"""This module is used as a gateway to the OSC api."""
import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
import os.path
import shutil
import logging
import requests
import constants
import osc_api_config
from osc_api_config import OSCAPISubDomain
from osc_api_models import OSCSequence, OSCPhoto, OSCUser

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('osc_tools.osc_api_gateway')

def _upload_url(env: OSCAPISubDomain, resource: str) -> str:
    return _osc_url(env) + '/' + _version() + '/' + resource + '/'

def _osc_url(env: OSCAPISubDomain) -> str:
    base_url = __protocol() + env.value + __domain()
    return base_url

def __protocol() -> str:
    return osc_api_config.PROTOCOL

def __domain() -> str:
    return osc_api_config.DOMAIN

def _version() -> str:
    return osc_api_config.VERSION

def _website(url: str) -> str:
    return url.replace("-api", "").replace("api.", "")

class OSCApiMethods:
    """This is a factory class that creates API methods based on environment"""

    def sequence_create(cls, env: OSCAPISubDomain) -> str:
        """this method will return the link to sequence create method"""
        return _osc_url(env) + "/" + _version() + "/sequence/"

    def sequence_details(cls, env: OSCAPISubDomain) -> str:
        """this method will return the link to the sequence details method"""
        return _osc_url(env) + "/details"

    def user_sequences(cls, env: OSCAPISubDomain) -> str:
        """this method returns the urls to the list of sequences that
        belong to a user"""
        return _osc_url(env) + "/my-list"

    def resource(cls, env: OSCAPISubDomain, resource_name: str) -> str:
        """this method returns the url to a resource"""
        return _osc_url(env) + '/' + resource_name

    def photo_list(cls, env: OSCAPISubDomain) -> str:
        """this method returns photo list URL"""
        return _osc_url(env) + '/' + _version() + '/sequence/photo-list/'

    def video_upload(cls, env: OSCAPISubDomain) -> str:
        """this method returns video upload URL"""
        return _upload_url(env, 'video')

    def photo_upload(cls, env: OSCAPISubDomain) -> str:
        """this method returns photo upload URL"""
        return _upload_url(env, 'photo')

    def login(cls, env: OSCAPISubDomain, provider: str) -> str:
        """this method returns login URL"""
        if provider == "osm":
            return _osc_url(env) + '/auth/openstreetmap/client_auth'
        if provider == "google":
            return _osc_url(env) + '/auth/google/client_auth'
        if provider == "facebook":
            return _osc_url(env) + '/auth/facebook/client_auth'
        return None

    def finish_upload(cls, env: OSCAPISubDomain) -> str:
        """this method returns a finish upload url"""
        return _osc_url(env) + '/' + _version() + '/sequence/finished-uploading/'

class OSCApi:
    """This class is a gateway for the API"""

    def __init__(self, env: OSCAPISubDomain):
        self.environment = env

    def __upload_response_success(cls, response: requests.Response,
                                  upload_type: str,
                                  index: int) -> bool:
        if response is None:
            return False
        if response.status_code != 200:
            json_response = response.json()
            if "status" in json_response and \
                    "apiMessage" in json_response["status"] and \
                    "duplicate entry" in json_response["status"]["apiMessage"]:
                LOGGER.debug("Received duplicate %s index: %d", upload_type, index)
                return True
            LOGGER.debug("Failed to upload %s index: %d", upload_type, index)
            return False
        return True

    def _sequence_page(self, user_name, page) -> ([OSCSequence], Exception):
            parameters = {'ipp': 100,
                          'page': page,
                          'username': user_name}
            login_url = OSCApiMethods.user_sequences(self.environment)
            response = requests.post(url=login_url, data=parameters)
            json_response = response.json()

            sequences = []
            if 'currentPageItems' in json_response:
                items = json_response['currentPageItems']
                for item in items:
                    sequence = OSCSequence.sequence_from_json(item)

            return sequences, None
        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            return None, ex

