid",xlabel=<<FONT POINT-SIZE="8">&nbsp; {rtt:s}ms</FONT>>,forcelabel=True,edgetooltip="{lb:s}",labeltooltip="{llb:s}"];\n'.format(pre=pre, ep=k, tr=v[0], rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][max(tk)], lb=lb, llb=llb)
                                    s += '"{pre:s}{ep:s}":E{tr:s}:n [style="solid",label=<<FONT POINT-SIZE="8">&nbsp; {rtt:s}ms</FONT>>,edgetooltip="{lb:s}",labeltooltip="{llb:s}"];\n'.format(pre=pre, ep=k, tr=v[0], rtt=self._rtt[t + 1][max(tk)], lb=lb, llb=llb)
                                s += '"{pre:s}{ep:s}":E{tr:s}:n [style="solid",edgetooltip="{lb:s}"];\n'.format(pre=pre, ep=k, tr=v[0], lb=lb)
                            s += '"{pre:s}{ep:s}":E{tr:s}:n [style="solid",edgetooltip="{lb:s}"];\n'.format(pre=pre, ep=k, tr=v[0], lb=lb)
                t += 1				# Next trace out of total traces

        # Decorate Unknown ('Unkn') Nodes...
        s += "\n\t### Decoration For Unknown (Unkn) Node Hops ###\n"
        for u in self._unks:
            s += '\t{u:s} [tooltip="Trace: {t:s}, Unknown Hop: {u2:s}",shape="egg",fontname="Sans-Serif",fontsize=9,height=0.2,width=0.2,color="black",gradientangle=270,fillcolor="white:#d8d8d8",style="filled"];\n'.format(u=u, t=self._unks[u][2], u2=u.replace('"', ''))

        # Create tooltip for standalone nodes...
        s += "\n\t### Tooltip for Standalone Node Hops ###\n"
        for k, v in self._ips.items():
            if not k in cipall:
                if k != self._gw:
                    if not k in cepipall:
                        if not k in self._ports:
                            found = False
                            for tid in self._tlblid:
                                if k in tid:
                                    found = True
                            if not found:
                                s += '\t"{ip:s}" [tooltip="Hop Host: {ip:s}"];\n'.format(ip=k)
        # End the DOT Digraph...
        s += "}\n"
        # Store the DOT Digraph results...
        self._graphdef = s

    # Graph the Multi-Traceroute...
    def graph(self, ASres=None, padding=0, vspread=0.75, title="Multi-Traceroute Probe (MTR)", timestamp="", rtt=1, **kargs):
        """x.graph(ASres=conf.AS_resolver, other args):
        ASres = None          : Use AS default resolver => 'conf.AS_resolver'
        ASres = AS_resolver() : default whois AS resolver (riswhois.ripe.net)
        ASres = AS_resolver_cymru(): use whois.cymru.com whois database
        ASres = AS_resolver(server="whois.ra.net")
        padding: Show packets with padding as a red 3D-Box.
        vspread: Vertical separation between nodes on graph.
        title: Title text for the rendering graphic.
        timestamp: Title Time Stamp text to appear below the Title text.
        rtt: Display Round-Trip Times (msec) for Hops along trace edges.
        format: Output type (svg, ps, gif, jpg, etc.), passed to dot's "-T" option.
        figsize: w,h tuple in inches. See matplotlib documentation.
        target: filename. If None, uses matplotlib to display.
        prog: Which graphviz program to use."""
        if self._asres is None:
            self._asres = conf.AS_resolver
        if (self._graphdef is None or		# Remake the graph if there are any changes
            self._graphasres != self._asres or
                self._graphpadding != padding):
            self.make_dot_graph(ASres, padding, vspread, title, timestamp, rtt)

        return do_graph(self._graphdef, **kargs)

# Multi-Traceroute Results Class #

class MTracerouteResult(SndRcvList):
    def __init__(self, res=None, name="MTraceroute", stats=None):
        PacketList.__init__(self, res, name, stats, vector_index=1)

    def show(self, ntrace):
        return self.make_table(lambda s, r:
                               (s.sprintf("Trace: " + str(ntrace) + " - %IP.dst%:{TCP:tcp%ir,TCP.dport%}{UDP:udp%ir,UDP.dport%}{ICMP:ICMP}"),
                                r.sprintf("%-15s,IP.src% {TCP:%TCP.flags%}{ICMP:%ir,ICMP.type%}")))

