#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# astests.py
# Tests for AS_GPS module (asynchronous GPS device driver)
# Based on tests for MicropyGPS by Michael Calvin McCoy
# https://github.com/inmcm/micropyGPS

# Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Hinch
# Released under the MIT License (MIT) - see LICENSE file
# Run under CPython 3.5+ or MicroPython

from .as_GPS import *
    import uasyncio as asyncio
except ImportError:
    import asyncio

async def run():
    sentence_count = 0

    test_RMC = ['$GPRMC,081836,A,3751.65,S,14507.36,E,000.0,360.0,130998,011.3,E*62\n',

    test_VTG = ['$GPVTG,232.9,T,,M,002.3,N,004.3,K,A*01\n']
    test_GGA = ['$GPGGA,180050.896,3749.1802,N,08338.7865,W,1,07,1.1,397.4,M,-32.5,M,,0000*6C\n']
    test_GSA = ['$GPGSA,A,3,07,11,28,24,26,08,17,,,,,,2.0,1.1,1.7*37\n',
    test_GSV = ['$GPGSV,3,1,12,28,72,355,39,01,52,063,33,17,51,272,44,08,46,184,38*74\n',
    test_GLL = ['$GPGLL,3711.0942,N,08671.4472,W,000812.000,A,A*46\n',

    my_gps = AS_GPS(None)
    sentence = ''
    for sentence in test_RMC:
        my_gps._valid = 0
        sentence_count += 1
        sentence = await my_gps._update(sentence)
        if sentence is None:
            print('RMC sentence is invalid.')
            print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
            print('Longitude:', my_gps.longitude())
            print('Latitude', my_gps.latitude())
            print('UTC Timestamp:', my_gps.utc)
            print('Speed:', my_gps.speed())
            print('Date Stamp:', my_gps.date)
            print('Course', my_gps.course)
            print('Data is Valid:', bool(my_gps._valid & 1))
            print('Compass Direction:', my_gps.compass_direction())

    for sentence in test_GLL:
        my_gps._valid = 0
        sentence_count += 1
        sentence = await my_gps._update(sentence)
        if sentence is None:
            print('GLL sentence is invalid.')
            print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
            print('Longitude:', my_gps.longitude())
            print('Latitude', my_gps.latitude())
            print('UTC Timestamp:', my_gps.utc)
            print('Data is Valid:', bool(my_gps._valid & 2))

    for sentence in test_VTG:
        my_gps._valid = 0
        sentence_count += 1
        sentence = await my_gps._update(sentence)
        if sentence is None:
            print('VTG sentence is invalid.')
            print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
            print('Speed:', my_gps.speed())
            print('Course', my_gps.course)
            print('Compass Direction:', my_gps.compass_direction())
            print('Data is Valid:', bool(my_gps._valid & 4))

    for sentence in test_GGA:
        my_gps._valid = 0
        sentence_count += 1
        sentence = await my_gps._update(sentence)
        if sentence is None:
            print('GGA sentence is invalid.')
            print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
            print('Longitude', my_gps.longitude())
            print('Latitude', my_gps.latitude())
            print('UTC Timestamp:', my_gps.utc)
            print('Altitude:', my_gps.altitude)
            print('Height Above Geoid:', my_gps.geoid_height)
            print('Horizontal Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.hdop)
            print('Satellites in Use by Receiver:', my_gps.satellites_in_use)
            print('Data is Valid:', bool(my_gps._valid & 8))

    for sentence in test_GSA:
        my_gps._valid = 0
        sentence_count += 1
        sentence = await my_gps._update(sentence)
        if sentence is None:
            print('GSA sentence is invalid.')
            print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
            print('Satellites Used', my_gps.satellites_used)
            print('Horizontal Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.hdop)
            print('Vertical Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.vdop)
            print('Position Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.pdop)
            print('Data is Valid:', bool(my_gps._valid & 16))

    for sentence in test_GSV:
        my_gps._valid = 0
        sentence_count += 1
        sentence = await my_gps._update(sentence)
        if sentence is None:
            print('GSV sentence is invalid.')
            print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
            print('SV Sentences Parsed', my_gps._last_sv_sentence)
            print('SV Sentences in Total', my_gps._total_sv_sentences)
            print('# of Satellites in View:', my_gps.satellites_in_view)
            print('Data is Valid:', bool(my_gps._valid & 32))
            data_valid = my_gps._total_sv_sentences > 0 and my_gps._total_sv_sentences == my_gps._last_sv_sentence
            print('Is Satellite Data Valid?:', data_valid)
            if data_valid:
                print('Satellite Data:', my_gps._satellite_data)
                print('Satellites Visible:', list(my_gps._satellite_data.keys()))

    print("Pretty Print Examples:")
    print('Latitude (degs):', my_gps.latitude_string(DD))
    print('Longitude (degs):', my_gps.longitude_string(DD))
    print('Latitude (dms):', my_gps.latitude_string(DMS))
    print('Longitude (dms):', my_gps.longitude_string(DMS))
    print('Latitude (kml):', my_gps.latitude_string(KML))
    print('Longitude (kml):', my_gps.longitude_string(KML))
    print('Latitude (degs, mins):', my_gps.latitude_string())
    print('Longitude (degs, mins):', my_gps.longitude_string())
    print('Speed:', my_gps.speed_string(KPH), 'or',
          my_gps.speed_string(MPH), 'or',
    print('Date (Long Format):', my_gps.date_string(LONG))
    print('Date (Short D/M/Y Format):', my_gps.date_string(DMY))
    print('Date (Short M/D/Y Format):', my_gps.date_string(MDY))
    print('Time:', my_gps.time_string())

    print('### Final Results ###')
    print('Sentences Attempted:', sentence_count)
    print('Sentences Found:', my_gps.clean_sentences)
    print('Sentences Parsed:', my_gps.parsed_sentences)
    print('Unsupported sentences:', my_gps.unsupported_sentences)
    print('CRC_Fails:', my_gps.crc_fails)

def run_tests():

if __name__ == "__main__":