import numpy as np
import logging
import copy
import numbers

from scipy.special import logsumexp

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted, NotFittedError

from .preprocessing import DataWindow
from . import core
from .plotting import _plot_ratemap
from .auxiliary import TuningCurve1D, TuningCurve2D

from .utils_.decorators import keyword_deprecation

FiringRateEstimator(BaseEstimator) DRAFT SPECIFICATION
    X : BST / spike counts (or actual spikes?)
    y : firing rate (not used)
    z : position (response variable)
    mode = ['hist', 'glm-poisson', 'glm-binomial', 'glm', 'gvm', 'bars', 'gp']
    fit(X, y, z) : estimate model parameters, or collect histogram evidence
    y = predict(X, z) : this predicts the firing rate estimate for data
    score (X, y, z)

    X : position (state: discrete)
    y : firing rate(s)
    mode = ['continuous', 'discrete', 'circular']
    fit(X, y) : assign rates to X bins
    y = predict(X) : predicts, and then smooths, firing rates
    bst = synthesize(X) : predicts and smooths firing rate, and then synthesize spikes

    X : BST / spike counts
    y : position
    fit(X, y) : fits the RateMap, and occupancy (and other params, like movement)
    y = predict(X) : predicts position from spike counts (also called decode)


class KeywordError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, message):
        self.message = message

class UnitSlicer(object):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __getitem__(self, *args):
        """units ids"""
        # by default, keep all units
        unitslice = slice(None, None, None)
        if isinstance(*args, int):
            unitslice = args[0]
            slices = np.s_[args];
            slices = slices[0]
            unitslice = slices

        if isinstance(unitslice, slice):
            start = unitslice.start
            stop = unitslice.stop
            istep = unitslice.step

                if start is None:
                    istart = 0
                    istart = list(self.obj.unit_ids).index(start)
            except ValueError:
                raise KeyError('unit_id {} could not be found in RateMap!'.format(start))

                if stop is None:
                    istop = self.obj.n_units
                    istop = list(self.obj.unit_ids).index(stop) + 1
            except ValueError:
                raise KeyError('unit_id {} could not be found in RateMap!'.format(stop))
            if istep is None:
                istep = 1
            if istep < 0:
                istop -=1
                istart -=1
                istart, istop = istop, istart
            unit_idx_list = list(range(istart, istop, istep))
            unit_idx_list = []
            unitslice = np.atleast_1d(unitslice)
            for unit in unitslice:
                    uidx = list(self.obj.unit_ids).index(unit)
                except ValueError:
                    raise KeyError("unit_id {} could not be found in RateMap!".format(unit))

        return unit_idx_list

class ItemGetter_loc(object):
    """.loc is primarily label based (that is, unit_id based)

    .loc will raise KeyError when the items are not found.

    Allowed inputs are:
        - A single label, e.g. 5 or 'a', (note that 5 is interpreted
            as a label of the index. This use is not an integer
            position along the index)
        - A list or array of labels ['a', 'b', 'c']
        - A slice object with labels 'a':'f', (note that contrary to
            usual python slices, both the start and the stop are
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        unit_idx_list = self.obj._slicer[idx]

        return self.obj[unit_idx_list]

class ItemGetter_iloc(object):
    """.iloc is primarily integer position based (from 0 to length-1
    of the axis).

    .iloc will raise IndexError if a requested indexer is
    out-of-bounds, except slice indexers which allow out-of-bounds
    indexing. (this conforms with python/numpy slice semantics).

    Allowed inputs are:
        - An integer e.g. 5
        - A list or array of integers [4, 3, 0]
        - A slice object with ints 1:7
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        """intervals, series"""
        unit_idx_list = idx
        if isinstance(idx, int):
            unit_idx_list = [idx]

        return self.obj[unit_idx_list]

class RateMap(BaseEstimator):
    RateMap with persistent unit_ids and firing rates in Hz.