    # Get trace components...
    #   mtrc - Instance of a MTRC class
    #     nq - Traceroute query number
    def get_trace_components(self, mtrc, nq):
        ips = {}
        rt = {}
        rtt = {}
        trtt = {}
        ports = {}
        portsdone = {}
        trgttl = {}
        if len(self.res) > 0:
            # Responses found...
            for s, r in self.res:
                s = s.getlayer(IP) or (conf.ipv6_enabled and s[kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6]) or s
                r = r.getlayer(IP) or (conf.ipv6_enabled and r[kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6]) or r
                # Make sure 'r.src' is an IP Address (e.g., Case where r.src = ' 80/tcp')
                rs = r.src.split()
                ips[rs[0]] = None
                if TCP in s:
                    trace_id = (s.src, s.dst, 6, s.dport)
                elif UDP in s:
                    trace_id = (s.src, s.dst, 17, s.dport)
                elif ICMP in s:
                    trace_id = (s.src, s.dst, 1, s.type)
                    trace_id = (s.src, s.dst, s.proto, 0)
                trace = rt.get(trace_id, {})
                ttl = conf.ipv6_enabled and kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6 in s and s.hlim or s.ttl
                # Check for packet response types:
                if not (ICMP in r and r[ICMP].type == 11) and not (conf.ipv6_enabled and kamene.layers.inet6.IPv6 in r and kamene.layers.inet6.ICMPv6TimeExceeded in r):
                    # Mostly: Process target reached or ICMP Unreachable...
                    if trace_id in portsdone:
                        # Special check for out or order response packets: If previous trace was determined
                        # done, but a ttl arrives with a lower value then process this response packet as the
                        # final ttl target packet.
                        if ttl >= trgttl[trace_id]:
                            continue			# Next Send/Receive packet
                            # Out of order response packet - process this packet as the possible
                            # final ttl target packet.
                                if trgttl[trace_id] in trace:
                                    del trace[trgttl[trace_id]]		# Remove previous ttl target
                    portsdone[trace_id] = None
                    trgttl[trace_id] = ttl		# Save potential target ttl packet
                    p = ports.get(r.src, [])
                    if TCP in r:
                        p.append(r.sprintf("<T%ir,TCP.sport%> %TCP.sport% %TCP.flags%"))
                        trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%":T%ir,TCP.sport%')
                    elif UDP in r:
                        p.append(r.sprintf("<U%ir,UDP.sport%> %UDP.sport%"))
                        trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%":U%ir,UDP.sport%')
                    elif ICMP in r:
                        if r[ICMP].type == 0:
                            # Process echo-reply...
                            p.append(r.sprintf("<I%ir,ICMP.type%> ICMP %ICMP.type%"))
                            trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%":I%ir,ICMP.type%')
                            # Format Ex: '<I3> ICMP dest-unreach port-unreachable 17 53'
                            p.append(r.sprintf("<I%ir,ICMP.type%> ICMP %ICMP.type% %ICMP.code% %ICMP.proto% %r,ICMP.dport%"))
                            trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%":I%ir,ICMP.type%')
                        p.append(r.sprintf("{IP:<P%ir,proto%> IP %proto%}{IPv6:<P%ir,nh%> IPv6 %nh%}"))
                        trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%":{IP:P%ir,proto%}{IPv6:P%ir,nh%}')
                    ports[r.src] = p
                    # Mostly ICMP Time-Exceeded packet - Save Hop Host IP Address...
