# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# TR-069 has mandatory attribute names that don't comply with policy
#pylint: disable-msg=C6409
#pylint: disable-msg=W0404
"""Implement the inner handling for tr-98/181 ManagementServer."""

__author__ = 'dgentry@google.com (Denton Gentry)'

import copy
import datetime
import math
import random
import re
import socket
import time
import urlparse

import google3
import tornado.ioloop
import cwmpbool
import cwmpdate

# Allow unit tests to override with a mock
PERIODIC_CALLBACK = tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback

class DefaultSetAcsUrl(object):
  def SetAcsUrl(self, url):
    return False

class ServerParameters(object):
  """Class to hold parameters of CpeManagementServer."""
  def __init__(self):
    self.CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval = 5
    self.CWMPRetryIntervalMultiplier = 2000
    # The default password is trivial. In the initial Inform exchange
    # the ACS generally sets ConnectionRequest{Username,Password}
    # to values which only it knows. If something goes wrong, we want
    # the password to be well known so the ACS can wake us up and
    # try again.
    self.ConnectionRequestPassword = 'cwmp'
    self.ConnectionRequestUsername = 'cwmpadminpass'
    self.DefaultActiveNotificationThrottle = 0
    self.EnableCWMP = True
    self._PeriodicInformEnable = True
    # Once every 15 minutes plus or minus one minute (3 minute spread)
    self._PeriodicInformInterval = (15 * 60) + random.randint(-60, 60)
    self._PeriodicInformTime = 0
    self.Password = ''
    self.Username = ''

class CpeManagementServer(object):
  """Inner class implementing tr-98 & 181 ManagementServer."""

  def __init__(self, platform_config, port, ping_path,
               acs_url=None, get_parameter_key=None,
               start_periodic_session=None, ioloop=None,
    self.ioloop = ioloop or tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
    self.restrict_acs_hosts = restrict_acs_hosts
    if platform_config:
    self.acs_url = acs_url
    self.platform_config = platform_config
    self.port = port
    self.ping_path = ping_path
    self.get_parameter_key = get_parameter_key
    self.start_periodic_session = start_periodic_session
    self.my_ip = None
    self._periodic_callback = None
    self._start_periodic_timeout = None
    self.config_copy = None

    self.config = ServerParameters()

  def StartTransaction(self):
    if self.config_copy is None:
      self.config_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.config)

  def CommitTransaction(self):
    self.config_copy = None

  def AbandonTransaction(self):
    self.config = self.config_copy
    self.config_copy = None

  def ValidateAcsUrl(self, value):
    """Checks if the URL passed is acceptable.  If not raises an exception."""
    if not self.restrict_acs_hosts or not value:

    # Require https for the url scheme.
    split_url = urlparse.urlsplit(value)
    if split_url.scheme != 'https':
      raise ValueError('The ACS Host must be https: %s' % str(value))

    # Iterate over the restrict domain name list and see if one of
    # the restricted domain names matches the supplied url host name.
    restrict_hosts = re.split(r'[\s,]+', self.restrict_acs_hosts)
    for host in restrict_hosts:
      # Check the full hostname.
      if split_url.hostname == host:

      # Check against the restrict host of form '.foo.com'
      if not host.startswith('.'):
        dotted_host = '.' + host
        dotted_host = host
      if split_url.hostname.endswith(dotted_host):

    # If we don't find a valid host, raise an exception.
    raise ValueError('The ACS Host is not permissible: %s' % str(value))

  def CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval(self):
    return self.config.CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval

  def CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval(self, value):
    self.config.CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval = int(value)

  def CWMPRetryIntervalMultiplier(self):
    return self.config.CWMPRetryIntervalMultiplier

  def CWMPRetryIntervalMultiplier(self, value):
    self.config.CWMPRetryIntervalMultiplier = int(value)

  def ConnectionRequestPassword(self):
    return self.config.ConnectionRequestPassword

  def ConnectionRequestPassword(self, value):
    self.config.ConnectionRequestPassword = value

  def ConnectionRequestUsername(self):
    return self.config.ConnectionRequestUsername

  def ConnectionRequestUsername(self, value):
    self.config.ConnectionRequestUsername = value

  def DefaultActiveNotificationThrottle(self):
    return self.config.DefaultActiveNotificationThrottle

  def DefaultActiveNotificationThrottle(self, value):
    self.config.DefaultActiveNotificationThrottle = int(value)

  def EnableCWMP(self):
    return True

  def Password(self):
    return self.config.Password

  def Password(self, value):
    self.config.Password = value

  def Username(self):
    return self.config.Username

  def Username(self, value):
    self.config.Username = value

  def GetURL(self):
    return self.acs_url or self.platform_config.GetAcsUrl()

