
# pi-timolo - Raspberry Pi Long Duration Timelapse, Motion Detection, with Low Light Capability
# written by Claude Pageau Dec-2014 (original issue)
# getStreamImage function based on utpalc code based on brainflakes lightweight motion detection code on Raspberry PI forum - Thanks
# Complete pi-timolo code and wiki instructions are available on my github repo at https://github.com/pageauc/pi-timolo

# 2.7 released 20-Jul-2015 added saving of exif metadata when text written to image sinc PIL does not retain this.
# 2.8 released 02-Aug-2015 updated gdrive and replaced mencoder with avconv
# 2.92 release 22-Mar-2016 fixed getCurrentCount when file contains non integer data due to a write error or corruption.
# 2.93 release 21-Jul-2016 improved getCurrentCount logic and changed default motion image size to 128x80 per picamra default
# 2.94 release 14-Aug-2016 implemented camera.rotation = cameraRotate but not yet fully tested
# 2.95 release 20-Dec-2016 Updated logging to be more pythonic and minor bug fix
# 2.96 release 26-Dec-2016 Fixed fatal bug error in logging when verbose = False
# 2.97 release 28-Dec-2016 Modified logging setup to simplify and better display messages
# 2.98 release 04-Jan-2017 Added convid.sh and associated changes.  Added flip to video option
# 2.99 release 06-Jan-2017 Added sync_lock option to motion video
# 3.00 release 09-Jan-2017 Added takeVideo subprocess to convert h264
# 3.10 release 12-Jan-2017 Added takeVideo annotate datetime text using image text settings on and size.
# 4.00 release 23-Jan-2017 Added menubox.sh and sh config vars stored in conf files so upgrades won't delete settings
# 4.10 release 09-Mar-2017 Moved position of camera.exposure_mode = 'off' for night shots
# 4.20 release 13-Mar-2017 Updated takeNightImage settings
# 4.30 release 30-Mar-2017 Add variables for day camera motion and timelapse camera warmup before taking image
# 4.31 release 14-Apr-2017 Changed logging display and misc fixes (Still get some greenish images)
# 4.40 release 16-Apr-2017 Testing changed takeNightImage func to reduce greenish images
# 4.42 release 17-Apr-2017 Fixed motionCamSleep bug for motion takeDayImage (was timelapseCamSleep)
# 4.50 release 18-Apr-2017 More changes for day to night lighting transitions and no greenish images
# 4.60 release 27-Apr-2017 Added framerate_range to takeNightImage and added nightTwilightThreshold setting
# 4.70 release 30-Apr-2017 Modified takeNightImage logic for Dark Conditions (Must use latest config.py)
# 4.80 release 02-May-2017 Modified takeNightImage to eliminate need for nightDarkAdjustRatio Variable
# 4.90 release 03-May-2017 Added video stream option for motion detection
# 5.00 release 04-May-2017 Added motionDotsOn, nightDarkAdjust, and fixed timelapseExitSec + Misc
# 6.00 release 08-May-2017 Added recent folders, MO or TL subfolders option, free disk space option
# 6.40 release 15-May-2017 Added new getShut function and imageFormat var, fixed freeDiskSpaceCheck timer issues
# 6.50 release 16-May-2017 Fine Tune brightness settings for dark night setting
# 6.60 release 20-May-2017 Simplied getShut function with hyperbolic and no Gaussian. Requires revised config.py
# 6.70 release 03-Jun-2017 Added videoRepeat option Requires revised 6.70 config.py (Note suppresses motion and timelapse)
# 6.71 release 20-Jun-2017 Added timelapseMaxFiles, and imageJpegQuality parameter

progVer = "ver 6.76"
__version__ = "6.76"   # May test for version number at a future time

import datetime
import glob
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import time
import subprocess

mypath = os.path.abspath(__file__)  # Find the full path of this python script
baseDir = os.path.dirname(mypath)  # get the path location only (excluding script name)
baseFileName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mypath))[0]
progName = os.path.basename(__file__)
logFilePath = os.path.join(baseDir, baseFileName + ".log")
print("%s %s" %( progName, progVer ))

# Check for variable file to import and error out if not found.
configFilePath = os.path.join(baseDir, "config.py")
if not os.path.exists(configFilePath):
    print("ERROR - Cannot Import Configuration Variables. Missing Configuration File %s" % ( configFilePath ))
    # Read Configuration variables from config.py file
    print("Importing Configuration Variables from File %s" % ( configFilePath ))
    from config import *

# Setup Logging now that variables are imported from config.py
if logDataToFile:
    print("Sending Logging Data to %s  (Console Messages Disabled)" %( logFilePath ))
                    format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(funcName)-10s %(message)s',
                    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
elif verbose:
    print("Logging to Console per Variable verbose=True")
                    format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(funcName)-10s %(message)s',
                    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    print("Logging Disabled per Variable verbose=False")
                    format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(funcName)-10s %(message)s',
                    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

print("Loading Python Libraries ...")  # import remaining python libraries
import picamera
from picamera import PiCamera
import picamera.array
from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
from threading import Thread

import numpy as np
import pyexiv2         # Not Available under python3
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import ImageDraw
from fractions import Fraction

#      System Variables
# Should not need to be customized

SECONDS2MICRO = 1000000    # Used to convert from seconds to microseconds
nightMaxShut = int(nightMaxShutSec * SECONDS2MICRO)  # default=5 sec IMPORTANT- 6 sec works sometimes but occasionally locks RPI and HARD reboot required to clear
darkAdjust = int((SECONDS2MICRO/5.0) * nightDarkAdjust)
testWidth = 128            # width of rgb image stream used for motion detection and day/night changes
testHeight = 80            # height of rgb image stream used for motion detection and day/night changes
daymode = False            # default should always be False.
motionPath = os.path.join(baseDir, motionDir)  # Store Motion images
motionNumPath = os.path.join(baseDir, motionPrefix + baseFileName + ".dat")  # dat file to save currentCount
timelapsePath = os.path.join(baseDir, timelapseDir)  # Store Time Lapse images
timelapseNumPath = os.path.join(baseDir, timelapsePrefix + baseFileName + ".dat")  # dat file to save currentCount
lockFilePath = os.path.join(baseDir, baseFileName + ".sync")

