import functools
import subprocess
import sys
import difflib
import contextlib
import platform

Utils functions:
    pcolor: Print with beautiful colors: porange, pgreen, pred.
    distribution: Return the current distribution name.
    which: Test if the command is installed.
    maybe_you_meant: Smart correction of user provided input.
    avoid_parameter_injection: Security check on user provided input.
    ext2_write_to_file: Add a file to an existing ext2 image.
    add_local_files: Add multiple files to an existing ex2 image.
    ext2_rm: Delete a file from an existing ext2 image.

def pcolor(color, *args, **kwargs):
    """ proxy print arguments """
    output = sys.stdout if "file" not in kwargs else kwargs["file"]
    with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output):
        print(color, end="")
        print(*args, end="", **kwargs)

porange = functools.partial(pcolor, "\x1B[33m")
pgreen = functools.partial(pcolor, "\x1B[32m")
pred = functools.partial(pcolor, "\x1B[31m")

def distribution():
    system = platform.system().lower()
    if system != 'darwin':
        return platform.linux_distribution()[0].lower()
    return system

def which(filename, **kwargs):
        subprocess.check_output(["which", filename])
        return True
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        if distribution() in kwargs:
        return False

def maybe_you_meant(string, strings):
    return ' or '.join(difflib.get_close_matches(string, strings, cutoff=0.3))

def avoid_parameter_injection(params):
    new_params = []
    for p in params:
        if p.startswith("-"):
            print("WARNING: parameter injection detected, '{}' will be ingored".format(p))
    return new_params