"""Navigation Kalman filters."""
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.linalg import cholesky, cho_solve, solve_triangular
from . import dcm, earth, util

DR1 = 0
DR2 = 1
DV1 = 2
DV2 = 3
PHI1 = 4
PHI2 = 5
PSI3 = 6

DRE = 0
DRN = 1
DVE = 2
DVN = 3
DH = 4
DP = 5
DR = 6

class FiltResult:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def __repr__(self):
        keys = list(self.__dict__.keys())
        items = self.__dict__.items()
        if keys:
            m = max(map(len, keys)) + 1
            return '\n'.join(["{} : {}".format(k.rjust(m), type(v))
                              for k, v in sorted(items)])
            return self.__class__.__name__ + "()"

class InertialSensor:
    """Inertial sensor triad description.

    Below all parameters might be floats or arrays with 3 elements. In the
    former case the parameter is assumed to be the same for each of 3 sensors.
    Setting a parameter to None means that such error is not presented in
    a sensor.

    Note that all parameters are measured in International System of Units.

    Generally this class is not intended for public usage except its
    construction with desired parameters and passing it to a filter class

    bias : array_like or None
        Standard deviation of a bias, which is modeled as a random constant
        (plus an optional random walk).
    noise : array_like or None
        Strength of additive white noise. Known as an angle random walk for
    bias_walk : array_like or None
        Strength of white noise which is integrated into the bias. Known as
        a rate random walk for gyros. Can be set only if `bias` is set.
    scale : array_like or None
        Standard deviation of a scale factor, which is modeled as a random
        constant (plus an optional random walk).
    scale_walk : array_like or None
        Strength of white noise which is integrated into the scale factor.
        Can be set only if `scale` is set.
    corr_sd, corr_time : array_like or None
        Steady state standard deviation and correlation time for exponentially
        correlated noise. You need to set both or none of these values.
    MAX_STATES = 9
    MAX_NOISES = 9

    def __init__(self, bias=None, noise=None, bias_walk=None,
                 scale=None, scale_walk=None, corr_sd=None, corr_time=None):
        bias = self._verify_param(bias, 'bias')
        noise = self._verify_param(noise, 'noise')
        bias_walk = self._verify_param(bias_walk, 'bias_walk')
        scale = self._verify_param(scale, 'scale')
        scale_walk = self._verify_param(scale_walk, 'scale_walk')
        corr_time = self._verify_param(corr_time, 'corr_time', True)
        corr_sd = self._verify_param(corr_sd, 'corr_sd')

        if (corr_sd is None) + (corr_time is None) == 1:
            raise ValueError("Set both `corr_sd` and `corr_time`.")

        if bias is None and bias_walk is not None:
            raise ValueError("Set `bias` if you want to use `bias_walk`.")

        if scale is None and scale_walk is not None:
            raise ValueError("Set `scale` if you want to use `scale_walk`.")

        F = np.zeros((self.MAX_STATES, self.MAX_STATES))
        G = np.zeros((self.MAX_STATES, self.MAX_NOISES))
        H = np.zeros((3, self.MAX_STATES))
        P = np.zeros((self.MAX_STATES, self.MAX_STATES))
        q = np.zeros(self.MAX_NOISES)
        I = np.identity(3)

        n_states = 0
        n_noises = 0
        states = OrderedDict()
        if bias is not None:
            P[:3, :3] = I * bias ** 2
            H[:, :3] = I
            states['BIAS_1'] = n_states
            states['BIAS_2'] = n_states + 1
            states['BIAS_3'] = n_states + 2
            n_states += 3
        if scale is not None or scale_walk is not None:
            P[n_states: n_states + 3, n_states: n_states + 3] = I * scale ** 2
            states['SCALE_1'] = n_states
            states['SCALE_2'] = n_states + 1
            states['SCALE_3'] = n_states + 2
            n_states += 3
        if bias_walk is not None:
            G[:3, :3] = I
            q[:3] = bias_walk
            n_noises += 3
        if scale_walk is not None:
            G[n_noises: n_noises + 3, n_noises: n_noises + 3] = I
            q[n_noises: n_noises + 3] = scale_walk
            n_noises += 3
        if corr_sd is not None:
            F[n_states:n_states + 3, n_states:n_states + 3] = -I / corr_time
            G[n_noises:n_noises + 3, n_noises:n_noises + 3] = I
            H[:, n_states: n_states + 3] = I
            P[n_states:n_states + 3, n_states:n_states + 3] = I * corr_sd ** 2
            q[n_noises:n_noises + 3] = (2 / corr_time) ** 0.5 * corr_sd
            states['CORR_1'] = n_states
            states['CORR_2'] = n_states + 1
            states['CORR_3'] = n_states + 2
            n_states += 3
            n_noises += 3

        F = F[:n_states, :n_states]
        G = G[:n_states, :n_noises]
        H = H[:, :n_states]
        P = P[:n_states, :n_states]
        q = q[:n_noises]

        self.n_states = n_states
        self.n_noises = n_noises
        self.states = states
        self.bias = bias
        self.noise = noise
        self.bias_walk = bias_walk
        self.scale = scale
        self.scale_walk = scale_walk
        self.corr_sd = corr_sd
        self.corr_time = corr_time
        self.P = P
        self.q = q
        self.F = F
        self.G = G
        self._H = H

    def _verify_param(param, name, only_positive=False):
        if param is None:
            return None

        param = np.asarray(param)
        if param.ndim == 0:
            param = np.resize(param, 3)
        if param.shape != (3,):
            raise ValueError("`{}` might be float or array with "
                             "3 elements.".format(name))
        if only_positive and np.any(param <= 0):
            raise ValueError("`{}` must contain positive values.".format(name))
        elif np.any(param < 0):
            raise ValueError("`{}` must contain non-negative values."

        return param

    def output_matrix(self, readings=None):
        if self.scale is not None and readings is None:
            raise ValueError("Inertial `readings` are required when "
                             "`self.scale` is set.")

        if self.scale is not None:
            readings = np.asarray(readings)
            if readings.ndim == 1:
                H = self._H.copy()
                i1 = self.states['SCALE_1']
                i2 = self.states['SCALE_3'] + 1
                H[:, i1: i2] = np.diag(readings)
                n_readings = readings.shape[0]
                H = np.zeros((n_readings, 3, self.n_states))
                H[:] = self._H
                i1 = self.states['SCALE_1']
                i2 = self.states['SCALE_3'] + 1

                I1 = np.repeat(np.arange(n_readings), 3)
                I2 = np.tile(np.arange(3), n_readings)

                H_view = H[:, :, i1: i2]
                H_view[I1, I2, I2] = readings.ravel()
            return H
            return self._H

class Observation:
    """Base class for observation models.

