# Project: squeezeDetOnKeras
# Filename: squeezeDet
# Author: Christopher Ehmann
# Date: 28.11.17
# Organisation: searchInk
# Email: christopher@searchink.com

from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input, MaxPool2D,  Conv2D, Dropout, concatenate, Reshape, Lambda, AveragePooling2D
from keras import backend as K
from keras.initializers import TruncatedNormal
from keras.regularizers import l2
import main.utils.utils as utils
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

#class that wraps config and model
class SqueezeDet():
    #initialize model from config file
    def __init__(self, config):
        """Init of SqueezeDet Class
            config {[type]} -- dict containing hyperparameters for network building

        #hyperparameter config file
        self.config = config
        #create Keras model
        self.model = self._create_model()

    #creates keras model
    def _create_model(self):
        #builds the Keras model from config
        #return: squeezeDet in Keras
        input_layer = Input(shape=( self.config.IMAGE_HEIGHT, self.config.IMAGE_WIDTH, self.config.N_CHANNELS), name="input")

        conv1 = Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding="SAME", activation='relu',
                       use_bias=True, kernel_initializer=TruncatedNormal(stddev=0.001),

        pool1 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(3,3), strides=(2, 2), padding='SAME', name="pool1")(conv1)

        fire2 = self._fire_layer(name="fire2", input = pool1, s1x1=16, e1x1=64, e3x3=64)

        fire3 = self._fire_layer(
            'fire3', fire2, s1x1=16, e1x1=64, e3x3=64)
        pool3 = MaxPool2D(
            pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding='SAME', name='pool3')(fire3)

        fire4 = self._fire_layer(
            'fire4', pool3, s1x1=32, e1x1=128, e3x3=128)
        fire5 = self._fire_layer(
            'fire5', fire4, s1x1=32, e1x1=128, e3x3=128)

        pool5 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding='SAME', name="pool5")(fire5)

        fire6 = self._fire_layer(
            'fire6', pool5, s1x1=48, e1x1=192, e3x3=192)
        fire7 = self._fire_layer(
            'fire7', fire6, s1x1=48, e1x1=192, e3x3=192)
        fire8 = self._fire_layer(
            'fire8', fire7, s1x1=64, e1x1=256, e3x3=256)
        fire9 = self._fire_layer(
            'fire9', fire8, s1x1=64, e1x1=256, e3x3=256)

        # Two extra fire modules that are not trained before
        fire10 = self._fire_layer(
            'fire10', fire9, s1x1=96, e1x1=384, e3x3=384)
        fire11 = self._fire_layer(
            'fire11', fire10, s1x1=96, e1x1=384, e3x3=384)

        dropout11 = Dropout( rate=self.config.KEEP_PROB, name='drop11')(fire11)

        #compute the number of output nodes from number of anchors, classes, confidence score and bounding box corners
        num_output = self.config.ANCHOR_PER_GRID * (self.config.CLASSES + 1 + 4)

        preds = Conv2D(
            name='conv12', filters=num_output, kernel_size=(3, 3), strides=(1, 1), activation=None, padding="SAME",
            use_bias=True, kernel_initializer=TruncatedNormal(stddev=0.001),

        pred_reshaped = Reshape((self.config.ANCHORS, -1))(preds)

        #pad for loss function so y_pred and y_true have the same dimensions, wrap in lambda layer
        pred_padded = Lambda(self._pad)( pred_reshaped)

        model = Model(inputs=input_layer, outputs=pred_padded)

        return model

    def _fire_layer(self, name, input, s1x1, e1x1, e3x3, stdd=0.01):
            wrapper for fire layer constructions

