# neuropythy/optimize/core.py
# Code for optimizing functions; made with the intention of optimizing functions on the cortical
# surface using gradient descent or a gradient-aware method.
# By Noah C. Benson

import os, gzip, types, six, abc, pimms
import numpy                 as np
import numpy.linalg          as npla
import scipy                 as sp
import scipy.sparse          as sps
import scipy.optimize        as spopt
import pyrsistent            as pyr
from   functools         import reduce
from   ..                import geometry as geo
from   ..                import mri      as mri
from   ..util            import (numel, rows, part, hstack, vstack, repmat, flatter, flattest,
                                 times, plus, minus, zdivide, zinv, power, ctimes, cpower, inner,
                                 cplus, sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, cotangent,
                                 divide, arctangent)
from   ..geometry        import (triangle_area)

# Helper Functions #################################################################################
def fapply(f, x, tz=False):
    fapply(f,x) yields the result of applying f either to x, if x is a normal value or array, or to
      x.data if x is a sparse matrix. Does not modify x (unless f modifiex x).

    The optional argument tz (default: False) may be set to True to specify that, if x is a sparse 
    matrix that contains at least 1 element that is a sparse-zero, then f(0) should replace all the
    sparse-zeros in x (unless f(0) == 0).
    if sps.issparse(x):
        y = x.copy()
        y.data = f(x.data)
        if tz and y.getnnz() < np.prod(y.shape):
            z = f(np.array(0))
            if z != 0:
                y = y.toarray()
                y[y == 0] = z
        return y
    else: return f(x)
def finto(x, ii, n, null=0):
    finto(x,ii,n) yields a vector u of length n such that u[ii] = x.

      * The ii index may be a tuple (as can be passed to numpy arrays' getitem method) in order to
        specify that the specific elements of a multidimensional output be set. In this case, the
        argument n should be a tuple of sizes (a single integer is taken to be a square/cube/etc).
      * x may be a sparse-array, but in it will be reified by this function.

    The following optional arguments are allowed:
      * null (defaut: 0) specifies the value that should appear in the elements of u that are not
    x  = x.toarray() if sps.issparse(x) else np.asarray(x)
    shx = x.shape
    if isinstance(ii, tuple):
        if not pimms.is_vector(n): n = tuple([n for _ in ii])
        if len(n) != len(ii): raise ValueError('%d-dim index but %d-dim output' % (len(ii),len(n)))
        sh = n + shx[1:]
    elif pimms.is_int(ii): sh = (n,) + shx
    else:                  sh = (n,) + shx[1:]
    u = np.zeros(sh, dtype=x.dtype) if null == 0 else np.full(sh, null, dtype=x.dtype)
    u[ii] = x
    return u

# Potential Functions ##############################################################################
class PotentialFunction(object):
    The PotentialFunction class is intended as the base-class for all potential functions that can
    be minimized by neuropythy. PotentialFunction is effectively an abstract class that requires its
    subclasses to implement the method __call__(), which must take one argument: a numpy vector of
    parameters. The method must return a tuple of (z,dz) where z is  the potential value for the
    given paramters and dz is the Jacobian of the function at the parameters. Note that if the
    potential z returned is a scalar, then dz must be a vector of length len(params); if z is a
    vector, then dz must be a matrix of size (len(z) x len(params))
    # The value() function should return the potential alone
    def value(self, params):
        pf.value(params) yields the potential function value at the given parameters params. Values
          must always be vectors; if the function returns a scalar, it must return a 1-element
          vector instead.
        raise RuntimeError('The value() method was not overloaded for object %s' % self)
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        pf.jacobian(params) yields the potential function jacobian matrix at the given parameters
          params. The jacobian must always be a (possibly sparse) matrix; if there is a scalar
          output value for the potential function, then Jacobian should be (1 x n); if there is a
          scalar input parameter, the Jacobian should be (n x 1).