    Documentation is given to explain how you can implement a new observation
    model. All you need to do is to implement `compute_obs` function. See Also
    section contains links to already implemented models.

    data : DataFrame
        Observed values as a DataFrame. Index must contain time stamps.
    gain_curve : None, callable or 3-tuple
        Kalman correction gain curve. It determines the proportionality of
        a state correction and a normalized measurement residual (by its
        theoretical covariance). In the standard Kalman correction it is an
        identity function. To make the filter robust to outliers a sublinear
        function can be provided. A convenient parametrization of such function
        is supported. It described by 3 numbers [L, F, C], if q is a normalized
        residual then:

            * If q < L: standard Kalman correction is used.
            * If L <= q < F: correction is kept constant on a level of q = L.
            * If F <= q < C: correction decays to 0 as ~1/q.
            * IF q >= C: the measurement is rejected completely.

        If None (default), the standard Kalman correction will be used.

    data : DataFrame
        Data saved from the constructor.

    See Also
    def __init__(self, data, gain_curve=None):
        if callable(gain_curve):
            self.gain_curve = gain_curve
        elif gain_curve is not None:
            self.gain_curve = self._create_gain_curve(gain_curve)
            self.gain_curve = None

        self.data = data

    def _create_gain_curve(params):
        L, F, C = params

        def gain_curve(q):
            if q > C:
                return 0
            if F < q <= C:
                return L * F * (C - q) / ((C - F) * q)
            elif L < q <= F:
                return L
                return q

        return gain_curve

    def compute_obs(self, stamp, traj_point):
        """Compute ingredients for a single linearized observation.

        It must compute the observation model (z, H, R) at a given time stamp.
        If the observation is not available at a given `stamp`, it must return

        stamp : int
            Time stamp.
        traj_point : Series
            Point of INS trajectory at `stamp`.

        z : ndarray, shape (n_obs,)
            Observation vector. A difference between an INS corresponding
            value and an observed value.
        H : ndarray, shape (n_obs, 7)
            Observation model matrix. It relates the vector `z` to the
            INS error states.
        R : ndarray, shape (n_obs, n_obs)
            Covariance matrix of the observation error.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class LatLonObs(Observation):
    """Observation of latitude and longitude (from GPS or any other source).

    data : DataFrame
        Must contain columns 'lat' and 'lon' for latitude and longitude.
        Index must contain time stamps.
    sd : float
        Measurement accuracy in meters.
    gain_curve : None, callable or 3-tuple
        Kalman correction gain curve. It determines the proportionality of
        a state correction and a normalized measurement residual (by its
        theoretical covariance). In the standard Kalman correction it is an
        identity function. To make the filter robust to outliers a sublinear
        function can be provided. A convenient parametrization of such function
        is supported. It described by 3 numbers [L, F, C], if q is a normalized
        residual then:

            * If q < L: standard Kalman correction is used.
            * If L <= q < F: correction is kept constant on a level of q = L.
            * If F <= q < C: correction decays to 0 as ~1/q.
            * IF q >= C: the measurement is rejected completely.

        If None (default), the standard Kalman correction will be used.

    data : DataFrame
        Data saved from the constructor.
    def __init__(self, data, sd, gain_curve=None):
        super(LatLonObs, self).__init__(data, gain_curve)
        self.R = np.diag([sd, sd]) ** 2
        H = np.zeros((2, N_BASE_STATES))
        H[0, DR1] = 1
        H[1, DR2] = 1
        self.H = H

    def compute_obs(self, stamp, traj_point):
        """Compute ingredients for a single observation.

        See `Observation.compute_obs`.
        if stamp not in self.data.index:
            return None

        d_lat = traj_point.lat - self.data.lat.loc[stamp]
        d_lon = traj_point.lon - self.data.lon.loc[stamp]
        clat = np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.data.lat.loc[stamp]))
        z = np.array([
            np.deg2rad(d_lon) * earth.R0 * clat,
            np.deg2rad(d_lat) * earth.R0

        return z, self.H, self.R

class VeVnObs(Observation):
    """Observation of East and North velocity (from GPS or any other source).

    data : DataFrame
        Must contain columns 'VE' and 'VN' for East and North velocity
        components. Index must contain time stamps.
    sd : float
        Measurement accuracy in m/s.
    gain_curve : None, callable or 3-tuple
        Kalman correction gain curve. It determines the proportionality of
        a state correction and a normalized measurement residual (by its
        theoretical covariance). In the standard Kalman correction it is an
        identity function. To make the filter robust to outliers a sublinear
        function can be provided. A convenient parametrization of such function
        is supported. It described by 3 numbers [L, F, C], if q is a normalized
        residual then:

            * If q < L: standard Kalman correction is used.
            * If L <= q < F: correction is kept constant on a level of q = L.
            * If F <= q < C: correction decays to 0 as ~1/q.
            * IF q >= C: the measurement is rejected completely.

        If None (default), the standard Kalman correction will be used.

    data : DataFrame
        Data saved from the constructor.
    def __init__(self, data, sd, gain_curve=None):
        super(VeVnObs, self).__init__(data, gain_curve)
        self.R = np.diag([sd, sd]) ** 2

    def compute_obs(self, stamp, traj_point):
        """Compute ingredients for a single observation.

        See `Observation.compute_obs`.
        if stamp not in self.data.index:
            return None

        VE = self.data.VE.loc[stamp]
        VN = self.data.VN.loc[stamp]

        z = np.array([traj_point.VE - VE, traj_point.VN - VN])
        H = np.zeros((2, N_BASE_STATES))

        H[0, DV1] = 1
        H[0, PSI3] = VN
        H[1, DV2] = 1
        H[1, PSI3] = -VE

        return z, H, self.R

def _errors_transform_matrix(traj):
    lat = np.deg2rad(traj.lat)
    VE = traj.VE
    VN = traj.VN
    h = np.deg2rad(traj.h)
    p = np.deg2rad(traj.p)

    tlat = np.tan(lat)
    sh, ch = np.sin(h), np.cos(h)
    cp, tp = np.cos(p), np.tan(p)

    T = np.zeros((traj.shape[0], N_BASE_STATES, N_BASE_STATES))
    T[:, DRE, DR1] = 1
    T[:, DRN, DR2] = 1
    T[:, DVE, DR1] = VN * tlat / earth.R0
    T[:, DVE, DV1] = 1
    T[:, DVE, PSI3] = VN
    T[:, DVN, DR1] = -VE * tlat / earth.R0
    T[:, DVN, DV2] = 1
    T[:, DVN, PSI3] = -VE
    T[:, DH, DR1] = tlat / earth.R0
    T[:, DH, PHI1] = -sh * tp
    T[:, DH, PHI2] = -ch * tp
    T[:, DH, PSI3] = 1
    T[:, DP, PHI1] = -ch
    T[:, DP, PHI2] = sh
    T[:, DR, PHI1] = -sh / cp
    T[:, DR, PHI2] = -ch / cp

    return T

def _error_model_matrices(traj):
    n_samples = traj.shape[0]
    lat = np.deg2rad(traj.lat)
    slat, clat = np.sin(lat), np.cos(lat)
    tlat = slat / clat

    u = np.zeros((n_samples, 3))
    u[:, 1] = earth.RATE * clat
    u[:, 2] = earth.RATE * slat

    rho = np.empty((n_samples, 3))
    rho[:, 0] = -traj.VN / earth.R0
    rho[:, 1] = traj.VE / earth.R0
    rho[:, 2] = rho[:, 1] * tlat