                    trace[ttl] = r.sprintf('"%r,src%"')
                rt[trace_id] = trace
                # Compute the Round Trip Time for this trace packet in (msec)...
                rtrace = rtt.get(trace_id, {})
                crtt = (r.time - s.sent_time) * 1000
                rtrace[ttl] = "{crtt:.3f}".format(crtt=crtt)
                rtt[trace_id] = rtrace
            # No Responses found - Most likely target same as host running the mtr session...
            # Create a 'fake' failed target (Blackhole) trace using the destination host
            # found in unanswered packets...
            for p in mtrc._ures[nq]:
                ips[p.dst] = None
                trace_id = (p.src, p.dst, p.proto, p.dport)
                portsdone[trace_id] = None
                if trace_id not in rt:
                    pt = mtrc.get_proto_name(p.proto)
                    # Set trace number to zero (0) (i.e., ttl = 0) for this special case:
                    # target = mtr session host - 'fake' failed target...
                    rt[trace_id] = {1: '"{ip:s} {pr:d}/{pt:s}"'.format(ip=p.dst, pr=p.dport, pt=pt)}
        # Store each trace component...
        mtrc._ips.update(ips)			# Add unique IP Addresses
        mtrc._rt.append(rt)			# Append a new Traceroute
        mtrc._ports.update(ports)		# Append completed Traceroute target and port info
        mtrc._portsdone.update(portsdone)  # Append completed Traceroute with associated target and port
        # Create Round Trip Times Trace lookup dictionary...
        tcnt = mtrc._tcnt
        for rttk in rtt:
            tcnt += 1
            trtt[tcnt] = rtt[rttk]
            mtrc._rtt.update(trtt)  # Update Round Trip Times for Trace Nodes
        # Update the Target Trace Label IDs and Blackhole (Failed Target) detection...
        #           rtk0               rtk1   rtk2  rtk3
        # Ex: {('', '', 6, 9980): {1: '"":T9980'}}
        for rtk in rt:
            mtrc._tcnt += 1		# Compute the total trace count
            # Derive flags from ports:
            # Ex: {'': ['<T80> http SA', '<T443> https SA']}
            prtflgs = ports.get(rtk[1], [])
            found = False
            for pf in prtflgs:
                if mtrc._netprotocol == 'ICMP':
                    pat = '<I0>'				# ICMP: Create reg exp pattern
                    pat = '<[TU]{p:d}>'.format(p=rtk[3])  # TCP/UDP: Create reg exp pattern
                match = re.search(pat, pf)			# Search for port match
                if match:
                    found = True
                    s = pf.split(' ')
                    if len(s) == 3:
                        pn = s[1]  # Service Port name / ICMP
                        fl = s[2]  # TCP Flags / ICMP Type / Proto
                    elif len(s) == 2:
                        pn = s[1]  # Service Port name
                        fl = ''
                        pn = ''
                        fl = ''
            ic = ''			# ICMP Destination not reachable flag
            if not found:		# Set Blackhole found - (fl -> 'BH')
                # Set flag for last hop is a target and ICMP destination not reached flag set...
                trace = rt[rtk]
                tk = trace.keys()
                lh = trace[max(tk)]
                f = lh.find(':I3')		# Is hop an ICMP destination not reached node?
                if f >= 0:
                    lh = lh[0:f] 		# Strip off 'proto:port' -> '"":I3'
                    lh = lh.replace('"', '')  # Remove surrounding double quotes ("")
                    if lh in mtrc._exptrg:  # Is last hop a target?
                        ic = 'I3'
                pn = ''
                fl = 'BH'
            # Update the Target Trace Label ID:
            # Ex: {'': ('T2', '', '', 6, 443, 'https', 'SA', '')}
            pt = mtrc.get_proto_name(rtk[2])
            tlid = {rtk[1]: ('T' + str(mtrc._tcnt), rtk[0], rtk[1], pt, rtk[3], pn, fl, ic)}

