# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..misc import find_closest
from ..stats import fit_r2
from .epochs_to_df import _df_to_epochs

def _eventrelated_sanitizeinput(epochs, what="ecg", silent=False):
    # Sanity checks
    if isinstance(epochs, pd.DataFrame):
        epochs = _df_to_epochs(epochs)  # Convert df to dict

    if not isinstance(epochs, dict):
        raise ValueError(
            "NeuroKit error: " + str(what) + "_eventrelated(): Please specify an input"
            "that is of the correct form i.e., either a dictionary"
            "or dataframe."

    # Warning for long epochs
    if silent is False:
        length_mean = np.mean([np.max(epochs[i].index) - np.min(epochs[i].index) for i in epochs.keys()])
        if length_mean > 10:
                "Neurokit warning: " + str(what) + "_eventrelated():"
                "The duration of your epochs seems quite long. You might want"
                " to use " + str(what) + "_intervalrelated()."
    return epochs

def _eventrelated_addinfo(epoch, output={}):

    # Add label
    if "Index" in epoch.columns:
        output["Event_Onset"] = epoch.loc[np.min(np.abs(epoch.index))]["Index"]

    # Add label
    if "Label" in epoch.columns and len(set(epoch["Label"])) == 1:
        output["Label"] = epoch["Label"].values[0]

    # Add condition
    if "Condition" in epoch.columns and len(set(epoch["Condition"])) == 1:
        output["Condition"] = epoch["Condition"].values[0]

    # Add participant_id
    if "Participant" in epoch.columns and len(set(epoch["Participant"])) == 1:
        output["Participant"] = epoch["Participant"].values[0]

    return output

def _eventrelated_sanitizeoutput(data):

    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient="index")  # Convert to a dataframe

    colnames = df.columns.values
    if "Event_Onset" in colnames:
        df = df.sort_values("Event_Onset")
        df = df[["Event_Onset"] + [col for col in df.columns if col != "Event_Onset"]]

    # Move columns to front
    if "Condition" in colnames:
        df = df[["Condition"] + [col for col in df.columns if col != "Condition"]]
    if "Label" in colnames:
        df = df[["Label"] + [col for col in df.columns if col != "Label"]]

    return df

def _eventrelated_rate(epoch, output={}, var="ECG_Rate"):

    # Sanitize input
    colnames = epoch.columns.values
    if len([i for i in colnames if var in i]) == 0:
            "NeuroKit warning: *_eventrelated(): input does not"
            "have an `" + var + "` column. Will skip all rate-related features."
        return output

    # Get baseline
    zero = find_closest(0, epoch.index.values, return_index=True)  # Find closest to 0
    baseline = epoch[var].iloc[zero]

    signal = epoch[var].values[zero + 1 : :]
    index = epoch.index.values[zero + 1 : :]

    # Max / Min / Mean
    output[var + "_Baseline"] = baseline
    output[var + "_Max"] = np.max(signal) - baseline
    output[var + "_Min"] = np.min(signal) - baseline
    output[var + "_Mean"] = np.mean(signal) - baseline

    # Time of Max / Min
    output[var + "_Max_Time"] = index[np.argmax(signal)]
    output[var + "_Min_Time"] = index[np.argmin(signal)]

    # Modelling
    # These are experimental indices corresponding to parameters of a quadratic model
    # Instead of raw values (such as min, max etc.)
    coefs = np.polyfit(index, signal - baseline, 2)
    output[var + "_Trend_Quadratic"] = coefs[0]
    output[var + "_Trend_Linear"] = coefs[1]
    output[var + "_Trend_R2"] = fit_r2(
        y=signal - baseline, y_predicted=np.polyval(coefs, index), adjusted=False, n_parameters=3

    return output