    Cnb = dcm.from_hpr(traj.h, traj.p, traj.r)

    F = np.zeros((n_samples, N_BASE_STATES, N_BASE_STATES))

    F[:, DR1, DR2] = rho[:, 2]
    F[:, DR1, DV1] = 1
    F[:, DR1, PSI3] = traj.VN

    F[:, DR2, DR1] = -rho[:, 2]
    F[:, DR2, DV2] = 1
    F[:, DR2, PSI3] = -traj.VE

    F[:, DV1, DV2] = 2 * u[:, 2] + rho[:, 2]
    F[:, DV1, PHI2] = -earth.G0

    F[:, DV2, DV1] = -2 * u[:, 2] - rho[:, 2]
    F[:, DV2, PHI1] = earth.G0

    F[:, PHI1, DR1] = -u[:, 2] / earth.R0
    F[:, PHI1, DV2] = -1 / earth.R0
    F[:, PHI1, PHI2] = u[:, 2] + rho[:, 2]
    F[:, PHI1, PSI3] = -u[:, 1]

    F[:, PHI2, DR2] = -u[:, 2] / earth.R0
    F[:, PHI2, DV1] = 1 / earth.R0
    F[:, PHI2, PHI1] = -u[:, 2] - rho[:, 2]
    F[:, PHI2, PSI3] = u[:, 0]

    F[:, PSI3, DR1] = (u[:, 0] + rho[:, 0]) / earth.R0
    F[:, PSI3, DR2] = (u[:, 1] + rho[:, 1]) / earth.R0
    F[:, PSI3, PHI1] = u[:, 1] + rho[:, 1]
    F[:, PSI3, PHI2] = -u[:, 0] - rho[:, 0]

    B_gyro = np.zeros((n_samples, N_BASE_STATES, 3))
    B_gyro[np.ix_(np.arange(n_samples), [PHI1, PHI2, PSI3], [0, 1, 2])] = -Cnb

    B_accel = np.zeros((n_samples, N_BASE_STATES, 3))
    B_accel[np.ix_(np.arange(n_samples), [DV1, DV2], [0, 1, 2])] = Cnb[:, :2]

    return F, B_gyro, B_accel

def propagate_errors(dt, traj, d_lat=0, d_lon=0, d_VE=0, d_VN=0,
                     d_h=0, d_p=0, d_r=0, d_gyro=0, d_accel=0):
    """Deterministic linear propagation of INS errors.

    dt : float
        Time step per stamp.
    traj : DataFrame
    d_lat, d_lon : float
        Initial position errors in meters.
    d_VE, d_VN : float
        Initial velocity errors.
    d_h, d_p, d_r : float
        Initial heading, pitch and roll errors.
    d_gyro, d_accel : array_like
        Gyro and accelerometer errors (in SI units). Can be constant or
        specified for each time stamp in `traj`.

    traj_err : DataFrame
        Trajectory errors.
    Fi, Fig, Fia = _error_model_matrices(traj)
    Phi = 0.5 * (Fi[1:] + Fi[:-1]) * dt
    Phi[:] += np.identity(Phi.shape[-1])

    d_gyro = np.asarray(d_gyro)
    d_accel = np.asarray(d_accel)
    if d_gyro.ndim == 0:
        d_gyro = np.resize(d_gyro, 3)
    if d_accel.ndim == 0:
        d_accel = np.resize(d_accel, 3)

    d_gyro = util.mv_prod(Fig, d_gyro)
    d_accel = util.mv_prod(Fia, d_accel)
    d_sensor = 0.5 * (d_gyro[1:] + d_gyro[:-1] + d_accel[1:] + d_accel[:-1])

    T = _errors_transform_matrix(traj)
    d_h = np.deg2rad(d_h)
    d_p = np.deg2rad(d_p)
    d_r = np.deg2rad(d_r)
    x0 = np.array([d_lon, d_lat, d_VE, d_VN, d_h, d_p, d_r])
    x0 = np.linalg.inv(T[0]).dot(x0)

    n_samples = Fi.shape[0]
    x = np.empty((n_samples, N_BASE_STATES))
    x[0] = x0
    for i in range(n_samples - 1):
        x[i + 1] = Phi[i].dot(x[i]) + d_sensor[i] * dt

    x = util.mv_prod(T, x)
    error = pd.DataFrame(index=traj.index)
    error['lat'] = x[:, DRN]
    error['lon'] = x[:, DRE]
    error['VE'] = x[:, DVE]
    error['VN'] = x[:, DVN]
    error['h'] = np.rad2deg(x[:, DH])
    error['p'] = np.rad2deg(x[:, DP])
    error['r'] = np.rad2deg(x[:, DR])

    return error

def _kalman_correct(x, P, z, H, R, gain_factor, gain_curve):
    PHT = np.dot(P, H.T)

    S = np.dot(H, PHT) + R
    e = z - H.dot(x)
    L = cholesky(S, lower=True)
    inn = solve_triangular(L, e, lower=True)

    if gain_curve is not None:
        q = (np.dot(inn, inn) / inn.shape[0]) ** 0.5
        f = gain_curve(q)
        if f == 0:
            return inn
        L *= (q / f) ** 0.5

    K = cho_solve((L, True), PHT.T, overwrite_b=True).T
    if gain_factor is not None:
        K *= gain_factor[:, None]

    U = -K.dot(H)
    U[np.diag_indices_from(U)] += 1
    x += K.dot(z - H.dot(x))
    P[:] = U.dot(P).dot(U.T) + K.dot(R).dot(K.T)

    return inn

def _refine_stamps(stamps, max_step):
    stamps = np.sort(np.unique(stamps))
    ds = np.diff(stamps)
    ds_new = []
    for d in ds:
        if d > max_step:
            repeat, left = divmod(d, max_step)
            ds_new.append([max_step] * repeat)
            if left > 0:
    ds_new = np.hstack(ds_new)
    stamps_new = stamps[0] + np.cumsum(ds_new)
    return np.hstack((stamps[0], stamps_new))

def _compute_output_errors(traj, x, P, output_stamps,
                           gyro_model, accel_model):
    T = _errors_transform_matrix(traj.loc[output_stamps])
    y = util.mv_prod(T, x[:, :N_BASE_STATES])
    Py = util.mm_prod(T, P[:, :N_BASE_STATES, :N_BASE_STATES])
    Py = util.mm_prod(Py, T, bt=True)
    sd_y = np.diagonal(Py, axis1=1, axis2=2) ** 0.5

    err = pd.DataFrame(index=output_stamps)
    err['lat'] = y[:, DRN]
    err['lon'] = y[:, DRE]
    err['VE'] = y[:, DVE]
    err['VN'] = y[:, DVN]
    err['h'] = np.rad2deg(y[:, DH])
    err['p'] = np.rad2deg(y[:, DP])
    err['r'] = np.rad2deg(y[:, DR])

