from abc import abstractmethod
from functools import reduce
from operator import and_
import typing as t

from pca.interfaces.dao import (

from import QueryErrors
from import Predicate
from pca.utils.dependency_injection import Component

class QueryChain(IQueryChain):
    Technical detail of chaining queries.

    A proxy for a query interface of DAO, gathering lazy evaluated queries
    (ie. filter, sort, aggregate, etc) to call owning DAO to resolve them when non-lazy
    (ie. get, exists, count, update, etc) is called.
    # TODO lazy queries: order_by, aggregate, annotate
    # TODO evaluating queries: slicing

    _ids: Ids = None
    _filters: t.List[Predicate] = None

    def __init__(self, dao: 'AbstractDao'):
        self._dao = dao

    def _construct(
            cls, dao: 'AbstractDao', filters: t.List[Predicate] = None, ids: t.List[Id] = None
    ) -> 'QueryChain':
        Technical detail of creating a new QueryChain with specified
        qc = cls(dao)
        qc._ids = ids
        qc._filters = filters
        return qc

    def _clone(self, filters: t.List[Predicate] = None, ids: t.List[Id] = None):
        Technical detail of cloning current QueryChain object extended by an additional
        qc = self.__class__(self._dao)
        qc._ids = self._ids or ids
        if filters:
            qc._filters = (self._filters or []) + filters
            qc._filters = self._filters
        return qc

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<QueryChain ids={self._ids}, filters={self._filters}>"

    def _is_trivial(self) -> bool:
        """Trivial QueryChain is the one that has no lazy operations defined."""
        return not (self._filters or self._ids)

    def _reduced_filter(self) -> t.Optional[Predicate]:
        """Before evaluation, sum up all filter predicates into a single one"""
        return None if self._is_trivial else reduce(and_, self._filters)

    # lazy queries

    def filter(self, predicate: Predicate) -> 'QueryChain':
        Filters out objects by the predicate specifying conditions that they should met.
        return self._clone(filters=[predicate])

    def filter_by(self, id_: Id = None, ids: Ids = None) -> 'QueryChain':
        Filters objects by a single id or a iterable of ids.

        :raises: InvalidQueryError if:
            * both `id_` and `ids` arguments are defined
            * or the query is already filtered by id
        if self._ids or bool(id_) == bool(ids):
            raise QueryErrors.CONFLICTING_QUERY_ARGUMENTS.with_params(id=id_, ids=ids)
        ids = ids or [id_]
        return self._clone(ids=ids)

    # evaluating queries

    def __iter__(self) -> Dto:
        """Yields values"""
        yield from self._dao._resolve_filter(self)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Proxy for `count`."""
        return self.count()

    def get(self, id_: Id) -> t.Optional[Dto]:
        """Returns object of given id, or None iff not present."""
        qc = self.filter_by(id_=id_)
        filtered = self._dao._resolve_filter(qc)
        return self._dao._resolve_get(filtered, id_, nullable=True)

    def exists(self) -> bool:
        """Returns whether any object specified by the query exist."""
        return self._dao._resolve_exists(self)

    def count(self) -> int:
        Counts objects filtering them out by the query specifying conditions that they
        should met.
        return self._dao._resolve_count(self)

    # evaluating commands

    def update(self, **update) -> Ids:
        Updates all objects specified by the query with given update.
        return self._dao._resolve_update(self, update)

    def remove(self) -> Ids:
        Removes all objects specified by the query from the collection.
        return self._dao._resolve_remove(self)

class AbstractDao(IDao[Id], Component):
    """Base abstract implementation for Data Access Object."""

    # lazy queries

    def all(self) -> QueryChain:
        Returns a query chain representing all objects.

        Useful to explicitly denote counting, updating or removing all objects.
        return QueryChain(self)

    def filter(self, predicate: Predicate) -> QueryChain:
        Filters out objects by the predicate specifying conditions that they
        should met. Can be chained via `QueryChain` helper class.
        return QueryChain._construct(self, filters=[predicate])

    def filter_by(self, id_: Id = None, ids: Ids = None) -> IQueryChain:
        Filters objects by a single id or a iterable of ids.
        Can be chained with other queries via `IQueryChain` helper.

        :raises: InvalidQueryError iff both `id_` and `ids` arguments are defined.
        if bool(id_) == bool(ids):
            raise QueryErrors.CONFLICTING_QUERY_ARGUMENTS.with_params(id=id_, ids=ids)
        ids = ids or [id_]
        return QueryChain._construct(self, ids=ids)

    # evaluating queries

    def get(self, id_: Id) -> t.Optional[Dto]:
        Returns object of given id, or None iff not present.
        Shortcut for querying via `QueryChain.all`.
        qc = QueryChain._construct(self, ids=[id_])
        filtered = self._resolve_filter(qc)
        return self._resolve_get(filtered, id_, nullable=True)

    def _resolve_filter(self, query_chain: QueryChain) -> BatchOfDto:
        """Resolves filtering for any other resolving operation to compute."""

    def _resolve_get(self, dtos: BatchOfDto, id_: Id, nullable: bool = False) -> t.Optional[Dto]:
        """Resolves `get`query described by the ids."""

    def _resolve_exists(self, query_chain: QueryChain) -> bool:
        """Returns whether any object specified by the query exist."""

    def _resolve_count(self, query_chain: QueryChain) -> int:
        Counts objects filtering them out by the query specifying conditions that they should met.

    # evaluating commands

    def _resolve_update(self, query_chain: QueryChain, update: Kwargs) -> Ids:
        Updates all objects specified by the query with given update.

    def _resolve_remove(self, query_chain: QueryChain) -> Ids:
        Removes all objects specified by the query from the collection.

    # instant commands

    def insert(self, dto: Dto) -> Id:
        Inserts the object into the collection.

        :returns: id of the inserted object

    def batch_insert(self, dtos: BatchOfDto) -> Ids:
        Inserts multiple objects into the collection.

        :returns: a iterable of ids

    def clear(self) -> None:
        """Clears the collection."""