# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from cryptotik.common import (headers, ExchangeWrapper,
from cryptotik.exceptions import (InvalidBaseCurrencyError,
from cryptotik.common import is_sale
import datetime
import time
import requests
import hmac
import hashlib
from decimal import Decimal

class Poloniex(ExchangeWrapper):

    def __init__(self, apikey=None, secret=None, timeout=None, proxy=None):

        if apikey is not None and secret is not None:
            self.apikey = apikey.encode("utf-8")
            self.secret = secret.encode("utf-8")

        if proxy:
            assert proxy.startswith('https'), {'Error': 'Only https proxies supported.'}
        self.proxy = {'https': proxy}

        if not timeout:
            self.timeout = (8, 15)
            self.timeout = timeout

        try:  # at Poloniex, fees may vary per user (https://poloniex.com/fees/)
            self.taker_fee, self.maker_fee = self.get_fee_info()["takerFee"], self.get_fee_info()["makerFee"]
            self.taker_fee, self.maker_fee = "0.0025", "0.0015"

        self.api_session = requests.Session()

    name = 'poloniex'
    url = 'https://poloniex.com/'
    public_commands = ('returnTicker', 'returnOrderBook', 'returnTradeHistory',
                       'returnChartData', 'return24hVolume', 'returnLoanOrders',

    private_commands = ('returnBalances', 'returnCompleteBalances',
                        'returnDepositAddresses', 'generateNewAddress',
                        'returnDepositsWithdrawals', 'returnOpenOrders',
                        'returnTradeHistory', 'returnAvailableAccountBalances',
                        'returnTradableBalances', 'returnOpenLoanOffers',
                        'returnOrderTrades', 'returnActiveLoans',
                        'returnLendingHistory', 'createLoanOffer',
                        'cancelLoanOffer', 'toggleAutoRenew', 'buy', 'sell',
                        'cancelOrder', 'moveOrder', 'withdraw', 'returnFeeInfo',
                        'transferBalance', 'returnMarginAccountSummary',
                        'marginBuy', 'marginSell', 'getMarginPosition',

    time_limit = datetime.timedelta(days=35)  # Poloniex will provide just 1 month of data
    delimiter = "_"
    case = "upper"
    headers = headers
    base_currencies = ['btc', 'eth', 'usdt', 'xmr']
    quote_order = 1

    def get_base_currencies(self):
        '''return base markets supported by this exchange.'''

        bases = list(set([i.split('_')[0].lower() for i in self.get_markets()]))
            assert sorted(bases) == sorted(self.base_currencies)
        except AssertionError:
            raise OutdatedBaseCurrenciesError('Update the hardcoded base currency clist!',
                                              {'actual': bases,
                                               'hardcoded': self.base_currencies})

    def get_nonce(self):
        '''return nonce integer'''

        nonce = getattr(self, '_nonce', 0)
        if nonce:
            nonce += 1
        # If the unix time is greater though, use that instead (helps low
        # concurrency multi-threaded apps always call with the largest nonce).
        self._nonce = max(int(time.time() * 4000000010), nonce)
        return self._nonce

    def _subtract_one_month(t):
        """Return a `datetime.date` or `datetime.datetime` (as given) that is
        one month later.

        Note that the resultant day of the month might change if the following
        month has fewer days:

            >>> _subtract_one_month(datetime.date(2010, 3, 31))
            datetime.date(2010, 2, 28)

        one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        one_month_earlier = t - one_day
        while one_month_earlier.month == t.month or one_month_earlier.day > t.day:
            one_month_earlier -= one_day
        return one_month_earlier

    def _to_timestamp(datetime):
        '''convert datetime to unix timestamp in python2 compatible manner.'''