    sd = pd.DataFrame(index=output_stamps)
    sd['lat'] = sd_y[:, DRN]
    sd['lon'] = sd_y[:, DRE]
    sd['VE'] = sd_y[:, DVE]
    sd['VN'] = sd_y[:, DVN]
    sd['h'] = np.rad2deg(sd_y[:, DH])
    sd['p'] = np.rad2deg(sd_y[:, DP])
    sd['r'] = np.rad2deg(sd_y[:, DR])

    gyro_err = pd.DataFrame(index=output_stamps)
    gyro_sd = pd.DataFrame(index=output_stamps)
    for i, name in enumerate(gyro_model.states):
        gyro_err[name] = x[:, n + i]
        gyro_sd[name] = P[:, n + i, n + i] ** 0.5

    accel_err = pd.DataFrame(index=output_stamps)
    accel_sd = pd.DataFrame(index=output_stamps)
    ng = gyro_model.n_states
    for i, name in enumerate(accel_model.states):
        accel_err[name] = x[:, n + ng + i]
        accel_sd[name] = P[:, n + ng + i, n + ng + i] ** 0.5

    return err, sd, gyro_err, gyro_sd, accel_err, accel_sd

def _rts_pass(x, P, xa, Pa, Phi):
    n_points, n_states = x.shape
    I = np.identity(n_states)
    for i in reversed(range(n_points - 1)):
        L = cholesky(Pa[i + 1], check_finite=False)
        Pa_inv = cho_solve((L, False), I, check_finite=False)

        C = P[i].dot(Phi[i].T).dot(Pa_inv)

        x[i] += C.dot(x[i + 1] - xa[i + 1])
        P[i] += C.dot(P[i + 1] - Pa[i + 1]).dot(C.T)

    return x, P

class FeedforwardFilter:
    """INS Kalman filter in a feedforward form.

    dt : float
        Time step per stamp.
    traj_ref : DataFrame
        Trajectory which is used to propagate the error model. It should be
        reasonably accurate and must be recorded at each successive time stamp
        without skips.
    pos_sd : float
        Initial position uncertainty in meters.
    vel_sd : float
        Initial velocity uncertainty.
    azimuth_sd : float
        Initial azimuth (heading) uncertainty.
    level_sd : float
        Initial level (pitch and roll) uncertainty.
    gyro_model, accel_model : None or `InertialSensor`, optional
        Error models for gyros and accelerometers. If None (default), an empty
        model will be used.
    gyro, accel : array_like or None, optional
        Gyro and accelerometer readings, required only if a scale factor is
        modeled in `gyro_model` and `accel_model` respectively.

    n_states : int
        Number of states.
    n_noises : int
        Number of noise sources.
    states : OrderedDict
        Dictionary mapping state names to their indices.
    def __init__(self, dt, traj_ref, pos_sd, vel_sd, azimuth_sd, level_sd,
                 gyro_model=None, accel_model=None, gyro=None, accel=None):
        if gyro_model is None:
            gyro_model = InertialSensor()
        if accel_model is None:
            accel_model = InertialSensor()

        if gyro_model.scale is not None and gyro is None:
            raise ValueError("`gyro_model` contains scale factor errors, "
                             "thus you must provide `gyro`.")
        if accel_model.scale is not None and accel is None:
            raise ValueError("`accel_model` contains scale factor errors, "
                             "thus you must provide `accel`.")

        self.traj_ref = traj_ref

        n_points = traj_ref.shape[0]
        n_states = N_BASE_STATES + gyro_model.n_states + accel_model.n_states
        n_noises = (gyro_model.n_noises + accel_model.n_noises +
                    3 * (gyro_model.noise is not None) +
                    3 * (accel_model.noise is not None))

        F = np.zeros((n_points, n_states, n_states))
        G = np.zeros((n_points, n_states, n_noises))
        q = np.zeros(n_noises)
        P0 = np.zeros((n_states, n_states))

        n = N_BASE_STATES
        n1 = gyro_model.n_states
        n2 = accel_model.n_states

        states = OrderedDict((
            ('DR1', DR1),
            ('DR2', DR2),
            ('DV1', DV1),
            ('DV2', DV2),
            ('PHI1', PHI1),
            ('PHI2', PHI2),
            ('PSI3', PSI3)
        for name, state in gyro_model.states.items():
            states['GYRO_' + name] = n + state
        for name, state in accel_model.states.items():
            states['ACCEL_' + name] = n + n1 + state

        level_sd = np.deg2rad(level_sd)
        azimuth_sd = np.deg2rad(azimuth_sd)

        P0[DR1, DR1] = P0[DR2, DR2] = pos_sd ** 2
        P0[DV1, DV1] = P0[DV2, DV2] = vel_sd ** 2
        P0[PHI1, PHI1] = P0[PHI2, PHI2] = level_sd ** 2
        P0[PSI3, PSI3] = azimuth_sd ** 2

        P0[n: n + n1, n: n + n1] = gyro_model.P
        P0[n + n1: n + n1 + n2, n + n1: n + n1 + n2] = accel_model.P

        self.P0 = P0

        Fi, Fig, Fia = _error_model_matrices(traj_ref)
        F[:, :n, :n] = Fi
        F[:, n: n + n1, n: n + n1] = gyro_model.F
        F[:, n + n1:n + n1 + n2, n + n1: n + n1 + n2] = accel_model.F

        if gyro is not None:
            gyro = np.asarray(gyro)
            gyro = gyro / dt
            gyro = np.vstack((gyro, 2 * gyro[-1] - gyro[-2]))

        if accel is not None:
            accel = np.asarray(accel)
            accel = accel / dt
            accel = np.vstack((accel, 2 * accel[-1] - accel[-2]))

        H_gyro = gyro_model.output_matrix(gyro)
        H_accel = accel_model.output_matrix(accel)
        F[:, :n, n: n + n1] = util.mm_prod(Fig, H_gyro)
        F[:, :n, n + n1: n + n1 + n2] = util.mm_prod(Fia, H_accel)

        s = 0
        s1 = gyro_model.n_noises
        s2 = accel_model.n_noises
        if gyro_model.noise is not None:
            G[:, :n, :3] = Fig
            q[:3] = gyro_model.noise
            s += 3
        if accel_model.noise is not None:
            G[:, :n, s: s + 3] = Fia
            q[s: s + 3] = accel_model.noise
            s += 3

        G[:, n: n + n1, s: s + s1] = gyro_model.G
        q[s: s + s1] = gyro_model.q
        G[:, n + n1: n + n1 + n2, s + s1: s + s1 + s2] = accel_model.G
        q[s + s1: s + s1 + s2] = accel_model.q

        self.F = F
        self.q = q
        self.G = G

        self.dt = dt
        self.n_points = n_points
        self.n_states = n_states
        self.n_noises = n_noises
        self.states = states

        self.gyro_model = gyro_model
        self.accel_model = accel_model

    def _validate_parameters(self, traj, observations, gain_factor,
                             max_step, record_stamps):
        if traj is None:
            traj = self.traj_ref

        if not np.all(traj.index == self.traj_ref.index):
            raise ValueError("Time stamps of reference and computed "
                             "trajectories don't match.")