            :param name: name for layer
            :param input: previous layer
            :param s1x1: number of filters for squeezing
            :param e1x1: number of filter for expand 1x1
            :param e3x3: number of filter for expand 3x3
            :param stdd: standard deviation used for intialization
            :return: a keras fire layer

            sq1x1 = Conv2D(
                name = name + '/squeeze1x1', filters=s1x1, kernel_size=(1, 1), strides=(1, 1), use_bias=True,
                padding='SAME', kernel_initializer=TruncatedNormal(stddev=stdd), activation="relu",

            ex1x1 = Conv2D(
                name = name + '/expand1x1', filters=e1x1, kernel_size=(1, 1), strides=(1, 1), use_bias=True,
                padding='SAME',  kernel_initializer=TruncatedNormal(stddev=stdd), activation="relu",

            ex3x3 = Conv2D(
                name = name + '/expand3x3',  filters=e3x3, kernel_size=(3, 3), strides=(1, 1), use_bias=True,
                padding='SAME', kernel_initializer=TruncatedNormal(stddev=stdd), activation="relu",

            return concatenate([ex1x1, ex3x3], axis=3)

    #wrapper for padding, written in tensorflow. If you want to change to theano you need to rewrite this!
    def _pad(self, input):
        pads the network output so y_pred and y_true have the same dimensions
        :param input: previous layer
        :return: layer, last dimensions padded for 4

        #pad = K.placeholder( (None,self.config.ANCHORS, 4))

        #pad = np.zeros ((self.config.BATCH_SIZE,self.config.ANCHORS, 4))
        #return K.concatenate( [input, pad], axis=-1)

        padding = np.zeros((3,2))
        padding[2,1] = 4
        return tf.pad(input, padding ,"CONSTANT")

    #loss function to optimize
    def loss(self, y_true, y_pred):
        squeezeDet loss function for object detection and classification
        :param y_true: ground truth with shape [batchsize, #anchors, classes+8+labels]
        :param y_pred:
        :return: a tensor of the total loss

        #handle for config
        mc = self.config

        #slice y_true
        input_mask = y_true[:, :, 0]
        input_mask = K.expand_dims(input_mask, axis=-1)
        box_input = y_true[:, :, 1:5]
        box_delta_input = y_true[:, :, 5:9]
        labels = y_true[:, :, 9:]

        #number of objects. Used to normalize bbox and classification loss
        num_objects = K.sum(input_mask)

        #before computing the losses we need to slice the network outputs
        pred_class_probs, pred_conf, pred_box_delta = utils.slice_predictions(y_pred, mc)

        #compute boxes
        det_boxes = utils.boxes_from_deltas(pred_box_delta, mc)

        #again unstack is not avaible in pure keras backend
        unstacked_boxes_pred = []
        unstacked_boxes_input = []

        for i in range(4):
            unstacked_boxes_pred.append(det_boxes[:, :, i])
            unstacked_boxes_input.append(box_input[:, :, i])

        #compute the ious
        ious = utils.tensor_iou(utils.bbox_transform(unstacked_boxes_pred),

        #compute class loss,add a small value into log to prevent blowing up
        class_loss = K.sum(labels * (-K.log(pred_class_probs + mc.EPSILON))
                 + (1 - labels) * (-K.log(1 - pred_class_probs + mc.EPSILON))
                * input_mask * mc.LOSS_COEF_CLASS) / num_objects

        #bounding box loss
        bbox_loss = (K.sum(mc.LOSS_COEF_BBOX * K.square(input_mask * (pred_box_delta - box_delta_input))) / num_objects)

        #reshape input for correct broadcasting
        input_mask = K.reshape(input_mask, [mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.ANCHORS])

        #confidence score loss
        conf_loss = K.mean(
                K.square((ious - pred_conf))
                * (input_mask * mc.LOSS_COEF_CONF_POS / num_objects
                   + (1 - input_mask) * mc.LOSS_COEF_CONF_NEG / (mc.ANCHORS - num_objects)),

        # add above losses
        total_loss = class_loss + conf_loss + bbox_loss

        return total_loss

    #the sublosses, to be used as metrics during training

    def bbox_loss(self, y_true, y_pred):
        squeezeDet loss function for object detection and classification
        :param y_true: ground truth with shape [batchsize, #anchors, classes+8+labels]
        :param y_pred:
        :return: a tensor of the bbox loss

        #handle for config
        mc = self.config

        #calculate non padded entries
        n_outputs = mc.CLASSES + 1 + 4

        #slice and reshape network output
        y_pred = y_pred[:, :, 0:n_outputs]
        y_pred = K.reshape(y_pred, (mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.N_ANCHORS_HEIGHT, mc.N_ANCHORS_WIDTH, -1))

