#! /usr/bin/python

By Paul Malmsten, 2010

Tests the XBee (IEEE 802.15.4) implementation class for XBee API compliance
from xbee.tests.Fake import Serial
from xbee.thread.ieee import XBee
from xbee.frame import APIFrame
from xbee.python2to3 import intToByte, stringToBytes
import unittest
import sys
import traceback

class InitXBee(unittest.TestCase):
    Base initalization class

    def setUp(self):
        Initialize XBee object
        self.xbee = XBee(None)

class TestBuildCommand(InitXBee):
    _build_command should properly build a command packet

    def test_build_at_data_mismatch(self):
        if not enough or incorrect data is provided, an exception should
        be raised.
        except KeyError:
            # Test passes

        # No exception? Fail.
            "An exception was not raised with improper data supplied"

    def test_build_at_data_len_mismatch(self):
        if data of incorrect length is provided, an exception should be
            self.xbee._build_command("at", frame_id="AB", command="MY")
        except ValueError:
            # Test passes

        # No exception? Fail.
            "An exception was not raised with improper data length"

    def test_build_at(self):
        _build_command should build a valid at command packet which has
        no parameter data to be saved

        at_command = stringToBytes("MY")
        frame = intToByte(43)
        data = self.xbee._build_command(

        expected_data = b'\x08+MY'
        self.assertEqual(data, expected_data)

    def test_build_at_with_default(self):
        _build_command should build a valid at command packet which has
        no parameter data to be saved and no frame specified (the
        default value of \x00 should be used)

        at_command = stringToBytes("MY")
        data = self.xbee._build_command("at", command=at_command)

        expected_data = b'\x08\x00MY'
        self.assertEqual(data, expected_data)

class TestSplitResponse(InitXBee):
    _split_response should properly split a response packet

    def test_unrecognized_response(self):
        if a response begins with an unrecognized id byte,
        _split_response should raise an exception
        data = b'\x23\x00\x00\x00'

        except KeyError:
            # Passes

        # Test Fails

    def test_transmit_packet_received(self):
        if a response begins with an ID that is unrecognized as a response
        ID but is a valid transmission ID, show a helpful error indicating
        that a device may be in command mode.
        from xbee.backend.base import CommandFrameException
        data = b'\x01\x00\x00\x00'

        except CommandFrameException:
            # Passes

        # Test Fails

    def test_bad_data_long(self):
        if a response doesn't match the specification's layout,
        _split_response should raise an exception
        # Over length
        data = b'\x8a\x00\x00\x00'
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.xbee._split_response, data)

    def test_bad_data_short(self):
        if a response doesn't match the specification's layout,
        _split_response should raise an exception
        # Under length
        data = b'\x8a'
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.xbee._split_response, data)

    def test_split_status_response(self):
        _split_response should properly split a status response packet
        data = b'\x8a\x01'

        info = self.xbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {'id': 'status',
                         'status': b'\x01'}

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_split_short_at_response(self):
        _split_response should properly split an at_response packet which
        has no parameter data

        data = b'\x88DMY\x01'
        info = self.xbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {'id': 'at_response',
                         'frame_id': b'D',
                         'command': b'MY',
                         'status': b'\x01'}
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_split_at_resp_with_param(self):
        _split_response should properly split an at_response packet which
        has parameter data

        data = b'\x88DMY\x01ABCDEF'
        info = self.xbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {'id': 'at_response',
                         'frame_id': b'D',
                         'command': b'MY',
                         'status': b'\x01',
                         'parameter': b'ABCDEF'}
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_generalized_packet_parsing(self):
        _split_response should properly parse packets in a generalized
        manner when specified by the protocol definition.

        # Temporarily modify parsing rule (taking a backup of the original rule)
        parse_rule_orig = self.xbee.api_responses[b"\x88"]["parsing"]
        self.xbee.api_responses[b"\x88"]["parsing"] = \
            [("parameter", lambda self, orig: b"GHIJKL")]

        data = b'\x88DMY\x01ABCDEF'

        info = self.xbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {'id': 'at_response',
                         'frame_id': b'D',
                         'command': b'MY',
                         'status': b'\x01',
                         'parameter': b'GHIJKL'}

        # Restore parsing rule to original
        self.xbee.api_responses[b"\x88"]["parsing"] = parse_rule_orig

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

class TestParseIOData(InitXBee):
    XBee class should properly parse IO data received from an XBee

    def test_parse_single_dio(self):
        _parse_samples should properly parse a packet containing a single
        sample of only digital io data
        # One sample, ADC disabled and DIO8 enabled, DIO 0-7 enabled
        header = b'\x01\x01\xFF'

