from pathlib import Path

import pytest

from import where
from import QueryError, QueryErrors
from pca.integration.errors import ConfigError, IntegrationErrors
from pca.integration.tinydb import TinyDbDao

@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def tinydb():
    return pytest.importorskip("tinydb")

class TestConstruction:

    def path(self, tmpdir):
        return str(tmpdir.join('db.json'))

    def json_dao(self, mock_container, path):
        dao = TinyDbDao(mock_container, path=path, table_name='table_name')
        yield dao

    def test_path(self, path, json_dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert json_dao._path == path
        assert Path(path).is_file()

    @pytest.mark.skip("TODO #73")
    def test_implicit_json_storage(self, json_dao, tinydb):
        assert isinstance(json_dao._table._storage._storage, tinydb.storages.JSONStorage)

    @pytest.mark.skip("TODO #73")
    def test_implicit_memory_storage(self, mock_container, tinydb):
        dao = TinyDbDao(mock_container, table_name='table_name')
        assert isinstance(dao._table._storage._storage, tinydb.storages.MemoryStorage)

    def test_db_cache(self, mock_container, path, json_dao: TinyDbDao):
        cache = TinyDbDao._db_cache
        assert cache.get(path) is json_dao._db
        second_dao = TinyDbDao(mock_container, path=path, table_name='another_table')
        assert second_dao._db is json_dao._db

    def test_no_table_name(self, mock_container):
        with pytest.raises(ConfigError) as error_info:
        assert error_info.value == IntegrationErrors.NO_TABLE_NAME_PROVIDED

pred_a = where('char') == 'a'
pred_not_a = ~(where('char') == 'a')
pred_c = where('char') == 'c'
pred_z = where('char') == 'z'

class TestApi:

    def dao(self, mock_container):
        In-memory table that has three documents pre-assigned:
            {'char': 'a', 'is_a': True},
            {'char': 'b', 'is_a': False},
            {'char': 'c', 'is_a': False}
        dao = TinyDbDao(mock_container, table_name='table_name')
            {'char': c, 'is_a': c == 'a'}
            for c in 'abc'
        return dao

    # Dao.all
    def test_all(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert list(dao.all()) == [
            {'char': 'a', 'is_a': True},
            {'char': 'b', 'is_a': False},
            {'char': 'c', 'is_a': False},

    # QueryChain.filter
    def test_multiple_filter_success(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert list(dao.filter(pred_not_a).filter(pred_c)) == [
            {'char': 'c', 'is_a': False}

    # QueryChain.filter_by
    def test_filter_by_success(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        not_a = pred_not_a
        assert list(dao.filter(not_a).filter_by(id_=3)) == [{'char': 'c', 'is_a': False}]

    def test_filter_by_both_arguments_error(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        with pytest.raises(QueryError) as error_info:
            assert dao.all().filter_by(id_=3, ids=[3, 5])
        assert error_info.value == QueryErrors.CONFLICTING_QUERY_ARGUMENTS

    def test_filter_by_two_times_error(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        with pytest.raises(QueryError) as error_info:
            assert dao.all().filter_by(id_=3).filter_by(id_=5)
        assert error_info.value == QueryErrors.CONFLICTING_QUERY_ARGUMENTS

    # QueryChain.get
    def test_get_success(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert dao.get(1) == {'char': 'a', 'is_a': True}

    def test_get_fail(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert dao.get(42) is None

    def test_filtered_get_success(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        object_2 = dao.get(2)
        assert dao.filter(pred_not_a).get(2) == object_2

    def test_filtered_get_fail(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert dao.filter(pred_not_a).get(1) is None

    # QueryChain.exists
    def test_exists_all_success(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert dao.all().exists()

    @pytest.mark.skip("TODO #73")
    def test_exists_empty_fail(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert not dao.all().exists()

    def test_exists_filtered_success(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert dao.filter(pred_c).exists()

    def test_exists_filtered_fail(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert not dao.filter(pred_z).exists()

    # QueryChain.count
    def test_count_all(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert dao.all().count() == 3

    def test_filtered_count(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert dao.filter(pred_not_a).count() == 2

    # QueryChain.update
    def test_update_all(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        ids = dao.all().update(char='z')
        assert ids == [1, 2, 3]
        assert list(dao.all()) == [
            {'char': 'z', 'is_a': True},
            {'char': 'z', 'is_a': False},
            {'char': 'z', 'is_a': False},

    def test_update_filtered(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        ids = dao.filter(pred_not_a).update(char='z')
        assert ids == [2, 3]
        assert list(dao.all()) == [
            {'char': 'a', 'is_a': True},
            {'char': 'z', 'is_a': False},
            {'char': 'z', 'is_a': False},

    def test_update_filtered_by_id(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        ids = dao.filter(pred_not_a).filter_by(id_=2).update(char='z')
        assert ids == [2]
        assert list(dao.all()) == [
            {'char': 'a', 'is_a': True},
            {'char': 'z', 'is_a': False},
            {'char': 'c', 'is_a': False},

    def test_update_none(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        ids = dao.filter(pred_z).update(char='z')
        assert ids == []
        assert list(dao.all()) == [
            {'char': 'a', 'is_a': True},
            {'char': 'b', 'is_a': False},
            {'char': 'c', 'is_a': False},

    # QueryChain.remove
    def test_remove_all_error(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        with pytest.raises(QueryError) as error_info:
        assert error_info.value == QueryErrors.UNRESTRICTED_REMOVE

    def test_remove_filtered(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        ids = dao.filter(pred_a).remove()
        assert ids == [1]
        assert list(dao.all()) == [
            {'char': 'b', 'is_a': False},
            {'char': 'c', 'is_a': False},

    def test_remove_filtered_by_id(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        ids = dao.filter(pred_not_a).filter_by(id_=2).remove()
        assert ids == [2]
        assert list(dao.all()) == [
            {'char': 'a', 'is_a': True},
            {'char': 'c', 'is_a': False},

    def test_remove_none(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        ids = dao.filter(pred_z).remove()
        assert ids == []
        assert list(dao.all()) == [
            {'char': 'a', 'is_a': True},
            {'char': 'b', 'is_a': False},
            {'char': 'c', 'is_a': False},

    # Dao.filter_by
    def test_dao_filter_by_success(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert list(dao.filter_by(id_=3)) == [{'char': 'c', 'is_a': False}]

    def test_dao_filter_by_both_arguments_error(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        with pytest.raises(QueryError) as error_info:
            assert dao.filter_by(id_=3, ids=[3, 5])
        assert error_info.value == QueryErrors.CONFLICTING_QUERY_ARGUMENTS

    def test_dao_filter_by_two_times_error(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        with pytest.raises(QueryError) as error_info:
            assert dao.filter_by(id_=3).filter_by(id_=5)
        assert error_info.value == QueryErrors.CONFLICTING_QUERY_ARGUMENTS

    # Dao.insert
    def test_insert(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        id_ = dao.insert(foo='bar')
        assert id_ == 4

    # Dao.batch_insert
    def test_batch_insert(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        batch = [{'foo': 'bar'}, {'foo': 'baz'}]
        result = dao.batch_insert(batch)
        assert result == (4, 5)
        assert list(dao.filter(where('foo').exists())) == batch

    # Dao.clear
    @pytest.mark.skip("TODO #73")
    def test_clear(self, dao: TinyDbDao):
        assert list(dao.all()) == []