# Video Stream Settings
CAMERA_FRAMERATE = 25  # camera framerate
CAMERA_WIDTH = 192     # width of video stream
CAMERA_HEIGHT = 128    # height of video stream

class PiVideoStream:
    def __init__(self, resolution=(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT), framerate=CAMERA_FRAMERATE, rotation=0, hflip=False, vflip=False):
        # initialize the camera and stream
        self.camera = PiCamera()
        self.camera.resolution = resolution
        self.camera.framerate = framerate
        self.camera.hflip = hflip
        self.camera.vflip = vflip
        self.camera.rotation = rotation
        self.rawCapture = PiRGBArray(self.camera, size=resolution)
        self.stream = self.camera.capture_continuous(self.rawCapture,
            format="bgr", use_video_port=True)
        # initialize the frame and the variable used to indicate
        # if the thread should be stopped
        self.frame = None
        self.stopped = False

    def start(self):
        # start the thread to read frames from the video stream
        t = Thread(target=self.update, args=())
        t.daemon = True
        return self

    def update(self):
        # keep looping infinitely until the thread is stopped
        for f in self.stream:
            # grab the frame from the stream and clear the stream in
            # preparation for the next frame
            self.frame = f.array

            # if the thread indicator variable is set, stop the thread
            # and resource camera resources
            if self.stopped:

    def read(self):
        # return the frame most recently read
        return self.frame

    def stop(self):
        # indicate that the thread should be stopped
        self.stopped = True

def userMotionCodeHere():
    # Users can put code here that needs to be run prior to taking motion capture images
    # Eg Notify or activate something.

    # User code goes here


def shut2Sec (shutspeed):
    shutspeedSec = shutspeed/float(SECONDS2MICRO)
    shutstring = str("%.4f") % ( shutspeedSec )
    return shutstring

def showTime():
    rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()
    currentTime = ("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (rightNow.year, rightNow.month, rightNow.day,
    rightNow.hour, rightNow.minute, rightNow.second))
    return currentTime

def showDots(dotcnt):
    if motionDotsOn:
        if motionOn and verbose:
            dotcnt += 1
            if dotcnt > motionDotsMax + 2:
                dotcnt = 0
            elif dotcnt > motionDotsMax:
                stime = showTime() + " ."
                dotcnt = 0
        return dotcnt

def checkConfig():
    if not motionOn and not timelapseOn:
        logging.warning("Both Motion and Timelapse are turned OFF - motionOn=%s timelapseOn=%s", motionOn, timelapseOn)

def takeTestImage():
    # Check if any parameter was passed to this script from the command line.
    # This is useful for taking a single image for aligning camera without editing script settings.
    testfilename = "takeTestImage" + imageFormat
    testfilepath = os.path.join(baseDir, testfilename)
    takeDayImage(testfilepath, timelapseCamSleep)
    imagetext = "%s %s" % (mytime, testfilename)
    writeTextToImage(testfilepath, imagetext, daymode)
    logging.info("imageTestPrint=%s Captured Test Image to %s " % (imageTestPrint, testfilepath))

def displayInfo(motioncount, timelapsecount):
    if verbose:
        print("-------------------------------------- Settings ----------------------------------------------")
        print("Config File .. configName=%s  configTitle=%s" % (configName, configTitle))
        print("Image Info ... Size=%ix%i  Prefix=%s  VFlip=%s  HFlip=%s  Rotation=%i  Preview=%s"
              % (imageWidth, imageHeight, imageNamePrefix, imageVFlip, imageHFlip, imageRotation, imagePreview))
        print("               JpegQuality=%i 1(hi) - 40(low)  useVideoPort=%s" % ( imageJpegQuality, useVideoPort ))
        print("   Low Light.. nightTwilightThreshold=%i  nightDarkThreshold=%i  nightBlackThreshold=%i"
                           % ( nightTwilightThreshold, nightDarkThreshold, nightBlackThreshold ))
        print("               nightMaxShutSec=%.2f  nightMaxISO=%i  nightDarkAdjust=%.2f  nightSleepSec=%i"
                           % ( nightMaxShutSec, nightMaxISO, nightDarkAdjust, nightSleepSec ))
        print("   No Shots .. noNightShots=%s   noDayShots=%s" % ( noNightShots, noDayShots ))
        if showDateOnImage:
            print("   Img Text .. On=%s  Bottom=%s (False=Top)  WhiteText=%s (False=Black)  showTextWhiteNight=%s"
                         % ( showDateOnImage, showTextBottom, showTextWhite, showTextWhiteNight ))
            print("               showTextFontSize=%i px height" % (showTextFontSize))
            print("    No Text .. showDateOnImage=%s  Text on Image is Disabled"  % (showDateOnImage))
        if motionOn:
            print("Motion ....... On=%s  Prefix=%s  Threshold=%i(How Much)  Sensitivity=%i(How Many)"
                             % (motionOn, motionPrefix, motionThreshold, motionSensitivity))
            print("               motionDotsOn=%s  motionAverage=%i Prev Images to Average for Motion"  % ( motionDotsOn, motionAverage ))
            print("               useVideoPort=%s Use video port for motion image capture?"  % ( useVideoPort ))
            print("   Stream .... motionStreamOn=%s  motionStreamStopSec=%.2f (Close Thread)" % ( motionStreamOn, motionStreamStopSec ))
            print("   Img Path .. motionPath=%s  motionCamSleep=%.2f sec" % (motionPath, motionCamSleep))
            print("   Force ..... forceTimer=%i min (If No Motion)"  % (motionForce/60))
            if motionNumOn:
                print("   Num Seq ... motionNumOn=%s  numRecycle=%s  numStart=%i   numMax=%i  current=%s"
                                   % (motionNumOn, motionNumRecycle, motionNumStart, motionNumMax, motioncount))
                print("   Num Path .. motionNumPath=%s " % (motionNumPath))