            return datetime.timestamp()
        except AttributeError:
            return int(datetime.strftime('%s'))

    def format_pair(self, pair):
        '''formats pair string in format understood by remote API'''

        if not self.delimiter in pair and len(pair) > 5:
            pair = pair.replace("-", self.delimiter)

        if not pair.isupper():
            pair = pair.upper()

        return pair

    def _verify_response(self, response):
        '''verify if API responded properly and raise apropriate error.'''

            if "error" in response.json().keys():
                raise APIError(response.json()['error'])
        except AttributeError:  # response has no error key

    def _generate_signature(self, pdata):

        return hmac.new(self.secret, pdata, hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()

    def api(self, params):
        '''API calls'''

        assert params["command"] in self.public_commands

            response = self.api_session.get(self.url + "public?", params=params,
                                            headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout,

        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:

        return response.json()

    def private_api(self, data):
        '''private API methods which require authentication'''

        assert data["command"] in self.private_commands

        data["nonce"] = self.get_nonce()  # add nonce to post data
        pdata = requests.compat.urlencode(data).encode("utf-8")
            {"Sign": self._generate_signature(pdata),
             "Key": self.apikey

            response = self.api_session.post(self.url + "tradingApi", data=data,
                                             headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout,

        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:

        return response.json()

    def get_markets(self):
        '''return all supported markets.'''

        return [i for i in self.api({"command": 'returnTicker', "currencyPair": 'all'})]

    def get_market_ticker(self, pair):
        '''Returns the ticker for all markets'''

        if pair.lower() != "all":
            return self.api({"command": 'returnTicker'})[self.format_pair(pair)]
            return self.api({"command": 'returnTicker',
                            "currencyPair": pair.lower()})

    def get_market_trade_history(self, pair, depth=200, since=None,
        """Requests trade history for >pair<, of <depth> from >since< to >until<
        selected timeframe expressed in seconds (unix time)
        Each request is limited to 50000 trades or 1 month.
        If called without arguments, it will request last 200 trades for the pair."""

        query = {"command": "returnTradeHistory",
                 "currencyPair": self.format_pair(pair)}

        if depth is None:
            depth = 200

        if since is None and depth is not None and depth > 200:
            raise APIError("You can't get depth > 200 without <since> argument.")

        if since is None:  # default, return 200 last trades
            if depth is not None:
                return self.api(query)[-depth:]
                return self.api(query)

        if since > time.time():
            raise APIError("AYYY LMAO start time is in the future, take it easy.")

        if since is not None and self._to_timestamp(datetime.datetime.now() - self.time_limit) <= since:
            query.update({"start": str(since),
                          "end": str(until)}
            return self.api(query)

            raise APIError('''Poloniex API does no support queries for data older than a month.
            Earilest data we can get is since {0} UTC'''.format((
                datetime.datetime.now() - self.time_limit).isoformat())

    def get_full_market_trade_history(self, pair):
        """get trade history of the last month."""

        start = self._to_timestamp(self._subtract_one_month(datetime.datetime.now()))
        return self.get_market_trade_history(self.format_pair(pair), since=int(start))

    def get_chart_data(self,
                       pair: str,
                       period: int,
                       start: int=0,
                       until: int=int(time.time())
                       ) -> list:
        Returns candlestick chart data.
        Required GET parameters are "currencyPair", "period" (candlestick period in seconds;
        valid values are 300, 900, 1800, 7200, 14400, and 86400), "start", and "end".
        "Start" and "end" are given in UNIX timestamp format and used to specify the date range
        for the data returned. Sample output:
                    "date": 1405699200,
                    "high": 0.0045388,
                    "low": 0.00403001,
                    "open": 0.00404545,
                    "close": 0.00427592,
                    "volume": 44.11655644,
                    "quoteVolume": 10259.29079097,
                    "weightedAverage": 0.00430015

        query = {"command": "returnChartData",
                 "currencyPair": self.format_pair(pair),
                 "period": str(period),
                 "start": str(start),
                 "until": str(until)

        return self.api(query)

    def get_loans(self, coin):
        '''return loan offers for coin'''