        If the optional matrix into is provided then the returned jacobian may optionally be added
        directly into this matrix and returned.
        raise RuntimeError('The gradient() method was not overloaded for object %s' % self)
    # The __call__ function is how one generally calls a potential function
    def __call__(self, params):
        pf(params) yields the tuple (z, dz) where z is the potential value at the given parameters
          vector, params, and dz is the vector of the potential gradient.
        z  = self.value(params)
        dz = self.jacobian(params)
        if sps.issparse(dz): dz = dz.toarray()
        z  = np.squeeze(z)
        dz = np.squeeze(dz)
        return (z,dz)
    def fun(self):
        pf.fun() yields a value calculation function for the given potential function pf that is
          appropriate for passing to a minimizer.
        return lambda x: np.squeeze(self.value(x))
    def jac(self):
        pf.jac() yields a jacobian calculation function for the given potential function pf that is
          appropritate for passing to a minimizer.
        def _jacobian(x):
            dz = self.jacobian(x)
            if sps.issparse(dz): dz = dz.toarray()
            dz = np.asarray(dz)
            return np.squeeze(dz)
        return _jacobian
    def minimize(self, x0, **kwargs):
        pf.minimize(x0) minimizes the given potential function starting at the given point x0; any
          additional options are passed along to scipy.optimize.minimize.
        x0 = np.asarray(x0)
        kwargs = pimms.merge({'jac':self.jac(), 'method':'CG'}, kwargs)
        res = spopt.minimize(self.fun(), x0.flatten(), **kwargs)
        res.x = np.reshape(res.x, x0.shape)
        return res
    def argmin(self, x0, **kwargs):
        pf.argmin(x0) is equivalent to pf.minimize(x0).x.
        return self.minimize(x0, **kwargs).x
    def maximize(self, x0, **kwargs):
        pf.maximize(x0) is equivalent to (-pf).minimize(x0).
        return (-self).minimize(x0, **kwargs)
    def argmax(self, x0, **kwargs):
        pf.argmax(x0) is equivalent to pf.maximize(x0).x.
        return self.maximize(x0, **kwargs).x
    # Arithmetic Operators #########################################################################
    def __getitem__(self, ii):
        return part(self, ii)
    def __neg__(self):
        if is_const_potential(self): return const_potential(-self.c)
        else: return PotentialTimesConstant(self, -1)
    def __add__(self, x):
        x = to_potential(x)
        if is_const_potential(x):
            if   np.isclose(x.c, 0).all(): return self
            elif is_const_potential(self): return const_potential(self.c + x.c)
            else:                          return PotentialPlusConstant(self, x.c)
        elif is_const_potential(self):     return PotentialPlusConstant(x.c, self)
        else:                              return PotentialPlusPotential(self, x)
    def __radd__(self, x):
        return self.__add__(x)
    def __sub__(self, x):
        return self.__add__(-x)
    def __rsub__(self, x):
        return PotentialPlusConstant(-self, x)
    def __mul__(self, x):
        x = to_potential(x)
        if is_const_potential(x):
            if   np.isclose(x.c, 1).all(): return self
            elif np.isclose(x.c, 0).all(): return x
            elif is_const_potential(self): return const_potential(self.c * x.c)
            else:                          return PotentialTimesConstant(self, x.c)
        elif is_const_potential(self):     return PotentialTimesConstant(x, self.c)
        else:                              return PotentialTimesPotential(self, x)
    def __rmul__(self, x):
        return (self * x)
    def __div__(self, x):
        x = to_potential(x)
        if is_const_potential(x):
            if   np.isclose(x.c, 1).all(): return self
            elif is_const_potential(self): return const_potential(self.c / x.c)
            else:                          return PotentialTimesConstant(self, 1.0/x.c)
        else:                              return PotentialTimesPotential(self, 1/x)
    def __rdiv__(self, x):
        x = to_potential(x)
        if is_const_potential(self): return x / self.c
        else:                        return x * PotentialPowerConstant(self, -1)
    def __truediv__(self, x):
        return self.__div__(x)
    def __rtruediv__(self, x):
        return self.__rdiv__(x)
    def __pow__(self, x):
        x = to_potential(x)
        if is_const_potential(x):
            if   is_const_potential(self): return const_potential(power(self.c, x.c))
            else:                          return PotentialPowerConstant(self, x.c)
        elif is_const_potential(self):     return ConstantPowerPotential(self, x)
        else:                              return PotentialPowerPotential(self, x)
    def __rpow__(self, x):
        return to_potential(x).__pow__(self)
    def compose(self, f):
        return compose(self, f)
def is_potential(f):
    is_potential(f) yields True if f is a potential function and False otherwise.
    return isinstance(f, PotentialFunction)
def safe_into(into, term):
    if into is None: return term
    into0 = into
    into += term
    if into is into0: return into
    else: return term
class PotentialIdentity(PotentialFunction):
    PotentialIdentity is a potential function that represents the arguments given to it as outputs.
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, params): return np.asarray(params)
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        return safe_into(into, sps.eye(numel(params)))
identity = PotentialIdentity()
def is_identity_potential(f):
    is_identity_potential(f) yields True if f is a potential function that merely yields its
      parameters (f(x) = x); otherwise yields False.
    return isinstance(f, PotentialIdentity)
class PotentialLambda(PotentialFunction):
    PotentialLambda is a PotentialFunction type that takes as initialization arguments two functions
    g and h which must return the value and the jacobian, respectively.
    def __init__(self, g, h):
        self.valfn = g
        self.jacfn = h
    def valfn(v): return v
    def jacfn(j): return j
    def value(self, x): return self.valfn(x)
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        try:              return self.jacfn(x, into)
        except Exception: return self.jacfn(x)
class PotentialConstant(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, c):
        self.c = c
    def c(c0):
        c0 = c0.toarray() if sps.issparse(c0) else np.array(c0)
        if len(c0.shape) > 1: c0 = c0.flatten()
        return c0
    def value(self, params):
        return self.c
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        c = self.c
        d = 1 if len(c.shape) == 0 else c.shape[0]
        return sps.csr_matrix(([], [[],[]]), shape=(d, len(params))) if into is None else into
def is_const_potential(f):
    is_const_potential(f) yields True if f is a constant potential function and False otherwise.
    return isinstance(f, PotentialConstant)
def const_potential(f):
    const_potential(f) yields f if f is a constant potential function; if f is a constant, yields
      a potential function that always yields f; otherwise raises an error.
    if is_const_potential(f): return f
    elif pimms.is_array(f, 'number'): return PotentialConstant(f)
    else: raise ValueError('Could not convert given value to potential constant: %s' % f)
def const(f):
    const(f) yields f.c if f is a constant potential function; if f is a constant, it yields f or
      the equivalent numpy array object; if f is a potential function that is not const, or is not
      a valid potential function constant, yields None.
    if is_const_potential(f): return f.c
    elif pimms.is_array(f, 'number'):
        if sps.issparse(f): return f
        else: return np.asarray(f)
    else: return None
def to_potential(f):
    to_potential(f) yields f if f is a potential function; if f is not, but f can be converted to
      a potential function, that conversion is performed then the result is yielded.
    to_potential(Ellipsis) yields a potential function whose output is simply its input (i.e., the
      identity function).
    to_potential(None) is equivalent to to_potential(0).