    NOTE: RateMap assumes a [uniform] isometric spacing in all dimensions of the
          rate map. This is only relevant when smoothing is applied.

    mode = ['continuous', 'discrete', 'circular']

    fit(X, y) estimates ratemap [discrete, continuous, circular]
    predict(X) predicts firing rate
    synthesize(X) generates spikes based on input (inhomogenous Poisson?)

    connectivity : string ['continuous', 'discrete', 'circular'], optional
        Defines how smoothing is applied. If 'discrete', then no smoothing is
        applied. Default is 'continuous'.

    def __init__(self, connectivity='continuous'):
        self.connectivity = connectivity

        self._slicer = UnitSlicer(self)
        self.loc = ItemGetter_loc(self)
        self.iloc = ItemGetter_iloc(self)

    def __repr__(self):
        r = super().__repr__()
        if self._is_fitted():
            if self.is_1d:
                r += ' with shape (n_units={}, n_bins_x={})'.format(*self.shape)
                r += ' with shape (n_units={}, n_bins_x={}, n_bins_y={})'.format(*self.shape)
        return r

    def fit(self, X, y, dt=1, unit_ids=None):
        """Fit firing rates

        X : array-like, shape (n_bins,), or (n_bins_x, n_bins_y)
            Bin locations (centers) where ratemap is defined.
        y : array-like, shape (n_units, n_bins) or (n_units, n_bins_x, n_bins_y)
            Expected number of spikes in a temporal bin of width dt, for each of
            the predictor bins specified in X.
        dt : float, optional (default=1)
            Temporal bin size with which firing rate y is defined.
            For example, if dt==1, then the firing rate is in Hz. If dt==0.001,
            then the firing rate is in kHz, and so on.
        unit_ids : array-like, shape (n_units,), optional (default=None)
            Persistent unit IDs that are used to associate units after
            permutation. Unit IDs are inherited from nelpy.core.BinnedEventArray
            objects, or initialized to np.arange(n_units).
        n_units, n_bins_x, n_bins_y = self._check_X_y(X, y)
        if n_bins_y > 0:
            # self.ratemap_ = np.zeros((n_units, n_bins_x, n_bins_y)) #FIXME
            self.ratemap_ = y/dt
            bin_centers_x = np.squeeze(X[:,0])
            bin_centers_y = np.squeeze(X[:,1])
            bin_dx = np.median(np.diff(bin_centers_x))
            bin_dy = np.median(np.diff(bin_centers_y))
            bins_x = np.insert(bin_centers_x[:-1] + np.diff(bin_centers_x)/2, 0, bin_centers_x[0] - bin_dx/2)
            bins_x = np.append(bins_x, bins_x[-1] + bin_dx)
            bins_y = np.insert(bin_centers_y[:-1] + np.diff(bin_centers_y)/2, 0, bin_centers_y[0] - bin_dy/2)
            bins_y = np.append(bins_y, bins_y[-1] + bin_dy)
            self._bins_x = bins_x
            self._bins_y = bins_y
            self._bin_centers_x = bin_centers_x
            self._bin_centers_y = X[:,1]
            # self.ratemap_ = np.zeros((n_units, n_bins_x)) #FIXME
            self.ratemap_ = y/dt
            bin_centers_x = np.squeeze(X)
            bin_dx = np.median(np.diff(bin_centers_x))
            bins_x = np.insert(bin_centers_x[:-1] + np.diff(bin_centers_x)/2, 0, bin_centers_x[0] - bin_dx/2)
            bins_x = np.append(bins_x, bins_x[-1] + bin_dx)
            self._bins_x = bins_x
            self._bin_centers_x = bin_centers_x

        if unit_ids is not None:
            if len(unit_ids) != n_units:
                raise ValueError("'unit_ids' must have same number of elements as 'n_units'. {} != {}".format(len(unit_ids), n_units))
            self._unit_ids = unit_ids
            self._unit_ids = np.arange(n_units)

    def predict(self, X):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        raise NotImplementedError

    def synthesize(self, X):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __len__(self):
        return self.n_units

    def __iter__(self):
        """TuningCurve1D iterator initialization"""
        # initialize the internal index to zero when used as iterator
        self._index = 0
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        """TuningCurve1D iterator advancer."""
        index = self._index
        if index > self.n_units - 1:
            raise StopIteration
        out = copy.copy(self)
        out.ratemap_ = self.ratemap_[tuple([index])]
        out._unit_ids = self._unit_ids[index]
        self._index += 1
        return out

    def __getitem__(self, *idx):
        """RateMap unit index access.