# Multi-Traceroute #

def mtr(target, dport=80, minttl=1, maxttl=30, stype="Random", srcport=50000, iface=None, l4=None, filter=None, timeout=2, verbose=None, gw=None, netproto="TCP", nquery=1, ptype=None, payload=b'', privaddr=0, rasn=1, **kargs):
    """A Multi-Traceroute (mtr) command:
         mtr(target, [maxttl=30,] [dport=80,] [sport=80,] [minttl=1,] [maxttl=1,] [iface=None]
             [l4=None,] [filter=None,] [nquery=1,] [privaddr=0,] [rasn=1,] [verbose=conf.verb])

              stype: Source Port Type: "Random" or "Increment".
            srcport: Source Port. Default: 50000.
                 gw: IPv4 Address of the Default Gateway.
           netproto: Network Protocol (One of: "TCP", "UDP" or "ICMP").
             nquery: Number of Traceroute queries to perform.
              ptype: Payload Type: "Disable", "RandStr", "RandStrTerm" or "Custom".
            payload: A byte object for each packet payload (e.g., b'\x01A\x0f\xff\x00') for ptype: 'Custom'.
           privaddr: 0 - Default: Normal display of all resolved AS numbers.
                     1 - Do not show an associated AS Number bound box (cluster) on graph for a private IPv4 Address.
               rasn: 0 - Do not resolve AS Numbers - No graph clustering.
                     1 - Default: Resolve all AS numbers."""
    # Initialize vars...
    trace = []			# Individual trace array
    # Range check number of query traces
    if nquery < 1:
        nquery = 1
    # Create instance of an MTR class...
    mtrc = MTR(nquery=nquery, target=target)
    # Default to network protocol: "TCP" if not found in list...
    plist = ["TCP", "UDP", "ICMP"]
    netproto = netproto.upper()
    if netproto not in plist:
        netproto = "TCP"
    mtrc._netprotocol = netproto
    # Default to source type: "Random" if not found in list...
    slist = ["Random", "Increment"]
    stype = stype.title()
    if stype not in slist:
        stype = "Random"
    if stype == "Random":
        sport = RandShort()  # Random
    elif stype == "Increment":
        if srcport != None:
            sport = IncrementalValue(start=(srcport - 1), step=1, restart=65535)  # Increment
    # Default to payload type to it's default network protocol value if not found in list...
    pllist = ["Disabled", "RandStr", "RandStrTerm", "Custom"]
    if ptype is None or (not ptype in pllist):
        if netproto == "ICMP":
            ptype = "RandStr"		# ICMP: A random string payload to fill out the minimum packet size
        elif netproto == "UDP":
            ptype = "RandStrTerm"  # UDP: A random string terminated payload to fill out the minimum packet size
        elif netproto == "TCP":
            ptype = "Disabled"		# TCP: Disabled -> The minimum packet size satisfied - no payload required
    # Set trace interface...
    if not iface is None:
        mtrc._iface = iface
        mtrc._iface = conf.iface
    # Set Default Gateway...
    if not gw is None:
        mtrc._gw = gw
    # Set default verbosity if no override...
    if verbose is None:
        verbose = conf.verb
    # Only consider ICMP error packets and TCP packets with at
    # least the ACK flag set *and* either the SYN or the RST flag set...
    filterundefined = False
    if filter is None:
        filterundefined = True
        filter = "(icmp and (icmp[0]=3 or icmp[0]=4 or icmp[0]=5 or icmp[0]=11 or icmp[0]=12)) or (tcp and (tcp[13] & 0x16 > 0x10))"
    # Resolve and expand each target...
    ntraces = 0		# Total trace count
    exptrg = []		# Expanded targets
    for t in target:
        # Use kamene's 'Net' function to expand target...
        et = [ip for ip in iter(Net(t))]
        # Map Host Names to IP Addresses and store...
        if t in mtrc._host2ip:
            mtrc._host2ip[t] = et
        # Map IP Addresses to Host Names and store...
        for a in et:
            mtrc._ip2host[a] = t
    # Store resolved and expanded targets...
    mtrc._exptrg = exptrg
    # Traceroute each expanded target value...
    if l4 is None:
        # Standard Layer: 3 ('TCP', 'UDP' or 'ICMP') tracing...
        for n in range(0, nquery):
            for t in exptrg:
                # Execute a traceroute based on network protocol setting...
                if netproto == "ICMP":
                    # MTR Network Protocol: 'ICMP'
                    tid = 8				        # Use a 'Type: 8 - Echo Request' packet for the trace:
                    id = 0x8888					# MTR ICMP identifier: '0x8888'
                    seq = IncrementalValue(start=(minttl - 2), step=1, restart=-10)  # Use a Sequence number in step with TTL value
                    if filterundefined:
                        # Update Filter -> Allow for ICMP echo-request (8) and ICMP echo-reply (0) packet to be processed...
                        filter = "(icmp and (icmp[0]=8 or icmp[0]=0 or icmp[0]=3 or icmp[0]=4 or icmp[0]=5 or icmp[0]=11 or icmp[0]=12))"
                    # Check payload types:
                    if ptype == 'Disabled':
                        a, b = sr(IP(dst=[t], id=RandShort(), ttl=(minttl, maxttl)) / ICMP(type=tid, id=id, seq=seq),
                                  timeout=timeout, filter=filter, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
                        if ptype == 'RandStr':
                            # Use a random payload string to full out a minimum size PDU of 46 bytes for each ICMP packet:
                            # Length of 'IP()/ICMP()' = 28, Minimum Protocol Data Unit (PDU) is = 46 -> Therefore a
                            # payload of 18 octets is required.
                            pload = RandString(size=18)
                        elif ptype == 'RandStrTerm':
                            pload = RandStringTerm(size=17, term=b'\n')  # Random string terminated
                        elif ptype == 'Custom':
                            pload = payload
                        # ICMP trace with payload...
