"""The solver module contains the different solvers that are available for

All solvers inherit from the BaseSolver class, which contains general method
for selecting the correct time series to misfit and options to weight the
residuals or noise series.

Supported Solvers
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


To solve a model the following syntax can be used:

>>> ml.solve(solver=ps.LeastSquares)


from logging import getLogger

import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
from scipy.linalg import svd
from scipy.optimize import least_squares

logger = getLogger(__name__)

class BaseSolver:
    _name = "BaseSolver"
    __doc__ = """All solver instances inherit from the BaseSolver class.

    model: pastas.Model instance
    pcor: pandas.DataFrame
        Pandas DataFrame with the correlation between the optimized parameters.
    pcov: pandas.DataFrame
        Pandas DataFrame with the correlation between the optimized parameters.
    nfev: int
        Number of times the model is called during optimization.
    result: object
        The object returned by the minimization method that is used. It depends
        on the solver what is actually returned.



    def __init__(self, ml, pcov=None, nfev=None, **kwargs):
        self.ml = ml
        self.pcov = pcov  # Covariances of the parameters
        if pcov is None:
            self.pcor = None  # Correlation between parameters
            self.pcor = self.get_correlations(pcov)
        self.nfev = nfev  # number of function evaluations
        self.result = None  # Object returned by the optimization method

    def misfit(self, parameters, noise, weights=None, callback=None):
        """This method is called by all solvers to obtain a series that are
        minimized in the optimization proces. It handles the application of
        the weigths, a noisemodel and other optimization options.

        parameters: list, numpy.ndarray
            list with the parameters
        noise: Boolean
        weights: pandas.Series, optional
            pandas Series by which the residual or noise series are
            multiplied. Typically values between 0 and 1.
        callback: ufunc, optional
            function that is called after each iteration. the parameters are
            provided to the func. E.g. "callback(parameters)"

            residuals series (if noise=False) or noise series (if noise=True)

        # Get the residuals or the noise
        if noise:
            rv = self.ml.noise(parameters)
            rv = self.ml.residuals(parameters)

        # Determine if weights need to be applied
        if weights is not None:
            weights = weights.reindex(rv.index)
            weights.fillna(1.0, inplace=True)
            rv = rv.multiply(weights)

        if callback:

        return rv.values

    def prediction_interval(self, n=1000, alpha=0.05, **kwargs):
        """Method to calculate the prediction interval for the simulation.

        data : Pandas.DataFrame
            DataFrame of length number of observations and two columns labeled
            0.025 and 0.975 (numerical values) containing the 2.5% and 97.5%
            prediction interval (for alpha=0.05)

        Add residuals assuming a Normal distribution with standard deviation
        equal to the standard deviation of the residuals.


        sigr = self.ml.residuals().std()

        data = self.get_realizations(func=self.ml.simulate, n=n, name=None,
        data = data + sigr * np.random.randn(data.shape[0], data.shape[1])

        q = [alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2]
        rv = data.quantile(q, axis=1).transpose()
        return rv

    def ci_simulation(self, n=None, alpha=0.05, **kwargs):
        """Method to calculate the confidence interval for the simulation.


        The confidence interval shows the uncertainty in the simulation due
        to parameter uncertainty. In other words, there is a 95% probability
        that the true best-fit line for the observed data lies within the
        95% confidence interval.

        return self.get_confidence_interval(func=self.ml.simulate, n=n,
                                            alpha=alpha, **kwargs)

    def ci_block_response(self, name, n=None, alpha=0.05, **kwargs):
        dt = self.ml.get_block_response(name=name).index.values
        return self.get_confidence_interval(func=self.ml.get_block_response,
                                            n=n, alpha=alpha, name=name, dt=dt,

    def ci_step_response(self, name, n=None, alpha=0.05, **kwargs):
        dt = self.ml.get_block_response(name=name).index.values
        return self.get_confidence_interval(func=self.ml.get_step_response,
                                            n=n, alpha=alpha, name=name,
                                            dt=dt, **kwargs)

