import os
import threading
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from tqdm import tqdm,  trange

	from Tkinter import *
except :
	from tkinter import *

	import ttk
except :
	from tkinter import ttk

	from tkinter.filedialog import *
	from tkinter.messagebox import *
except :
	from tkFileDialog import *
	from tkMessageBox import *

from .gui_downloader import *
from .ctdl import *

cur_dir = os.getcwd()

# icon and title
root = Tk()
	img = PhotoImage(file = "icon.png")'wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, img)

row = Frame()
links = []

default_text = {'file_type' : 'pdf', 'query' : 'python', 
	 'min_file_size' : 0, 'max_file_size' : -1, 'limit' : 10}

fields = 'Search query',  'Min Allowed File Size',  'Max Allowed File Size', 'Download Directory', 'Limit'

args = { 'parallel' : False, 'file_type' : 'pdf', 'threats' : False, 
		 'no_redirects' : False, 'available' : False, 'query' : 'python', 
		 'min_file_size' : 0, 'max_file_size' : -1, 'directory' : None, 'limit' : 10}

def search_function(root1, q, s, f, l, o='g'):
	function to get links
	global links
	links = search(q, o, s, f, l)

def task(ft):
	to create loading progress bar
	ft.pack(expand = True,  fill = BOTH,  side = TOP)
	pb_hD = ttk.Progressbar(ft, orient = 'horizontal', mode = 'indeterminate')
	pb_hD.pack(expand = True, fill = BOTH, side = TOP)

def download_content_gui(**args):
	function to fetch links and download them
	global row

	if not args ['directory']:
		args ['directory'] = args ['query'].replace(' ', '-')

	root1 = Frame(root)
	t1 = threading.Thread(target = search_function,  args = (root1,
						  args['query'], args['website'], args['file_type'], args['limit'],args['option']))

	#new frame for progress bar 
	row = Frame(root)
	if args['parallel']:
		download_parallel_gui(row, links,  args['directory'], args['min_file_size'], 
								 args['max_file_size'], args['no_redirects'])
		download_series_gui(row, links, args['directory'], args['min_file_size'],
								 args['max_file_size'], args['no_redirects'])

class makeform:
	to makre the main form of gui
	global args
	def __init__(self, root):

		# label search query
		self.row0 = Frame(root)
		self.lab0 = Label(self.row0, width = 25, text = fields [0], anchor = 'w')
		self.entry_query = Entry(self.row0)
		self.entry_query.insert(0, 'python')
		self.entry_query.bind('<FocusIn>',  self.on_entry_click)
		self.entry_query.bind('<FocusOut>',  lambda event,  
							   a = "query" : self.on_focusout(event, a))

		self.entry_query.config(fg = 'grey')
		self.row0.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, padx = 5, pady = 5)
		self.lab0.pack(side = LEFT)
		self.entry_query.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = YES, fill = X)

		# label min_file_size
		self.row1 = Frame(root)
		self.lab1 = Label(self.row1, width = 25, text = fields [1], anchor = 'w')
		self.entry_min = Entry(self.row1)
		self.entry_min.insert(0, '0')
		self.entry_min.bind('<FocusIn>', self.on_entry_click)
		self.entry_min.bind('<FocusOut>', lambda event,  
							  a = "min_file_size": self.on_focusout( event, a))

		self.entry_min.config(fg = 'grey')
		self.row1.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, padx = 5, pady = 5)
		self.lab1.pack(side = LEFT)
		self.entry_min.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = YES, fill = X)

		# label max_file_size
		self.row2 = Frame(root)
		self.lab2 = Label(self.row2, width = 25, text = fields [2], anchor = 'w')
		self.entry_max  =  Entry(self.row2)
		self.entry_max.insert(0, '-1')
		self.entry_max.bind('<FocusIn>', self.on_entry_click)
		self.entry_max.bind('<FocusOut>', lambda event,  
							 a = "max_file_size": self.on_focusout(event, a))

		self.entry_max.config(fg = 'grey')
		self.row2.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, padx = 5, pady = 5)
		self.lab2.pack(side = LEFT)
		self.entry_max.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = YES, fill = X)

		# label choose directory
		self.dir_text = StringVar()
		self.dir_text.set('Choose Directory')
		self.row3 = Frame(root)
		self.lab3 = Label(self.row3,  width = 25,  text = fields [3],  anchor = 'w')
		self.entry_dir = Button(self.row3, textvariable = self.dir_text, command = self.ask_dir)
		self.row3.pack(side = TOP,  fill = X, padx = 5, pady = 5)
		self.lab3.pack(side = LEFT )
		self.entry_dir.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = YES, fill = X)
		self.dir_opt = options = {}
		options ['mustexist'] = False
		options ['parent'] = root
		options ['title'] = 'Choose Directory'