                print("   Date-Time.. motionNumOn=%s  Image Numbering is Disabled" % (motionNumOn))
            if motionQuickTLOn:
                print("   Quick TL .. motionQuickTLOn=%s   motionQuickTLTimer=%i sec  motionQuickTLInterval=%i sec (0=fastest)"
                                   % (motionQuickTLOn, motionQuickTLTimer, motionQuickTLInterval))
                print("   Quick TL .. motionQuickTLOn=%s  Quick Time Lapse Disabled" % (motionQuickTLOn))
            if motionVideoOn:
                print("   Video ..... motionVideoOn=%s   motionVideoTimer=%i sec   (superseded by QuickTL)"
                                   % (motionVideoOn, motionVideoTimer))
                print("   Video ..... motionVideoOn=%s  Motion Video is Disabled" % (motionVideoOn))
            print("   Sub-Dir ... motionSubDirMaxHours=%i (0-off)  motionSubDirMaxFiles=%i (0=off)" %
                                ( motionSubDirMaxHours, motionSubDirMaxFiles ))
            print("   Recent .... motionRecentMax=%i (0=off)  motionRecentDir=%s" %
                                ( motionRecentMax, motionRecentDir ))
            print("Motion ....... motionOn=%s  Motion Detection is Disabled)" % (motionOn))
        if timelapseOn:
            print("Time Lapse ... On=%s  Prefix=%s   Timer=%i sec   timelapseExitSec=%i (0=Continuous)"
                        % (timelapseOn, timelapsePrefix, timelapseTimer, timelapseExitSec))
            print("               timelapseMaxFiles=%i" % ( timelapseMaxFiles ))
            print("   Img Path .. timelapsePath=%s  timelapseCamSleep=%.2f sec" % (timelapsePath, timelapseCamSleep))
            if timelapseNumOn:
                print("   Num Seq ... On=%s  numRecycle=%s  numStart=%i   numMax=%i  current=%s"
                          % (timelapseNumOn, timelapseNumRecycle, timelapseNumStart, timelapseNumMax, timelapsecount))
                print("   Num Path .. numPath=%s" % (timelapseNumPath))
                print("   Date-Time.. motionNumOn=%s  Numbering Disabled" % (timelapseNumOn))
            print("   Sub-Dir ... timelapseSubDirMaxHours=%i (0=off)  timelapseSubDirMaxFiles=%i (0=off)" %
                                ( timelapseSubDirMaxHours, timelapseSubDirMaxFiles ))
            print("   Recent .... timelapseRecentMax=%i (0=off)  timelapseRecentDir=%s" %
                                ( timelapseRecentMax, timelapseRecentDir ))
            if createLockFile:
                print("gdrive Sync .. On=%s  Path=%s  Note: syncs for motion images only." % (createLockFile, lockFilePath))
            print("Time Lapse ... timelapseOn=%s  Timelapse is Disabled" % (timelapseOn))
        if spaceTimerHrs > 0:   # Check if disk mgmnt is enabled
            print("Disk Space  .. Enabled - Manage Target Free Disk Space. Delete Oldest %s Files if Required" % (spaceFileExt))
            print("               Check Every spaceTimerHrs=%i (0=off)  Target spaceFreeMB=%i (min=100 MB)  spaceFileExt=%s" %
                                 (spaceTimerHrs, spaceFreeMB, spaceFileExt))
            print("               Delete Oldest spaceFileExt=%s  spaceMediaDir=%s" %
                                 ( spaceFileExt, spaceMediaDir))
            print("Disk Space  .. spaceTimerHrs=%i (Disabled) - Manage Target Free Disk Space. Delete Oldest %s Files" %
                                   ( spaceTimerHrs, spaceFileExt))
            print("            .. Check Every spaceTimerHrs=%i (0=Off)  Target spaceFreeMB=%i (min=100 MB)" %
                                             ( spaceTimerHrs, spaceFreeMB))
        print("Logging ...... verbose=%s (True=Enabled False=Disabled)" % ( verbose ))
        print("   Log Path .. logDataToFile=%s  logFilePath=%s" % ( logDataToFile, logFilePath ))
        print("------------------------------------ Log Activity --------------------------------------------")

def subDirLatest(directory): # Scan for directories and return most recent
    dirList = [ name for name in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, name)) ]
    if len(dirList) > 0:
        lastSubDir = sorted(dirList)[-1]
        lastSubDir = os.path.join(directory, lastSubDir)
        lastSubDir = directory
    return lastSubDir

def subDirCreate(directory, prefix):
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    # Specify folder naming
    subDirName = ('%s%d-%02d-%02d-%02d:%02d' % (prefix, now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute))
    subDirPath = os.path.join(directory, subDirName)
    if not os.path.exists(subDirPath):
        except OSError as err:
            logging.error('Cannot Create Directory %s - %s, using default location.', subDirPath, err)
            subDirPath = directory
            logging.info('Created %s', subDirPath)
        subDirPath = directory
    return subDirPath

def subDirCheckMaxFiles(directory, filesMax):  # Count number of files in a folder path
    fileList = glob.glob(directory + '/*jpg')
    count = len(fileList)
    if count > filesMax:
        makeNewDir = True
        dotCount = showDots(motionDotsMax + 2)
        logging.info('Total Files in %s Exceeds %i ' % ( directory, filesMax ))
        makeNewDir = False
    return makeNewDir

def subDirCheckMaxHrs(directory, hrsMax, prefix):   # Note to self need to add error checking
    # extract the date-time from the directory name
    dirName = os.path.split(directory)[1]   # split dir path and keep dirName
    dirStr = dirName.replace(prefix,'')   # remove prefix from dirName so just date-time left
    dirDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(dirStr, "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")  # convert string to datetime
    rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()   # get datetime now
    diff =  rightNow - dirDate           # get time difference between dates
    days, seconds = diff.days, diff.seconds
    dirAgeHours = days * 24 + seconds // 3600  # convert to hours
    if dirAgeHours > hrsMax:   # See if hours are exceeded
        makeNewDir = True
        dotCount = showDots(motionDotsMax + 2)
        logging.info('MaxHrs %i Exceeds %i for %s' % ( dirAgeHours, hrsMax, directory ))
        makeNewDir = False
    return makeNewDir

def subDirChecks(maxHours, maxFiles, directory, prefix):
    # Check if motion SubDir needs to be created
    if maxHours < 1 and maxFiles < 1:  # No Checks required
        # logging.info('No sub-folders Required in %s', directory)
        subDirPath = directory
        subDirPath = subDirLatest(directory)
        if subDirPath == directory:   # No subDir Found
            logging.info('No sub folders Found in %s' % directory)
            subDirPath = subDirCreate(directory, prefix)
        elif ( maxHours > 0 and maxFiles < 1 ):   # Check MaxHours Folder Age Only
            if subDirCheckMaxHrs(subDirPath, maxHours, prefix):
                subDirPath = subDirCreate(directory, prefix)
        elif ( maxHours < 1 and maxFiles > 0):   # Check Max Files Only
            if subDirCheckMaxFiles(subDirPath, maxFiles):
                subDirPath = subDirCreate(directory, prefix)
        elif maxHours > 0 and maxFiles > 0:   # Check both Max Files and Age
            if subDirCheckMaxHrs(subDirPath, maxHours, prefix):
                if subDirCheckMaxFiles(subDirPath, maxFiles):
                    subDirPath = subDirCreate(directory, prefix)
                    logging.info('MaxFiles Not Exceeded in %s', subDirPath)
    return subDirPath

def checkImagePath():
    # Checks for image folders and creates them if they do not already exist.
    if motionOn:
        if not os.path.isdir(motionPath):
            logging.info("Create Motion Image Folder %s", motionPath)
    if timelapseOn:
        if not os.path.isdir(timelapsePath):
            logging.info("Create TimeLapse Image Folder %s", timelapsePath)