        #slice y_true
        input_mask = y_true[:, :, 0]
        input_mask = K.expand_dims(input_mask, axis=-1)
        box_delta_input = y_true[:, :, 5:9]

        #number of objects. Used to normalize bbox and classification loss
        num_objects = K.sum(input_mask)

        #before computing the losses we need to slice the network outputs

        #number of class probabilities, n classes for each anchor
        num_class_probs = mc.ANCHOR_PER_GRID * mc.CLASSES

        #number of confidence scores, one for each anchor + class probs
        num_confidence_scores = mc.ANCHOR_PER_GRID+num_class_probs

        #slice the confidence scores and put them trough a sigmoid for probabilities
        pred_conf = K.sigmoid(
                  y_pred[:, :, :, num_class_probs:num_confidence_scores],
                  [mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.ANCHORS]

        #slice remaining bounding box_deltas
        pred_box_delta = K.reshape(
              y_pred[:, :, :, num_confidence_scores:],
              [mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.ANCHORS, 4]

        # cross-entropy: q * -log(p) + (1-q) * -log(1-p)
        # add a small value into log to prevent blowing up

        #bounding box loss
        bbox_loss = (K.sum(mc.LOSS_COEF_BBOX * K.square(input_mask * (pred_box_delta - box_delta_input))) / num_objects)

        return bbox_loss

    def conf_loss(self, y_true, y_pred):
        squeezeDet loss function for object detection and classification
        :param y_true: ground truth with shape [batchsize, #anchors, classes+8+labels]
        :param y_pred:
        :return: a tensor of the conf loss

        #handle for config
        mc = self.config

        #calculate non padded entries
        n_outputs = mc.CLASSES + 1 + 4

        #slice and reshape network output
        y_pred = y_pred[:, :, 0:n_outputs]
        y_pred = K.reshape(y_pred, (mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.N_ANCHORS_HEIGHT, mc.N_ANCHORS_WIDTH, -1))

        #slice y_true
        input_mask = y_true[:, :, 0]
        input_mask = K.expand_dims(input_mask, axis=-1)
        box_input = y_true[:, :, 1:5]

        #number of objects. Used to normalize bbox and classification loss
        num_objects = K.sum(input_mask)

        #before computing the losses we need to slice the network outputs

        #number of class probabilities, n classes for each anchor
        num_class_probs = mc.ANCHOR_PER_GRID * mc.CLASSES

        #number of confidence scores, one for each anchor + class probs
        num_confidence_scores = mc.ANCHOR_PER_GRID+num_class_probs

        #slice the confidence scores and put them trough a sigmoid for probabilities
        pred_conf = K.sigmoid(
                  y_pred[:, :, :, num_class_probs:num_confidence_scores],
                  [mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.ANCHORS]

        #slice remaining bounding box_deltas
        pred_box_delta = K.reshape(
              y_pred[:, :, :, num_confidence_scores:],
              [mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.ANCHORS, 4]

        #compute boxes
        det_boxes = utils.boxes_from_deltas(pred_box_delta, mc)

        #again unstack is not avaible in pure keras backend
        unstacked_boxes_pred = []
        unstacked_boxes_input = []

        for i in range(4):
            unstacked_boxes_pred.append(det_boxes[:, :, i])
            unstacked_boxes_input.append(box_input[:, :, i])

        #compute the ious
        ious = utils.tensor_iou(utils.bbox_transform(unstacked_boxes_pred),

        #reshape input for correct broadcasting
        input_mask = K.reshape(input_mask, [mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.ANCHORS])

        #confidence score loss
        conf_loss = K.mean(
                K.square((ious - pred_conf))
                * (input_mask * mc.LOSS_COEF_CONF_POS / num_objects
                   + (1 - input_mask) * mc.LOSS_COEF_CONF_NEG / (mc.ANCHORS - num_objects)),

        return conf_loss

    def class_loss(self, y_true, y_pred):
        squeezeDet loss function for object detection and classification
        :param y_true: ground truth with shape [batchsize, #anchors, classes+8+labels]
        :param y_pred:
        :return: a tensor of the class loss