        loans = self.api({"command": 'returnLoanOrders',
                         "currency": self.format_pair(coin)

        return {"demands": loans["demands"], "offers": loans["offers"]}

    def get_loans_depth(self, coin):
        """return loans depth"""

        loans = self.get_loans(coin)
        return {"offers": sum([Decimal(i["amount"]) for i in loans["offers"]]),
                "demands": sum([Decimal(i["amount"]) for i in loans["demands"]])

    def get_market_orders(self, pair, depth=999999):
        '''return order book for the market <pair>'''

        r = self.api({"command": "returnOrderBook",
                     "currencyPair": self.format_pair(pair),
                     "depth": depth

        return {k: v for k, v in r.items() if k in ['asks', 'bids']}

    def get_market_sell_orders(self, pair, depth=999999):

        return self.get_market_orders(pair, depth)['asks']

    def get_market_buy_orders(self, pair, depth=999999):

        return self.get_market_orders(pair, depth)['bids']

    def get_market_volume(self, pair=None):
        '''Returns the volume for past 24h'''

        q = self.api({"command": 'return24hVolume'})

        if pair:
            return q[self.format_pair(pair)]
            return q

    def get_markets_status(self):
        ''' Returns additional market info for all markets '''

        return self.api({'command': 'returnCurrencies'})

    def get_order_history(self, pair, since=None, until=int(time.time())):
        """Returns the past 200 trades, or up to 50,000 trades
         between a range specified in UNIX timestamps by the "start" and
         "end" GET parameters."""

        if pair is not "all":
            query = {"command": "returnTradeHistory", "currencyPair": self.format_pair(pair)}
            query = {"command": "returnTradeHistory", "currencyPair": 'all'}

        if since is None:  # default, return 200 last trades
            return self.private_api(query)

        if since > time.time():
            raise APIError("AYYY LMAO start time is in the future, take it easy.")

        if self._to_timestamp(datetime.datetime.now() - self.time_limit) <= since:
            query.update({"start": str(since),
                          "end": str(until)}
            return self.private_api(query)

            raise APIError('''Poloniex API does no support queries for data older than a year.\n
                                Earilest data we can get is since {0} UTC'''.format((datetime.datetime.now() - self.time_limit).isoformat())

    def get_balances(self, coin=None):
        '''get balances of my account, <coin> argument is optional'''

        balances = self.private_api({'command': 'returnBalances'})
        if coin:
            return balances[coin.upper()]

        return balances

    def get_available_balances(self):
        '''get available account balances'''

        return self.private_api({'command': 'returnAvailableAccountBalances'})

    def get_margin_account_summary(self):
        """margin account summary"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'returnMarginAccountSummary'})

    def get_margin_position(self, pair='all'):
        """get margin position for <pair> or for all pairs"""

        if pair is not 'all':
            return self.private_api({'command': 'getMarginPosition',
                                     'currencyPair': self.format_pair(pair)
            return self.private_api({'command': 'getMarginPosition',
                                     'currencyPair': 'all'

        return self.private_api({'command': 'getMarginPosition'})

    def get_complete_balances(self, account='all'):
        """Returns all of your balances, including available balance,
           balance on orders, and the estimated BTC value of your balance."""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'returnCompleteBalances',
                                 'account': account

    def get_new_deposit_address(self, coin):
        """Generates a new deposit address for the currency specified by the
           <coin> parameter."""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'generateNewAddress',
                                 'currency': coin.upper()

    def get_deposit_address(self, coin=None):
        """get deposit addresses"""

            return self.private_api({'command': 'returnDepositAddresses'}
        # if there is no address for the <coin>
        # try to generate one
        except KeyError:
            return self.get_new_deposit_address(coin.upper())

    def get_open_orders(self, pair="all"):
        """get your open orders for [pair='all']"""

        if pair == "all":