        if gain_factor is not None:
            gain_factor = np.asarray(gain_factor)
            if gain_factor.shape != (self.n_states,):
                raise ValueError("`gain_factor` is expected to have shape {}, "
                                 "but actually has {}."
                                 .format((self.n_states,), gain_factor.shape))
            if np.any(gain_factor < 0):
                raise ValueError("`gain_factor` must contain positive values.")

        if observations is None:
            observations = []

        stamps = pd.Index([])
        for obs in observations:
            stamps = stamps.union(obs.data.index)

        start, end = traj.index[0], traj.index[-1]
        stamps = stamps.union(pd.Index([start, end]))

        if record_stamps is not None:
            end = min(end, record_stamps[-1])
            record_stamps = record_stamps[(record_stamps >= start) &
                                          (record_stamps <= end)]
            stamps = stamps.union(pd.Index(record_stamps))

        stamps = stamps[(stamps >= start) & (stamps <= end)]

        max_step = max(1, int(np.floor(max_step / self.dt)))
        stamps = _refine_stamps(stamps, max_step)

        if record_stamps is None:
            record_stamps = stamps

        return traj, observations, stamps, record_stamps, gain_factor

    def _forward_pass(self, traj, observations, gain_factor, stamps,
                      record_stamps, data_for_backward=False):
        inds = stamps - stamps[0]

        if data_for_backward:
            n_stamps = stamps.shape[0]
            x = np.empty((n_stamps, self.n_states))
            P = np.empty((n_stamps, self.n_states, self.n_states))
            xa = x.copy()
            Pa = P.copy()
            Phi_arr = np.empty((n_stamps - 1, self.n_states, self.n_states))
            record_stamps = stamps
            n_stamps = record_stamps.shape[0]
            x = np.empty((n_stamps, self.n_states))
            P = np.empty((n_stamps, self.n_states, self.n_states))
            xa = None
            Pa = None
            Phi_arr = None

        xc = np.zeros(self.n_states)
        Pc = self.P0.copy()
        i_save = 0

        H_max = np.zeros((10, self.n_states))

        obs_stamps = [[] for _ in range(len(observations))]
        obs_residuals = [[] for _ in range(len(observations))]

        for i in range(stamps.shape[0] - 1):
            stamp = stamps[i]
            ind = inds[i]
            next_ind = inds[i + 1]

            if data_for_backward and record_stamps[i_save] == stamp:
                xa[i_save] = xc
                Pa[i_save] = Pc

            for i_obs, obs in enumerate(observations):
                ret = obs.compute_obs(stamp, traj.loc[stamp])
                if ret is not None:
                    z, H, R = ret
                    H_max[:H.shape[0], :N_BASE_STATES] = H
                    res = _kalman_correct(xc, Pc, z, H_max[:H.shape[0]], R,
                                          gain_factor, obs.gain_curve)

            if record_stamps[i_save] == stamp:
                x[i_save] = xc
                P[i_save] = Pc
                i_save += 1

            dt = self.dt * (next_ind - ind)
            Phi = 0.5 * (self.F[ind] + self.F[next_ind]) * dt
            Phi[np.diag_indices_from(Phi)] += 1
            Qd = 0.5 * (self.G[ind] + self.G[next_ind])
            Qd *= self.q
            Qd = np.dot(Qd, Qd.T) * dt

            if data_for_backward:
                Phi_arr[i] = Phi

            xc = Phi.dot(xc)
            Pc = Phi.dot(Pc).dot(Phi.T) + Qd

        x[-1] = xc
        P[-1] = Pc

        if data_for_backward:
            xa[-1] = xc
            Pa[-1] = Pc

        residuals = []
        for s, r in zip(obs_stamps, obs_residuals):
            residuals.append(pd.DataFrame(index=s, data=np.asarray(r)))

        return x, P, xa, Pa, Phi_arr, residuals

    def run(self, traj=None, observations=[], gain_factor=None, max_step=1,
        """Run the filter.

        traj : DataFrame or None
            Trajectory computed by INS of which to estimate the errors.
            If None (default), use `traj_ref` from the constructor.
        observations : list of `Observation`
            Observations which will be processed. Empty by default.
        gain_factor : array_like with shape (n_states,) or None
            Factor for Kalman gain for each filter state. It might be
            beneficial in some practical situations to set factors less than 1
            in order to decrease influence of measurements on some states.
            Setting values higher than 1 is unlikely to be reasonable. If None
            (default), use standard optimal Kalman gain.
        max_step : float, optional
            Maximum allowed time step in seconds for errors propagation.
            Default is 1 second. Set to 0 if you desire the smallest possible
        record_stamps : array_like or None
            Stamps at which record estimated errors. If None (default), errors
            will be saved at each stamp used internally in the filter.

        Bunch object with the fields listed below. Note that all data frames
        contain stamps only presented in `record_stamps`.
        traj : DataFrame
            Trajectory corrected by estimated errors.
        err, sd : DataFrame
            Estimated trajectory errors and their standard deviations.
        gyro_err, gyro_sd : DataFrame
            Estimated gyro error states and their standard deviations.
        accel_err, accel_sd : DataFrame
            Estimated accelerometer error states and their standard deviations.
        x : ndarray, shape (n_points, n_states)
            History of the filter states.
        P : ndarray, shape (n_points, n_states, n_states)
            History of the filter covariance.
        residuals : list of DataFrame
            Each DataFrame corresponds to an observation from `observations`.
            Its index is observation time stamps and columns contain normalized
            observations residuals for each component of the observation
            vector `z`.
        traj, observations, stamps, record_stamps, gain_factor = \
            self._validate_parameters(traj, observations, gain_factor,
                                      max_step, record_stamps)

        x, P, _, _, _, residuals = self._forward_pass(
            traj, observations, gain_factor, stamps, record_stamps)

        err, sd, gyro_err, gyro_sd, accel_err, accel_sd = \
            _compute_output_errors(self.traj_ref, x, P, record_stamps,
                                   self.gyro_model, self.accel_model)

        traj_corr = correct_traj(traj, err)

        return FiltResult(traj=traj_corr, err=err, sd=sd, gyro_err=gyro_err,
                          gyro_sd=gyro_sd, accel_err=accel_err,
                          accel_sd=accel_sd, x=x, P=P, residuals=residuals)

    def run_smoother(self, traj=None, observations=[], gain_factor=None,
                     max_step=1, record_stamps=None):
        """Run the smoother.

        It means that observations during the whole time is used to estimate
        the errors at each moment of time (i.e. it is not real time). The
        Rauch-Tung-Striebel two pass recursion is used [1]_.

        traj : DataFrame or None
            Trajectory computed by INS of which to estimate the errors.
            If None (default), use `traj_ref` from the constructor.
        observations : list of `Observation`
            Observations which will be processed. Empty by default.
        gain_factor : array_like with shape (n_states,) or None
            Factor for Kalman gain for each filter state. It might be
            beneficial in some practical situations to set factors less than 1
            in order to decrease influence of measurements on some states.
            Setting values higher than 1 is unlikely to be reasonable. If None
            (default), use standard optimal Kalman gain.
        max_step : float, optional
            Maximum allowed time step in seconds for errors propagation.
            Default is 1 second. Set to 0 if you desire the smallest possible
        record_stamps : array_like or None
            Stamps at which record estimated errors. If None (default), errors
            will be saved at each stamp used internally in the filter.