    The following can be converted into potential functions:
      * Anything for which pimms.is_array(x, 'number') yields True (i.e., arrays of constants).
      * Any tuple (g, h) where g(x) yields a potential value and h(x) yields a jacobian matrix for
        the parameter vector x.
    if   is_potential(f): return f
    elif f is Ellipsis:   return identity
    elif pimms.is_array(f, 'number'): return const_potential(f)
    elif isinstance(f, tuple) and len(f) == 2: return PotentialLambda(f[0], f[1])
    else: raise ValueError('Could not convert object of type %s to potential function' % type(f))
class PotentialComposition(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, g, h):
        self.g = g
        self.h = h
    def g(g0): return g0
    def h(h0): return h0
    def value(self, params):
        return self.g.value(self.h.value(params))
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        zh  = self.h.value(params)
        dzh = self.h.jacobian(params)
        zg  = self.g.value(zh)
        dzg = self.g.jacobian(zh)
        return safe_into(into, inner(dzg, dzh))
def compose(*args):
    compose(g, h...) yields a potential function f that is the result of composing together all the
      arguments g, h, etc. after calling to_potential() on each. The result is defined such that
      f(x) is equivalent to g(h(...(x))).
    return reduce(lambda h,g: PotentialComposition(g,h), reversed(list(map(to_potential, args))))
class PotentialPart(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, ii, input_len=None):
        self.output_indices = ii
        self.input_len = input_len
    def output_indices(ii):
        ii = flattest(ii)
        if (np.issubdtype(ii.dtype, np.dtype('bool').type)): ii = np.where(ii)[0]
        return pimms.imm_array(ii)
    def input_len(m):
        if m is None: return m
        assert(pimms.is_int(m) and m > 0)
        return int(m)
    def jacobian_matrix(output_indices, input_len):
        m = (np.max(output_indices) + 1) if input_len is None else input_len
        n = len(output_indices)
        return sps.csr_matrix((np.ones(n), (np.arange(n), output_indices)), shape=(n,m))
    def value(self, params):
        ii = self.output_indices
        return flattest(params)[ii]
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        params = flattest(params)
        jm = self.jacobian_matrix
        if jm.shape[1] != len(params):
            jm = jm.copy()
            jm.resize((jm.shape[0], len(params)))
        return safe_into(into, jm)
def part(f, ii=None, input_len=None):
    part(u, ii) for constant or constant potential u yields a constant-potential form of u[ii].
    part(f, ii) for potential function f yields a potential function g(x) that is equivalent to
    part(ii) is equivalent to part(identity, ii); i.e., pat of the input parameters to the function.
    if ii is None: return PotentialPart(f, input_len=input_len)
    f = to_potential(f)
    if is_const_potential(f): return PotentialConstant(f.c[ii])
    else:                     return compose(PotentialPart(ii, input_len=input_len), f)
class PotentialPlusPotential(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, g, h):
        self.g = g
        self.h = h
    def g(g0): return g0
    def h(h0): return h0
    def value(self, params):
        return self.g.value(params) + self.h.value(params)
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        dg = self.g.jacobian(params, into=into)
        dh = self.h.jacobian(params, into=dg)
        if dh is dg: return dh
        else:        return dh + dg
class PotentialPlusConstant(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, f, c):
        self.f = f
        self.c = c
    def f(f0): return f0
    def c(c0): return c0
    def value(self,params):
        return self.f.value(params) + self.c
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        return self.f.jacobian(params, into=into)
class PotentialTimesPotential(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, g, h):
        self.g = g
        self.h = h
    def g(g0): return g0
    def h(h0): return h0
    def value(self, params):
        g = self.g.value(params)
        h = self.h.value(params)
        return g * h
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        g  = self.g.value(params)
        dg = self.g.jacobian(params)
        h  = self.h.value(params)
        dh = self.h.jacobian(params)
        return safe_into(into, cplus(times(dg, h), times(dh, g)))
    def __call__(self, params):
        g  = self.g.value(params)
        dg = self.g.jacobian(params)
        h  = self.h.value(params)
        dh = self.h.jacobian(params)
        return (g*h, cplus(times(dg, h), times(dh, g)))
class PotentialTimesConstant(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, f, c):
        self.f = f
        self.c = c
    def f(f0): return f0
    def c(c0): return c0
    def value(self, params):
        z = self.f.value(params)
        return z * self.c
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        dz = self.f.jacobian(params)
        return safe_into(into, times(dz, self.c))
class PotentialPowerConstant(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, f, c):
        self.f = f
        self.c = c
    def f(f0): return f0
    def c(c0): return c0
    def value(self, params):
        z = self.f.value(params)
        return z**self.c
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        z  = self.f.value(params)
        dz = self.f.jacobian(params)
        c  = self.c
        cc = self.c - 1
        if cc <= 0:
            cc = -cc
            z = zinv(z)
        return safe_into(into, times(dz, c * z**cc))
    def __call__(self, params):
        z  = self.f.value(params)
        dz = self.f.jacobian(params)
        c  = self.c
        dz = times(dz, c * z**(c-1))
        return (z, dz)
class ConstantPowerPotential(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, c, f):
        self.f = f
        self.c = c
    def f(f0): return f0
    def c(c0):
        if np.isclose(c0, 0).any(): raise ValueError('in c**f(x) c cannot be zero')
        return c0
    def log_c(c): return np.log(c)
    def value(self, params):
        z = self.f.value(params)
        return self.c**z
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        ctoz = self.value(params)
        dz = self.f.jacobian(params)
        return safe_into(into, times(dz, self.log_c * ctoz))
def exp(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(np.exp(x.c))
    else:                     return ConstantPowerPotential(np.e, x)
def exp2(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(np.exp2(x.c))
    else:                     return ConstantPowerPotential(2.0, x)
class PotentialPowerPotential(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, g, h):
        self.g = g
        self.h = h
    def g(g0): return g0
    def h(h0): return h0
    def value(self, params):
        zg = self.g.value(params)
        zh = self.h.value(params)
        return zg ** zh
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        zg  = self.g.value(params)
        dzg = self.g.jacobian(params)
        zh  = self.h.value(params)
        dzh = self.h.jacobian(params)
        z   = zg ** zh
        return safe_into(into, times(plus(times(dzg, zh, inv(zg)), times(dzh, np.log(zg))), z))
def power(x,y):
    x = to_potential(x)
    y = to_potential(y)
    xc = is_const_potential(x)
    yc = is_const_potential(y)
    if xc and yc: return PotentialPowerPotential(x,   y)
    elif xc:      return ConstantPowerPotential( x.c, y)
    elif yc:      return PotentialPowerConstant( x,   y.c)
    else:         return PotentialConstant(power(x.c, y.c))
def sqrt(x): return power(x, 0.5)
def cbrt(x): return power(x, 1.0/3.0)
class PotentialLog(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, f, base=None):
        self.f = f
        self.base = base
    def f(f0): return to_potential(f0)
    def base(b): return None if b is None else to_potential(b)
    def value(self, params):
        z = self.f.value(params)
        if self.base is None: return np.log(z)
        b = self.base.value(params)
        return np.log(z)/np.log(b)
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        z  = self.f.value(params)
        dz = self.f.jacobian(params)
        if self.base is None:
            dz = divide(dz, z)
            b = self.base.value(params)
            db = self.base.jacobian(params)
            logb = np.log(b)
            dz = dz / logb - times(np.log(z), db) / (b * logb * logb)
        return safe_into(into, dz)
def log(x, base=None):
    x = to_potential(x)
    xc = is_const_potential(x)
    if base is None:
        if xc: return PotentialConstant(np.log(x.c))
        else:  return PotentialLog(x)
    base = to_potential(base)
    bc = is_const_potential(base)
    if xc and bc: return PotentialConstant(np.log(x.c, bc.c))
    else:         return PotentialLog(x, base)
def log2(x):  return log(x, 2)
def log10(x): return log(x, 10)
class PotentialSum(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, f, weights=None):
        self.f = f
        self.weights = None
    def f(f0): return to_potential(f0)
    def weights(w): return None if w is None else pimms.imm_array(w)
    def value(self, params):
        z = self.f.value(params)
        w = self.weights
        if w is None: return np.sum(z)
        else: return np.dot(z, w)
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        dz = self.f.jacobian(params)
        w = self.weights
        if w is None: q = dz.sum(axis=0)
        else:         q = times(dz, w).sum(axis=0)
        return safe_into(into, q)
def sum(x, weights=None):
    sum(x) yields either a potential-sum object if x is a potential function or the sum of x if x
      is not. If x is not a potential-field then it must be a vector.
    sum(x, weights=w) uses the given weights to produce a weighted sum.
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(np.sum(x.c))
    else:                     return PotentialSum(x, weights=weights)
class DotPotential(PotentialFunction):
    DotPotential is a potential function that represents the dot product of two functions.
    def __init__(self, g, h, g_shape=None, h_shape=None):
        self.g = g
        self.h = h
        self.g_shape = g_shape
        self.h_shape = h_shape
    def g(g0): return to_potential(g0)
    def h(h0): return to_potential(h0)
    def g_shape(gs):
        if gs is None: return None
        gs = tuple(gs)
        if   len(gs) < 2:  return None
        #elif len(gs) == 2: return gs
        else: raise ValueError('dot supports only scalars, vectors, and (soon) matrices')
    def h_shape(hs):
        if hs is None: return None
        hs = tuple(hs)
        if   len(hs) < 2:  return None
        #elif len(hs) == 2: return hs
        else: raise ValueError('dot supports only scalars, vectors, and (soon) matrices')
    def value(self, params):
        g = self.g.value(params)
        h = self.h.value(params)
        g = np.reshape(g, self.g_shape) if self.g_shape else flattest(g)
        h = np.reshape(h, self.h_shape) if self.h_shape else flattest(h)
        return flattest(inner(g, h))
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        g = self.g.value(params)
        h = self.h.value(params)
        g = np.reshape(g, self.g_shape) if self.g_shape else flattest(g)
        h = np.reshape(h, self.h_shape) if self.h_shape else flattest(h)
        dg = self.g.jacobian(params)
        dh = self.h.jacobian(params)
        gvec = self.g_shape is None
        hvec = self.h_shape is None
        if gvec == hvec:
            if gvec: return np.sum(g*dh + h*dg)
        # one or both are matrices
        raise NotImplementedError('matrix x matrix dot products not yet supported')
def dot(a, b, ashape=None, bshape=None):
    dot(a,b) yields a potential function that represents the dot product of a and b.