            orders = self.private_api({'command': 'returnOpenOrders',
                                       'currencyPair': pair})
            return {k: v for k, v in orders.items() if v}

            orders = self.private_api({'command': 'returnOpenOrders',
                                       'currencyPair': self.format_pair(pair)}
            return orders

    def cancel_all_orders(self):

        orders = self.get_open_orders()

        for i in orders.keys():
            for order in orders[i]:

    def get_order(self, order_id):
        '''get details about order'''

        open_orders = self.get_open_orders()

        for pair in open_orders.keys():
            for order in open_orders[pair]:
                if order['orderNumber'] == order_id:
                    return order

    def get_deposits_withdrawals(self, since=None, until=int(time.time())):
        """Returns your deposit and withdrawal history within a range,
        specified by the <since> and <until> parameters, both of which should
        be given as UNIX timestamps. (defaults to 1 month)"""

        if not since:
            since = self._to_timestamp(self._subtract_one_month(

        if since > time.time():
            raise APIError("Start time can't be future.")

        return self.private_api({'command': 'returnDepositsWithdrawals',
                                 'start': since,
                                 'end': until})

    def get_deposit_history(self, since=None, until=int(time.time())):
        """Returns deposit history within a range,
        specified by the <since> and <until> parameters."""

        return self.get_deposits_withdrawals(since, until)["deposits"]

    def get_withdraw_history(self, since=None, until=int(time.time())):
        """Returns withdrawal history within a range,
        specified by the <since> and <until> parameters."""

        return self.get_deposits_withdrawals(since, until)["withdrawals"]

    def get_tradable_balances(self):
        """Returns your current tradable balances for each currency in
           each market for which margin trading is enabled."""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'returnTradableBalances'})

    def get_active_loans(self):
        """Returns your active loans for each currency."""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'returnActiveLoans'})

    def get_open_loan_offers(self):
        """Returns your open loan offers for each currency"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'returnOpenLoanOffers'})

    def get_fee_info(self):
        """If you are enrolled in the maker-taker fee schedule,
        returns your current trading fees and trailing 30-day volume in BTC.
        This information is updated once every 24 hours."""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'returnFeeInfo'})

    def get_lending_history(self, since=None, until=int(time.time()),
        Returns your lending history within a time range specified by the
        <since> and <until> parameters as UNIX timestamps.
        <limit> may also be specified to limit the number of rows returned.

        if not since:
            since = self.to_timestamp(self.subtract_one_month(datetime.datetime.now()

        if since > time.time():
            raise APIError("Start time can't be future.")

        return self.private_api({'command': 'returnLendingHistory',
                                 'start': since,
                                 'end': until,
                                 'limit': limit})

    def get_order_trades(self, order_id):
        """Returns any trades made from <orderId>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'returnOrderTrades', 
                                 'orderNumber': order_id})

    def create_loan_offer(self, coin, amount, rate, auto_renew=0):
        """Creates a loan offer for <coin> for <amount> at <rate>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'createLoanOffer',
                                 'currency': coin.upper(),
                                 'amount': amount,
                                 'autoRenew': auto_renew,
                                 'lendingRate': rate

    def cancel_loan_offer(self, order_id):
        """Cancels the loan offer with <orderId>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'cancelLoanOffer', 
                                 'orderNumber': order_id})

    def toggle_auto_renew(self, order_id):
        """Toggles the 'autorenew' feature on loan <orderId>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'toggleAutoRenew',
                                 'orderNumber': order_id})

    def close_margin_position(self, pair):
        """Closes the margin position on <pair>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'closeMarginPosition',
                                 'currencyPair': self.format_pair(pair)})

    def buy_margin(self, pair, rate, amount, lending_rate=2):
        """Creates <pair> margin buy order at <rate> for <amount>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'marginBuy',
                                 'currencyPair': self.format_pair(pair),
                                 'rate': rate,
                                 'amount': amount,
                                 'lendingRate': lending_rate

