"""Handles logins from a file, and encryption of said file"""
import os

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

class LoginManager:
    """A class to handle auth storage, using encryption"""

    def __init__(self, path_to_login_file, keyname):
        self.path = path_to_login_file
        self.keyname = keyname
        self.key = self.load_key()
        self.fernet = Fernet(self.key)
        self.logins = self.load_logins()

    def __getstate__(self):
        """An override for loading this object's state from pickle"""
        ret = {"path": self.path, "keyname": self.keyname}
        return ret

    def __setstate__(self, dict_in):
        """An override for pickling this object's state"""
        self.path = dict_in["path"]
        self.keyname = dict_in["keyname"]
        self.key = self.load_key()
        self.fernet = Fernet(self.key)
        self.logins = self.load_logins()

    def load_logins(self):
        """Loads logins from a file, returning them as a dict"""
        logins = {}
        if os.path.exists(self.path):
            with open(self.path, "r") as file:
                lines = file.readlines()
                for line in lines:
                    decrypted_line = self.fernet.decrypt(bytes(line.encode()))
                    decrypted_line = decrypted_line.decode()
                    username, password = (
                        decrypted_line.replace(" ", "")
                        .replace("\n", "")
                        .replace("\t", "")
                    logins[username] = password
        return logins

    def write_logins(self):
        """Writes the logins to an encryptedfile"""
        if os.path.exists(self.path):
        with open(self.path, "w") as file:
            for username in self.logins:
                file.write(self.encrypt_line(username) + "\n")

    def add_login(self, username, password):
        """Adds a new username and password, writing changes afterward"""
        if username in list(self.logins.keys()):
            print("Login pair not added; login {} already exists".format(username))
            self.logins[username] = password

    def remove_login(self, username):
        """Removes a username and password, writing changes afterward"""
        if not username in list(self.logins.keys()):
            print("Login not found - no deletion was made")
            del self.logins[username]

    def encrypt_line(self, username):
        """Encrypts a username/password line for the txt file and converts to str"""
        ret = "{}, {}".format(username, self.logins[username]).encode()
        ret = bytes(ret)
        ret = self.fernet.encrypt(ret)
        return str(ret.decode("utf-8"))

    def load_key(self):
        """Loads the key from a hidden location"""
        token = ""
        if os.path.exists(self.keyname):
            with open(self.keyname, "r") as file:
                lines = file.readlines()
                for line in lines:
                    token = line.replace("\n", "")
            token = Fernet.generate_key()
            with open(self.keyname, "w+") as file:
        if isinstance(token, bytes):
            return bytes(token)
        return bytes(token.encode())