                        a, b = sr(IP(dst=[t], id=RandShort(), ttl=(minttl, maxttl)) / ICMP(type=tid, id=id, seq=seq) / Raw(load=pload),
                                  timeout=timeout, filter=filter, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
                elif netproto == "UDP":
                    # MTR Network Protocol: 'UDP'
                    if filterundefined:
                        filter += " or udp"			# Update Filter -> Allow for processing UDP packets
                    # Check payload types:
                    if ptype == 'Disabled':
                        a, b = sr(IP(dst=[t], id=RandShort(), ttl=(minttl, maxttl)) / UDP(sport=sport, dport=dport),
                                  timeout=timeout, filter=filter, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
                        if ptype == 'RandStr':
                            # Use a random payload string to full out a minimum size PDU of 46 bytes for each UDP packet:
                            # Length of 'IP()/UDP()' = 28, Minimum PDU is = 46 -> Therefore a payload of 18 octets is required.
                            pload = RandString(size=18)
                        elif ptype == 'RandStrTerm':
                            pload = RandStringTerm(size=17, term=b'\n')  # Random string terminated
                        elif ptype == 'Custom':
                            pload = payload
                        # UDP trace with payload...
                        a, b = sr(IP(dst=[t], id=RandShort(), ttl=(minttl, maxttl)) / UDP(sport=sport, dport=dport) / Raw(load=pload),
                                  timeout=timeout, filter=filter, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
                    # Default MTR Network Protocol: 'TCP'
                    # Use some TCP options for the trace. Some firewalls will filter
                    # TCP/IP packets without the 'Timestamp' option set.
                    # Note: The minimum PDU size of 46 is statisfied with the use of TCP options.
                    # Use an integer encoded microsecond timestamp for the TCP option timestamp for each trace sequence.
                    uts = IntAutoMicroTime()
                    opts = [('MSS', 1460), ('NOP', None), ('NOP', None), ('Timestamp', (uts, 0)), ('NOP', None), ('WScale', 7)]
                    seq = RandInt()		# Use a random TCP sequence number
                    # Check payload types:
                    if ptype == 'Disabled':
                        a, b = sr(IP(dst=[t], id=RandShort(), ttl=(minttl, maxttl)) / TCP(seq=seq, sport=sport, dport=dport, options=opts),
                                  timeout=timeout, filter=filter, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
                        if ptype == 'RandStr':
                            pload = RandString(size=32)			# Use a 32 byte random string
                        elif ptype == 'RandStrTerm':
                            pload = RandStringTerm(size=32, term=b'\n')  # Use a 32 byte random string terminated
                        elif ptype == 'Custom':
                            pload = payload
                        # TCP trace with payload...
                        a, b = sr(IP(dst=[t], id=RandShort(),
                                     ttl=(minttl, maxttl)) / TCP(seq=seq, sport=sport, dport=dport, options=opts) / Raw(load=pload),
                                  timeout=timeout, filter=filter, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
                # Create an 'MTracerouteResult' instance for each result packets...
                mtrc._res.append(a)		# Store Response packets
                mtrc._ures.append(b)		# Store Unresponse packets
                if verbose:
                    trace[ntraces].show(ntrace=(ntraces + 1))
                ntraces += 1
        # Custom Layer: 4 tracing...
        filter = "ip"
        for n in range(0, nquery):
            for t in exptrg:
                # Run traceroute...
                a, b = sr(IP(dst=[t], id=RandShort(), ttl=(minttl, maxttl)) / l4,
                          timeout=timeout, filter=filter, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
                if verbose:
                    trace[ntraces].show(ntrace=(ntraces + 1))
                ntraces += 1
    # Store total trace run count...
    mtrc._ntraces = ntraces
    # Get the trace components...
    # for n in range(0, ntraces):
    for n in range(0, mtrc._ntraces):
        trace[n].get_trace_components(mtrc, n)
    # Compute any Black Holes...
    # Compute Trace Hop Ranges...
    # Resolve AS Numbers...
    if rasn:
        # Try to guess ASNs for Traceroute 'Unkown Hops'...
    # Debug: Print object vars at verbose level 8...
    if verbose == 8:
        print("mtrc._target (User Target(s)):")
        print("\nmtrc._exptrg (Resolved and Expanded Target(s)):")
        print("\nmtrc._host2ip (Target Host Name to IP Address):")
        print("\nmtrc._ip2host (Target IP Address to Host Name):")
        print("\nmtrc._res (Trace Response Packets):")
        print("\nmtrc._ures (Trace Unresponse Packets):")
        print("\nmtrc._ips (Trace Unique IPv4 Addresses):")
        print("\nmtrc._rt (Individual Route Traces):")
        print("\nmtrc._rtt (Round Trip Times (msecs) for Trace Nodes):")
        print("\nmtrc._hops (Traceroute Hop Ranges):")
        print("\nmtrc._tlblid (Target Trace Label IDs):")
        print("\nmtrc._ports (Completed Targets & Ports):")
        print("\nmtrc._portsdone (Completed Trace Routes & Ports):")
        print("\nconf.L3socket (Layer 3 Socket Method):")
        print("\nconf.AS_resolver Resolver (AS Resolver Method):")
        print("\nmtrc._asns (AS Numbers):")
        print("\nmtrc._asds (AS Descriptions):")
        print("\nmtrc._unks (Unknown Hops IP Boundary for AS Numbers):")
        print("\nmtrc._iface (Trace Interface):")
        print("\nmtrc._gw (Trace Default Gateway IPv4 Address):")