    # Check for Recent Image Folders and create if they do not already exist.
    if motionRecentMax > 0:
        if not os.path.isdir(motionRecentDir):
            logging.info("Create Motion Recent Folder %s", motionRecentDir)
            except OSError as err:
                logging.error('Failed to Create %s - %s', motionRecentDir, err)

    if timelapseRecentMax > 0:
        if not os.path.isdir(timelapseRecentDir):
            logging.info("Create TimeLapse Recent Folder %s", timelapseRecentDir)
            except OSError as err:
                logging.error('Failed to Create %s - %s', timelapseRecentDir, err)

def deleteOldFiles(maxFiles, dirPath, prefix):
    # Delete Oldest files gt or eq to maxfiles that match filename prefix
        fileList = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirPath, prefix + '*')))
    except OSError as err:
        logging.error('Problem Reading Directory %s - %s', dirPath, err)
        while len(fileList) >= maxFiles:
            oldest = fileList[0]
            oldestFile = oldest
            try:   # Remove oldest file in recent folder
            except OSError as err:
                logging.error('Cannot Remove %s - %s', oldestFile, err)

def saveRecent(recentMax, recentDir, filename, prefix):
    # save specified most recent files (timelapse and/or motion) in recent subfolder
    deleteOldFiles(recentMax, recentDir, prefix)
    try:    # Copy image file to recent folder
        shutil.copy(filename, recentDir)
    except OSError as err:
        logging.error('Copy from %s to %s - %s', filename, oldestFile, err)

def filesToDelete(mediaDirPath, extension=imageFormat):
    return sorted(
        (os.path.join(dirname, filename)
        for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(mediaDirPath)
        for filename in filenames
        if filename.endswith(extension)),
        key=lambda fn: os.stat(fn).st_mtime, reverse=True)

def freeSpaceUpTo(spaceFreeMB, mediaDir, extension=imageFormat):
    # Walks mediaDir and deletes oldest files until spaceFreeMB is achieved
    # Use with Caution
    mediaDirPath = os.path.abspath(mediaDir)
    if os.path.isdir(mediaDirPath):
        MB2Bytes = 1000000  # Conversion from MB to Bytes
        targetFreeBytes = spaceFreeMB * MB2Bytes
        fileList = filesToDelete(mediaDir, extension)
        totFiles = len(fileList)
        delcnt = 0
        logging.info('Session Started')
        while fileList:
            statv = os.statvfs(mediaDirPath)
            availFreeBytes = statv.f_bfree*statv.f_bsize
            if availFreeBytes >= targetFreeBytes:
            filePath = fileList.pop()
            except OSError as err:
                logging.error('Del Failed %s', filePath)
                logging.error('Error: %s', err)
                delcnt += 1
                logging.info('Del %s', filePath)
                logging.info('Target=%i MB  Avail=%i MB  Deleted %i of %i Files ',
                                   targetFreeBytes / MB2Bytes, availFreeBytes / MB2Bytes, delcnt, totFiles )
                if delcnt > totFiles / 4:  # Avoid deleting more than 1/4 of files at one time
                    logging.warn('Max Deletions Reached %i of %i', delcnt, totFiles)
                    logging.warn('Deletions Restricted to 1/4 of total files per session.')
        logging.info('Session Ended')
        logging.error('Directory Not Found - %s', mediaDirPath)

def freeDiskSpaceCheck(lastSpaceCheck):
    if spaceTimerHrs > 0:   # Check if disk free space timer hours is enabled
        # See if it is time to do disk clean-up check
        if ((datetime.datetime.now() - lastSpaceCheck).total_seconds() > spaceTimerHrs * 3600):
            lastSpaceCheck = datetime.datetime.now()
            if spaceFreeMB < 100:   # set freeSpaceMB to reasonable value if too low
                diskFreeMB = 100
                diskFreeMB = spaceFreeMB
            logging.info('spaceTimerHrs=%i  diskFreeMB=%i  spaceMediaDir=%s spaceFileExt=%s',
                           spaceTimerHrs, diskFreeMB, spaceMediaDir, spaceFileExt)
            freeSpaceUpTo(diskFreeMB, spaceMediaDir, spaceFileExt)
    return lastSpaceCheck

def getCurrentCount(numberpath, numberstart):
    # Create a .dat file to store currentCount or read file if it already Exists
    # Create numberPath file if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(numberpath):
        logging.info("Creating New File %s numberstart= %s", numberpath, numberstart)
        open(numberpath, 'w').close()
        f = open(numberpath, 'w+')
    # Read the numberPath file to get the last sequence number
    with open(numberpath, 'r') as f:
        writeCount = f.read()
            numbercounter = int(writeCount)
        except ValueError:   # Found Corrupt dat file since cannot convert to integer
            # Try to determine if this is motion or timelapse
            if numberpath.find(motionPrefix) > 0:
                filePath = motionPath + "/*" + imageFormat
                fprefix = motionPath + motionPrefix + imageNamePrefix
                filePath = timelapsePath + "/*" + imageFormat
                fprefix = timelapsePath + timelapsePrefix + imageNamePrefix
               # Scan image folder for most recent file and try to extract numbercounter
                newest = max(glob.iglob(filePath), key=os.path.getctime)
                writeCount = newest[len(fprefix)+1:newest.find(imageFormat)]
                writeCount = numberstart
                numbercounter = int(writeCount)+1
            except ValueError:
                numbercounter = numberstart
            logging.error("Invalid Data in %s Reset Counter to %s", numberpath, numbercounter)

        f = open(numberpath, 'w+')
        f = open(numberpath, 'r')
        writeCount = f.read()
        numbercounter = int(writeCount)
    return numbercounter

def writeTextToImage(imagename, datetoprint, daymode):
    # function to write date/time stamp directly on top or bottom of images.
    if showTextWhite:
        FOREGROUND = ( 255, 255, 255 )  # rgb settings for white text foreground
        textColour = "White"
        FOREGROUND = ( 0, 0, 0 )  # rgb settings for black text foreground
        textColour = "Black"
        if showTextWhiteNight and ( not daymode):
            FOREGROUND = ( 255, 255, 255 )  # rgb settings for black text foreground
            textColour = "White"
    # centre text and compensate for graphics text being wider
    x = int((imageWidth/2) - (len(imagename)*2))
    if showTextBottom:
        y = (imageHeight - 50)  # show text at bottom of image
        y = 10  # show text at top of image
    TEXT = imageNamePrefix + datetoprint
    font_path = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf'
    font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, showTextFontSize, encoding='unic')
    text = TEXT.decode('utf-8')

    # Read exif data since ImageDraw does not save this metadata
    img = Image.open(imagename)
    metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(imagename)

