#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    WiCC (Wifi Cracking Camp)
    GUI tool for wireless pentesting on WEP and WPA/WPA2 networks.
    Project developed by Pablo Sanz Alguacil, Miguel Yanes Fernández and Adan Chalkley,
    as the Group Project for the 3rd year of the Bachelor of Sicence in Computing in Digital Forensics and CyberSecurity
    at TU Dublin - Blanchardstown Campus
import tkinter as tk

class Splash:
    image_file = "resources/splash.png"
    width = 600
    height = 400

    def __init__(self):
        root = tk.Tk()
        # show no frame

        # get screen width and height
        ws = root.winfo_screenwidth()
        hs = root.winfo_screenheight()
        # calculate position x, y
        x = (ws / 2) - (self.width / 2)
        y = (hs / 2) - (self.height / 2)
        root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (self.width, self.height, x, y))

        image = tk.PhotoImage(file=self.image_file)
        canvas = tk.Canvas(root, height=self.height, width=self.width, bg="brown")
        canvas.create_image(self.width/2, self.height/2, image=image)

        root.after(2500, root.destroy)