# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2019 The Google Research Authors.
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# Lint as: python2, python3
"""Computes rouge scores between two text blobs.
Implementation replicates the functionality in the original ROUGE package. See:
Lin, Chin-Yew. ROUGE: a Package for Automatic Evaluation of Summaries. In
Proceedings of the Workshop on Text Summarization Branches Out (WAS 2004),
Barcelona, Spain, July 25 - 26, 2004.
Default options are equivalent to running:
ROUGE-1.5.5.pl -e data -n 2 -a settings.xml
Or with use_stemmer=True:
ROUGE-1.5.5.pl -m -e data -n 2 -a settings.xml
In these examples settings.xml lists input files and formats.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import re

from nltk.stem import porter
import six
from six.moves import map
from six.moves import range
from compare_mt.rouge import scoring
from compare_mt.rouge import tokenize

class RougeScorer(scoring.BaseScorer):
  """Calculate rouges scores between two blobs of text.
  Sample usage:
    scorer = RougeScorer(['rouge1', 'rougeL'], use_stemmer=True)
    scores = scorer.score('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog',
                          'The quick brown dog jumps on the log.')

  def __init__(self, rouge_types, use_stemmer=False):
    """Initializes a new RougeScorer.
    Valid rouge types that can be computed are:
      rougen (e.g. rouge1, rouge2): n-gram based scoring.
      rougeL: Longest common subsequence based scoring.
      rouge_types: A list of rouge types to calculate.
      use_stemmer: Bool indicating whether Porter stemmer should be used to
        strip word suffixes to improve matching.
      A dict mapping rouge types to Score tuples.

    self.rouge_types = rouge_types
    self._stemmer = porter.PorterStemmer() if use_stemmer else None

  def score(self, target, prediction):
    """Calculates rouge scores between the target and prediction.
      target: Text containing the target (ground truth) text.
      prediction: Text containing the predicted text.
      A dict mapping each rouge type to a Score object.
      ValueError: If an invalid rouge type is encountered.

    target_tokens = tokenize.tokenize(target, self._stemmer)
    prediction_tokens = tokenize.tokenize(prediction, self._stemmer)
    result = {}

    for rouge_type in self.rouge_types:
      if rouge_type == "rougeL":
        # Rouge from longest common subsequences.
        scores = _score_lcs(target_tokens, prediction_tokens)
      elif rouge_type == "rougeLsum":
        # Note: Does not support multi-line text.
        def get_sents(text):
          # Assume sentences are separated by newline.
          sents = six.ensure_str(text).split("\n")
          sents = [x for x in sents if len(x)]
          return sents

        target_tokens_list = [
            tokenize.tokenize(s, self._stemmer) for s in get_sents(target)]
        prediction_tokens_list = [
            tokenize.tokenize(s, self._stemmer) for s in get_sents(prediction)]
        scores = _summary_level_lcs(target_tokens_list,
      elif re.match(r"rouge[0-9]$", six.ensure_str(rouge_type)):
        # Rouge from n-grams.
        n = int(rouge_type[5:])
        if n <= 0:
          raise ValueError("rougen requires positive n: %s" % rouge_type)
        target_ngrams = _create_ngrams(target_tokens, n)
        prediction_ngrams = _create_ngrams(prediction_tokens, n)
        scores = _score_ngrams(target_ngrams, prediction_ngrams)
        raise ValueError("Invalid rouge type: %s" % rouge_type)
      result[rouge_type] = scores

    return result

def _create_ngrams(tokens, n):
  """Creates ngrams from the given list of tokens.
    tokens: A list of tokens from which ngrams are created.
    n: Number of tokens to use, e.g. 2 for bigrams.
    A dictionary mapping each bigram to the number of occurrences.

  ngrams = collections.Counter()
  for ngram in (tuple(tokens[i:i + n]) for i in range(len(tokens) - n + 1)):
    ngrams[ngram] += 1
  return ngrams

def _score_lcs(target_tokens, prediction_tokens):
  """Computes LCS (Longest Common Subsequence) rouge scores.
    target_tokens: Tokens from the target text.
    prediction_tokens: Tokens from the predicted text.
    A Score object containing computed scores.

  if not target_tokens or not prediction_tokens:
    return scoring.Score(precision=0, recall=0, fmeasure=0)