        Bunch object with the fields listed below. Note that all data frames
        contain stamps only presented in `record_stamps`.
        traj : DataFrame
            Trajectory corrected by estimated errors. It will only contain
            stamps presented in `record_stamps`.
        err, sd : DataFrame
            Estimated trajectory errors and their standard deviations.
        gyro_err, gyro_sd : DataFrame
            Estimated gyro error states and their standard deviations.
        accel_err, accel_sd : DataFrame
            Estimated accelerometer error states and their standard deviations.
        x : ndarray, shape (n_points, n_states)
            History of the filter states.
        P : ndarray, shape (n_points, n_states, n_states)
            History of the filter covariance.
        residuals : list of DataFrame
            Each DataFrame corresponds to an observation from `observations`.
            Its index is observation time stamps and columns contain normalized
            observations residuals for each component of the observation
            vector `z`.

        .. [1] H. E. Rauch, F. Tung and C.T. Striebel, "Maximum Likelihood
               Estimates of Linear Dynamic Systems", AIAA Journal, Vol. 3,
               No. 8, August 1965.
        traj, observations, stamps, record_stamps, gain_factor = \
            self._validate_parameters(traj, observations, gain_factor,
                                      max_step, record_stamps)

        x, P, xa, Pa, Phi_arr, residuals = self._forward_pass(
            traj, observations, gain_factor, stamps, record_stamps,

        x, P = _rts_pass(x, P, xa, Pa, Phi_arr)

        ind = np.searchsorted(stamps, record_stamps)
        x = x[ind]
        P = P[ind]

        err, sd, gyro_err, gyro_sd, accel_err, accel_sd = \
            _compute_output_errors(self.traj_ref, x, P, record_stamps,
                                   self.gyro_model, self.accel_model)

        traj_corr = correct_traj(traj, err)

        return FiltResult(traj=traj_corr, err=err, sd=sd, gyro_err=gyro_err,
                          gyro_sd=gyro_sd, accel_err=accel_err,
                          accel_sd=accel_sd, x=x, P=P, residuals=residuals)

class FeedbackFilter:
    """INS Kalman filter with feedback corrections.

    dt : float
        Time step per stamp.
    pos_sd : float
        Initial position uncertainty in meters.
    vel_sd : float
        Initial velocity uncertainty.
    azimuth_sd : float
        Initial azimuth (heading) uncertainty.
    level_sd : float
        Initial level (pitch and roll) uncertainty.
    gyro_model, accel_model : None or `InertialSensor`, optional
        Error models for gyros and accelerometers. If None (default), an empty
        model will be used.

    n_states : int
        Number of states.
    n_noises : int
        Number of noise sources.
    states : OrderedDict
        Dictionary mapping state names to their indices.
    def __init__(self, dt, pos_sd, vel_sd, azimuth_sd, level_sd,
                 gyro_model=None, accel_model=None):
        if gyro_model is None:
            gyro_model = InertialSensor()
        if accel_model is None:
            accel_model = InertialSensor()

        n_states = N_BASE_STATES + gyro_model.n_states + accel_model.n_states
        n_noises = (gyro_model.n_noises + accel_model.n_noises +
                    3 * (gyro_model.noise is not None) +
                    3 * (accel_model.noise is not None))

        q = np.zeros(n_noises)
        P0 = np.zeros((n_states, n_states))

        n = N_BASE_STATES
        n1 = gyro_model.n_states
        n2 = accel_model.n_states

        level_sd = np.deg2rad(level_sd)
        azimuth_sd = np.deg2rad(azimuth_sd)

        P0[DR1, DR1] = P0[DR2, DR2] = pos_sd ** 2
        P0[DV1, DV1] = P0[DV2, DV2] = vel_sd ** 2
        P0[PHI1, PHI1] = P0[PHI2, PHI2] = level_sd ** 2
        P0[PSI3, PSI3] = azimuth_sd ** 2

        P0[n: n + n1, n: n + n1] = gyro_model.P
        P0[n + n1: n + n1 + n2, n + n1: n + n1 + n2] = accel_model.P
        self.P0 = P0

        s = 0
        s1 = gyro_model.n_noises
        s2 = accel_model.n_noises
        if gyro_model.noise is not None:
            q[:3] = gyro_model.noise
            s += 3
        if accel_model.noise is not None:
            q[s: s + 3] = accel_model.noise
            s += 3
        q[s: s + s1] = gyro_model.q
        q[s + s1: s + s1 + s2] = accel_model.q

        self.q = q

        states = OrderedDict((
            ('DR1', DR1),
            ('DR2', DR2),
            ('DV1', DV1),
            ('DV2', DV2),
            ('PHI1', PHI1),
            ('PHI2', PHI2),
            ('PSI3', PSI3)
        for name, state in gyro_model.states.items():
            states['GYRO_' + name] = n + state
        for name, state in accel_model.states.items():
            states['ACCEL_' + name] = n + n1 + state

        self.dt = dt
        self.n_states = n_states
        self.n_noises = n_noises
        self.states = states

        self.gyro_model = gyro_model
        self.accel_model = accel_model

    def _validate_parameters(self, integrator, theta, dv, observations,
                             gain_factor, max_step, record_stamps,
        if gain_factor is not None:
            gain_factor = np.asarray(gain_factor)
            if gain_factor.shape != (self.n_states,):
                raise ValueError("`gain_factor` is expected to have shape {}, "
                                 "but actually has {}."
                                 .format((self.n_states,), gain_factor.shape))
            if np.any(gain_factor < 0):
                raise ValueError("`gain_factor` must contain positive values.")

        stamps = pd.Index([])
        for obs in observations:
            stamps = stamps.union(obs.data.index)


        n_readings = theta.shape[0]
        initial_stamp = integrator.traj.index[-1]

        start = initial_stamp
        end = start + n_readings
        if record_stamps is not None:
            end = min(end, record_stamps[-1])
            n_readings = end - start
            record_stamps = record_stamps[(record_stamps >= start) &
                                          (record_stamps <= end)]
            theta = theta[:n_readings]
            dv = dv[:n_readings]

        stamps = stamps.union(pd.Index([start, end]))

        feedback_period = max(1, int(np.floor(feedback_period / self.dt)))
        stamps = stamps.union(
            pd.Index(np.arange(0, n_readings, feedback_period) +

        if record_stamps is not None:
            stamps = stamps.union(pd.Index(record_stamps))

        stamps = stamps[(stamps >= start) & (stamps <= end)]

        max_step = max(1, int(np.floor(max_step / self.dt)))
        stamps = _refine_stamps(stamps, max_step)

        if record_stamps is None:
            record_stamps = stamps

        return (theta, dv, observations, stamps, record_stamps, gain_factor,

    def _forward_pass(self, integrator, theta, dv, observations, gain_factor,
                      stamps, record_stamps, feedback_period,
        start = integrator.traj.index[0]

        if data_for_backward:
            n_stamps = stamps.shape[0]
            x = np.empty((n_stamps, self.n_states))
            P = np.empty((n_stamps, self.n_states, self.n_states))
            xa = x.copy()
            Pa = P.copy()
            Phi_arr = np.empty((n_stamps - 1, self.n_states, self.n_states))
            record_stamps = stamps
            n_stamps = record_stamps.shape[0]
            x = np.empty((n_stamps, self.n_states))
            P = np.empty((n_stamps, self.n_states, self.n_states))
            xa = None
            Pa = None
            Phi_arr = None

        xc = np.zeros(self.n_states)
        Pc = self.P0.copy()