    Currently only vector and scalars are allowed.
    a = to_potential(a)
    b = to_potential(b)
    if is_const_potential(a) and is_const_potential(b): return PotentialConstant(np.dot(a.c, b.c))
    else: return DotPotential(a, b, g_shape=ashape, h_shape=bshape)
class CosPotential(PotentialFunction):
    CosPotential is a potential function that represents cos(x).
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return cosine(x)
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)
        z = sps.diags(-sine(x))
        return safe_into(into, z)
class SinPotential(PotentialFunction):
    SinPotential is a potential function that represents sin(x).
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return sine(x)
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)
        z = sps.diags(cosine(x))
        return safe_into(into, z)
class TanPotential(PotentialFunction):
    TanPotential is a potential function that represents tan(x).
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return tangent(x)
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)
        z = sps.diags(secant(x)**2)
        return safe_into(into, z)
class SecPotential(PotentialFunction):
    SecPotential is a potential function that represents sec(x).
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return secant(x)
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)
        z = sps.diags(secant(x)*tangent(x))
        return safe_into(into, z)
class CscPotential(PotentialFunction):
    CscPotential is a potential function that represents csc(x).
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return cosecant(x)
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)
        z = sps.diags(-cosecant(x)*cotangent(x))
        return safe_into(into, z)
class CotPotential(PotentialFunction):
    CotPotential is a potential function that represents cot(x).
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return cotangent(x)
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)
        return safe_into(into, -cosecant(x)**2)
def cos(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(cosine(x.c))
    elif x is identity:       return CosPotential()
    else:                     return compose(CosPotential(), x)
def sin(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(sine(x.c))
    elif x is identity:       return SinPotential()
    else:                     return compose(SinPotential(), x)
def tan(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(tangent(x.c))
    elif x is identity:       return TanPotential()
    else:                     return compose(TanPotential(), x)
def sec(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(secant(x.c))
    elif x is identity:       return SecPotential()
    else:                     return compose(SecPotential(), x)
def csc(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(cosecant(x.c))
    elif x is identity:       return CscPotential()
    else:                     return compose(CscPotential(), x)
def cot(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(cotangent(x.c))
    elif x is identity:       return CotPotential()
    else:                     return compose(CotPotential(), x)
class ArcSinPotential(PotentialFunction):
    ArcSinPotential is a potential function that represents asin(x).
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return arcsine(x)
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)[None]
        z = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - x**2)
        z = sps.diags(z)
        return safe_into(into, z)
class ArcCosPotential(PotentialFunction):
    ArcCosPotential is a potential function that represents acos(x).
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return arccosine(x)
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)[None]
        z = -1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - x**2)
        z = sps.diags(z)
        return safe_into(into, z)
class ArcTanPotential(PotentialFunction):
    ArcTanPotential is a potential function that represents atan(x).
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return arctangent(x)
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)[None]
        z = 1.0 / (1.0 + x**2)
        z = sps.diags(z)
        return safe_into(into, z)
class ArcTan2Potential(PotentialFunction):
    ArcTan2Potential is a potential function that represents atan2(y,x).
    def __init__(self, y, x):
        self.y = y
        self.x = x
    def y(y0): return to_potential(y0)
    def x(x0): return to_potential(x0)
    def value(self, params):
        y = self.y.value(params)
        x = self.x.value(params)
        return arctangent(y, x)
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        y  = self.y.value(params)
        x  = self.x.value(params)
        dy = self.y.jacobian(params)
        dx = self.x.jacobian(params)
        if   dy.shape[0] == 1 and dx.shape[0] > 1: dy = repmat(dy, dx.shape[0], 1)
        elif dx.shape[0] == 1 and dy.shape[0] > 1: dx = repmat(dx, dy.shape[0], 1)
        dz = zdivide(times(dy, x) - times(dx, y), x**2 + y**2)
        return safe_into(into, dz)
def asin(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(arcsine(x.c))
    elif x is identity:       return ArcSinPotential()
    else:                     return compose(ArcSinPotential(), x)
def acos(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(arccosine(x.c))
    elif x is identity:       return ArcCosPotential()
    else:                     return compose(ArcCosPotential(), x)
def atan(x):
    x = to_potential(x)
    if is_const_potential(x): return PotentialConstant(arctangent(x.c))
    elif x is identity:       return ArcTanPotential()
    else:                     return compose(ArcTanPotential(), x)
def atan2(y,x): return ArcTan2Potential(y, x)
def row_norms(ii, f=Ellipsis, squared=False):
    row_norms(ii) yields a potential function h(x) that calculates the vector norms of the rows of
      the matrix formed by [x[i] for i in ii] (ii is a matrix of parameter indices).
    row_norms(ii, f) yield a potential function h(x) equivalent to compose(row_norms(ii), f).
        (n,m) = ii
        # matrix shape given
        ii = np.reshape(np.arange(n*m), (n,m))
    except Exception: ii = np.asarray(ii)
    f = to_potential(f)
    if is_const_potential(f):
        q = flattest(f.c)
        q = np.sum([q[i]**2 for i in ii.T], axis=0)
        return PotentialConstant(q if squared else np.sqrt(q))
    F = reduce(lambda a,b: a + b, [part(Ellipsis, col)**2 for col in ii.T])
    F = compose(F, f)
    if not squared: F = sqrt(F)
    return F
def col_norms(ii, f=Ellipsis, squared=False):
    col_norms(ii) yields a potential function h(x) that calculates the vector norms of the columns
      of the matrix formed by [x[i] for i in ii] (ii is a matrix of parameter indices).
    col_norms(ii, f) yield a potential function h(x) equivalent to compose(col_norms(ii), f).
        (n,m) = ii
        # matrix shape given
        ii = np.reshape(np.arange(n*m), (n,m))
    except Exception: ii = np.asarray(ii)
    f = to_potential(f)
    if is_const_potential(f):
        q = flattest(f.c)
        q = np.sum([q[i]**2 for i in ii], axis=0)
        return PotentialConstant(q if squared else np.sqrt(q))
    F = reduce(lambda a,b: a + b, [part(Ellipsis, col)**2 for col in ii])
    F = compose(F, f)
    if not squared: F = sqrt(F)
    return F
def distances(a, b, shape, squared=False, axis=1):
    distances(a, b, (n,d)) yields a potential function whose output is equivalent to the row-norms
      of reshape(a(x), (n,d)) - reshape(b(x), (n,d)).
    The shape argument (n,m) may alternately be a matrix of parameter indices, as can be passed to
    row_norms and col_norms.