        # First 7 bits ignored, DIO8 high, DIO 0-7 high
        sample = b'\x01\xFF'
        data = header + sample

        expected_results = [{'dio-0': True,
                             'dio-1': True,
                             'dio-2': True,
                             'dio-3': True,
                             'dio-4': True,
                             'dio-5': True,
                             'dio-6': True,
                             'dio-7': True,
                             'dio-8': True}]

        results = self.xbee._parse_samples(data)

        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_single_dio_again(self):
        _parse_samples should properly parse a packet containing a single
        sample of only digital io data, which alternates between on and
        # One sample, ADC disabled and DIO8 enabled, DIO 0-7 enabled
        header = b'\x01\x01\xFF'

        # First 7 bits ignored, DIO8 low, DIO 0-7 alternating
        sample = b'\x00\xAA'
        data = header + sample

        expected_results = [{'dio-0': False,
                             'dio-1': True,
                             'dio-2': False,
                             'dio-3': True,
                             'dio-4': False,
                             'dio-5': True,
                             'dio-6': False,
                             'dio-7': True,
                             'dio-8': False}]

        results = self.xbee._parse_samples(data)

        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_single_dio_subset(self):
        _parse_samples should properly parse a packet containing a single
        sample of only digital io data for only a subset of the
        available pins
        # One sample, ADC disabled
        # DIO 1,3,5,7 enabled
        header = b'\x01\x00\xAA'

        # First 7 bits ignored, DIO8 low, DIO 0-7 alternating
        sample = b'\x00\xAA'
        data = header + sample

        expected_results = [{'dio-1': True,
                             'dio-3': True,
                             'dio-5': True,
                             'dio-7': True}]

        results = self.xbee._parse_samples(data)

        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_single_dio_subset_again(self):
        _parse_samples should properly parse a packet containing a single
        sample of only digital io data for only a subset of the
        available pins
        # One sample, ADC disabled
        # DIO 0 enabled
        header = b'\x01\x00\x01'

        # First 7 bits ignored, DIO8 low, DIO 0-7 alternating
        sample = b'\x00\xAA'
        data = header + sample

        expected_results = [{'dio-0': False}]

        results = self.xbee._parse_samples(data)

        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_multiple_dio_subset(self):
        _parse_samples should properly parse a packet containing two
        samples of only digital io data for one dio line
        # Two samples, ADC disabled
        # DIO 0 enabled
        header = b'\x02\x00\x01'

        # First 7 bits ignored, DIO8 low, DIO 0-7 alternating
        sample = b'\x00\xAA' + b'\x00\x01'
        data = header + sample

        expected_results = [{'dio-0': False},
                            {'dio-0': True}]

        results = self.xbee._parse_samples(data)

        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_multiple_dio(self):
        _parse_samples should properly parse a packet containing three
        samples of only digital io data
        # Three samples, ADC disabled and DIO8 enabled, DIO 0-7 enabled
        header = b'\x03\x01\xFF'

        # First 7 bits ignored
        # First sample: all bits on
        # Second sample: alternating bits on
        # Third sample: all bits off
        sample = b'\x01\xFF' + b'\x00\xAA' + b'\x00\x00'
        data = header + sample

        expected_results = [{'dio-0': True,
                             'dio-1': True,
                             'dio-2': True,
                             'dio-3': True,
                             'dio-4': True,
                             'dio-5': True,
                             'dio-6': True,
                             'dio-7': True,
                             'dio-8': True},
                            {'dio-0': False,
                             'dio-1': True,
                             'dio-2': False,
                             'dio-3': True,
                             'dio-4': False,
                             'dio-5': True,
                             'dio-6': False,
                             'dio-7': True,
                             'dio-8': False},
                            {'dio-0': False,
                             'dio-1': False,
                             'dio-2': False,
                             'dio-3': False,
                             'dio-4': False,
                             'dio-5': False,
                             'dio-6': False,
                             'dio-7': False,
                             'dio-8': False}]

        results = self.xbee._parse_samples(data)

        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_multiple_adc_subset(self):
        _parse_samples should parse a data packet containing multiple
        samples of adc data from multiple pins in the proper order
        # One sample, ADC 0,1 enabled
        # DIO disabled
        header = b'\x02\x06\x00'

        # No dio data
        # ADC0 value of 0
        # ADC1 value of 255
        # ADC0 value of 5
        # ADC1 value of 7
        sample = b'\x00\x00' + b'\x00\xFF' + b'\x00\x05' + b'\x00\x07'
        data = header + sample

        expected_results = [{'adc-0': 0,
                             'adc-1': 255},
                            {'adc-0': 5,
                             'adc-1': 7}]

        results = self.xbee._parse_samples(data)

