# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import asyncio
import io
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from functools import wraps
from unittest.mock import patch

import aiohttp
import pytest

import peony
from peony import data_processing, exceptions, utils

from . import MockResponse, create_future, dummy

def builtin_mimetypes(func):

    async def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
        with patch.object(utils, 'magic') as magic:
            magic.__bool__.return_value = False
            with patch.object(utils, 'mime') as mime:
                mime.guess_type.side_effect = mimetypes.MimeTypes().guess_type

                await func(*args, **kwargs)

    return decorated

def json_data():
    return data_processing.JSONData({'a': 1, 'b': 2})

def response(json_data):
    return data_processing.PeonyResponse(data=json_data,

def executor():
    return ProcessPoolExecutor()

def session(event_loop):
    with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=event_loop):
        yield session

async def test_error_handler_rate_limit():
    global tries
    tries = 3

    async def rate_limit(**kwargs):
        global tries
        tries -= 1

        if tries > 0:
            response = MockResponse(error=88,
                                    headers={'X-Rate-Limit-Reset': 0})
            raise await exceptions.throw(response)

    with patch.object(asyncio, 'sleep', side_effect=dummy):
        await utils.DefaultErrorHandler(rate_limit)(url="http://")

async def test_error_handler_service_unavailable(event_loop):
    global tries
    tries = 4

    async def service_unavailable(**kwargs):
        global tries
        tries -= 1

        if tries > 0:
            response = MockResponse(status=503)
            raise await exceptions.throw(response)
            return MockResponse()

    with patch.object(asyncio, 'sleep', side_effect=dummy) as sleep:
            fut = create_future(event_loop)
            coro = utils.DefaultErrorHandler(service_unavailable)(future=fut)
            await fut
        except exceptions.ServiceUnavailable:
            assert sleep.called
            pytest.fail("ServiceUnavailable not raised")

async def test_error_handler_asyncio_timeout(event_loop):
    global tries
    tries = 3

    async def timeout(**kwargs):
        global tries
        tries -= 1

        if tries > 0:
            raise asyncio.TimeoutError

    fut = create_future(event_loop)
    coro = utils.DefaultErrorHandler(timeout)(future=fut, url="http://")
    await coro
    assert tries == 0

async def test_error_handler_other_exception():
    async def error(**kwargs):
        raise exceptions.PeonyException

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.PeonyException):
        await utils.DefaultErrorHandler(error)()

async def test_error_handler_response():
    async def request(**kwargs):
        return MockResponse(data=MockResponse.message)

    resp = await utils.DefaultErrorHandler(request)()
    text = await resp.text()
    assert text == MockResponse.message

async def test_error_handler_base_object():
    global called
    called = False

    class ObjectErrorHandler(utils.DefaultErrorHandler, object,

        def handle_peony_exception(self):
            global called
            called = True
            return utils.ErrorHandler.RAISE

    async def error(**kwargs):
        raise exceptions.PeonyException

        await ObjectErrorHandler(error)()
    except exceptions.PeonyException:
        assert called
        pytest.fail("PeonyException not raised")

class ErrorHandlerWithException(utils.ErrorHandler):

    def whoops_handler(self):
        raise RuntimeError

async def test_error_handler_with_exception():
    async def raise_exception(**kwargs):
        raise Exception

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        await ErrorHandlerWithException(raise_exception)()

def test_get_args():
    def test(a, b, c):

    assert utils.get_args(test) == ('a', 'b', 'c')
    assert utils.get_args(test, skip=1) == ('b', 'c')
    assert utils.get_args(test, skip=3) == tuple()

def test_get_args_class():

    class Test():

        def __call__(self, a, b, c):

    test = Test()

    assert utils.get_args(test) == ('self', 'a', 'b', 'c')
    assert utils.get_args(test, skip=1) == ('a', 'b', 'c')
    assert utils.get_args(test, skip=4) == tuple()

def setup_logger(logger):
    error = io.StringIO()
    h = logging.StreamHandler(stream=error)

    return error

@pytest.mark.parametrize('logger', [None, logging.getLogger(__name__)])
def test_log_error(logger):
    if logger is None:
        _logger = logging.getLogger("peony.utils")
        _logger = logger

    error = setup_logger(_logger)

        raise RuntimeError

    except RuntimeError:
        for exc_info in (None, sys.exc_info()):
            utils.log_error(MockResponse.message, exc_info=exc_info,

            output = error.read()
            assert traceback.format_exc().strip() in output
            assert MockResponse.message in output

def test_log_error_no_info():
    logger = logging.getLogger("peony.utils")
    error = setup_logger(logger)
    utils.log_error(exc_info=(None, None, None), logger=logger)

    assert error.tell() == 0

async def test_get_type(medias):
    async def test(media, chunk_size=1024):
        f = await media.download(chunk=chunk_size)
        media_type = await utils.get_type(f)
        assert media_type == media.type

    tasks = [test(media) for media in medias.values()]
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

async def test_get_type_exception():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        await utils.get_type(b"")

async def test_get_type_builtin(medias):
    async def test(media, chunk_size=1024):
        f = io.BytesIO(await media.download(chunk=chunk_size))
        media_type = await utils.get_type(f, media.filename)
        assert media_type == media.type

    tasks = [test(media) for media in medias.values()]
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

async def test_get_type_builtin_exception(medias):
    media = medias['lady_peony']
    f = io.BytesIO(await media.download(chunk=1024))
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        await utils.get_type(f)

def test_get_category():
    assert utils.get_category("image/png") == "tweet_image"
    assert utils.get_category("image/gif") == "tweet_gif"
    assert utils.get_category("video/mp4") == "tweet_video"

def test_get_category_exception():
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

async def test_get_size():
    f = io.BytesIO(bytes(10000))
    assert await utils.get_size(f) == 10000
    assert f.tell() == 0

async def test_get_size_request(url):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url) as req:
            assert await utils.get_size(req) == 302770

async def test_get_size_exception():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        await utils.get_size("")

async def test_execute():
    def test():
        return 1

    async def async_test():
        return 1

    assert await utils.execute(test()) == 1
    assert await utils.execute(async_test()) == 1

def convert(img, formats):
    imgs = []
    for kwargs in formats:
        i = io.BytesIO()
        img.save(i, **kwargs)

    return imgs

def get_size(f):
    f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
    return f.tell()

async def test_get_media_metadata(medias):
    async def test(media):
        data = await media.download(chunk=1024)
        media_metadata = await utils.get_media_metadata(data)
        assert media_metadata == (media.type, media.category)

    tasks = [test(media) for media in medias.values()]
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

async def test_get_media_metadata_filename():
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b') as tmp:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            await utils.get_media_metadata(tmp.name)

async def test_get_media_metadata_path():
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b') as tmp:
        path = pathlib.Path(tmp.name)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            await utils.get_media_metadata(path)

async def test_get_media_metadata_file(medias):
    media = medias['lady_peony']
    data = io.BytesIO(await media.download())

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        await utils.get_media_metadata(data)

async def test_get_media_metadata_exception():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        await utils.get_media_metadata([])

def test_set_debug():
    with patch.object(logging, 'basicConfig') as basicConfig:
        assert peony.logger.level == logging.DEBUG