    return mtrc

# Simple TCP client stack #
class TCP_client(Automaton):

    def parse_args(self, ip, port, *args, **kargs):
        self.dst = next(iter(Net(ip)))
        self.dport = port
        self.sport = random.randrange(0, 2**16)
        self.l4 = IP(dst=ip) / TCP(sport=self.sport, dport=self.dport, flags=0,
                                   seq=random.randrange(0, 2**32))
        self.src = self.l4.src
        self.swin = self.l4[TCP].window
        self.dwin = 1
        self.rcvbuf = ""
        bpf = "host %s  and host %s and port %i and port %i" % (self.src,

#        bpf=None
        Automaton.parse_args(self, filter=bpf, **kargs)

    def master_filter(self, pkt):
        return (IP in pkt and
                pkt[IP].src == self.dst and
                pkt[IP].dst == self.src and
                TCP in pkt and
                pkt[TCP].sport == self.dport and
                pkt[TCP].dport == self.sport and
                self.l4[TCP].seq >= pkt[TCP].ack and  # XXX: seq/ack 2^32 wrap up
                ((self.l4[TCP].ack == 0) or (self.l4[TCP].ack <= pkt[TCP].seq <= self.l4[TCP].ack + self.swin)))

    def START(self):

    def SYN_SENT(self):

    def ESTABLISHED(self):

    def LAST_ACK(self):

    def CLOSED(self):

    def connect(self):
        raise self.SYN_SENT()

    def send_syn(self):
        self.l4[TCP].flags = "S"
        self.l4[TCP].seq += 1

    def synack_received(self, pkt):
        if pkt[TCP].flags & 0x3f == 0x12:
            raise self.ESTABLISHED().action_parameters(pkt)

    def send_ack_of_synack(self, pkt):
        self.l4[TCP].ack = pkt[TCP].seq + 1
        self.l4[TCP].flags = "A"

    def incoming_data_received(self, pkt):
        if not isinstance(pkt[TCP].payload, NoPayload) and not isinstance(pkt[TCP].payload, conf.padding_layer):
            raise self.ESTABLISHED().action_parameters(pkt)

    def receive_data(self, pkt):
        data = (bytes(pkt[TCP].payload))
        if data and self.l4[TCP].ack == pkt[TCP].seq:
            self.l4[TCP].ack += len(data)
            self.l4[TCP].flags = "A"
            self.rcvbuf += data
            if pkt[TCP].flags & 8 != 0:  # PUSH
                self.rcvbuf = ""