    def ci_contribution(self, name, n=None, alpha=0.05, **kwargs):
        return self.get_confidence_interval(func=self.ml.get_contribution, n=n,
                                            alpha=alpha, name=name, **kwargs)

    def get_realizations(self, func, n=None, name=None, **kwargs):
        """Internal method to obtain  n number of realizations."""
        if name:
            kwargs["name"] = name

        params = self.get_parameter_sample(n=n, name=name)
        data = {}

        for i, param in enumerate(params):
            data[i] = func(parameters=param, **kwargs)

        return DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient="columns")

    def get_confidence_interval(self, func, n=None, name=None, alpha=0.05,
        """Internal method to obtain a confidence interval."""
        q = [alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2]
        data = self.get_realizations(func=func, n=n, name=name, **kwargs)

        return data.quantile(q=q, axis=1).transpose()

    def get_parameter_sample(self, name=None, n=None):
        """Internal method to obtain a parameter sets.

        n: int, optional
            Number of random samples drawn from the bivariate normal
        name: str, optional
            Name of the stressmodel or model component to obtain the
            parameters for.

            Numpy array with N parameter samples.

        par = self.ml.get_parameters(name=name)
        pcov = self.get_covariance_matrix(name=name)

        if n is None:
            n = 10 ** par.size

        return np.random.multivariate_normal(par, pcov, n,

    def get_covariance_matrix(self, name=None):
        """Internal method to obtain the covariance matrix from the model.

        name: str, optional
            Name of the stressmodel or model component to obtain the
            parameters for.

        pcov: pandas.DataFrame
            Pandas DataFrame with the covariances for the parameters.

        if name:
            params = self.ml.parameters.loc[self.ml.parameters.loc[:,
                                            "name"] == name].index
            params = self.ml.parameters.index

        pcov = self.pcov.loc[params, params].fillna(0)

        return pcov

    def get_correlations(pcov):
        """Method to obtain the parameter correlations from the covariance

        pcov: pandas.DataFrame
            n x n Pandas DataFrame with the covariances.

        pcor: pandas.DataFrame
            n x n Pandas DataFrame with the correlations.

        pcor = pcov.loc[pcov.index, pcov.index].copy()

        for i in pcor.index:
            for j in pcor.columns:
                pcor.loc[i, j] = pcov.loc[i, j] / \
                                 np.sqrt(pcov.loc[i, i] * pcov.loc[j, j])
        return pcor

    def to_dict(self):
        data = {
            "name": self._name,
            "pcov": self.pcov,
            "nfev": self.nfev
        return data

class LeastSquares(BaseSolver):
    _name = "LeastSquares"

    def __init__(self, ml, pcov=None, nfev=None, **kwargs):
        """Solver based on Scipy's least_squares method [scipy_ref]_.

        This class is the default solve method called by the pastas Model solve
        method. All kwargs provided to the Model.solve() method are forwarded
        to the solver. From there, they are forwarded to Scipy least_squares


        >>> ml.solve(solver=ps.LeastSquares)

        .. [scipy_ref] https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.least_squares.html

        BaseSolver.__init__(self, ml=ml, pcov=pcov, nfev=nfev, **kwargs)

    def solve(self, noise=True, weights=None, callback=None, **kwargs):
        self.vary = self.ml.parameters.vary.values.astype(bool)
        self.initial = self.ml.parameters.initial.values.copy()
        parameters = self.ml.parameters.loc[self.vary]

        # Set the boundaries
        bounds = (np.where(parameters.pmin.isnull(), -np.inf, parameters.pmin),
                  np.where(parameters.pmax.isnull(), np.inf, parameters.pmax))

        self.result = least_squares(self.objfunction, bounds=bounds,
                                    args=(noise, weights, callback), **kwargs)

        self.pcov = DataFrame(self.get_covariances(self.result.jac,
                              index=parameters.index, columns=parameters.index)
        self.pcor = self.get_correlations(self.pcov)
        self.nfev = self.result.nfev

