import tensorflow as tf

def cholesky_inverse(A):
  """Compute the inverse of `A` using Choselky decomposition. NOTE: `A` must be
  symmetric positive definite. This method of inversion is not completely stable since
  tf.cholesky is not always stable. Might raise `tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError`
  N     = tf.shape(A)[0]
  L     = tf.cholesky(A)
  L_inv = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(L, tf.eye(N))
  A_inv = tf.matmul(L_inv, L_inv, transpose_a=True)
  return A_inv

def sherman_morrison_inverse(A_inv, u, v):
  """Compute the inverse of (A + uv^T) using Sherman-Morrison formula:
    A_inv: tf.Tensor. The inverse of A or batch. Last two dimensions should have shape [N, N]
    u: tf.Tensor. (Batch of) column vector(s). Last two dimensions should have shape [N, 1]
    v: tf.Tensor. (Batch of) column vector(s). Last two dimensions should have shape [N, 1]
  Returns: (A + uv^T)^{-1} with the same shape as `A_inv`
  assert u.shape.as_list()[-1] == 1 and u.shape.ndims >= 2
  assert v.shape.as_list()[-1] == 1 and v.shape.ndims >= 2

  A_inv_u = tf.matmul(A_inv, u)
  num     = tf.matmul(A_inv_u, tf.matmul(v, A_inv, transpose_a=True))
  denom   = tf.matmul(v, A_inv_u, transpose_a=True)
  denom   = 1 + tf.squeeze(denom, axis=[-2, -1])
  inverse = A_inv - num / denom

  return inverse

def woodburry_inverse(A_inv, U, V):
  """Compute the inverse of (A + UV) using Woodburry formula:
  `(A + UV)^-1 = A^-1 - A^-1 U (I + V A^-1 U)^-1 V A^-1`. For details see:
    A_inv: tf.Tensor. The inverse of A, `shape=[N, N]`
    U: tf.Tensor, `shape=[N, M]`
    V: tf.Tensor. `shape=[M, N]`
  Returns: (A + UV)^-1 with the same shape and dtype as `A_inv`

  # NOTE: Must make sure to use double precision. Otherwise results are very inaccurate
  A_inv_64  = tf.cast(A_inv, tf.float64) if  A_inv.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float32 else A_inv
  U_64      = tf.cast(U,     tf.float64) if      U.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float32 else U
  V_64      = tf.cast(V,     tf.float64) if      V.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float32 else V

  assert  A_inv_64.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float64
  assert      U_64.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float64
  assert      V_64.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float64

  A_inv_U = tf.matmul(A_inv_64, U_64)
  V_A_inv = tf.matmul(V_64, A_inv_64)
  I       = tf.eye(tf.shape(V)[0], dtype=tf.float64)
  inverse = tf.matrix_inverse(I + tf.matmul(V_64, A_inv_U))
  inverse = tf.matmul(A_inv_U, inverse)
  inverse = tf.matmul(inverse, V_A_inv)
  inverse = A_inv_64 - inverse

  assert  inverse.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float64
  inverse = tf.cast(inverse, tf.float32) if A_inv.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float32 else inverse
  assert  inverse.dtype.base_dtype == A_inv.dtype.base_dtype

  return inverse