import asyncio
import bottom

host = ''
port = 6697
ssl = True

NICK = "bottom-bot"
CHANNEL = "#bottom-dev"

client = bottom.Client(host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl)

# taken from :ref:`Patterns`
def handle(message=None, **kwargs):
    message = message or ""
    client.send("pong", message=message)

# taken from :ref:`Patterns`
def waiter(client):
    async def wait_for(*events, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED):
        if not events:
        done, pending = await asyncio.wait(
            [client.wait(event) for event in events],

        # Get the result(s) of the completed task(s).
        ret = [future.result() for future in done]

        # Cancel any events that didn't come in.
        for future in pending:

        # Return list of completed event names.
        return ret
    return wait_for

# taken from :ref:`Patterns`
wait_for = waiter(client)

async def on_connect(**kwargs):
    client.send('nick', nick=NICK)
    client.send('user', user=NICK,

    # This waits for the 'rpl_endofmotd' and 'err_nomotd' commands,
    # returning when one of them is triggered. 'events' is a list,
    # but it will only contain one item in this case since only one
    # of these commands will be sent by the server.
    events = await wait_for('rpl_endofmotd', 'err_nomotd')
    print('Connection made')

    # The event names returned are the same as the ones given, so
    # we can easily check for them in the result.
    if 'rpl_endofmotd' in events:
        print('MOTD returned')
    elif 'err_nomotd' in events:
        print('No MOTD returned')

    client.send('join', channel=CHANNEL)

def run():
    # This schedules a connection to be created when the bot's event loop
    # is run.  Nothing will happen until the loop starts running to clear
    # the pending coroutines.

    # Ctrl + C to quit
        "Connecting to {} on port {} as {} in channel {}".format(
            host, port, NICK, CHANNEL))