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    # draw.text((x, y),"Sample Text",(r,g,b))
    draw.text(( x, y ), text, FOREGROUND, font=font)
    metadata.write()    # Write previously saved exif data to image file
    logging.info("Added %s Text [ %s ]", textColour, datetoprint)
    logging.info("%s" % imagename)

def postImageProcessing(numberon, counterstart, countermax, counter, recycle, counterpath, filename, daymode):
    # If required process text to display directly on image
    if (not motionVideoOn):
        rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()
        if showDateOnImage:
            dateTimeText = ("%04d%02d%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d"
                         % (rightNow.year, rightNow.month, rightNow.day, rightNow.hour, rightNow.minute, rightNow.second))
            if numberon:
                counterStr = "%i    "  % ( counter )
                imageText =  counterStr + dateTimeText
                imageText = dateTimeText
            # Now put the imageText on the current image
            writeTextToImage(filename, imageText, daymode)
        if createLockFile and motionOn:
    # Process currentCount for next image if number sequence is enabled
    if numberon:
        counter += 1
        if countermax > 0:
            if (counter > counterstart + countermax):
                if recycle:
                    counter = counterstart
                    logging.info("Exceeded Image Count numberMax=%i" % ( countermax ))
                    logging.info("Exiting %s" % progName)
        # write next image counter number to dat file
        writeCount = str(counter)
        if not os.path.exists(counterpath):
            logging.info("Create New Counter File writeCount=%s %s", writeCount, counterpath)
            open(counterpath, 'w').close()
        f = open(counterpath, 'w+')
        logging.info("Next Counter=%s %s", writeCount, counterpath)
    return counter

def getVideoName(path, prefix, numberon, counter):
    # build image file names by number sequence or date/time
    if numberon:
        if motionVideoOn or videoRepeatOn:
            filename = os.path.join(path, prefix + str(counter) + ".h264")
        if motionVideoOn or videoRepeatOn:
            rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()
            filename = ("%s/%s%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.h264"
                     % ( path, prefix ,rightNow.year, rightNow.month, rightNow.day, rightNow.hour, rightNow.minute, rightNow.second))
    return filename

def getImageName(path, prefix, numberon, counter):
    # build image file names by number sequence or date/time
    if numberon:
        filename = os.path.join(path, prefix + str(counter) + imageFormat)
        rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()
        filename = ("%s/%s%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d%s"
                 % ( path, prefix ,rightNow.year, rightNow.month, rightNow.day,
                    rightNow.hour, rightNow.minute, rightNow.second, imageFormat))
    return filename

def takeDayImage(filename, cam_sleep_time):
    # Take a Day image using exp=auto and awb=auto
    with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
        camera.resolution = (imageWidth, imageHeight)
        camera.framerate = 80
        camera.vflip = imageVFlip
        camera.hflip = imageHFlip
        camera.rotation = imageRotation # Valid values 0, 90, 180, 270
        # Day Automatic Mode
        camera.exposure_mode = 'auto'
        camera.awb_mode = 'auto'
        time.sleep(cam_sleep_time)   # use motion or TL camera sleep to get AWB
        if imagePreview:
        if imageFormat == ".jpg" :
            camera.capture(filename, use_video_port=useVideoPort, format='jpeg',quality=imageJpegQuality)
            camera.capture(filename, use_video_port=useVideoPort)
    logging.info("camSleepSec=%.2f exp=auto awb=auto Size=%ix%i "
              % ( cam_sleep_time, imageWidth, imageHeight ))
    if not showDateOnImage:   # showDateOnImage displays FilePath so avoid showing twice
        logging.info("FilePath  %s" % (filename))

def getShut(pxAve):
    px = pxAve + 1  # avoid division by zero
    offset = nightMaxShut - ((nightMaxShut / float(nightDarkThreshold) * px))
    brightness = offset * (1/float(nightDarkAdjust))
    shut = (nightMaxShut * (1 / float(px))) + brightness # hyperbolic curve + brightness adjust
    return int(shut)

def takeNightImage(filename):
    # Take low light Twilight or Night image
    dayStream = getStreamImage(True)  # Get a day image stream to calc pixAve below
    with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
        time.sleep(1.5)  # Wait for camera to warm up to reduce green tint images
        camera.resolution = (imageWidth, imageHeight)
        camera.vflip = imageVFlip
        camera.hflip = imageHFlip
        camera.rotation = imageRotation # valid values 0, 90, 180, 270
        dayPixAve = getStreamPixAve(dayStream)
        # Format common settings string
        settings = ("camSleepSec=%i MaxISO=%i Size=%ix%i"
                 % (nightSleepSec, nightMaxISO, imageWidth, imageHeight))

        if dayPixAve >= nightDarkThreshold:  # Twilight so use variable framerate_range
            logging.info("TwilightThresh=%i/%i shutSec=range %s"
                      % ( dayPixAve, nightTwilightThreshold, settings ))
            camera.framerate_range = (Fraction(1, 6), Fraction(30, 1))
            time.sleep(2) # Give camera time to measure AWB
            camera.iso = nightMaxISO
            camera.framerate = Fraction(1, 6) # Set the framerate to a fixed value
            time.sleep(1)  # short wait to allow framerate to settle
            if dayPixAve <= nightBlackThreshold:  # Black (Very Low Light) so Use Max Settings
                camShut = nightMaxShut
                logging.info("BlackThresh=%i/%i shutSec=%s %s"
                          % ( dayPixAve, nightBlackThreshold, shut2Sec(camShut), settings ))
                # Dark so calculate camShut exposure time based on dayPixAve light curve + brightness
                camShut = getShut(dayPixAve)
                if camShut > nightMaxShut:
                    camShut = nightMaxShut
                logging.info("DarkThresh=%i/%i shutSec=%s %s"
                          % ( dayPixAve, nightDarkThreshold, shut2Sec(camShut), settings ))
            camera.shutter_speed = camShut  # Set the shutter for long exposure
            camera.iso = nightMaxISO   # Set the ISO to a fixed value for long exposure
            time.sleep(nightSleepSec)  # Give camera a long time to calc Night Settings
        if imageFormat == ".jpg" :
    if not showDateOnImage:  # showDateOnImage displays FilePath so avoid showing twice
        logging.info("FilePath %s" % filename)

def takeQuickTimeLapse(moPath, imagePrefix, motionNumOn, motionNumCount, daymode, motionNumPath):
    logging.info("motion Quick Time Lapse for %i sec every %i sec" % (motionQuickTLTimer, motionQuickTLInterval))

