"""Utilities for fitting modles.

import gc
from warnings import warn
import sys

from datetime import datetime
from docopt import docopt
from joblib import parallel_backend
import pandas
from sklearn.metrics import get_scorer
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

from .interfaces import annotate
from .util import apply_kwargs
from .util import args_from_config
from .util import initialize_config
from .util import logger
from .util import PluggableDecorator
from .util import timer

def _persist_model(model, model_persister, activate=True):
    metadata = {
        'train_timestamp': datetime.now().isoformat(),
    cv_results = getattr(model, 'cv_results_', None)
    if cv_results is not None:
        json_str = pandas.DataFrame(cv_results).to_json(orient='records')
        metadata['cv_results'] = json_str
    annotate(model, metadata)
    with timer(logger.info, "Writing model"):
        version = model_persister.write(model)
    logger.info("Wrote model with version {}.".format(version))
    if activate:

def fit(dataset_loader_train, model, model_persister, persist=True,
        activate=True, dataset_loader_test=None, evaluate=False,
        persist_if_better_than=None, scoring=None):

    if persist_if_better_than is not None:
        evaluate = True
        if dataset_loader_test is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "When using 'persist_if_better_than', make sure you also "
                "provide a 'dataset_loader_test'."

    if evaluate and not (hasattr(model, 'score') or scoring is not None):
        raise ValueError(
            "Your model doesn't seem to implement a 'score' method.  You may "
            "want to define a 'scoring' option in the configuration."

    if scoring is not None:
        scorer = get_scorer(scoring)
        def scorer(model, X, y):
            return model.score(X, y)

    with timer(logger.info, "Loading data"):
        X, y = dataset_loader_train()

    with timer(logger.info, "Fitting model"):
        model.fit(X, y)

    if evaluate:
        with timer(logger.debug, "Evaluating model on train set"):
            score_train = scorer(model, X, y)
            annotate(model, {'score_train': score_train})
            logger.info("Train score: {}".format(score_train))

    X, y = None, None

    score_test = None
    if evaluate and dataset_loader_test is not None:
        with timer(logger.info, "Loading test data"):
            X_test, y_test = dataset_loader_test()
        with timer(logger.debug, "Evaluating model on test set"):
            score_test = scorer(model, X_test, y_test)
            annotate(model, {'score_test': score_test})
            logger.info("Test score:  {}".format(score_test))

    if persist:
        if (persist_if_better_than is not None and
            score_test < persist_if_better_than):
            logger.info("Not persisting model that has a test score "
                        "{} < {}".format(score_test, persist_if_better_than))
            _persist_model(model, model_persister, activate=activate)

    return model

def fit_cmd(argv=sys.argv[1:]):  # pragma: no cover
Fit a model and save to database.

Will use 'dataset_loader_train', 'model', and 'model_perister' from
the configuration file, to load a dataset to train a model with, and
persist it.

  pld-fit [options]

  -n --no-save              Don't persist the fitted model to disk.

  --no-activate             Don't activate the fitted model.

  --save-if-better-than=<k> Persist only if test score better than given

  -e --evaluate             Evaluate fitted model on train and test set and
                            print out results.

  -h --help                 Show this screen.
    arguments = docopt(fit_cmd.__doc__, argv=argv)
    no_save = arguments['--no-save']
    no_activate = arguments['--no-activate']
    save_if_better_than = arguments['--save-if-better-than']
    evaluate = arguments['--evaluate'] or bool(save_if_better_than)
    if save_if_better_than is not None:
        save_if_better_than = float(save_if_better_than)
        persist=not no_save,
        activate=not no_activate,

def activate(model_persister, model_version):
    logger.info("Activated model with version {}.".format(model_version))

def delete(model_persister, model_version):
    logger.info("Deleted model with version {}.".format(model_version))

def admin_cmd(argv=sys.argv[1:]):  # pragma: no cover
Activate or delete models.

Models are usually made active right after fitting (see command
pld-fit).  The 'activate' command allows you to explicitly set the
currently active model.  Use 'pld-list' to get an overview of all
available models along with their version identifiers.

Deleting a model will simply remove it from the database.

  pld-admin activate <version> [options]
  pld-admin delete <version> [options]

  -h --help                 Show this screen.
    arguments = docopt(admin_cmd.__doc__, argv=argv)
    if arguments['activate']:
    elif arguments['delete']:

def with_parallel_backend(
    methods=('fit', 'predict', 'predict_proba'),
    def wrapper(func):
        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
            with parallel_backend(backend, **backend_params):
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapped

    for name in methods:
        setattr(estimator, name, wrapper(getattr(estimator, name)))
    return estimator

def grid_search(dataset_loader_train, model, grid_search, scoring=None,
                save_results=None, persist_best=False, model_persister=None):
    if persist_best and model_persister is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot persist the best model without a model_persister. Please "
            "specify one in your Palladium configuration file."

    with timer(logger.info, "Loading data"):
        X, y = dataset_loader_train()

    if isinstance(grid_search, dict):
        search_kwargs = {
            'refit': persist_best,

        cv = search_kwargs.get('cv', None)
        if callable(cv):
            search_kwargs['cv'] = apply_kwargs(cv, n=len(y), X=X, y=y)

        if 'scoring' in search_kwargs:
            if scoring is not None:
                raise ValueError("You cannot define 'scoring' in 'grid_search' "
                                 "and globally.")
            warn("Use of 'scoring' inside of 'grid_search' is deprecated. "
                 "To fix, move 'scoring' up to the top level of the configuration "
                 "dict.", DeprecationWarning)
            scoring = search_kwargs['scoring']
        elif scoring is not None:
            search_kwargs['scoring'] = scoring

        if not (hasattr(model, 'score') or scoring is not None):
            raise ValueError(
                "Your model doesn't seem to implement a 'score' method.  You may "
                "want to define a 'scoring' option in the configuration."

        search = GridSearchCV(model, **search_kwargs)
        search = grid_search

    with timer(logger.info, "Running grid search"):
        search.fit(X, y)

    results = pandas.DataFrame(search.cv_results_)
    pandas.options.display.max_rows = len(results)
    pandas.options.display.max_columns = len(results.columns)
    if 'rank_test_score' in results:
        results = results.sort_values('rank_test_score')
    if save_results:
        results.to_csv(save_results, index=False)
    if persist_best:
        _persist_model(search, model_persister, activate=True)
    return search

def grid_search_cmd(argv=sys.argv[1:]):  # pragma: no cover
Grid search parameters for the model.

Uses 'dataset_loader_train', 'model', and 'grid_search' from the
configuration to load a training dataset, and run a grid search on the
model using the grid of hyperparameters.

  pld-grid-search [options]

  --save-results=<fname>   Save results to CSV file
  --persist-best           Persist the best model from grid search
  -h --help                Show this screen.
    arguments = docopt(grid_search_cmd.__doc__, argv=argv)