    The following optional arguments are accepted:
      * squared (default: False) specifies whether the output should be the square distance or the
      * axis (default: 1) specifies whether the rows (axis = 1) or columns (axis = 0) are treated
        as the vectors between which the distances should be calculated.
    a = to_potential(a)
    b = to_potential(b)
    if axis == 1: return row_norms(shape, a - b, squared=squared)
    else:         return col_norms(shape, a - b, squared=squared)
class PotentialPiecewise(PotentialFunction):
    def __init__(self, dflt, *args):
        self.default = dflt
        self.pieces = args
    def default(d): return to_potential(d)
    def pieces(ps):
        r = []
        for p in ps:
            try:              ((mn, mx), f) = p
            except Exception: (mn,  mx,  f) = p
            if mx < mn: raise ValueError('given piece has mn > mx: %s' % p)
            f = to_potential(f)
        r = sorted(r, key=lambda x:x[0])
        for (((lmn,lmx),_),((umn,umx),_)) in zip(r[:-1],r[1:]):
            if lmx > umn: raise ValueError('pieces contain overlapping ranges')
        return tuple(r)
    def pieces_with_default(pieces, default):
        ps = list(pieces)
        ps.append(((-np.inf,np.inf), default))
        return tuple(ps)
    def value(self, params):
        params = flattest(params)
        n = len(params)
        ii = np.arange(n)
        res = np.zeros(n)
        for ((mn,mx), f) in self.pieces_with_default:
            if len(ii) == 0: break
            k = np.where((params >= mn) & (params <= mx))[0]
            if len(k) == 0: continue
            kk = ii[k]
            res[kk] = f.value(params[k])
            ii = np.delete(ii, k)
            params = np.delete(params, k)
        return res
    def jacobian(self, params, into=None):
        params = flattest(params)
        n = len(params)
        ii = np.arange(n)
        (rs,cs,zs) = ([],[],[])
        for ((mn,mx), f) in self.pieces_with_default:
            if len(ii) == 0: break
            k = np.where((params >= mn) & (params <= mx))[0]
            if len(k) == 0: continue
            kk = ii[k]
            j = f.jacobian(params[k])
            if j.shape[0] == 1 and j.shape[1] > 1: j = repmat(j, j.shape[1], 1)
            (rj,cj,vj) = sps.find(j)
            ii = np.delete(ii, k)
            params = np.delete(params, k)
        (rs,cs,zs) = [np.concatenate(us) if len(us) > 0 else [] for us in (rs,cs,zs)]
        dz = sps.csr_matrix((zs, (rs,cs)), shape=(n,n))
        return safe_into(into, dz)
def piecewise(dflt, *spec):
    piecewise(g, ((mn1, mx1), f1), ((mn2, mx2), f2), ...) yields a potential function f(x) that, for
      each value x[i] in x, calculate y[i] = f1(x[i]) if mn1 <= x[i] <= mx1 else f2(x[i]) if mn2 <=
      x[i] <= mx2 else ... else g(x[i]).

