#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017 @x0rz
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Usage:
# python tweets_analyzer.py -n screen_name
# Install:
# pip install tweepy ascii_graph tqdm numpy

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from ascii_graph import Pyasciigraph
from ascii_graph.colors import Gre, Yel, Red
from ascii_graph.colordata import hcolor
from tqdm import tqdm
import tweepy
import numpy
import argparse
import collections
import datetime

__version__ = '0.2-dev'

    from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse

from twittersecrets import consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret

if consumer_key == "XXX" or consumer_secret == "XXX" or access_token == "XXX" or access_token_secret == "XXX":
    print("Please fill in the modules/twittersecrets.py for access twitter api")

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
    "Simple Twitter Profile Analyzer (https://github.com/x0rz/tweets_analyzer) version %s" % __version__,
                                 usage='%(prog)s -n <screen_name> [options]')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--limit', metavar='N', type=int, default=1000,
                    help='limit the number of tweets to retreive (default=1000)')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', required=True, metavar="screen_name",
                    help='target screen_name')

parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', help='filter by source (ex. -f android will get android tweets only)')

parser.add_argument('--no-timezone', action='store_true',
                    help='removes the timezone auto-adjustment (default is UTC)')

parser.add_argument('--utc-offset', type=int,
                    help='manually apply a timezone offset (in seconds)')

parser.add_argument('--friends', action='store_true',
                    help='will perform quick friends analysis based on lang and timezone (rate limit = 15 requests)')

args = parser.parse_args()

# Here are globals used to store data - I know it's dirty, whatever
start_date = 0
end_date = 0

activity_hourly = {
    ("%2i:00" % i).replace(" ", "0"): 0 for i in range(24)

activity_weekly = {
    "%i" % i: 0 for i in range(7)

detected_langs = collections.Counter()
detected_sources = collections.Counter()
detected_places = collections.Counter()
geo_enabled_tweets = 0
detected_hashtags = collections.Counter()
detected_domains = collections.Counter()
detected_timezones = collections.Counter()
retweets = 0
retweeted_users = collections.Counter()
mentioned_users = collections.Counter()
id_screen_names = {}
friends_timezone = collections.Counter()
friends_lang = collections.Counter()

def process_tweet(tweet):
    """ Processing a single Tweet and updating our datasets """
    global start_date
    global end_date
    global geo_enabled_tweets
    global retweets

    # Check for filters before processing any further
    if args.filter and tweet.source:
        if not args.filter.lower() in tweet.source.lower():

    tw_date = tweet.created_at

    # Updating most recent tweet
    end_date = end_date or tw_date
    start_date = tw_date

    # Handling retweets
        # We use id to get unique accounts (screen_name can be changed)
        rt_id_user = tweet.retweeted_status.user.id_str
        retweeted_users[rt_id_user] += 1

        if tweet.retweeted_status.user.screen_name not in id_screen_names:
            id_screen_names[rt_id_user] = "@%s" % tweet.retweeted_status.user.screen_name

        retweets += 1

    # Adding timezone from profile offset to set to local hours
    if tweet.user.utc_offset and not args.no_timezone:
        tw_date = (tweet.created_at + datetime.timedelta(seconds=tweet.user.utc_offset))

    if args.utc_offset:
        tw_date = (tweet.created_at + datetime.timedelta(seconds=args.utc_offset))

    # Updating our activity datasets (distribution maps)
    activity_hourly["%s:00" % str(tw_date.hour).zfill(2)] += 1
    activity_weekly[str(tw_date.weekday())] += 1

    # Updating langs
    detected_langs[tweet.lang] += 1

    # Updating sources
    detected_sources[tweet.source] += 1

    # Detecting geolocation
    if tweet.place:
        geo_enabled_tweets += 1
        tweet.place.name = tweet.place.name
        detected_places[tweet.place.name] += 1

    # Updating hashtags list
    if tweet.entities['hashtags']:
        for ht in tweet.entities['hashtags']:
            ht['text'] = "#%s" % ht['text']
            detected_hashtags[ht['text']] += 1

    # Updating domains list
    if tweet.entities['urls']:
        for url in tweet.entities['urls']:
            domain = urlparse(url['expanded_url']).netloc
            if domain != "twitter.com":  # removing twitter.com from domains (not very relevant)
                detected_domains[domain] += 1

    # Updating mentioned users list
    if tweet.entities['user_mentions']:
        for ht in tweet.entities['user_mentions']:
            mentioned_users[ht['id_str']] += 1
            if not ht['screen_name'] in id_screen_names:
                id_screen_names[ht['id_str']] = "@%s" % ht['screen_name']

def process_friend(friend):
    """ Process a single friend """
    friends_lang[friend.lang] += 1 # Getting friend language & timezone
    if friend.time_zone:
        friends_timezone[friend.time_zone] += 1

def get_friends(api, username, limit):
    """ Download friends and process them """
    for friend in tqdm(tweepy.Cursor(api.friends, screen_name=username).items(limit), unit="friends", total=limit):

def get_tweets(api, username, limit):
    """ Download Tweets from username account """
    for status in tqdm(tweepy.Cursor(api.user_timeline, screen_name=username).items(limit),
                       unit="tw", total=limit):

def int_to_weekday(day):
    weekdays = "Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday".split()
    return weekdays[int(day) % len(weekdays)]

