# client.py Client class for resilient asynchronous IOT communication link.

# Released under the MIT licence.
# Copyright (C) Peter Hinch, Kevin Köck 2019-2020

# Now uses and requires uasyncio V3. This is incorporated in daily builds
# and release builds later than V1.12

# After sending ID now pauses before sending further data to allow server to
# initiate read task.

import gc

import usocket as socket
from ucollections import deque
import uasyncio as asyncio

from sys import platform
import network
import utime
import machine
import uerrno as errno
from . import gmid, isnew, SetByte  # __init__.py
from .primitives import launch
from micropython import const

WDT_CANCEL = const(-2)
WDT_CB = const(-3)

# Message ID generator. Only need one instance on client.
getmid = gmid()

class Client:
    def __init__(self, my_id, server, port=8123,
                 ssid='', pw='', timeout=2000,
                 conn_cb=None, conn_cb_args=None,
                 verbose=False, led=None, wdog=False):
        self._my_id = '{}{}'.format(my_id, '\n')  # Ensure >= 1 newline
        self._server = server
        self._ssid = ssid
        self._pw = pw
        self._port = port
        self._to = timeout  # Client and server timeout
        self._tim_short = timeout // 10
        self._tim_ka = timeout // 4  # Keepalive interval
        self._concb = conn_cb
        self._concbargs = () if conn_cb_args is None else conn_cb_args
        self._verbose = verbose
        self._led = led

        if wdog:
            if platform == 'pyboard':
                self._wdt = machine.WDT(0, 20000)

                def wdt():
                    def inner(feed=0):  # Ignore control values
                        if not feed:

                    return inner

                self._feed = wdt()
                def wdt(secs=0):
                    timer = machine.Timer(-1)
                    timer.init(period=1000, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC,
                               callback=lambda t: self._feed())
                    cnt = secs
                    run = False  # Disable until 1st feed

                    def inner(feed=WDT_CB):
                        nonlocal cnt, run, timer
                        if feed == 0:  # Fixed timeout
                            cnt = secs
                            run = True
                        elif feed < 0:  # WDT control/callback
                            if feed == WDT_CANCEL:
                                timer.deinit()  # Permanent cancellation
                            elif feed == WDT_CB and run:  # Timer callback and is running.
                                cnt -= 1
                                if cnt <= 0:

                    return inner

                self._feed = wdt(20)
            self._feed = lambda x: None

        self._sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
        ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF)  # create access-point interface
        ap.active(False)  # deactivate the interface
        if platform == 'esp8266':
            import esp
            esp.sleep_type(esp.SLEEP_NONE)  # Improve connection integrity at cost of power consumption.

        self._evfail = asyncio.Event()
        self._s_lock = asyncio.Lock()  # For internal send conflict.
        self._last_wr = utime.ticks_ms()
        self._lineq = deque((), 20, True)  # 20 entries, throw on overflow
        self.connects = 0  # Connect count for test purposes/app access
        self._sock = None
        self._ok = False  # Set after 1st successful read
        self._acks_pend = SetByte()  # ACKs which are expected to be received

    # **** API ****
    def __iter__(self):  # Await a connection
        while not self():
            yield from asyncio.sleep_ms(self._tim_short)  # V3 note: this syntax works.

    def status(self):
        return self._ok

    __call__ = status

    async def readline(self):
        while not self._lineq:
            await asyncio.sleep(0)
        return self._lineq.popleft()

    async def write(self, buf, qos=True, wait=True):
        if qos and wait:  # Disallow concurrent writes
            while self._acks_pend:
                await asyncio.sleep_ms(50)
        # Prepend message ID to a copy of buf
        fstr = '{:02x}{}' if buf.endswith('\n') else '{:02x}{}\n'
        mid = next(getmid)
        buf = fstr.format(mid, buf)
        await self._write(buf)
        if qos:  # Return when an ACK received
            await self._do_qos(mid, buf)

    def close(self):
        self._close()  # Close socket and WDT

    # **** For subclassing ****

    # May be overridden e.g. to provide timeout (asyncio.wait_for)
    async def bad_wifi(self):
        if not self._ssid:
            raise OSError('No initial WiFi connection.')
        s = self._sta_if
        if s.isconnected():
        while True:  # For the duration of an outage
            s.connect(self._ssid, self._pw)
            if await self._got_wifi(s):

    async def bad_server(self):
        await asyncio.sleep(0)
        raise OSError('No initial server connection.')

    # **** API end ****

    def _close(self):
        self._verbose and print('Closing sockets.')
        if self._sock is not None:  # ESP32 issue #4514

    # Await a WiFi connection for 10 secs.
    async def _got_wifi(self, s):
        for _ in range(20):  # Wait t s for connect. If it fails assume an outage
            await asyncio.sleep_ms(500)
            if s.isconnected():
                return True
        return False

    async def _write(self, line):
        while True:
            # After an outage wait until something is received from server
            # before we send.
            await self
            if await self._send(line):

            # send fail. _send has triggered _evfail. Await response.
            while self():
                await asyncio.sleep_ms(self._tim_short)

    # Handle qos. Retransmit until matching ACK received.
    # ACKs typically take 200-400ms to arrive.
    async def _do_qos(self, mid, line):
        while True:
            # Wait for any outage to clear
            await self
            # Wait for the matching ACK.
            tstart = utime.ticks_ms()
            while utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), tstart) < self._to:
                await asyncio.sleep_ms(self._tim_short)
                if mid not in self._acks_pend:
                    return  # ACK was received
            # ACK was not received. Re-send.
            await self._write(line)
            self._verbose and print('Repeat', line, 'to server app')

    # Make an attempt to connect to WiFi. May not succeed.
    async def _connect(self, s):
        self._verbose and print('Connecting to WiFi')
        if platform == 'esp8266':
        elif self._ssid:
            s.connect(self._ssid, self._pw)
            raise ValueError('No WiFi credentials available.')