    The ((mn,mx), f) may alternately be specified (mn,mx,f).
    return PotentialPiecewise(dflt, *spec)
def cos_well(f=Ellipsis, width=np.pi/2, offset=0, scale=1):
    cos_well() yields a potential function g(x) that calculates 0.5*(1 - cos(x)) for -pi/2 <= x
      <= pi/2 and is 1 outside of that range.
    The full formulat of the cosine well is, including optional arguments:
      scale / 2 * (1 - cos((x - offset) / (width/pi)))

    The following optional arguments may be given:
      * width (default: pi) specifies that the frequency of the cos-curve should be pi/width; the
        width is the distance between the points on the cos-curve with the value of 1.
      * offset (default: 0) specifies the offset of the minimum value of the coine curve on the
      * scale (default: 1) specifies the height of the cosine well.
    f = to_potential(f)
    freq = np.pi/width*2
    (xmn,xmx) = (offset - width/2, offset + width/2)
    F = piecewise(scale, ((xmn,xmx), scale/2 * (1 - cos(freq * (identity - offset)))))
    if   is_const_potential(f):    return const_potential(F.value(f.c))
    elif is_identity_potential(f): return F
    else:                          return compose(F, f)
def cos_edge(f=Ellipsis, width=np.pi, offset=0, scale=1):
    cos_edge() yields a potential function g(x) that calculates 0 for x < pi/2, 1 for x > pi/2, and
      0.5*(1 + cos(pi/2*(1 - x))) for x between -pi/2 and pi/2.
    The full formulat of the cosine well is, including optional arguments:
      scale/2 * (1 + cos(pi*(0.5 - (x - offset)/width)

    The following optional arguments may be given:
      * width (default: pi) specifies that the frequency of the cos-curve should be pi/width; the
        width is the distance between the points on the cos-curve with the value of 1.
      * offset (default: 0) specifies the offset of the minimum value of the coine curve on the
      * scale (default: 1) specifies the height of the cosine well.
    f = to_potential(f)
    freq = np.pi/2
    (xmn,xmx) = (offset - width/2, offset + width/2)
    F = piecewise(scale,
                  ((-np.inf, xmn), 0),
                  ((xmn,xmx), scale/2 * (1 + cos(np.pi*(0.5 - (identity - offset)/width)))))
    if   is_const_potential(f):    return const_potential(F.value(f.c))
    elif is_identity_potential(f): return F
    else:                          return compose(F, f)
def gaussian(f=Ellipsis, mu=0, sigma=1, scale=1, invert=False, normalize=False):
    gaussian() yields a potential function f(x) that calculates a Gaussian function over x; the
      formula used is given below.
    gaussian(g) yields a function h(x) such that, if f(x) is yielded by gaussian(), h(x) = f(g(x)).