        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_single_dio_adc_subset(self):
        _parse_samples should properly parse a packet containing a single
        sample of digital and analog io data for only a subset of the
        available pins
        # One sample, ADC 0 enabled
        # DIO 1,3,5,7 enabled
        header = b'\x01\x02\xAA'

        # First 7 bits ignored, DIO8 low, DIO 0-7 alternating
        # ADC0 value of 255
        sample = b'\x00\xAA\x00\xFF'
        data = header + sample

        expected_results = [{'dio-1': True,
                             'dio-3': True,
                             'dio-5': True,
                             'dio-7': True,
                             'adc-0': 255}]

        results = self.xbee._parse_samples(data)

        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

class TestWriteToDevice(unittest.TestCase):
    XBee class should properly write binary data in a valid API
    frame to a given serial device, including a valid command packet.

    def test_send_at_command(self):
        calling send should write a full API frame containing the
        API AT command packet to the serial device.

        serial_port = Serial()
        xbee = XBee(serial_port)

        # Send an AT command
        xbee.send('at', frame_id=stringToBytes('A'),

        # Expect a full packet to be written to the device
        expected_data = b'\x7E\x00\x04\x08AMY\x10'
        result_data = serial_port.get_data_written()
        self.assertEqual(result_data, expected_data)

    def test_send_at_command_with_param(self):
        calling send should write a full API frame containing the
        API AT command packet to the serial device.

        serial_port = Serial()
        xbee = XBee(serial_port)

        # Send an AT command

        # Expect a full packet to be written to the device
        result_data = serial_port.get_data_written()
        expected_data = b'\x7E\x00\x06\x08AMY\x00\x00\x10'
        self.assertEqual(result_data, expected_data)

class TestSendShorthand(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests shorthand for sending commands to an XBee provided by

    def setUp(self):
        Prepare a fake device to read from
        self.ser = Serial()
        self.xbee = XBee(self.ser)

    def test_send_at_command(self):
        Send an AT command with a shorthand call
        # Send an AT command
        self.xbee.at(frame_id=stringToBytes('A'), command=stringToBytes('MY'))

        # Expect a full packet to be written to the device
        result_data = self.ser.get_data_written()
        expected_data = b'\x7E\x00\x04\x08AMY\x10'
        self.assertEqual(result_data, expected_data)

    def test_send_at_command_with_param(self):
        calling send should write a full API frame containing the
        API AT command packet to the serial device.

        # Send an AT command
        self.xbee.at(frame_id=stringToBytes('A'), command=stringToBytes('MY'),

        # Expect a full packet to be written to the device
        result_data = self.ser.get_data_written()
        expected_data = b'\x7E\x00\x06\x08AMY\x00\x00\x10'
        self.assertEqual(result_data, expected_data)

    def test_send_tx_with_close_brace(self):
        Calling tx where the given data string includes a close brace '}'
        must write correctly.
        self.xbee.tx(dest_addr=b'\x01\x02', data=b'{test=1}')
        result_data = self.ser.get_data_written()
        expected_data = b'\x7E\x00\x0D\x01\x00\x01\x02\x00{test=1}\xD5'
        self.assertEqual(result_data, expected_data)

    def test_shorthand_disabled(self):
        When shorthand is disabled, any attempt at calling a
        non-existant attribute should raise AttributeError
        self.xbee = XBee(self.ser, shorthand=False)

        except AttributeError:
            self.fail("Specified shorthand command should not exist")

class TestReadFromDevice(unittest.TestCase):
    XBee class should properly read and parse binary data from a serial
    port device.

    def test_read_at(self):
        read and parse a parameterless AT command
        device = Serial()
        xbee = XBee(device)

        info = xbee.wait_read_frame()
        expected_info = {'id': 'at_response',
                         'frame_id': b'D',
                         'command': b'MY',
                         'status': b'\x01'}
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_read_at_params(self):
        read and parse an AT command with a parameter
        device = Serial()
        xbee = XBee(device)

        info = xbee.wait_read_frame()
        expected_info = {'id': 'at_response',
                         'frame_id': b'D',
                         'command': b'MY',
                         'status': b'\x01',
                         'parameter': b'\x00\x00\x00'}
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_is_response_parsed_as_io(self):
        I/O data in a AT response for an IS command is parsed.
        # Build IO data
        # One sample, ADC 0 enabled
        # DIO 1,3,5,7 enabled
        header = b'\x01\x02\xAA'

