import numpy
import pytest
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

import helpers
import optimesh
from meshes import pacman, simple1

    "mesh, ref1, ref2, refi",
        (simple1, 4.9863354526224510, 2.1181412069258942, 1.0),
        (pacman, 1.9378501813564521e03, 7.5989359705818785e01, 5.0),
def test_cvt_lloyd(mesh, ref1, ref2, refi):
    X, cells = mesh()

    X, cells = optimesh.cvt.quasi_newton_uniform_lloyd(
        X, cells, 1.0e-2, 100, verbose=False

    # Assert that we're dealing with the mesh we expect.
    helpers.assert_norms(X, [ref1, ref2, refi], 1.0e-12)

    "mesh, ref1, ref2, refi",
        (simple1, 4.9959407761650168e00, 2.1203672449514870e00, 1.0),
        (pacman, 1.9367454827286492e03, 7.5966311532153185e01, 5.0),
def test_cvt_lloyd2(mesh, ref1, ref2, refi):
    X, cells = mesh()

    X, cells = optimesh.cvt.quasi_newton_uniform_lloyd(X, cells, 1.0e-2, 100, omega=2.0)

    # Assert that we're dealing with the mesh we expect.
    helpers.assert_norms(X, [ref1, ref2, refi], 1.0e-12)

    "mesh, ref1, ref2, refi",
        (simple1, 4.9957677170205690e00, 2.1203267741647247e00, 1.0),
        (pacman, 1.9368767962050219e03, 7.5956311011221615e01, 5.0),
def test_cvt_qnb(mesh, ref1, ref2, refi):
    X, cells = mesh()

    X, cells = optimesh.cvt.quasi_newton_uniform_blocks(X, cells, 1.0e-2, 100)

    # Assert that we're dealing with the mesh we expect.
    helpers.assert_norms(X, [ref1, ref2, refi], 1.0e-12)

def test_cvt_qnb_boundary(n=10):
    X, cells = create_random_circle(n=n, radius=1.0)

    def boundary_step(x):
        x0 = [0.0, 0.0]
        r = 1.0
        # simply project onto the circle
        y = (x.T - x0).T
        r = numpy.sqrt(numpy.einsum("ij,ij->j", y, y))
        return ((y / r * r).T + x0).T

    X, cells = optimesh.cvt.quasi_newton_uniform_lloyd(
        X, cells, 1.0e-2, 100, boundary_step=boundary_step
    # X, cells = optimesh.cvt.quasi_newton_uniform_blocks(
    #     X, cells, 1.0e-2, 100, boundary=Circle()
    # )

    import meshplex

    mesh = meshplex.MeshTri(X, cells)

    # Assert that we're dealing with the mesh we expect.
    # helpers.assert_norms(X, [ref1, ref2, refi], 1.0e-12)

    "mesh, ref1, ref2, refi",
        (simple1, 4.9971490009329251e00, 2.1206501666066013e00, 1.0),
        (pacman, 1.9384829418092067e03, 7.5992721059144543e01, 5.0),
def test_cvt_qnf(mesh, ref1, ref2, refi):
    X, cells = mesh()
    X, cells = optimesh.cvt.quasi_newton_uniform_full(X, cells, 1.0e-2, 100, omega=0.9)

    import meshplex

    mesh = meshplex.MeshTri(X, cells)

    # Assert that we're dealing with the mesh we expect.
    helpers.assert_norms(X, [ref1, ref2, refi], 1.0e-12)

def create_random_circle(n, radius, seed=0):
    k = numpy.arange(n)
    boundary_pts = radius * numpy.column_stack(
        [numpy.cos(2 * numpy.pi * k / n), numpy.sin(2 * numpy.pi * k / n)]

    # Compute the number of interior nodes such that all triangles can be somewhat
    # equilateral.
    edge_length = 2 * numpy.pi * radius / n
    domain_area = numpy.pi - n * (
        radius ** 2 / 2 * (edge_length - numpy.sin(edge_length))
    cell_area = numpy.sqrt(3) / 4 * edge_length ** 2
    target_num_cells = domain_area / cell_area
    # Euler:
    # 2 * num_points - num_boundary_edges - 2 = num_cells
    # <=>
    # num_interior_points ~= 0.5 * (num_cells + num_boundary_edges) + 1 - num_boundary_points
    m = int(0.5 * (target_num_cells + n) + 1 - n)

    # Generate random points in circle;
    # <>.
    # Choose the seed such that the fully smoothened mesh has no random boundary points.
    if seed is not None:
    r = numpy.random.rand(m)
    alpha = 2 * numpy.pi * numpy.random.rand(m)

    interior_pts = numpy.column_stack(
        [numpy.sqrt(r) * numpy.cos(alpha), numpy.sqrt(r) * numpy.sin(alpha)]

    pts = numpy.concatenate([boundary_pts, interior_pts])

    tri = Delaunay(pts)
    # pts = numpy.column_stack([pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], numpy.zeros(pts.shape[0])])
    return pts, tri.simplices

# This test iterates over a few meshes that produce weird sitations that did have the
# methods choke. Mostly bugs in GhostedMesh.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", [0, 4, 20])
def test_for_breakdown(seed):

    n = numpy.random.randint(10, 20)
    pts, cells = create_random_circle(n=n, radius=1.0)

        pts, cells, omega=1.0, tol=1.0e-10, max_num_steps=10

if __name__ == "__main__":