    checkTimeLapseTimer = datetime.datetime.now()
    keepTakingImages = True
    filename = getImageName(moPath, imagePrefix, motionNumOn, motionNumCount)
    while keepTakingImages:
        yield filename
        rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()
        timelapseDiff = (rightNow - checkTimeLapseTimer).total_seconds()
        if timelapseDiff > motionQuickTLTimer:
            motionNumCount = postImageProcessing(motionNumOn, motionNumStart, motionNumMax, motionNumCount, motionNumRecycle, motionNumPath, filename, daymode)
            filename = getImageName(moPath, imagePrefix, motionNumOn, motionNumCount)

def takeVideo(filename, duration):
    # Take a short motion video if required
    logging.info("Start: Size %ix%i for %i sec to %s" % (imageWidth, imageHeight, duration, filename))
    if motionVideoOn or videoRepeatOn:
        with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
            camera.resolution = (imageWidth, imageHeight)
            camera.vflip = imageVFlip
            camera.hflip = imageHFlip
            camera.rotation = imageRotation # You can also use imageVFlip and imageHFlip variables
            if showDateOnImage:
                rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()
                dateTimeText = (" Started at %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d "
                             % (rightNow.year, rightNow.month, rightNow.day, rightNow.hour, rightNow.minute, rightNow.second))
                camera.annotate_text_size = showTextFontSize
                camera.annotate_foreground = picamera.Color('black')
                camera.annotate_background = picamera.Color('white')
                camera.annotate_text = dateTimeText
        # This creates a subprocess that runs convid.sh with the filename as a parameter
            convid = "%s/convid.sh %s" % ( baseDir, filename )
            proc = subprocess.Popen(convid, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=None,
                                                        stderr=None, close_fds=True)
        except IOError:
            logging.error("subprocess %s failed" %s ( convid ))
#        else:
#            logging.error("unidentified error")

def createSyncLockFile(imagefilename):
    # If required create a lock file to indicate file(s) to process
    if createLockFile:
        if not os.path.exists(lockFilePath):
            open(lockFilePath, 'w').close()
            logging.info("Create gdrive sync.sh Lock File %s", lockFilePath)
        rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()
        now = ("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d"
            % ( rightNow.year, rightNow.month, rightNow.day, rightNow.hour, rightNow.minute, rightNow.second ))
        filecontents = now + " createSyncLockFile - "  + imagefilename + " Ready to sync using sudo ./sync.sh command."
        f = open(lockFilePath, 'w+')

def getStreamImage(isDay):
    # Capture an image stream to memory based on daymode
    with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
        camera.resolution = (testWidth, testHeight)
        with picamera.array.PiRGBArray(camera) as stream:
            if isDay:
                camera.exposure_mode = 'auto'
                camera.awb_mode = 'auto'
                time.sleep(motionCamSleep)   # sleep so camera can get AWB
                # use variable framerate_range for Low Light motion image stream
                camera.framerate_range = (Fraction(1, 6), Fraction(30, 1))
                time.sleep(2) # Give camera time to measure AWB
                camera.iso = nightMaxISO
            camera.capture(stream, format='rgb', use_video_port=useVideoPort)
            return stream.array

def getStreamPixAve(streamData):
    # Calculate the average pixel values for the specified stream (used for determining day/night or twilight conditions)
    pixAverage = int(np.average(streamData[...,1]))
    return pixAverage

def checkIfDay(currentDayMode, dataStream):
    # Try to determine if it is day, night or twilight.
    dayPixAverage = 0
    if currentDayMode:
        dayPixAverage = getStreamPixAve(dataStream)
        dayStream = getStreamImage(True)
        dayPixAverage = getStreamPixAve(dayStream)

    if dayPixAverage > nightTwilightThreshold:
        currentDayMode = True
        currentDayMode = False
#   logging.info("daymode=%s dayPixAverage=%i" % (currentDayMode, dayPixAverage))
    return currentDayMode

def checkIfDayStream(currentDayMode, dataStream):
    # Try to determine if it is day, night or twilight.
    dayPixAverage = 0
    dayPixAverage = getStreamPixAve(dataStream)

    if dayPixAverage > nightTwilightThreshold:
        currentDayMode = True
        currentDayMode = False
#   logging.info("daymode=%s dayPixAverage=%i" % (currentDayMode, dayPixAverage))
    return currentDayMode

def timeToSleep(currentDayMode):
    if noNightShots:
       if currentDayMode:
    elif noDayShots:
        if currentDayMode:
    return sleepMode

def checkForTimelapse (timelapseStart):
    # Check if timelapse timer has expired
    rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()
    timeDiff = ( rightNow - timelapseStart).total_seconds()
    if timeDiff > timelapseTimer:
        timelapseStart = rightNow
        timelapseFound = True
        timelapseFound = False
    return timelapseFound

def checkForMotion(image1, image2):
    # Find motion between two data streams based on sensitivity and threshold
    motionDetected = False
    pixColor = 3 # red=0 green=1 blue=2 all=3  default=1
    if pixColor == 3:
        pixChanges = (np.absolute(image1-image2)>motionThreshold).sum()/3
        pixChanges = (np.absolute(image1[...,pixColor]-image2[...,pixColor])>motionThreshold).sum()
    if pixChanges > motionSensitivity:
        motionDetected = True
    if motionDetected:
        if motionDotsOn:
            dotCount = showDots(motionDotsMax + 2)      # New Line
        logging.info("Found Motion: Threshold=%s  Sensitivity=%s changes=%s",
                                   motionThreshold, motionSensitivity, pixChanges)
    return motionDetected

def dataLogger():
    # Replace main() with this function to log day/night pixAve to a file.
    # Note variable logDataToFile must be set to True in config.py
    # You may want to delete pi-timolo.log to clear old data.
    print("dataLogger - One Moment Please ....")
    while True:
        dayStream = getStreamImage(True)
        dayPixAverage = getStreamPixAve(dayStream)
        nightStream = getStreamImage(False)
        nightPixAverage = getStreamPixAve(nightStream)
        logging.info("nightPixAverage=%i dayPixAverage=%i nightTwilightThreshold=%i nightDarkThreshold=%i "
                  % (nightPixAverage, dayPixAverage, nightTwilightThreshold, nightDarkThreshold))

def Main():
    # Main program initialization and logic loop
    dotCount = 0   # Counter for showDots() display if not motion found (shows system is working)
    timelapseNumCount = 0
    motionNumCount = 0
    tlstr = ""  # Used to display if timelapse is selected
    mostr = ""  # Used to display if motion is selected
    moCnt = "non"
    tlCnt = "non"
    daymode = False   # Used to keep track of night and day based on dayPixAve
    forceMotion = False   # Used for forcing a motion image if no motion for motionForce time exceeded