  # Compute length of LCS from the bottom up in a table (DP appproach).
  lcs_table = _lcs_table(target_tokens, prediction_tokens)
  lcs_length = lcs_table[-1][-1]

  precision = lcs_length / len(prediction_tokens)
  recall = lcs_length / len(target_tokens)
  fmeasure = scoring.fmeasure(precision, recall)

  return scoring.Score(precision=precision, recall=recall, fmeasure=fmeasure)

def _lcs_table(ref, can):
  """Create 2-d LCS score table."""
  rows = len(ref)
  cols = len(can)
  lcs_table = [[0] * (cols + 1) for _ in range(rows + 1)]
  for i in range(1, rows + 1):
    for j in range(1, cols + 1):
      if ref[i - 1] == can[j - 1]:
        lcs_table[i][j] = lcs_table[i - 1][j - 1] + 1
        lcs_table[i][j] = max(lcs_table[i - 1][j], lcs_table[i][j - 1])
  return lcs_table

def _backtrack_norec(t, ref, can):
  """Read out LCS."""
  i = len(ref)
  j = len(can)
  lcs = []
  while i > 0 and j > 0:
    if ref[i - 1] == can[j - 1]:
      lcs.insert(0, i-1)
      i -= 1
      j -= 1
    elif t[i][j - 1] > t[i - 1][j]:
      j -= 1
      i -= 1
  return lcs

def _summary_level_lcs(ref_sent, can_sent):
  """ROUGE: Summary-level LCS, section 3.2 in ROUGE paper.
    ref_sent: list of tokenized reference sentences
    can_sent: list of tokenized candidate sentences
    summary level ROUGE score
  if not ref_sent or not can_sent:
    return scoring.Score(precision=0, recall=0, fmeasure=0)

  m = sum(map(len, ref_sent))
  n = sum(map(len, can_sent))
  if not n or not m:
    return scoring.Score(precision=0, recall=0, fmeasure=0)

  # get token counts to prevent double counting
  token_cnts_r = collections.Counter()
  token_cnts_c = collections.Counter()
  for s in ref_sent:
    # s is a list of tokens
  for s in can_sent:

  hits = 0
  for r in ref_sent:
    lcs = _union_lcs(r, can_sent)
    # Prevent double-counting:
    # The paper describes just computing hits += len(_union_lcs()),
    # but the implementation prevents double counting. We also
    # implement this as in version 1.5.5.
    for t in lcs:
      if token_cnts_c[t] > 0 and token_cnts_r[t] > 0:
        hits += 1
        token_cnts_c[t] -= 1
        token_cnts_r[t] -= 1

  recall = hits / m
  precision = hits / n
  fmeasure = scoring.fmeasure(precision, recall)
  return scoring.Score(precision=precision, recall=recall, fmeasure=fmeasure)

def _union_lcs(ref, c_list):
  """Find union LCS between a ref sentence and list of candidate sentences.
    ref: list of tokens
    c_list: list of list of indices for LCS into reference summary
    List of tokens in ref representing union LCS.
  lcs_list = [lcs_ind(ref, c) for c in c_list]
  return [ref[i] for i in _find_union(lcs_list)]

def _find_union(lcs_list):
  """Finds union LCS given a list of LCS."""
  return sorted(list(set().union(*lcs_list)))

def lcs_ind(ref, can):
  """Returns one of the longest lcs."""
  t = _lcs_table(ref, can)
  return _backtrack_norec(t, ref, can)

def _score_ngrams(target_ngrams, prediction_ngrams):
  """Compute n-gram based rouge scores.
    target_ngrams: A Counter object mapping each ngram to number of
      occurrences for the target text.
    prediction_ngrams: A Counter object mapping each ngram to number of
      occurrences for the prediction text.
    A Score object containing computed scores.

  intersection_ngrams_count = 0
  for ngram in six.iterkeys(target_ngrams):
    intersection_ngrams_count += min(target_ngrams[ngram],
  target_ngrams_count = sum(target_ngrams.values())
  prediction_ngrams_count = sum(prediction_ngrams.values())

  precision = intersection_ngrams_count / max(prediction_ngrams_count, 1)
  recall = intersection_ngrams_count / max(target_ngrams_count, 1)
  fmeasure = scoring.fmeasure(precision, recall)

  return scoring.Score(precision=precision, recall=recall, fmeasure=fmeasure)