    The formula employed by the Gaussian function is as follows, with mu, sigma, and scale all being
    parameters that one can provide via optional arguments:
      scale * exp(0.5 * ((x - mu) / sigma)**2)
    The following optional arguments may be given:
      * mu (default: 0) specifies the mean of the Gaussian.
      * sigma (default: 1) specifies the standard deviation (sigma) parameger of the Gaussian.
      * scale (default: 1) specifies the scale to use.
      * invert (default: False) specifies whether the Gaussian should be inverted. If inverted, then
        the formula, scale * exp(...), is replaced with scale * (1 - exp(...)).
      * normalize (default: False) specifies whether the result should be multiplied by the inverse
        of the area under the uninverted and unscaled curve; i.e., if normalize is True, the entire
        result is multiplied by 1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma**2).
    f = to_potential(f)
    F = exp(-0.5 * ((f - mu) / sigma)**2)
    if invert: F = 1 - F
    F = F * scale
    if normalize: F = F / (np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi) * sigma)
    return F
class ErfPotential(PotentialFunction):
    ErfPotential is a potential function that represents the error function.
    coef = 2.0 / np.sqrt(np.pi)
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return np.erf(flattest(x))
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)
        z = ErfPotential.coef * np.exp(-x**2)
        z = sps.diags(z)
        return safe_into(into, z)
def erf(f=Ellipsis):
    erf(x) yields a potential function that calculates the error function over the input x. If x is
      a constant, yields a constant potential function.
    erf() is equivalent to erf(...), which is just the error function, calculated over its inputs.
    f = to_potential(f)
    if is_const_potential(f): return const_potential(np.erf(f.c))
    elif is_identity_potential(f): return ErfPotential()
    else: return compose(ErfPotential(), f)
def sigmoid(f=Ellipsis, mu=0, sigma=1, scale=1, invert=False, normalize=False):
    sigmoid() yields a potential function that is equivalent to the integral of gaussian(), i.e.,
      the error function, but scaled to match gaussian().
    sigmoid(f) is equivalent to compose(sigmoid(), f).

    All options that are accepted by the gaussian() function are accepted by sigmoid() with the same
    default values and are handled in an equivalent manner with the exception of the invert option;
    when a sigmoid is inverted, the function approaches its maximum value at -inf and approaches 0
    at inf.

    Note that because sigmoid() explicitly matches gaussian(), the base formula used is as follows:
      f(x) = scale * sigma * sqrt(pi/2) * erf((x - mu) / (sqrt(2) * sigma))
      k*sig*Sqrt[Pi/2] Erf[(x - mu)/sig/Sqrt[2]]
    f = to_potential(f)
    F = erf((f - mu) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2.0)))
    if invert: F = 1 - F
    F = np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) * scale * F
    if normalize: F = F / (np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi) * sigma)
    return F
class AbsPotential(PotentialFunction):
    AbsPotential is a potential function that represents the absolute value function.
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return np.abs(flattest(x))
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        x = flattest(x)
        z = np.sign(x)
        z = sps.diags(z)
        return safe_into(into, z)
def abs(f=Ellipsis):
    abs() yields a potential function equivalent to the absolute value of the input.
    abs(f) yields the absolute value of the potential function f.

    Note that abs has a derivative of 0 at 0; this is not mathematically correct, but it is useful
    for the purposes of numerical methods. If you want traditional behavior, it is suggested that
    one instead employ sqrt(f**2).
    f = to_potential(f)
    if is_const_potential(f): return const_potential(np.abs(f.c))
    elif is_identity_potential(f): return AbsPotential()
    else: return compose(AbsPotential(), f)
class SignPotential(PotentialFunction):
    SignPotential is a potential function that represents the sign function.
    def __init__(self): pass
    def value(self, x): return np.sign(flattest(x))
    def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
        n = len(flattest(x))
        return sps.csr_matrix(([], [[],[]]), shape=(n,n)) if into is None else into
def sign(f=Ellipsis):
    sign() yields a potential function equivalent to the sign of the input.
    sign(f) yields the sign of the potential function f.