    try:  #if motionAverage hasn't been included in config file (so it works with previous versions)
        global motionAverage
        if motionAverage > 1:
            resetSensitivity = motionSensitivity*150   # number of changed pixels to trigger reset of background average
            if resetSensitivity > testHeight*testWidth*2:
                resetSensitivity = testHeight*testWidth*2  #limit the resetSensitivity
            motionAverage = 1
    except NameError:
        motionAverage = 1
        global useVideoPort
        useVideoPort = useVideoPort
    except NameError:
        useVideoPort = False

    if timelapseOn:
        tlstr = "TimeLapse"
        # Check if timelapse subDirs reqd and create one if non exists
        tlPath = subDirChecks( timelapseSubDirMaxHours, timelapseSubDirMaxFiles,
                               timelapseDir, timelapsePrefix)
        if timelapseNumOn:
            timelapseNumCount = getCurrentCount(timelapseNumPath, timelapseNumStart)
            tlCnt = str(timelapseNumCount)
    if motionOn:
        mostr = "Motion Detect"
        # Check if motion subDirs reqd and create one if required if non exists
        moPath = subDirChecks( motionSubDirMaxHours, motionSubDirMaxFiles,
                               motionDir, motionPrefix)
        if motionNumOn:
            motionNumCount = getCurrentCount(motionNumPath, motionNumStart)
            moCnt = str(motionNumCount)
    if timelapseOn and motionOn:
        tlstr = " and " + tlstr
    displayInfo(moCnt, tlCnt)  # Display config.py settings

    if spaceTimerHrs > 0:
        lastSpaceCheck = datetime.datetime.now()

    if imageTestPrint:
        takeTestImage() # prints one image and exits if imageTestPrint = True in config.py

    if motionStreamOn:
        logging.info("Start PiVideoStream ....")
        vs = PiVideoStream().start()
        vs.camera.rotation = imageRotation
        vs.camera.hflip = imageHFlip
        vs.camera.vflip = imageVFlip
        image1 = vs.read()
        daymode = checkIfDayStream(daymode, image1)
        image2 = vs.read()        
        image1 = getStreamImage(True).astype(float)  #All functions should still work with float instead of int - just takes more memory
        daymode = checkIfDay(daymode, image1)
        logging.info("daymode=%s  motionDotsOn=%s " % ( daymode, motionDotsOn ))
        image2 = getStreamImage(daymode)  # initialise image2 to use in main loop

    if not daymode:
        image1 = image2.astype(float)

    timelapseStart = datetime.datetime.now()
    timelapseExitStart = timelapseStart
    checkMotionTimer = timelapseStart

    if logDataToFile:
        print("logDataToFile=%s Logging to Console Disabled." % ( logDataToFile))
        print("Sending Console Messages to %s" % (logFilePath))
        print("Entering Loop for %s%s" % (mostr, tlstr))
        logging.info("Entering Loop for %s%s  Please Wait ..." % (mostr, tlstr))

    dotCount = showDots(motionDotsMax)  # reset motion dots
    # Start main program loop here.  Use Ctl-C to exit if run from terminal session.
    while True:
        motionFound = False
        forceMotion = False
        if spaceTimerHrs > 0:  # if required check free disk space and delete older files (jpg)
            lastSpaceCheck = freeDiskSpaceCheck(lastSpaceCheck)

        # use image2 to check daymode as image1 may be average that changes slowly, and image1 may not be updated
        if motionStreamOn:
            if daymode != checkIfDayStream(daymode, image2):
                daymode = not daymode
                image2 = vs.read()
                image1 = image2
                image2 = vs.read()
            if daymode != checkIfDay(daymode, image2):  # if daymode has changed, reset background, to avoid false motion trigger
                daymode = not daymode
                image2 = getStreamImage(daymode)  #get new stream
                image1 = image2.astype(float)      #reset background
                image2 = getStreamImage(daymode)  # This gets the second stream of motion analysis
        rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()   # refresh rightNow time
        if not timeToSleep(daymode):  # Don't take images if noNightShots or noDayShots settings are valid
            if timelapseOn:
                takeTimeLapse = checkForTimelapse(timelapseStart)
                if takeTimeLapse and timelapseExitSec > 0:
                    timelapseStart = datetime.datetime.now()  # Reset timelapse timer
                    if ( datetime.datetime.now() - timelapseExitStart ).total_seconds() > timelapseExitSec:
                        logging.info("timelapseExitSec=%i Exceeded: Suppressing Further Timelapse Images" % ( timelapseExitSec ))
                        logging.info("To Reset: Restart pi-timolo.py to restart timelapseExitSec Timer.")
                        takeTimeLapse = False  # Suppress further timelapse images
                if (takeTimeLapse and timelapseNumOn and (not timelapseNumRecycle)):
                    timelapseStart = datetime.datetime.now()  # Reset timelapse timer
                    if timelapseNumCount >= (timelapseNumStart + timelapseNumMax):
                        logging.info("timelapseNumRecycle=%s and Counter=%i Exceeded: Surpressing Further Timelapse Images"
                              % ( timelapseNumRecycle, timelapseNumStart + timelapseNumMax  ))
                        logging.info("To Reset: Delete File %s and Restart pi-timolo.py" % timelapseNumPath )
                        takeTimeLapse = False  # Suppress further timelapse images
                if takeTimeLapse:
                    if motionDotsOn and motionOn:
                        dotCount = showDots(motionDotsMax + 2)  # reset motion dots
                    logging.info("Scheduled Time Lapse Image - daymode=%s", daymode)
                    imagePrefix = timelapsePrefix + imageNamePrefix
                    filename = getImageName(tlPath, imagePrefix, timelapseNumOn, timelapseNumCount)
                    if motionStreamOn:
                        logging.info("Stop PiVideoStream ...")
                    timelapseStart = datetime.datetime.now()  # reset time lapse timer
                    if daymode:
                        takeDayImage(filename, timelapseCamSleep)
                    timelapseNumCount = postImageProcessing(timelapseNumOn, timelapseNumStart, timelapseNumMax,
                                                            timelapseNumCount, timelapseNumRecycle,
                                                            timelapseNumPath, filename, daymode)
                    if timelapseRecentMax > 0:
                        saveRecent(timelapseRecentMax, timelapseRecentDir, filename, imagePrefix)

                    if timelapseMaxFiles > 0:
                        deleteOldFiles(timelapseMaxFiles, timelapseDir, imagePrefix)

                    dotCount = showDots(motionDotsMax)
                    if motionStreamOn:
                        logging.info("Restart PiVideoStream ...")
                        vs = PiVideoStream().start()
                        vs.camera.rotation = imageRotation
                        vs.camera.hflip = imageHFlip
                        vs.camera.vflip = imageVFlip
                        image1 = vs.read()
                        image2 = image1
                        motionFound = False
                        forceMotion = False
                    tlPath = subDirChecks( timelapseSubDirMaxHours, timelapseSubDirMaxFiles, timelapseDir, timelapsePrefix)