		# label download limit
		self.row4 = Frame(root)
		self.lab4 = Label(self.row4, width = 25, text = fields[4], anchor = 'w')
		self.entry_limit = Entry(self.row4)
		self.entry_limit.insert(0, '10')
		self.entry_limit.bind('<FocusIn>', self.on_entry_click)
		self.entry_limit.bind('<FocusOut>', lambda event,  
							a = "limit" : self.on_focusout(event, a))
		self.entry_limit.config(fg = 'grey')
		self.row4.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, padx = 5, pady = 5)  
		self.lab4.pack(side = LEFT)
		self.entry_limit.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = YES, fill = X)

		# specify website
		self.row8 = Frame(root)
		self.lab8 = Label(self.row8, width = 25, text = "Specify Website", anchor = 'w')
		self.entry_website = Entry(self.row8)
		self.row8.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, padx = 5, pady = 5)
		self.lab8.pack(side = LEFT)
		self.entry_website.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = YES, fill = X)

		self.row9 = Frame(root)
		self.engine = StringVar()
		Radiobutton(self.row9, text="Google", variable=self.engine, value="g").pack(anchor=W)
		Radiobutton(self.row9, text="DuckDuckGo", variable=self.engine, value="d").pack(anchor=W)
		self.row9.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, padx = 5, pady = 5)

		# all entries for dropdown menu
		self.choiceVar = StringVar()
		self.choices = []
		for val in THREAT_EXTENSIONS.values():
			if type(val) == list:
				for el in val:

		for val in FILE_EXTENSIONS.values():
			if type(val) == list:
				for el in val:

		# dropdown box
		self.row5 = Frame(root)
		self.lab = Label(self.row5, width = 25,  
							 text = "File Type", anchor = 'w')
		self.optionmenu = ttk.Combobox(self.row5,  
						textvariable = self.choiceVar, values = self.choices)

		self.row5.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, padx = 5, pady = 5)
		self.lab.pack(side = LEFT )
		self.optionmenu.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = YES, fill = X)

		# toggle box for parallel downloading 
		# and toggle redirects
		self.row6 = Frame(root)
		self.p = BooleanVar()
		Checkbutton(self.row6, text = "parallel downloading",
					variable = self.p).pack(side = LEFT)

		self.t = BooleanVar()

		Checkbutton(self.row6,  text = "toggle redirects",  
						variable = self.t ).pack(side = LEFT)

		self.row6.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, padx = 5, pady = 5)

		# download button
		self.row7 = Frame(root)
		self.search_button = Button(self.row7, width = 15, text = "Download", anchor = 'w')
		self.search_button.bind('<Button-1>', self.click_download)
		self.row7.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, padx = 5, pady = 5)
		self.search_button.pack(side = LEFT)

		# clear button
		self.clear = Button(self.row7, width = 15, text = "Clear / Cancel", anchor = 'w')
		self.clear.bind('<Button-1>', self.clear_fun)
		self.clear.pack(side = RIGHT)

	def click_download(self, event):
		event for download button
		args ['parallel'] = self.p.get()
		args ['file_type'] = self.optionmenu.get()
		args ['no_redirects'] = self.t.get()
		args ['query'] = self.entry_query.get()
		args ['min_file_size'] = int( self.entry_min.get())
		args ['max_file_size'] = int( self.entry_max.get())
		args ['limit'] = int( self.entry_limit.get())
		args ['website']= self.entry_website.get()
		args ['option']= self.engine.get()
		download_content_gui( **args )

	def on_entry_click(self, event):
		function that gets called whenever entry is clicked
		if event.widget.config('fg') [4] == 'grey':
		   event.widget.delete(0, "end" ) # delete all the text in the entry
		   event.widget.insert(0, '') #Insert blank for user input
		   event.widget.config(fg = 'black')

	def on_focusout(self, event, a):
		function that gets called whenever anywhere except entry is clicked
		if event.widget.get() == '':
			event.widget.insert(0, default_text[a])
			event.widget.config(fg = 'grey')

	def check_threat(self):
		function to check input filetype against threat extensions list 
		is_high_threat = False
		for val in THREAT_EXTENSIONS.values():
			if type(val) == list:
				for el in val:
					if self.optionmenu.get() == el:
						is_high_threat = True
				if self.optionmenu.get() == val:
					is_high_threat = True

		if is_high_threat == True:
			is_high_threat = not askokcancel('FILE TYPE', 'WARNING: Downloading this \
											file type may expose you to a heightened security risk.\nPress\
											"OK" to proceed or "CANCEL" to exit')
		return not is_high_threat

	def ask_dir(self):
		dialogue box for choosing directory
		args ['directory'] = askdirectory(**self.dir_opt) 
		self.dir_text.set(args ['directory'])

	def clear_fun(self, event):
		global row

def main():
	main function
	s = ttk.Style()
	ents = makeform(root)

if __name__  ==  "__main__":