        #handle for config
        mc = self.config

        #calculate non padded entries
        n_outputs = mc.CLASSES + 1 + 4

        #slice and reshape network output
        y_pred = y_pred[:, :, 0:n_outputs]
        y_pred = K.reshape(y_pred, (mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.N_ANCHORS_HEIGHT, mc.N_ANCHORS_WIDTH, -1))

        #slice y_true
        input_mask = y_true[:, :, 0]
        input_mask = K.expand_dims(input_mask, axis=-1)
        labels = y_true[:, :, 9:]

        #number of objects. Used to normalize bbox and classification loss
        num_objects = K.sum(input_mask)

        #before computing the losses we need to slice the network outputs

        #number of class probabilities, n classes for each anchor
        num_class_probs = mc.ANCHOR_PER_GRID * mc.CLASSES

        #slice pred tensor to extract class pred scores and then normalize them
        pred_class_probs = K.reshape(
                    y_pred[:, :, :, :num_class_probs],
                    [-1, mc.CLASSES]
            [mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.ANCHORS, mc.CLASSES],

        # cross-entropy: q * -log(p) + (1-q) * -log(1-p)
        # add a small value into log to prevent blowing up

        #compute class loss
        class_loss = K.sum((labels * (-K.log(pred_class_probs + mc.EPSILON))
                 + (1 - labels) * (-K.log(1 - pred_class_probs + mc.EPSILON)))
                * input_mask * mc.LOSS_COEF_CLASS) / num_objects

        return class_loss

    #loss function again, used for metrics to show loss without regularization cost, just of copy of the original loss
    def loss_without_regularization(self, y_true, y_pred):
        squeezeDet loss function for object detection and classification
        :param y_true: ground truth with shape [batchsize, #anchors, classes+8+labels]
        :param y_pred:
        :return: a tensor of the total loss

        #handle for config
        mc = self.config

        #slice y_true
        input_mask = y_true[:, :, 0]
        input_mask = K.expand_dims(input_mask, axis=-1)
        box_input = y_true[:, :, 1:5]
        box_delta_input = y_true[:, :, 5:9]
        labels = y_true[:, :, 9:]

        #number of objects. Used to normalize bbox and classification loss
        num_objects = K.sum(input_mask)

        #before computing the losses we need to slice the network outputs

        pred_class_probs, pred_conf, pred_box_delta = utils.slice_predictions(y_pred, mc)

        #compute boxes
        det_boxes = utils.boxes_from_deltas(pred_box_delta, mc)

        #again unstack is not avaible in pure keras backend
        unstacked_boxes_pred = []
        unstacked_boxes_input = []

        for i in range(4):
            unstacked_boxes_pred.append(det_boxes[:, :, i])
            unstacked_boxes_input.append(box_input[:, :, i])

        #compute the ious
        ious = utils.tensor_iou(utils.bbox_transform(unstacked_boxes_pred),

        # cross-entropy: q * -log(p) + (1-q) * -log(1-p)
        # add a small value into log to prevent blowing up

        #compute class loss
        class_loss = K.sum(labels * (-K.log(pred_class_probs + mc.EPSILON))
                 + (1 - labels) * (-K.log(1 - pred_class_probs + mc.EPSILON))
                * input_mask * mc.LOSS_COEF_CLASS) / num_objects

        #bounding box loss
        bbox_loss = (K.sum(mc.LOSS_COEF_BBOX * K.square(input_mask * (pred_box_delta - box_delta_input))) / num_objects)

        #reshape input for correct broadcasting
        input_mask = K.reshape(input_mask, [mc.BATCH_SIZE, mc.ANCHORS])

        #confidence score loss
        conf_loss = K.mean(
                K.square((ious - pred_conf))
                * (input_mask * mc.LOSS_COEF_CONF_POS / num_objects
                   + (1 - input_mask) * mc.LOSS_COEF_CONF_NEG / (mc.ANCHORS - num_objects)),

        # add above losses 
        total_loss = class_loss + conf_loss + bbox_loss

        return total_loss