        # Break out on success (or fail after 10s).
        await self._got_wifi(s)
        self._verbose and print('Checking WiFi stability for 3s')
        # Timeout ensures stable WiFi and forces minimum outage duration
        await asyncio.sleep(3)

    async def _run(self):
        # ESP8266 stores last good connection. Initially give it time to re-establish
        # that link. On fail, .bad_wifi() allows for user recovery.
        await asyncio.sleep(1)  # Didn't always start after power up
        s = self._sta_if
        if platform == 'esp8266':
            for _ in range(4):
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
                if s.isconnected():
                await self.bad_wifi()
            await self.bad_wifi()
        init = True
        while True:
            while not s.isconnected():  # Try until stable for 2*.timeout
                await self._connect(s)
            self._verbose and print('WiFi OK')
            self._sock = socket.socket()
                serv = socket.getaddrinfo(self._server, self._port)[0][-1]  # server read
                # If server is down OSError e.args[0] = 111 ECONNREFUSED
            except OSError as e:
                if e.args[0] in (errno.ECONNABORTED, errno.ECONNRESET, errno.ECONNREFUSED):
                    if init:
                        await self.bad_server()
                # Start reading before server can send: can't send until it
                # gets ID.
                tsk_reader = asyncio.create_task(self._reader())
                # Server reads ID immediately, but a brief pause is probably wise.
                await asyncio.sleep_ms(50)
                if await self._send(self._my_id):
                    tsk_ka = asyncio.create_task(self._keepalive())
                    if self._concb is not None:
                        # apps might need to know connection to the server acquired
                        launch(self._concb, True, *self._concbargs)
                    await self._evfail.wait()  # Pause until something goes wrong
                    self._ok = False
                    await asyncio.sleep_ms(0)  # wait for cancellation
                    self._feed(0)  # _concb might block (I hope not)
                    if self._concb is not None:
                        # apps might need to know if they lost connection to the server
                        launch(self._concb, False, *self._concbargs)
                elif init:
                    await self.bad_server()
                init = False
                self._close()  # Close socket but not wdt
                await asyncio.sleep_ms(self._to * 2)  # Ensure server detects outage
                while s.isconnected():
                    await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def _reader(self):  # Entry point is after a (re) connect.
        c = self.connects  # Count successful connects
        to = 2 * self._to  # Extend timeout on 1st pass for slow server
        while True:
                line = await self._readline(to)  # OSError on fail
            except OSError:
                self._verbose and print('reader fail')
                self._evfail.set()  # ._run cancels other coros

            to = self._to
            mid = int(line[0:2], 16)
            if len(line) == 3:  # Got ACK: remove from expected list
                self._acks_pend.discard(mid)  # qos0 acks are ignored
                continue  # All done
            # Message received & can be passed to user: send ack.
            # Discard dupes. mid == 0 : Server has power cycled
            if not mid:
                isnew(-1)  # Clear down rx message record
            if isnew(mid):
                except IndexError:
                    self._verbose and print('_reader fail. Overflow.')
            if c == self.connects:
                self.connects += 1  # update connect count

    async def _sendack(self, mid):
        await self._send('{:02x}\n'.format(mid))

    async def _keepalive(self):
        while True:
            due = self._tim_ka - utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), self._last_wr)
            if due <= 0:
                # error sets ._evfail, .run cancels this coro
                await self._send(b'\n')
                await asyncio.sleep_ms(due)

    # Read a line from nonblocking socket: reads can return partial data which
    # are joined into a line. Blank lines are keepalive packets which reset
    # the timeout: _readline() pauses until a complete line has been received.
    async def _readline(self, to):
        led = self._led
        line = b''
        start = utime.ticks_ms()
        while True:
            if line.endswith(b'\n'):
                self._ok = True  # Got at least 1 packet after an outage.
                if len(line) > 1:
                    return line
                # Got a keepalive: discard, reset timers, toggle LED.
                line = b''
                if led is not None:
                    if isinstance(led, machine.Pin):
                        led(not led())
                    else:  # On Pyboard D
                d = self._sock.readline()
            except Exception as e:
                self._verbose and print('_readline exception', d)
            if d == b'':
                self._verbose and print('_readline peer disconnect')
                raise OSError
            if d is None:  # Nothing received: wait on server
                if utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), start) > to:
                    self._verbose and print('_readline timeout')
                    raise OSError
                await asyncio.sleep_ms(0)
            else:  # Something received: reset timer
                start = utime.ticks_ms()
                line = b''.join((line, d)) if line else d

    async def _send(self, d):  # Write a line to socket.
        async with self._s_lock:
            start = utime.ticks_ms()
            while d:
                    ns = self._sock.send(d)  # OSError if client closes socket
                except OSError as e:
                    err = e.args[0]
                    if err == errno.EAGAIN:  # Would block: await server read
                        await asyncio.sleep_ms(100)
                        self._verbose and print('_send fail. Disconnect')
                        return False  # peer disconnect
                    d = d[ns:]
                    if d:  # Partial write: pause
                        await asyncio.sleep_ms(20)
                    if utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), start) > self._to:
                        self._verbose and print('_send fail. Timeout.')
                        return False

            self._last_wr = utime.ticks_ms()
        return True