import csv, json
from os.path import join

CSV_PATH = 'mappings_csv/'
GENERAL_USE_CSV = open(join(CSV_PATH, 'GeneralUse.csv'))
SPECIFIC_1_CSV = open(join(CSV_PATH, 'Specific_1.csv'))
SPECIFIC_USE_CSV = open(join(CSV_PATH, 'SpecificUs.csv'))

mappings = {}

def csv_to_json(mapping_name, csv_file):
    reader = csv.reader(csv_file)  # skip header row
    mappings[mapping_name] = {}
    for row in reader:
        # print row
        if row[1] != '' and row[2] != '':
            mappings[mapping_name][row[0]] = {
                'key1': row[1],
                'val1': row[2]
            if len(row) > 4:
                if row[3] != '' and row[4] != '':
                    mappings[mapping_name][row[0]]['key2'] = row[3];
                    mappings[mapping_name][row[0]]['val2'] = row[4]; 
            if len(row) > 6:
                if row[5] != '' and row[6] != '':
                    mappings[mapping_name][row[0]]['key3'] = row[5];
                    mappings[mapping_name][row[0]]['val3'] = row[6]; 
    # print mappings

csv_to_json('GeneralUse', GENERAL_USE_CSV)
csv_to_json('Specific_1', SPECIFIC_1_CSV)
csv_to_json('SpecificUs', SPECIFIC_USE_CSV)

# print json.dumps(mappings, indent=2)

def get_osm_tags(feature):
    osm_tags = {
        'building': 'yes'
    props = feature['properties']
    order = ['GeneralUse', 'Specific_1', 'SpecificUs']
    for o in order:
        if props.has_key(o) and props[o] is not None:
            if mappings[o].has_key(props[o]):
                key1 = mappings[o][props[o]]['key1']
                val1 = mappings[o][props[o]]['val1']
                osm_tags[key1] = val1
                if mappings[o][props[o]].has_key('key2'):
                  key2 = mappings[o][props[o]]['key2']
                  val2 = mappings[o][props[o]]['val2']
                  osm_tags[key2] = val2
                if mappings[o][props[o]].has_key('key3'):
                  key3 = mappings[o][props[o]]['key3']
                  val3 = mappings[o][props[o]]['val3']
                  osm_tags[key3] = val3
    return osm_tags