    def sell_margin(self, pair, rate, amount, lending_rate=2):
        """Creates <pair> margin sell order at <rate> for <amount>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'marginSell',
                                'currencyPair': self.format_pair(pair),
                                 'rate': rate,
                                 'amount': amount,
                                 'lendingRate': lending_rate

    def buy_limit(self, pair, rate, amount):
        """Creates buy order for <pair> at <rate> for <amount>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'buy',
                                 'currencyPair': self.format_pair(pair),
                                 'rate': rate,
                                 'amount': amount

    def sell_limit(self, pair, rate, amount):
        """Creates sell order for <pair> at <rate> for <amount>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'sell',
                                 'currencyPair': self.format_pair(pair),
                                 'rate': rate,
                                 'amount': amount

    def cancel_order(self, order_id):
        """Cancels order <orderId>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'cancelOrder',
                                 'orderNumber': order_id

    def move_order(self, order_id, rate, amount):
        """Cancels an order and places a new one of the same type in a single
           atomic transaction, meaning either both operations will succeed
           or both will fail."""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'moveOrder',
                                 'orderNumber': order_id,
                                 'rate': rate,
                                 'amount': amount

    def withdraw(self, coin, amount, address):
        """Withdraws <coin> <amount> to <address>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'withdraw',
                                 'currency': coin.upper(),
                                 'amount': amount,
                                 'address': address

    def transfer_balance(self, coin, amount, fromac, toac):
        """Transfers coins between accounts (exchange, margin, lending)
        - moves <coin> <amount> from <fromac> to <toac>"""

        return self.private_api({'command': 'transferBalance',
                                 'currency': coin.upper(),
                                 'amount': amount,
                                 'fromAccount': fromac,
                                 'toAccount': toac

    def get_trade_history(self,
                          pair: str="all",
                          limit: int=500,
                          since: int=int(time.time() - 2.419e+6),
                          ) -> list:
        Returns your trade history for a given market, specified by the <pair> POST parameter.
        You may specify "all" as the <pair> to receive your trade history for all markets.
        You may optionally specify a range via <since> and/or <until> POST parameters, given in UNIX timestamp format;
        if you do not specify a range, it will be limited to one day. You may optionally limit the number of entries returned using the <limit> parameter,
        up to a maximum of 10,000. If the <limit> parameter is not specified, no more than 500 entries will be returned.

        query = {"command": "returnTradeHistory",
                 "currencyPair": self.format_pair(pair)}

        if since > time.time():
            raise APIError("AYYY LMAO start time is in the future, take it easy.")

        if since is not None:
            query.update({"start": str(since),
                          "end": str(until)}
        return self.api(query)

class PoloniexNormalized(Poloniex, NormalizedExchangeWrapper):

    def __init__(self, apikey=None, secret=None, timeout=None, proxy=None):
        super(PoloniexNormalized, self).__init__(apikey, secret, timeout, proxy)

    def _tstamp_to_datetime(timestamp):
        '''convert unix timestamp to datetime'''

        return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)

    def _string_to_datetime(string):
        '''convert datetime string to datetime object'''

        return datetime.datetime.strptime(string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    def format_pair(self, market_pair):
        Expected input is quote - base.
        Normalize the pair inputs and
        format the pair argument to a format understood by the remote API."""

        if "-" not in market_pair:
            raise InvalidDelimiterError('Agreed upon delimiter is "-".')