    def authorized_user(self, provider: str, token: str, secret: str) -> (OSCUser, Exception):
        """This method will get a authorization token for OSC API"""
            data_access = {'request_token': token,
                           'secret_token': secret
            login_url = OSCApiMethods.login(self.environment, provider)
            response = requests.post(url=login_url, data=data_access)
            json_response = response.json()

            if 'osv' in json_response:
                osc_data = json_response['osv']
                user = OSCUser()
                missing_field = None
                if 'access_token' in osc_data:
                    user.access_token = osc_data['access_token']
                    missing_field = "access token"

                if 'id' in osc_data:
                    user.user_id = osc_data['id']
                    missing_field = "id"

                if 'username' in osc_data:
                    user.name = osc_data['username']
                    missing_field = "username"

                if 'full_name' in osc_data:
                    user.full_name = osc_data['full_name']
                    missing_field = "fullname"

                if missing_field is not None:
                    return None, Exception("OSC API bug. OSCUser missing " + missing_field)

                return None, Exception("OSC API bug. OSCUser missing username")

        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            return None, ex

        return user, None

    def get_photos(self, sequence_id: int) -> ([OSCPhoto], Exception):
        """this method will return a list of photo objects for a sequence id"""
            parameters = {'sequenceId': sequence_id}
            login_url = OSCApiMethods.photo_list(self.environment)
            response = requests.post(url=login_url, data=parameters)
            json_response = response.json()
            missing_field = None
            if 'osv' not in json_response:
                missing_field = "osv"
            elif 'photos' not in json_response['osv']:
                missing_field = "photos"
                photos = []
                photos_json = json_response['osv']['photos']
                for photo_json in photos_json:
                    photo = OSCPhoto.photo_from_json(photo_json)
                return photos, missing_field
        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            return [], ex
        return [], Exception("OSC API bug. OSCPhoto missing field:" + missing_field)

    def download_all_images(self, photo_list: [OSCPhoto],
                            track_path: str,
                            workers: int = 10):
        """This method will download all images to a path overriding or not the files at
        that path. By default this method uses 10 parallel workers."""
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
            loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
            futures = [
                                     self.get_image, photo, track_path, override)
                for photo in photo_list
            if not futures:


    def get_image(self, photo: OSCPhoto, path: str, override=False) -> Exception:
        """downloads the image at the path specified"""
        jpg_name = path + '/' + str(photo.sequence_index) + '.jpg'
        if not override and os.path.isfile(jpg_name):
            return None

            response = requests.get(OSCApiMethods.resource(self.environment,
            if response.status_code == 200:
                with open(jpg_name, 'wb') as file:
                    response.raw.decode_content = True
                    shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, file)
        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            return ex

        return None

    def user_sequences(self, user_name: str) -> ([OSCSequence], Exception):
        """get all tracks for a user id """
        LOGGER.debug("getting all sequences for user: %s", user_name)
            parameters = {'ipp': 100,
                          'page': 1,
                          'username': user_name}
            json_response = requests.post(url=OSCApiMethods.user_sequences(self.environment),

            if 'totalFilteredItems' not in json_response:
                return [], Exception("OSC API bug missing totalFilteredItems from response")

            total_items = int(json_response['totalFilteredItems'][0])
            pages_count = int(total_items / parameters['ipp']) + 1
            LOGGER.debug("all sequences count: %s pages count: %s",
                         str(total_items), str(pages_count))
            sequences = []
            if 'currentPageItems' in json_response:
                for item in json_response['currentPageItems']:

            with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
                loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
                futures = [
                                         self._sequence_page, user_name, page)
                    for page in range(2, pages_count + 1)
                if not futures:
                    return sequences, None

                done = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*futures))

                for sequence_page_return in done:
                    # sequence_page method will return a tuple the first element
                    # is a list of sequences
                    sequences = sequences + sequence_page_return[0]

                return sequences, None
        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            return None, ex