            if motionOn:
                # IMPORTANT - Night motion detection may not work very well due to long exposure times and low light
                motionFound = checkForMotion(image1, image2)
                if motionAverage > 1 and (np.absolute(image2-image1)>motionThreshold).sum() > resetSensitivity:
                    image1 = image2.astype(float)
                    image1 = image1+(image2-image1)/motionAverage
                rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()
                timeDiff = (rightNow - checkMotionTimer).total_seconds()
                if timeDiff > motionForce:
                    dotCount = showDots(motionDotsMax + 2)      # New Line
                    logging.info("No Motion Detected for %s minutes. Taking Forced Motion Image.", (motionForce / 60))
                    checkMotionTimer = rightNow
                    forceMotion = True
                if motionFound or forceMotion:
                    if motionStreamOn:
                        logging.info("Stop PiVideoStream ....")
                    checkMotionTimer = rightNow
                    if forceMotion:
                        forceMotion = False
                    imagePrefix = motionPrefix + imageNamePrefix
                    # check if motion Quick Time Lapse option is On.  This option supersedes motionVideoOn
                    if motionQuickTLOn and daymode:
                        filename = getImageName(moPath, imagePrefix, motionNumOn, motionNumCount)
                        with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
                            camera.resolution = (imageWidth, imageHeight)
                            camera.vflip = imageVFlip
                            camera.hflip = imageHFlip
                            camera.rotation = imageRotation # valid values 0, 90, 180, 270
                            # This uses yield to loop through time lapse sequence but does not seem to be faster due to writing images
                            camera.capture_sequence(takeQuickTimeLapse(moPath, imagePrefix, motionNumOn, motionNumCount, daymode, motionNumPath))
                            motionNumCount = getCurrentCount(motionNumPath, motionNumStart)
                        if motionVideoOn:
                            filename = getVideoName(motionPath, imagePrefix, motionNumOn, motionNumCount)
                            takeVideo(filename, motionVideoTimer)
                            filename = getImageName(moPath, imagePrefix, motionNumOn, motionNumCount)
                            if daymode:
                                takeDayImage(filename, motionCamSleep)
                        motionNumCount = postImageProcessing(motionNumOn, motionNumStart, motionNumMax,
                                                             motionNumCount, motionNumRecycle, motionNumPath,
                                                             filename, daymode)
                        if motionRecentMax > 0:
                            saveRecent(motionRecentMax, motionRecentDir, filename, imagePrefix)

                    if motionStreamOn:
                        logging.info("Restart PiVideoStream ...")
                        vs = PiVideoStream().start()
                        vs.camera.rotation = imageRotation
                        vs.camera.hflip = imageHFlip
                        vs.camera.vflip = imageVFlip
                        image1 = vs.read()
                        image2 = image1
                        motionFound = False
                        forceMotion = False
                    moPath = subDirChecks( motionSubDirMaxHours, motionSubDirMaxFiles, motionDir, motionPrefix)

                    if motionFound:
                        # =========================================================================
                        # Put your user code in userMotionCodeHere() function at top of this script
                        # =========================================================================
                        dotCount = showDots(motionDotsMax)
                    dotCount = showDots(dotCount)  # show progress dots when no motion found

def videoRepeat():
    if not os.path.isdir(videoPath):     # Check if folder exist and create if required
        logging.info("Create videoRepeat Folder %s", videoPath)
    print("VideoRepeat . videoRepeatOn=%s" % videoRepeatOn)
    print("   Info ..... Size=%ix%i  videoPrefix=%s  videoDuration=%i seconds" %
                       ( imageWidth, imageHeight, videoPrefix, videoDuration ))
    print("   Vid Path . videoPath=%s" % videoPath)
    print("   Timer .... videoTimer=%i minutes  0=Continuous" % ( videoTimer ))
    print("   Num Seq .. videoNumOn=%s  videoNumRecycle=%s  videoNumStart=%i  videoNumMax=%i 0=Continuous" %
                         ( videoNumOn, videoNumRecycle, videoNumStart, videoNumMax ))
    print("WARNING: videoRepeatOn=%s Suppresses TimeLapse and Motion Settings." % videoRepeatOn)

    videoStartTime = datetime.datetime.now()
    lastSpaceCheck = datetime.datetime.now()
    videoCount = 0
    videoNumCounter = videoNumStart
    keepRecording = True
    while keepRecording:
        # if required check free disk space and delete older files
        #  Set variables spaceFileExt='mp4' and spaceMediaDir= to appropriate folder path
        if spaceTimerHrs > 0:
            lastSpaceCheck = freeDiskSpaceCheck(lastSpaceCheck)
        filename = getVideoName(videoPath, videoPrefix, videoNumOn, videoNumCounter )
        takeVideo(filename, videoDuration)
        timeUsed = (datetime.datetime.now() - videoStartTime).total_seconds()
        timeRemaining = ( videoTimer*60 - timeUsed ) / 60.0
        videoCount += 1
        if videoNumOn:
            videoNumCounter += 1
            if videoNumMax > 0:
                if videoNumCounter - videoNumStart > videoNumMax:
                    if videoNumRecycle:
                        videoNumCounter = videoNumStart
                        logging.info("Restart Numbering: videoNumRecycle=%s and videoNumMax=%i Exceeded",
                                             videoNumRecycle, videoNumMax)
                        keepRecording = False
                        logging.info("Exit since videoNumRecycle=%s and videoNumMax=%i Exceeded  %i Videos Recorded",
                                             videoNumRecycle, videoNumMax, videoCount)
                logging.info("Recorded %i of %i Videos" % ( videoCount, videoNumMax))
                logging.info("Recorded %i Videos  videoNumMax=%i 0=Continuous" % (videoCount, videoNumMax))
            logging.info("Progress: %i Videos Recorded in Folder %s", videoCount, videoPath)

        if videoTimer > 0:
            if timeUsed > videoTimer * 60:
                keepRecording = False
                logging.info("Exit since videoTimer=%i minutes Exceeded", videoTimer)
                logging.info("Remaining Time %.1f of %i minutes", timeRemaining, videoTimer)
            videoStartTime = datetime.datetime.now()
    logging.info("Exit: %i Videos Recorded in Folder %s", videoCount, videoPath)

if __name__ == '__main__':
        if debug:
        elif videoRepeatOn:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("User Pressed Keyboard ctrl-c")
        print("%s %s - Exiting" % (progName, progVer))