        H_max = np.zeros((10, self.n_states))

        i_reading = 0  # Number of processed readings.
        i_stamp = 0  # Index of current stamp in stamps array.
        # Index of current position in x and P arrays for saving xc and Pc.
        i_save = 0

        n = N_BASE_STATES
        n1 = self.gyro_model.n_states
        n2 = self.accel_model.n_states

        if self.gyro_model.scale is not None:
            gyro = theta / self.dt
            gyro = np.vstack((gyro, 2 * gyro[-1] - gyro[-2]))
            gyro = None

        if self.accel_model.scale is not None:
            accel = dv / self.dt
            accel = np.vstack((accel, 2 * accel[-1] - accel[-2]))
            accel = None

        H_gyro = np.atleast_2d(self.gyro_model.output_matrix(gyro))
        H_accel = np.atleast_2d(self.accel_model.output_matrix(accel))

        F = np.zeros((self.n_states, self.n_states))
        F[n: n + n1, n: n + n1] = self.gyro_model.F
        F[n + n1:n + n1 + n2, n + n1: n + n1 + n2] = self.accel_model.F
        F1 = F
        F2 = F.copy()

        s = 0
        s1 = self.gyro_model.n_noises
        s2 = self.accel_model.n_noises
        if self.gyro_model.noise is not None:
            s += 3
        if self.accel_model.noise is not None:
            s += 3

        G = np.zeros((self.n_states, self.n_noises))
        G[n: n + n1, s: s + s1] = self.gyro_model.G
        G[n + n1: n + n1 + n2, s + s1: s + s1 + s2] = self.accel_model.G
        G1 = G
        G2 = G.copy()

        obs_stamps = [[] for _ in range(len(observations))]
        obs_residuals = [[] for _ in range(len(observations))]

        n_readings = theta.shape[0]
        while i_reading < n_readings:
            theta_b = theta[i_reading: i_reading + feedback_period]
            dv_b = dv[i_reading: i_reading + feedback_period]

            traj_b = integrator.integrate(theta_b, dv_b)
            Fi, Fig, Fia = _error_model_matrices(traj_b)
            i = 0

            while i < theta_b.shape[0]:
                stamp = stamps[i_stamp]
                stamp_next = stamps[i_stamp + 1]
                delta_i = stamp_next - stamp
                i_next = i + delta_i

                if data_for_backward and record_stamps[i_save] == stamp:
                    xa[i_save] = xc
                    Pa[i_save] = Pc

                for i_obs, obs in enumerate(observations):
                    ret = obs.compute_obs(stamp, traj_b.iloc[i])
                    if ret is not None:
                        z, H, R = ret
                        H_max[:H.shape[0], :N_BASE_STATES] = H
                        res = _kalman_correct(xc, Pc, z,
                                              H_max[:H.shape[0]], R,
                                              gain_factor, obs.gain_curve)

                if record_stamps[i_save] == stamp:
                    x[i_save] = xc
                    P[i_save] = Pc
                    i_save += 1

                dt = self.dt * delta_i
                F1[:n, :n] = Fi[i]
                F2[:n, :n] = Fi[i_next]

                if H_gyro.ndim == 2:
                    H_gyro_i = H_gyro
                    H_gyro_i_next = H_gyro
                    H_gyro_i = H_gyro[stamp - start]
                    H_gyro_i_next = H_gyro[stamp_next - start]

                if H_accel.ndim == 2:
                    H_accel_i = H_accel
                    H_accel_i_next = H_accel
                    H_accel_i = H_accel[stamp - start]
                    H_accel_i_next = H_accel[stamp_next - start]

                F1[:n, n: n + n1] = Fig[i].dot(H_gyro_i)
                F2[:n, n: n + n1] = Fig[i_next].dot(H_gyro_i_next)
                F1[:n, n + n1: n + n1 + n2] = Fia[i].dot(H_accel_i)
                F2[:n, n + n1: n + n1 + n2] = Fia[i_next].dot(H_accel_i_next)

                s = 0
                if self.gyro_model.noise is not None:
                    G1[:n, :3] = Fig[i]
                    G2[:n, :3] = Fig[i_next]
                    s += 3
                if self.accel_model.noise is not None:
                    G1[:n, s: s + 3] = Fia[i]
                    G2[:n, s: s + 3] = Fia[i_next]

                Phi = 0.5 * (F1 + F2) * dt
                Phi[np.diag_indices_from(Phi)] += 1

                Qd = 0.5 * (G1 + G2)
                Qd *= self.q
                Qd = np.dot(Qd, Qd.T) * dt

                xc = Phi.dot(xc)
                Pc = Phi.dot(Pc).dot(Phi.T) + Qd

                if data_for_backward:
                    Phi_arr[i_save - 1] = Phi

                i = i_next
                i_stamp += 1

            i_reading += feedback_period
            xc[:N_BASE_STATES] = 0

        if record_stamps[i_save] == stamps[i_stamp]:
            x[i_save] = xc
            P[i_save] = Pc

            if data_for_backward:
                xa[i_save] = xc
                Pa[i_save] = Pc

        residuals = []
        for s, r in zip(obs_stamps, obs_residuals):
            residuals.append(pd.DataFrame(index=s, data=np.asarray(r)))

        return x, P, xa, Pa, Phi_arr, residuals

    def run(self, integrator, theta, dv, observations=[], gain_factor=None,
            max_step=1, feedback_period=500, record_stamps=None):
        """Run the filter.

        integrator : `pyins.integrate.Integrator` instance
            Integrator to use for INS state propagation. It will be reset
            before the filter start.
        theta, dv : ndarray, shape (n_readings, 3)
            Rotation vectors and velocity increments computed from gyro and
            accelerometer readings after applying coning and sculling
        observations : list of `Observation`
            Measurements which will be processed. Empty by default.
        gain_factor : array_like with shape (n_states,) or None, optional
            Factor for Kalman gain for each filter's state. It might be
            beneficial in some practical situations to set factors less than 1
            in order to decrease influence of measurements on some states.
            Setting values higher than 1 is unlikely to be reasonable. If None
            (default), use standard optimal Kalman gain.
        max_step : float, optional
            Maximum allowed time step. Default is 1 second. Set to 0 if you
            desire the smallest possible step.
        feedback_period : float
            Time after which INS state will be corrected by the estimated
            errors. Default is 500 seconds.
        record_stamps : array_like or None
            At which stamps record estimated errors. If None (default), errors
            will be saved at each stamp used internally in the filter.