        quote, base = market_pair.split('-')

        if base not in self.base_currencies:
            raise InvalidBaseCurrencyError('''Expected input is quote-base, you have provided with {pair}'''.format(pair=market_pair))

        return base.upper() + self.delimiter + quote.upper()  # for poloniex quote comes second

    def reverse_format_pair(self, market_pair: str) -> str:
        """format the pair, but in reverse"""

        base, quote = market_pair.split('_')

        return base.lower() + "-" + quote.lower()

    def _format_interval(interval):

        d = {"5m": 300,
             "15m": 900,
             "30m": 1800,
             "2h": 7200,
             "4h": 14400,
             "1d": 86400}

            return d[interval]
        except KeyError:
            return {'error': 'Invalid interval.'}

    def get_markets(self):
        '''normalized Poloniex.get_markets'''

        m = []
        for i in super(PoloniexNormalized, self).get_markets():
            base, quote = i.split('_')
            m.append(quote.lower() + '-' + base.lower())

        return m

    def get_market_ticker(self, market):

        ticker = super(PoloniexNormalized, self).get_market_ticker(market)

        return {'ask': float(ticker['lowestAsk']),
                'bid': float(ticker['highestBid']),
                'last': float(ticker['last'])

    def get_market_trade_history(self, market, depth=100):

        upstream = super(PoloniexNormalized, self).get_market_trade_history(market, depth)
        downstream = []

        for data in upstream:

                'timestamp': self._string_to_datetime(data['date']),
                'is_sale': is_sale(data['type']),
                'rate': float(data['rate']),
                'amount': float(data['amount']),
                'trade_id': data['globalTradeID']

        return downstream

    def get_market_orders(self, market, depth=100):
            dict['bids': list[price, quantity],
                 'asks': list[price, quantity]
        bids[0] should be first next to the spread
        asks[0] should be first next to the spread
        return super(PoloniexNormalized, self).get_market_orders(market, depth)

    def get_market_sell_orders(self, market, depth=100):
            list[price, quantity]
        return super(PoloniexNormalized, self).get_market_orders(market, depth)['asks']

    def get_market_buy_orders(self, market, depth=100):
            list[price, quantity]
        return super(PoloniexNormalized, self).get_market_orders(market, depth)['bids']

    def get_market_depth(self, market):
        '''return sum of all bids and asks'''

        order_book = self.get_market_orders(market)
        return {"bids": sum([Decimal(i[0]) * Decimal(i[1]) for i in order_book["bids"]]),
                "asks": sum([Decimal(i[1]) for i in order_book["asks"]])

    def get_market_spread(self, market):
        '''returns market spread'''

        order_book = self.get_market_orders(market, 1)
        ask = order_book["asks"][0][0]
        bid = order_book["bids"][0][0]

        return Decimal(ask) - Decimal(bid)

    def get_market_ohlcv_data(self,
                              market: str,
                              interval: int,
                              since: int=int(time.time() - 2.419e+6),
                              until: int=int(time.time())
                              ) -> list:
        : since - UNIX timestamp
        : until - UNIX timestamp

        if interval not in "5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 1d".split(', '):
            raise APIError('Unsupported OHLCV interval.')

        upstream = super(PoloniexNormalized, self
        r = []

        for ohlcv in upstream:
                'volume': ohlcv['volume'],
                'close': ohlcv['close'],
                'high': ohlcv['high'],
                'low': ohlcv['low'],
                'open': ohlcv['open'],
                'time': self._tstamp_to_datetime(ohlcv['date'])

        return r

    def get_margin_position(self, market: str='all') -> dict:

        upstream = super().get_margin_position(market)

        if market is "all":

            r = {}

            for m, p in upstream.items():
                r[self.reverse_format_pair(m)] = {
                        'amount': float(p['amount']),
                        'base_price': float(p['basePrice']),
                        'lending_fees': float(p['lendingFees']),
                        'liquidation_price': float(p['liquidationPrice']),
                        'pl': float(p['pl']),
                        'total': float(p['total']),
                        'type': p['type']

            return r

            for k, v in upstream.items():
                    upstream[k] = float(v)
                except ValueError:

            return upstream

    def get_margin_account_summary(self) -> dict:

        upstream = super().get_margin_account_summary()

        for k, v in upstream.items():
            upstream[k] = float(v)

        return upstream