import os
import sys
from glob import glob 
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from image_windows import split_image_to_windows, stitch_single_image, stitch_all_images
from import imshow

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from skimage.segmentation import random_walker
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_fill_holes


How to K-means train images to 2 clusters based on colors
img_df = create_color_features(img_df)
img_df, cluster_maker = create_color_clusters(img_df, 2)

How to perform the same K-means on test images
test_img_df =  create_color_features(test_img_df)
test_img_df, _ = create_color_clusters(test_img_df, 2, cluster_maker)

How to process train/test images, for now

How to cluster train/test images to gray/color data frames
cluster_train_df_list = split_cluster_to_group(img_df, 2)
cluster_test_df_list = split_cluster_to_group(test_img_df, 2)

For test images, you should get 53 gray images and 12 color images 


def rgb_clahe(in_rgb_img):
    bgr = in_rgb_img[:,:,[2,1,0]] # flip r and b
    lab = cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
    clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8,8))
    lab[:,:,0] = clahe.apply(lab[:,:,0])
    bgr = cv2.cvtColor(lab, cv2.COLOR_LAB2BGR)
    return bgr[:,:,[2,1,0]]

def rgb_clahe_justl(in_rgb_img):
    bgr = in_rgb_img[:,:,[2,1,0]] # flip r and b
    lab = cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
    clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8,8))
    img = clahe.apply(lab[:,:,0])
    return img

def invert_image(image):
    if (np.average(image) > 127):
        return cv2.bitwise_not(image)
    return image

def mark_contours(mask):
    """Pass in a 2-dimensional grayscale mask, mark contours of the mask,
    and return the 2-dimensional grayscale contoured mask
    padded = 2
    mask = mask.astype(np.uint8)*255
    background = np.zeros((mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)
    padded_background = np.pad(background.copy(), ((padded,padded), (padded,padded)), 'edge')
    background_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(padded_background, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    padded_mask = np.pad(mask.copy(), ((padded,padded), (padded,padded), (0,0)), 'edge')
    _,thresh = cv2.threshold(padded_mask,127,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    contoured_rgb = cv2.drawContours(background_rgb,contours,-1,(255,255,255),1) 
    contoured_gray = cv2.cvtColor(contoured_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)    
    # workaround due to OpenCV issue, the contour starts from the 1st pixel
    contoured_mask = contoured_gray[padded:-padded,padded:-padded]

    return contoured_mask  

def mark_mask_on_image(mask, image, color=(255,0,0)):
    """ Mark red contours of the given masks on the given image
    mask = mask.astype(np.uint8)*255
    image_color = image.copy()
    if image.ndim is 2:
        image_color = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    _,thresh = cv2.threshold(mask,127,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    return cv2.drawContours(image_color,contours,-1,color,1)

def process_images(img_df):
    """It adds a column to the given data frame for storing processed images
    It amplifies regional attributes"""
    img_df['image_process'] = img_df['image'].map(lambda x: invert_image(rgb_clahe_justl(x))[:,:, np.newaxis])
    return img_df

def preprocess_image(image):
    """Preprocesses input image to a consistent input format for the model to learn from.

    Preprocessing converts the 3 source image RGB channels down to a single gray-scale
    channel, as well as inverts the background if needed. This ensures that cell the
    background intensity is more consistent, allowing the neural network to learn
    distinguishing features better.

        image (numpy 3d matrix): A numpy array containing a single image.
        The input image containing only a single channel and possibly with the
        background intensity inverted.
    image = rgb_clahe_justl(image)
    image = invert_image(image)
    image = image[:,:, np.newaxis]
    return image

def renumber_labels(label_img):
    """ Re-number nuclei in a labeled image so the nuclei numbers are unique and consecutive.
    new_label = 0
    for old_label in np.unique(label_img):
        if not old_label == new_label:
            label_img[label_img == old_label] = new_label
        new_label += 1

    return label_img

def post_process_image(image, mask, contour):
    """ Watershed on the markers generated on the sure foreground to find all disconnected objects
    The (mask - contour) is the true foreground. We set the contour to be unknown area. 
    Index of contour = -1
    Index of unkown area = 0
    Index of background = 1  -> set back to 0 after watershed
    Index of found objects > 1
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(5,5))
    new_contour = (contour*255).astype(np.uint8)
    new_mask = (mask*255).astype(np.uint8)
    new_mask = cv2.morphologyEx(new_mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel, iterations=1)

    _, thresh_mask = cv2.threshold(new_mask,0,255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    _, thresh_contour = cv2.threshold(new_contour,0,255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    sure_background = cv2.dilate(thresh_mask,kernel,iterations=3)
    sure_foreground = cv2.subtract(thresh_mask, thresh_contour)
    mask_plus_contour = cv2.add(thresh_mask, thresh_contour)
    mask_plus_contour = cv2.cvtColor(mask_plus_contour, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    unknown = cv2.subtract(sure_background, sure_foreground)
    # Marker labelling
    output = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(sure_foreground)
    labels = output[1]
    stats = output[2]
    # Add one to all labels so that sure background is not 0, 0 is considered unknown by watershed
    # this way, watershed can distinguish unknown from the background
    labels = labels + 1
    labels[unknown==255] = 0

        # random walker on thresh_mask leads a lot higher mean IoU but lower LB
        #labels = random_walker(thresh_mask, labels)   
        # random walker on thresh_mask leads lower mean IoU but higher LB
        labels = random_walker(mask_plus_contour, labels, multichannel=True)   

        labels = cv2.watershed(mask_plus_contour, labels)

    labels[labels==-1] = 0
    labels[labels==1] = 0
    labels = labels -1
    labels[labels==-1] = 0
    # discard nuclei which are too big or too small
    mean = np.mean(stats[1:,cv2.CC_STAT_AREA])

    for i in range(1, labels.max()):
         if stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_AREA] > mean*10 or stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_AREA] < mean/10:
            labels[labels==i] = 0
    labels = renumber_labels(labels)
    return labels

def create_color_features(img_df):
    img_df['Red'] = img_df['image'].map(lambda x: np.mean(x[:,:,0]))
    img_df['Green'] = img_df['image'].map(lambda x: np.mean(x[:,:,1]))
    img_df['Blue'] = img_df['image'].map(lambda x: np.mean(x[:,:,2]))
    img_df['Gray'] = img_df['image'].map(lambda x: np.mean(x[:,:,0:2]))
    img_df['Red-Green'] = img_df['image'].map(lambda x: np.mean(x[:,:,0]-x[:,:,1]))
    img_df['Red-Green-Sd'] = img_df['image'].map(lambda x: np.std(x[:,:,0]-x[:,:,1]))
    return img_df

def create_color_clusters(img_df,  cluster_count = 2, cluster_maker=None, 
                          colors=['Green', 'Red-Green', 'Red-Green-Sd']):
    """ Cluster images based on color features. 
    cluster_count: K  of K-means
    cluster_maker: previous k-means model 
    colors: categories for clustering images, by default it splits images to 
        color and grayscale clusters
    if cluster_maker is None:
        cluster_maker = KMeans(cluster_count, random_state=42)[colors])
    img_df['cluster-id'] = np.argmin(cluster_maker.transform(img_df[colors]),-1)
    return img_df, cluster_maker

def split_cluster_to_group(img_df, cluster_count, column='cluster-id'):
    """ Pass a data frame and return a list of clustered data frames
    For example, it returns a grayscale img_df and a color img_df 
    cluster_df_list = []
    grouper = img_df.groupby([column])
    for _, cluster_df in grouper:

    assert(len(cluster_df_list) == cluster_count)
    return cluster_df_list