def print_stats(dataset, top=5):
    """ Displays top values by order """
    sum = numpy.sum(list(dataset.values()))
    i = 0
    if sum:
        sorted_keys = sorted(dataset, key=dataset.get, reverse=True)
        max_len_key = max([len(x) for x in sorted_keys][:top])  # use to adjust column width
        for k in sorted_keys:
                print(("- \033[1m{:<%d}\033[0m {:>6} {:<4}" % max_len_key)
                      .format(k, dataset[k], "(%d%%)" % ((float(dataset[k]) / sum) * 100)))
                import ipdb
            i += 1
            if i >= top:
        print("No data")

def print_charts(dataset, title, weekday=False):
    """ Prints nice charts based on a dict {(key, value), ...} """
    chart = []
    keys = sorted(dataset.keys())
    mean = numpy.mean(list(dataset.values()))
    median = numpy.median(list(dataset.values()))

    for key in keys:
        if (dataset[key] >= median * 1.33):
            displayed_key = "%s (\033[92m+\033[0m)" % (int_to_weekday(key) if weekday else key)
        elif (dataset[key] <= median * 0.66):
            displayed_key = "%s (\033[91m-\033[0m)" % (int_to_weekday(key) if weekday else key)
            displayed_key = (int_to_weekday(key) if weekday else key)

        chart.append((displayed_key, dataset[key]))

    thresholds = {
        int(mean): Gre, int(mean * 2): Yel, int(mean * 3): Red,
    data = hcolor(chart, thresholds)

    graph = Pyasciigraph(

    for line in graph.graph(title, data):

def main():
    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
    auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
    twitter_api = tweepy.API(auth)

    # Getting general account's metadata
    print("[+] Getting @%s account data..." % args.name)
    user_info = twitter_api.get_user(screen_name=args.name)

    print("[+] lang           : \033[1m%s\033[0m" % user_info.lang)
    print("[+] geo_enabled    : \033[1m%s\033[0m" % user_info.geo_enabled)
    print("[+] time_zone      : \033[1m%s\033[0m" % user_info.time_zone)
    print("[+] utc_offset     : \033[1m%s\033[0m" % user_info.utc_offset)

    if user_info.utc_offset is None:
        print("[\033[91m!\033[0m] Can't get specific timezone for this user")

    if args.utc_offset:
        print("[\033[91m!\033[0m] Applying timezone offset %d (--utc-offset)" % args.utc_offset)

    print("[+] statuses_count : \033[1m%s\033[0m" % user_info.statuses_count)

    # Will retreive all Tweets from account (or max limit)
    num_tweets = numpy.amin([args.limit, user_info.statuses_count])
    print("[+] Retrieving last %d tweets..." % num_tweets)

    # Download tweets
    get_tweets(twitter_api, args.name, limit=num_tweets)
    print("[+] Downloaded %d tweets from %s to %s (%d days)" % (num_tweets, start_date, end_date, (end_date - start_date).days))

    # Checking if we have enough data (considering it's good to have at least 30 days of data)
    if (end_date - start_date).days < 30 and (num_tweets < user_info.statuses_count):
         print("[\033[91m!\033[0m] Looks like we do not have enough tweets from user, you should consider retrying (--limit)")

    if (end_date - start_date).days != 0:
        print("[+] Average number of tweets per day: \033[1m%.1f\033[0m" % (num_tweets / float((end_date - start_date).days)))

    # Print activity distrubution charts
    print_charts(activity_hourly, "Daily activity distribution (per hour)")
    print_charts(activity_weekly, "Weekly activity distribution (per day)", weekday=True)

    print("[+] Detected languages (top 5)")

    print("[+] Detected sources (top 10)")
    print_stats(detected_sources, top=10)

    print("[+] There are \033[1m%d\033[0m geo enabled tweet(s)" % geo_enabled_tweets)
    if len(detected_places) != 0:
        print("[+] Detected places (top 10)")
        print_stats(detected_places, top=10)

    print("[+] Top 10 hashtags")
    print_stats(detected_hashtags, top=10)

    print("[+] @%s did \033[1m%d\033[0m RTs out of %d tweets (%.1f%%)" % (args.name, retweets, num_tweets, (float(retweets) * 100 / num_tweets)))

    # Converting users id to screen_names
    retweeted_users_names = {}
    for k in retweeted_users.keys():
        retweeted_users_names[id_screen_names[k]] = retweeted_users[k]

    print("[+] Top 5 most retweeted users")
    print_stats(retweeted_users_names, top=5)

    mentioned_users_names = {}
    for k in mentioned_users.keys():
        mentioned_users_names[id_screen_names[k]] = mentioned_users[k]
    print("[+] Top 5 most mentioned users")
    print_stats(mentioned_users_names, top=5)

    print("[+] Most referenced domains (from URLs)")
    print_stats(detected_domains, top=6)

    if args.friends:
        max_friends = numpy.amin([user_info.friends_count, 300])
        print("[+] Getting %d @%s's friends data..." % (max_friends, args.name))
            get_friends(twitter_api, args.name, limit=max_friends)
        except tweepy.error.TweepError as e:
            if e[0][0]['code'] == 88:
                print("[\033[91m!\033[0m] Rate limit exceeded to get friends data, you should retry in 15 minutes")

        print("[+] Friends languages")
        print_stats(friends_lang, top=6)

        print("[+] Friends timezones")
        print_stats(friends_timezone, top=8)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except tweepy.error.TweepError as e:
        print("[\033[91m!\033[0m] Twitter error: %s" % e)
    except Exception as e:
        print("[\033[91m!\033[0m] Error: %s" % e)