    def sequence_details(self, sequence_id: str) -> OSCSequence:
        """method that returns the details of a sequence from OSC API"""
            parameters = {'id': sequence_id
            response = requests.post(OSCApiMethods.sequence_details(self.environment),
            json_response = response.json()
            if 'osv' in json_response:
                osc_data = json_response['osv']
                sequence = OSCSequence.sequence_from_json(osc_data)
                sequence.online_id = sequence_id
                return sequence
        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            return ex

        return None

    def sequence_link(self, sequence) -> str:
        """This method will return a link to OSC website page displaying the sequence
        sent as parameter"""
        return _website(OSCApiMethods.sequence_details(self.environment)) + \
               "/" + str(sequence.online_id)

    def download_metadata(self, sequence: OSCSequence, path: str, override=False):
        """this method will download a metadata file of a sequence to the specified path.
        If there is a metadata file at that path by default no override will be made."""
        if sequence.metadata_url is None:
            return None
        metadata_path = path + "/track.txt"
        if not override and os.path.isfile(metadata_path):
            return None

            response = requests.get(OSCApiMethods.resource(self.environment,
            if response.status_code == 200:
                with open(metadata_path, 'wb') as file:
                    response.raw.decode_content = True
                    shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, file)
        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            return ex

        return None

    def create_sequence(self, sequence: OSCSequence, token: str) -> (int, Exception):
        """this method will create a online sequence from the current sequence and will return its
        id as a integer or a exception if fail"""
            parameters = {'uploadSource': 'Python',
                          'access_token': token,
                          'currentCoordinate': sequence.location()
            url = OSCApiMethods.sequence_create(self.environment)
            if sequence.metadata_url:
                load_data = {'metaData': (constants.METADATA_NAME,
                                          open(sequence.metadata_url, 'rb'),
                response = requests.post(url,
                response = requests.post(url, data=parameters)
            json_response = response.json()
            if 'osv' in json_response:
                osc_data = json_response["osv"]
                if "sequence" in osc_data:
                    sequence = OSCSequence.sequence_from_json(osc_data["sequence"])
                    return sequence.online_id, None
        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            return None, ex

        return None, None

    def finish_upload(self, sequence: OSCSequence, token: str) -> (bool, Exception):
        """this method must be called in order to signal that a sequence has no more data to be
            parameters = {'sequenceId': sequence.online_id,
                          'access_token': token}
            response = requests.post(OSCApiMethods.finish_upload(self.environment),
            json_response = response.json()
            if "status" not in json_response:
                # we don't have a proper status documentation
                return False, None
            return True, None
        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            return None, ex

        return None, None

    def upload_video(self, access_token,
                     video_path: str,
                     video_index) -> (bool, Exception):
        """This method will upload a video to OSC API"""
            parameters = {'access_token': access_token,
                          'sequenceId': sequence_id,
                          'sequenceIndex': video_index
            load_data = {'video': (os.path.basename(video_path),
                                   open(video_path, 'rb'),
            video_upload_url = OSCApiMethods.video_upload(self.environment)
            response = requests.post(video_upload_url,
            return OSCApi.__upload_response_success(response, "video", video_index), None
        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            LOGGER.debug("Received exception on video upload %s", str(ex))
            return False, ex

    def upload_photo(self, access_token,
                     photo: OSCPhoto,
                     photo_path: str) -> (bool, Exception):
        """This method will upload a photo to OSC API"""
            parameters = {'access_token': access_token,
                          'coordinate': str(photo.latitude) + "," + str(photo.longitude),
                          'sequenceId': sequence_id,
                          'sequenceIndex': photo.sequence_index
            if photo.compass:
                parameters["headers"] = photo.compass

            photo_upload_url = OSCApiMethods.photo_upload(self.environment)
            load_data = {'photo': (os.path.basename(photo.image_name),
                                   open(photo_path, 'rb'),
            response = requests.post(photo_upload_url,
            return OSCApi.__upload_response_success(response, "photo", photo.sequence_index), None
        except requests.RequestException as ex:
            LOGGER.debug("Received exception on photo upload %s", str(ex))
            return False, ex