  def SetURL(self, value):
    if self.acs_url:
      self.acs_url = value

  URL = property(GetURL, SetURL, None, 'tr-98/181 ManagementServer.URL')

  def _isIp6Address(self, ip):
    # pylint: disable-msg=W0702
      socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip)
      return False
    return True

  def _formatIP(self, ip):
    if self._isIp6Address(ip):
      return '[' + ip + ']'
      return ip

  def GetConnectionRequestURL(self):
    if self.my_ip and self.port and self.ping_path:
      path = self.ping_path if self.ping_path[0] != '/' else self.ping_path[1:]
      ip = self._formatIP(self.my_ip)
      return 'http://{0}:{1!s}/{2}'.format(ip, self.port, path)
      return ''
  ConnectionRequestURL = property(
      GetConnectionRequestURL, None, None,
      'tr-98/181 ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL')

  def GetParameterKey(self):
    if self.get_parameter_key is not None:
      return self.get_parameter_key()
      return ''
  ParameterKey = property(GetParameterKey, None, None,
                          'tr-98/181 ManagementServer.ParameterKey')

  def GetPeriodicInformEnable(self):
    return self.config._PeriodicInformEnable

  def SetPeriodicInformEnable(self, value):
    self.config._PeriodicInformEnable = cwmpbool.parse(value)

  PeriodicInformEnable = property(
      GetPeriodicInformEnable, SetPeriodicInformEnable, None,
      'tr-98/181 ManagementServer.PeriodicInformEnable')

  def GetPeriodicInformInterval(self):
    return self.config._PeriodicInformInterval

  def SetPeriodicInformInterval(self, value):
    self.config._PeriodicInformInterval = int(value)

  PeriodicInformInterval = property(
      GetPeriodicInformInterval, SetPeriodicInformInterval, None,
      'tr-98/181 ManagementServer.PeriodicInformInterval')

  def GetPeriodicInformTime(self):
    return self.config._PeriodicInformTime

  def SetPeriodicInformTime(self, value):
    self.config._PeriodicInformTime = value

  PeriodicInformTime = property(
      GetPeriodicInformTime, SetPeriodicInformTime, None,
      'tr-98/181 ManagementServer.PeriodicInformTime')

  def ConfigurePeriodicInform(self):
    """Commit changes to PeriodicInform parameters."""
    if self._periodic_callback:
      self._periodic_callback = None
    if self._start_periodic_timeout:
      self._start_periodic_timeout = None

    # Delete the old periodic callback.
    if self._periodic_callback:
      self._periodic_callback = None

    if (self.config._PeriodicInformEnable and
        self.config._PeriodicInformInterval > 0):
      msec = self.config._PeriodicInformInterval * 1000
      self._periodic_callback = PERIODIC_CALLBACK(self.start_periodic_session,
                                                  msec, self.ioloop)
      if self.config._PeriodicInformTime:
        # PeriodicInformTime is just meant as an offset, not an actual time.
        # So if it's 25.5 hours in the future and the interval is 1 hour, then
        # the interesting part is the 0.5 hours, not the 25.
        # timetuple might be in the past, but that's okay; the modulus
        # makes sure it's never negative.  (ie. (-3 % 5) == 2, in python)
        timetuple = cwmpdate.parse(self.config._PeriodicInformTime).timetuple()
        offset = ((time.mktime(timetuple) - time.time())
                  % float(self.config._PeriodicInformInterval))
        offset = 0.0
      self._start_periodic_timeout = self.ioloop.add_timeout(
          datetime.timedelta(seconds=offset), self.StartPeriodicInform)

  def StartPeriodicInform(self):

  def SessionRetryWait(self, retry_count):
    """Calculate wait time before next session retry.

    See $SPEC3 section 3.2.1 for a description of the algorithm.

      retry_count: integer number of retries attempted so far.

      Number of seconds to wait before initiating next session.
    if retry_count == 0:
      return 0
    periodic_interval = self.config._PeriodicInformInterval
    if self.config._PeriodicInformInterval <= 0:
      periodic_interval = 30
    c = 10 if retry_count >= 10 else retry_count
    m = float(self.config.CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval)
    k = float(self.config.CWMPRetryIntervalMultiplier) / 1000.0
    start = m * math.pow(k, c-1)
    stop = start * k
    # pin start/stop to have a maximum value of PerdiodInfomInterval
    start = int(min(start, periodic_interval/k))
    stop = int(min(stop, periodic_interval))
    return random.randrange(start, stop)

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':