    Note that sign has a derivative of 0 at all points; this is not mathematically correct, but it is
    useful for the purposes of numerical methods. If you want traditional behavior, it is suggested
    that one instead employ f/sqrt(f**2).
    f = to_potential(f)
    if is_const_potential(f): return const_potential(np.sign(f.c))
    elif is_identity_potential(f): return SignPotential()
    else: return compose(SignPotential(), f)
class TriangleSignedArea2DPotential(PotentialFunction):
    TriangleSignedArea2DPotential(n) yields a potential function that tracks the signed area of
    the given face count n embedded in 2 dimensions.
    The signed area is positive if the triangle is counter-clockwise and negative if the triangle is
    def value(self, p):
        # transpose to be 3 x 2 x n
        p = np.transpose(np.reshape(p, (-1, 3, 2)), (1,2,0))
        # First, get the two legs...
        (dx_ab, dy_ab) = p[1] - p[0]
        (dx_ac, dy_ac) = p[2] - p[0]
        (dx_bc, dx_bc) = p[2] - p[1]
        # now, the area is half the z-value of the cross-product...
        sarea = 0.5 * (dx_ab*dy_ac - dx_ac*dy_ab)
        return sarea
    def jacobian(self, p, into=None):
        p = np.transpose(np.reshape(p, (-1, 3, 2)), (1,2,0))
        (dx_ab, dy_ab) = p[1] - p[0]
        (dx_ac, dy_ac) = p[2] - p[0]
        (dx_bc, dy_bc) = p[2] - p[1]
        z = 0.5 * np.transpose([[-dy_bc,dx_bc], [dy_ac,-dx_ac], [-dy_ab,dx_ab]], (2,0,1))
        m = numel(p)
        n = p.shape[2]
        ii = (np.arange(n) * np.ones([6, n])).T.flatten()
        z = sps.csr_matrix((z.flatten(), (ii, np.arange(len(ii)))), shape=(n, m))
        return safe_into(into, z)
def signed_face_areas(faces, axis=1):
    signed_face_areas(faces) yields a potential function f(x) that calculates the signed area of
      each face represented by the simplices matrix faces.

    If faces is None, then the parameters must arrive in the form of a flattened (n x 3 x 2) matrix
    where n is the number of triangles. Otherwise, the faces matrix must be either (n x 3) or (n x 3
    x s); if the former, each row must list the vertex indices for the faces where the vertex matrix
    is presumed to be shaped (V x 2). Alternately, faces may be a full (n x 3 x 2) simplex array of
    the indices into the parameters.

    The optional argument axis (default: 1) may be set to 0 if the faces argument is a matrix but
    the coordinate matrix will be (2 x V) instead of (V x 2).
    faces = np.asarray(faces)
    if len(faces.shape) == 2:
        if faces.shape[1] != 3: faces = faces.T
        n = 2 * (np.max(faces) + 1)
        if axis == 0: tmp = np.reshape(np.arange(n), (2,-1)).T
        else:         tmp = np.reshape(np.arange(n), (-1,2))
        faces = np.reshape(tmp[faces.flat], (-1,3,2))
    faces = faces.flatten()
    return compose(TriangleSignedArea2DPotential(), part(Ellipsis, faces))
class TriangleArea2DPotential(PotentialFunction):
    TriangleArea2DPotential(n) yields a potential function that tracks the unsigned area of the
    given number of faces.
    def value(self, p):
        # transpose to be 3 x 2 x n
        p = np.transpose(np.reshape(p, (-1, 3, 2)), (1,2,0))
        # First, get the two legs...
        (dx_ab, dy_ab) = p[1] - p[0]
        (dx_ac, dy_ac) = p[2] - p[0]
        (dx_bc, dy_bc) = p[2] - p[1]
        # now, the area is half the z-value of the cross-product...
        sarea0 = 0.5 * (dx_ab*dy_ac - dx_ac*dy_ab)
        # but we want to abs it
        return np.abs(sarea0)
    def jacobian(self, p, into=None):
        # transpose to be 3 x 2 x n
        p = np.transpose(np.reshape(p, (-1, 3, 2)), (1,2,0))
        # First, get the two legs...
        (dx_ab, dy_ab) = p[1] - p[0]
        (dx_ac, dy_ac) = p[2] - p[0]
        (dx_bc, dy_bc) = p[2] - p[1]
        # now, the area is half the z-value of the cross-product...
        sarea0 = 0.5 * (dx_ab*dy_ac - dx_ac*dy_ab)
        # but we want to abs it
        dsarea0 = np.sign(sarea0)
        z = np.transpose([[-dy_bc,dx_bc], [dy_ac,-dx_ac], [-dy_ab,dx_ab]], (2,0,1))
        z = times(0.5*dsarea0, z)
        m = numel(p)
        n = p.shape[2]
        ii = (np.arange(n) * np.ones([6, n])).T.flatten()
        z = sps.csr_matrix((z.flatten(), (ii, np.arange(len(ii)))), shape=(n, m))
        return safe_into(into, z)
def face_areas(faces, axis=1):
    face_areas(faces) yields a potential function f(x) that calculates the unsigned area of each
      faces represented by the simplices matrix faces.

    If faces is None, then the parameters must arrive in the form of a flattened (n x 3 x 2) matrix
    where n is the number of triangles. Otherwise, the faces matrix must be either (n x 3) or (n x 3
    x s); if the former, each row must list the vertex indices for the faces where the vertex matrix
    is presumed to be shaped (V x 2). Alternately, faces may be a full (n x 3 x 2) simplex array of
    the indices into the parameters.

    The optional argument axis (default: 1) may be set to 0 if the faces argument is a matrix but
    the coordinate matrix will be (2 x V) instead of (V x 2).
    faces = np.asarray(faces)
    if len(faces.shape) == 2:
        if faces.shape[1] != 3: faces = faces.T
        n = 2 * (np.max(faces) + 1)
        if axis == 0: tmp = np.reshape(np.arange(n), (2,-1)).T
        else:         tmp = np.reshape(np.arange(n), (-1,2))
        faces = np.reshape(tmp[faces.flat], (-1,3,2))
    faces = faces.flatten()
    return compose(TriangleArea2DPotential(), part(Ellipsis, faces))