        # First 7 bits ignored, DIO8 low, DIO 0-7 alternating
        # ADC0 value of 255
        sample = b'\x00\xAA\x00\xFF'
        data = header + sample

        device = Serial()
        device.set_read_data(APIFrame(data=b'\x88DIS\x00' + data).output())
        xbee = XBee(device)

        info = xbee.wait_read_frame()
        expected_info = {'id': 'at_response',
                         'frame_id': b'D',
                         'command': b'IS',
                         'status': b'\x00',
                         'parameter': [{'dio-1': True,
                                        'dio-3': True,
                                        'dio-5': True,
                                        'dio-7': True,
                                        'adc-0': 255}]}
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_is_remote_response_parsed_as_io(self):
        I/O data in a Remote AT response for an IS command is parsed.
        # Build IO data
        # One sample, ADC 0 enabled
        # DIO 1,3,5,7 enabled
        header = b'\x01\x02\xAA'

        # First 7 bits ignored, DIO8 low, DIO 0-7 alternating
        # ADC0 value of 255
        sample = b'\x00\xAA\x00\xFF'
        data = header + sample

        device = Serial()
                data=b'\x97D\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4v\x1aIS\x00' + data

        xbee = XBee(device)

        info = xbee.wait_read_frame()
        expected_info = {'id': 'remote_at_response',
                         'frame_id': b'D',
                         'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4',
                         'source_addr': b'v\x1a',
                         'command': b'IS',
                         'status': b'\x00',
                         'parameter': [{'dio-1': True,
                                        'dio-3': True,
                                        'dio-5': True,
                                        'dio-7': True,
                                        'adc-0': 255}]}
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_read_io_data(self):
        XBee class should properly read and parse incoming IO data
        # Build IO data
        # One sample, ADC 0 enabled
        # DIO 1,3,5,7 enabled
        header = b'\x01\x02\xAA'

        # First 7 bits ignored, DIO8 low, DIO 0-7 alternating
        # ADC0 value of 255
        sample = b'\x00\xAA\x00\xFF'
        data = header + sample

        # Wrap data in frame
        # RX frame data
        rx_io_resp = b'\x83\x00\x01\x28\x00'

        device = Serial()
        device.set_read_data(b'\x7E\x00\x0C' + rx_io_resp + data + b'\xfd')
        xbee = XBee(device)

        info = xbee.wait_read_frame()
        expected_info = {'id': 'rx_io_data',
                         'source_addr': b'\x00\x01',
                         'rssi': b'\x28',
                         'options': b'\x00',
                         'samples': [{'dio-1': True,
                                      'dio-3': True,
                                      'dio-5': True,
                                      'dio-7': True,
                                      'adc-0': 255}]
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_read_empty_string(self):
        Reading an empty string must not cause a crash

        Occasionally, the serial port fails to read properly, and returns
        an empty string. In this event, we must not crash.

        class BadReadDevice(Serial):
            def __init__(self, bad_read_index, data):
                self.read_id = 0
                self.bad_read_index = bad_read_index
                super(BadReadDevice, self).__init__()

            def inWaiting(self):
                return 1

            def read(self, length=1):
                if self.read_id == self.bad_read_index:
                    self.read_id += 1
                    return ''
                    self.read_id += 1
                    return super(BadReadDevice, self).read()

        badDevice = BadReadDevice(1, b'\x7E\x00\x05\x88DMY\x01\x8c')
        xbee = XBee(badDevice)

        except Exception:
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
                exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback

    def test_read_at_params_in_escaped_mode(self):
        read and parse an AT command with a parameter in escaped API mode
        device = Serial()
        xbee = XBee(device, escaped=True)

        info = xbee.wait_read_frame()
        expected_info = {'id': 'at_response',
                         'frame_id': b'D',
                         'command': b'MY',
                         'status': b'\x01',
                         'parameter': b'\x7E\x7D\x11\x13'}
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_empty_frame_ignored(self):
        If an empty frame is received from a device, it must be ignored.
        device = Serial()
        xbee = XBee(device)

        info = xbee.wait_read_frame()
        expected_info = {'id': 'at_response',
                         'frame_id': b'D',
                         'command': b'MY',
                         'status': b'\x01'}
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_read_rx_with_close_brace(self):
        An rx data frame including a close brace must be read properly.
        device = Serial()
        xbee = XBee(device)

        info = xbee.wait_read_frame()
        expected_info = {'id': 'rx',
                         'source_addr': b'\x01\x02',
                         'rssi': b'\x55',
                         'options': b'\x00',
                         'rf_data': b'{test=1}'}
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_read_rx_with_close_brace_escaped(self):
        An escaped rx data frame including a close brace must be read properly.
        device = Serial()
        xbee = XBee(device, escaped=True)

        info = xbee.wait_read_frame()
        expected_info = {'id': 'rx',
                         'source_addr': b'\x01\x02',
                         'rssi': b'\x55',
                         'options': b'\x00',
                         'rf_data': b'{test=1}'}
        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

if __name__ == '__main__':