        # Prepare return values
        success = self.result.success
        optimal = self.initial
        optimal[self.vary] = self.result.x
        stderr = np.zeros(len(optimal)) * np.nan
        stderr[self.vary] = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.pcov))

        return success, optimal, stderr

    def objfunction(self, parameters, noise, weights, callback):
        p = self.initial
        p[self.vary] = parameters
        return self.misfit(p, noise, weights, callback)

    def get_covariances(self, jacobian, cost, absolute_sigma=False):
        """Method to get the covariance matrix from the jacobian.

        jacobian: numpy.ndarray
        cost: float
        absolute_sigma: bool
            Default is False

        pcov: numpy.array
            numpy array with the covariance matrix.

        This method is copied from Scipy, please refer to:

        cost = 2 * cost  # res.cost is half sum of squares!

        # Do Moore-Penrose inverse discarding zero singular values.
        _, s, VT = svd(jacobian, full_matrices=False)
        threshold = np.finfo(float).eps * max(jacobian.shape) * s[0]
        s = s[s > threshold]
        VT = VT[:s.size]
        pcov = np.dot(VT.T / s ** 2, VT)
        n_param = self.ml.parameters.index.size
        warn_cov = False
        if pcov is None:
            # indeterminate covariance
            pcov = np.zeros((n_param, n_param), dtype=float)
            warn_cov = True
        elif not absolute_sigma:
            if self.ml.oseries.series.index.size > n_param:
                s_sq = cost / (self.ml.oseries.series.index.size - n_param)
                pcov = pcov * s_sq
                warn_cov = True

        if warn_cov:
                'Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated')

        return pcov

class LmfitSolve(BaseSolver):
    _name = "LmfitSolve"

    def __init__(self, ml, pcov=None, nfev=None, **kwargs):
        """Solving the model using the LmFit solver [LM]_.

         This is basically a wrapper around the scipy solvers, adding some
         cool functionality for boundary conditions.

        .. [LM] https://github.com/lmfit/lmfit-py/
            global lmfit
            import lmfit as lmfit  # Import Lmfit here, so it is no dependency
        except ImportError:
            msg = "lmfit not installed. Please install lmfit first."
            raise ImportError(msg)
        BaseSolver.__init__(self, ml=ml, pcov=pcov, nfev=nfev, **kwargs)

    def solve(self, noise=True, weights=None, callback=None, method="leastsq",

        # Deal with the parameters
        parameters = lmfit.Parameters()
        p = self.ml.parameters.loc[:, ['initial', 'pmin', 'pmax', 'vary']]
        for k in p.index:
            pp = np.where(p.loc[k].isnull(), None, p.loc[k])
            parameters.add(k, value=pp[0], min=pp[1], max=pp[2], vary=pp[3])

        # Create the Minimizer object and minimize
        self.mini = lmfit.Minimizer(userfcn=self.objfunction, calc_covar=True,
                                    fcn_args=(noise, weights, callback),
                                    params=parameters, **kwargs)
        self.result = self.mini.minimize(method=method)

        # Set all parameter attributes
        pcov = None
        if hasattr(self.result, "covar"):
            if self.result.covar is not None:
                pcov = self.result.covar

        names = self.result.var_names
        self.pcov = DataFrame(pcov, index=names, columns=names)
        self.pcor = self.get_correlations(self.pcov)

        # Set all optimization attributes
        self.nfev = self.result.nfev

        if hasattr(self.result, "success"):
            success = self.result.success
            success = True
        optimal = np.array([p.value for p in self.result.params.values()])
        stderr = np.array([p.stderr for p in self.result.params.values()])

        idx = None
        if "is_weighted" in kwargs:
            if not kwargs["is_weighted"]:
                idx = -1

        return success, optimal[:idx], stderr[:idx]

    def objfunction(self, parameters, noise, weights, callback):
        param = np.array([p.value for p in parameters.values()])
        return self.misfit(param, noise, weights, callback)