        Bunch object with the fields listed below. Note that all data frames
        contain stamps only presented in `record_stamps`.
        traj : DataFrame
            Trajectory corrected by estimated errors. It will only contain
            stamps presented in `record_stamps`.
        sd : DataFrame
            Estimated standard deviations of trajectory errors.
        gyro_err, gyro_sd : DataFrame
            Estimated gyro error states and their standard deviations.
        accel_err, accel_sd : DataFrame
            Estimated accelerometer error states and their standard deviations.
        P : ndarray, shape (n_points, n_states, n_states)
            History of the filter covariance.
        residuals : list of DataFrame
            Each DataFrame corresponds to an observation from `observations`.
            Its index is observation time stamps and columns contain normalized
            observations residuals for each component of the observation
            vector `z`.

        Estimated trajectory errors and a history of the filter states are not
        returned because they are computed relative to partially corrected
        trajectory and are not useful for interpretation.
        (theta, dv, observations, stamps, record_stamps,
         gain_factor, feedback_period) = \
            self._validate_parameters(integrator, theta, dv, observations,
                                      gain_factor, max_step, record_stamps,

        x, P, _, _, _, residuals = \
            self._forward_pass(integrator, theta, dv, observations,
                               gain_factor, stamps, record_stamps,

        traj = integrator.traj.loc[record_stamps]
        err, sd, accel_err, accel_sd, gyro_err, gyro_sd = \
            _compute_output_errors(traj, x, P, record_stamps, self.gyro_model,

        traj_corr = correct_traj(integrator.traj, err)

        return FiltResult(traj=traj_corr, sd=sd, gyro_err=gyro_err,
                          gyro_sd=gyro_sd, accel_err=accel_err,
                          accel_sd=accel_sd, P=P, residuals=residuals)

    def run_smoother(self, integrator, theta, dv, observations=[],
                     gain_factor=None, max_step=1, feedback_period=500,
        """Run the smoother.

        It means that observations during the whole time is used to estimate
        the errors at each moment of time (i.e. it is not real time). The
        Rauch-Tung-Striebel two pass recursion is used [1]_.

        integrator : `pyins.integrate.Integrator` instance
            Integrator to use for INS state propagation. It will be reset
            before the filter start.
        theta, dv : ndarray, shape (n_readings, 3)
            Rotation vectors and velocity increments computed from gyro and
            accelerometer readings after applying coning and sculling
        observations : list of `Observation`
            Measurements which will be processed. Empty by default.
        gain_factor : array_like with shape (n_states,) or None, optional
            Factor for Kalman gain for each filter's state. It might be
            beneficial in some practical situations to set factors less than 1
            in order to decrease influence of measurements on some states.
            Setting values higher than 1 is unlikely to be reasonable. If None
            (default), use standard optimal Kalman gain.
        max_step : float, optional
            Maximum allowed time step. Default is 1 second. Set to 0 if you
            desire the smallest possible step.
        feedback_period : float
            Time after which INS state will be corrected by the estimated
            errors. Default is 500 seconds.
        record_stamps : array_like or None
            At which stamps record estimated errors. If None (default), errors
            will be saved at each stamp used internally in the filter.

        Bunch object with the fields listed below. Note that all data frames
        contain stamps only presented in `record_stamps`.
        traj : DataFrame
            Trajectory corrected by estimated errors. It will only contain
            stamps presented in `record_stamps`.
        sd : DataFrame
            Estimated trajectory errors and their standard deviations.
        gyro_err, gyro_sd : DataFrame
            Estimated gyro error states and their standard deviations.
        accel_err, accel_sd : DataFrame
            Estimated accelerometer error states and their standard deviations.
        P : ndarray, shape (n_points, n_states, n_states)
            History of the filter covariance.
        residuals : list of DataFrame
            Each DataFrame corresponds to an observation from `observations`.
            Its index is observation time stamps and columns contain normalized
            observations residuals for each component of the observation
            vector `z`.

        Estimated trajectory errors and a history of the filter states are not
        returned because they are computed relative to partially corrected
        trajectory and are not useful for interpretation.
        (theta, dv, observations, stamps, record_stamps,
         gain_factor, feedback_period) = \
            self._validate_parameters(integrator, theta, dv, observations,
                                      gain_factor, max_step, record_stamps,

        x, P, xa, Pa, Phi_arr, residuals = \
            self._forward_pass(integrator, theta, dv, observations,
                               gain_factor, stamps, record_stamps,
                               feedback_period, data_for_backward=True)

        traj = integrator.traj.loc[record_stamps]
        err, sd, gyro_err, gyro_sd, accel_err, accel_sd = \
            _compute_output_errors(traj, x, P, record_stamps,
                                   self.gyro_model, self.accel_model)

        traj = correct_traj(traj, err)
        xa[:, :N_BASE_STATES] -= x[:, :N_BASE_STATES]
        x[:, :N_BASE_STATES] = 0

        x, P = _rts_pass(x, P, xa, Pa, Phi_arr)

        ind = np.searchsorted(stamps, record_stamps)
        x = x[ind]
        P = P[ind]
        traj = traj.iloc[ind]

        err, sd, gyro_err, gyro_sd, accel_err, accel_sd = \
            _compute_output_errors(traj, x, P, record_stamps[ind],
                                   self.gyro_model, self.accel_model)

        traj = correct_traj(traj, err)

        return FiltResult(traj=traj, sd=sd, gyro_err=gyro_err,
                          gyro_sd=gyro_sd, accel_err=accel_err,
                          accel_sd=accel_sd, P=P, residuals=residuals)

def traj_diff(t1, t2):
    """Compute trajectory difference.

    t1, t2 : DataFrame

    diff : DataFrame
        Trajectory difference. It can be interpreted as errors in `t1` relative
        to `t2`.
    diff = t1 - t2
    diff['lat'] *= np.deg2rad(earth.R0)
    diff['lon'] *= np.deg2rad(earth.R0) * np.cos(0.5 *
                                                 np.deg2rad(t1.lat + t2.lat))
    diff['h'] %= 360
    diff.h[diff.h < -180] += 360
    diff.h[diff.h > 180] -= 360

    return diff.loc[t1.index.intersection(t2.index)]

def correct_traj(traj, error):
    """Correct trajectory by estimated errors.

    Note that it means subtracting errors from the trajectory.

    traj : DataFrame
    error : DataFrame
        Estimated errors.

    traj_corr : DataFrame
        Corrected trajectory.
    traj_corr = traj.copy()
    traj_corr['lat'] -= np.rad2deg(error.lat / earth.R0)
    traj_corr['lon'] -= np.rad2deg(error.lon / (earth.R0 *
    traj_corr['VE'] -= error.VE
    traj_corr['VN'] -= error.VN
    traj_corr['h'] -= error.h
    traj_corr['p'] -= error.p
    traj_corr['r'] -= error.r

    return traj_corr.dropna()