    @ATMT.ioevent(ESTABLISHED, name="tcp", as_supersocket="tcplink")
    def outgoing_data_received(self, fd):
        raise self.ESTABLISHED().action_parameters(fd.recv())

    def send_data(self, d):
        self.l4[TCP].flags = "PA"
        self.send(self.l4 / d)
        self.l4[TCP].seq += len(d)

    def reset_received(self, pkt):
        if pkt[TCP].flags & 4 != 0:
            raise self.CLOSED()

    def fin_received(self, pkt):
        if pkt[TCP].flags & 0x1 == 1:
            raise self.LAST_ACK().action_parameters(pkt)

    def send_finack(self, pkt):
        self.l4[TCP].flags = "FA"
        self.l4[TCP].ack = pkt[TCP].seq + 1
        self.l4[TCP].seq += 1

    def ack_of_fin_received(self, pkt):
        if pkt[TCP].flags & 0x3f == 0x10:
            raise self.CLOSED()

# Reporting stuff #

def report_ports(target, ports):
    """portscan a target and output a LaTeX table
report_ports(target, ports) -> string"""
    ans, unans = sr(IP(dst=target) / TCP(dport=ports), timeout=5)
    rep = "\\begin{tabular}{|r|l|l|}\n\\hline\n"
    for _, r in ans:
        if not r.haslayer(ICMP):
            if r.payload.flags == 0x12:
                rep += r.sprintf("%TCP.sport% & open & SA \\\\\n")
    rep += "\\hline\n"
    for _, r in ans:
        if r.haslayer(ICMP):
            rep += r.sprintf("%TCPerror.dport% & closed & ICMP type %ICMP.type%/%ICMP.code% from %IP.src% \\\\\n")
        elif r.payload.flags != 0x12:
            rep += r.sprintf("%TCP.sport% & closed & TCP %TCP.flags% \\\\\n")
    rep += "\\hline\n"
    for i in unans:
        rep += i.sprintf("%TCP.dport% & ? & unanswered \\\\\n")
    rep += "\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n"
    return rep

def IPID_count(lst, funcID=lambda x: x[1].id, funcpres=lambda x: x[1].summary()):
    idlst = map(funcID, lst)
    # classes = [idlst[0]]+map(lambda x:x[1],filter(lambda (x,y): abs(x-y)>50, map(lambda x,y: (x,y),idlst[:-1], idlst[1:])))
    classes = [idlst[0]] + list(map(lambda x: x[1], filter(lambda a: abs(a[0] - a[1]) > 50, map(lambda x, y: (x, y), idlst[:-1], idlst[1:]))))
    lst = map(lambda x: (funcID(x), funcpres(x)), lst)
    print("Probably %i classes:" % len(classes), classes)
    for id, pr in lst:
        print("%5i" % id, pr)

def fragleak(target, sport=123, dport=123, timeout=0.2, onlyasc=0):
#    getmacbyip(target)
#    pkt = IP(dst=target, id=RandShort(), options="\x22"*40)/UDP()/load
    pkt = IP(dst=target, id=RandShort(), options="\x00" * 40, flags=1) / UDP(sport=sport, dport=sport) / load
    s = conf.L3socket()
    intr = 0
    found = {}
        while 1:
                if not intr:
                sin, _, _ = select([s], [], [], timeout)
                if not sin:
                ans = s.recv(1600)
                if not isinstance(ans, IP):  # TODO: IPv6
                if not isinstance(ans.payload, ICMP):
                if not isinstance(ans.payload.payload, IPerror):
                if ans.payload.payload.dst != target:
                if ans.src != target:
                    print("leak from", ans.src, end=" ")

#                print repr(ans)
                if not ans.haslayer(conf.padding_layer):

#                print repr(ans.payload.payload.payload.payload)

#                if not isinstance(ans.payload.payload.payload.payload, conf.raw_layer):
#                    continue
#                leak = ans.payload.payload.payload.payload.load[len(load):]
                leak = ans.getlayer(conf.padding_layer).load
                if leak not in found:
                    found[leak] = None
                    linehexdump(leak, onlyasc=onlyasc)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                if intr:
                intr = 1
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

def fragleak2(target, timeout=0.4, onlyasc=0):
    found = {}
        while 1:
            p = sr1(IP(dst=target, options="\x00" * 40, proto=200) / "XXXXYYYYYYYYYYYY", timeout=timeout, verbose=0)
            if not p:
            if conf.padding_layer in p:
                leak = p[conf.padding_layer].load
                if leak not in found:
                    found[leak] = None
                    linehexdump(leak, onlyasc=onlyasc)

conf.stats_classic_protocols += [TCP, UDP, ICMP]
conf.stats_dot11_protocols += [TCP, UDP, ICMP]

if conf.ipv6_enabled:
    import kamene.layers.inet6