Augmenters that apply temporal transformations.

To use the augmenters, clone the complete repo and use
`from vidaug import augmenters as va`
and then e.g. :
    seq = va.Sequential([ va.RandomRotate(30),
                          va.RandomResize(0.2)  ])

List of augmenters:
    * TemporalBeginCrop
    * TemporalCenterCrop
    * TemporalRandomCrop
    * InverseOrder
    * Downsample
    * Upsample
    * TemporalFit
    * TemporalElasticTransformation

import numpy as np
import PIL
import random
import math

class TemporalBeginCrop(object):
    Temporally crop the given frame indices at a beginning.
    If the number of frames is less than the size,
    loop the indices as many times as necessary to satisfy the size.

        size (int): Desired output size of the crop.

    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size

    def __call__(self, clip):
        out = clip[:self.size]

        for img in out:
            if len(out) >= self.size:

        return out

class TemporalCenterCrop(object):
    Temporally crop the given frame indices at a center.
    If the number of frames is less than the size,
    loop the indices as many times as necessary to satisfy the size.

        size (int): Desired output size of the crop.

    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size

    def __call__(self, clip):
        center_index = len(clip) // 2
        begin_index = max(0, center_index - (self.size // 2))
        end_index = min(begin_index + self.size, len(clip))

        out = clip[begin_index:end_index]

        for img in out:
            if len(out) >= self.size:

        return out

class TemporalRandomCrop(object):
    Temporally crop the given frame indices at a random location.
    If the number of frames is less than the size,
    loop the indices as many times as necessary to satisfy the size.

        size (int): Desired output size of the crop.

    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size

    def __call__(self, clip):
        rand_end = max(0, len(clip) - self.size - 1)
        begin_index = random.randint(0, rand_end)
        end_index = min(begin_index + self.size, len(clip))

        out = clip[begin_index:end_index]

        for img in out:
            if len(out) >= self.size:

        return out

class InverseOrder(object):
    Inverts the order of clip frames.

    def __call__(self, clip):
        for i in range(len(clip)):
            nb_images = len(clip)
            return [clip[img] for img in reversed(range(1, nb_images))]

class Downsample(object):
    Temporally downsample a video by deleting some of its frames.

        ratio (float): Downsampling ratio in [0.0 <= ratio <= 1.0].
    def __init__(self , ratio=1.0):
        if ratio < 0.0 or ratio > 1.0:
            raise TypeError('ratio should be in [0.0 <= ratio <= 1.0]. ' +
                            'Please use upsampling for ratio > 1.0')
        self.ratio = ratio

    def __call__(self, clip):
        nb_return_frame = np.floor(self.ratio * len(clip))
        return_ind = [int(i) for i in np.linspace(1, len(clip), num=nb_return_frame)]

        return [clip[i-1] for i in return_ind]

class Upsample(object):
    Temporally upsampling a video by deleting some of its frames.

        ratio (float): Upsampling ratio in [1.0 < ratio < infinity].
    def __init__(self , ratio=1.0):
        if ratio < 1.0:
            raise TypeError('ratio should be 1.0 < ratio. ' +
                            'Please use downsampling for ratio <= 1.0')
        self.ratio = ratio

    def __call__(self, clip):
        nb_return_frame = np.floor(self.ratio * len(clip))
        return_ind = [int(i) for i in np.linspace(1, len(clip), num=nb_return_frame)]

        return [clip[i-1] for i in return_ind]

class TemporalFit(object):
    Temporally fits a video to a given frame size by
    downsampling or upsampling.

        size (int): Frame size to fit the video.
    def __init__(self, size):
        if size < 0:
            raise TypeError('size should be positive')
        self.size = size

    def __call__(self, clip):
        return_ind = [int(i) for i in np.linspace(1, len(clip), num=self.size)]

        return [clip[i-1] for i in return_ind]

class TemporalElasticTransformation(object):
    Stretches or schrinks a video at the beginning, end or middle parts.
    In normal operation, augmenter stretches the beggining and end, schrinks
    the center.
    In inverse operation, augmenter shrinks the beggining and end, stretches
    the center.

    def __call__(self, clip):
        nb_images = len(clip)
        new_indices = self._get_distorted_indices(nb_images)
        return [clip[i] for i in new_indices]

    def _get_distorted_indices(self, nb_images):
        inverse = random.randint(0, 1)

        if inverse:
            scale = random.random()
            scale *= 0.21
            scale += 0.6
            scale = random.random()
            scale *= 0.6
            scale += 0.8

        frames_per_clip = nb_images

        indices = np.linspace(-scale, scale, frames_per_clip).tolist()
        if inverse:
            values = [math.atanh(x) for x in indices]
            values = [math.tanh(x) for x in indices]

        values = [x / values[-1] for x in values]
        values = [int(round(((x + 1) / 2) * (frames_per_clip - 1), 0)) for x in values]
        return values