        NOTE: this is index-based, not label-based. For label-based,
              use loc[...]

        Accepts integers, slices, and lists"""
        idx = [ii for ii in idx]
        if len(idx) == 1 and not isinstance(idx[0], int):
            idx = idx[0]
        if isinstance(idx, tuple):
            idx = [ii for ii in idx]

            out = copy.copy(self)
            out.ratemap_ = self.ratemap_[tuple([idx])]
            out._unit_ids = list(np.array(out._unit_ids)[tuple([idx])])
            out._slicer = UnitSlicer(out)
            out.loc = ItemGetter_loc(out)
            out.iloc = ItemGetter_iloc(out)
            return out
        except Exception:
            raise TypeError(
                'unsupported subsctipting type {}'.format(type(idx)))

    def get_peak_firing_order_ids(self):
        """Get the unit_ids in order of peak firing location for 1D RateMaps.

        unit_ids : array-like
            The permutaiton of unit_ids such that after reordering, the peak
            firing locations are ordered along the RateMap.
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if self.is_2d:
            raise NotImplementedError("get_peak_firing_order_ids() only implemented for 1D RateMaps.")
        peakorder = np.argmax(self.ratemap_, axis=1).argsort()
        return np.array(self.unit_ids)[peakorder]

    def reorder_units_by_ids(self, unit_ids, inplace=False):
        """Permute the unit ordering.

        If no order is specified, and an ordering exists from fit(), then the
        data in X will automatically be permuted to match that registered during

        unit_ids : array-like, shape (n_units,)

        out : reordered RateMap
        def swap_units(arr, frm, to):
            """swap 'units' of a 3D np.array"""
            arr[(frm, to),:] = arr[(to, frm),:]

        if len(unit_ids) != len(self._unit_ids):
            raise ValueError('unit_ids must be a permutation of self.unit_ids, not a subset thereof.')

        if inplace:
            out = self
            out = copy.deepcopy(self)

        neworder = [list(self.unit_ids).index(x) for x in unit_ids]

        oldorder = list(range(len(neworder)))
        for oi, ni in enumerate(neworder):
            frm = oldorder.index(ni)
            to = oi
            swap_units(out.ratemap_, frm, to)
            out._unit_ids[frm], out._unit_ids[to] = out._unit_ids[to], out._unit_ids[frm]
            oldorder[frm], oldorder[to] = oldorder[to], oldorder[frm]
        return out

    def _check_X_y(self, X, y):
        X = np.atleast_1d(X)
        y = np.atleast_2d(y)

        n_units = y.shape[0]
        n_bins_xy = y.shape[1]
            n_bins_yy = y.shape[2]
        except IndexError:
            n_bins_yy = 0

        n_bins_xx = X.shape[0]
            n_bins_yx = X.shape[1]
        except IndexError:
            n_bins_yx = 0

        assert n_units > 0, "n_units must be a positive integer!"
        assert n_bins_xx == n_bins_xy, "X and y must have the same n_bins_x"
        assert n_bins_yx == n_bins_yy, "X and y must have the same n_bins_y"

        n_bins_x = n_bins_xx
        n_bins_y = n_bins_yy

        return n_units, n_bins_x, n_bins_y

    def _validate_unit_ids(self, unit_ids):

        if len(set(unit_ids)) != len(unit_ids):
            raise ValueError("Duplicate unit_ids are not allowed.")

    def _check_unit_ids_in_ratemap(self, unit_ids):
        for unit_id in unit_ids:
            # NOTE: the check below allows for predict() to pass on only
            # a subset of the units that were used during fit! So we
            # could fit on 100 units, and then predict on only 10 of
            # them, if we wanted.
            if unit_id not in self.unit_ids:
                raise ValueError('unit_id {} was not present during fit(); aborting...'.format(unit_id))

    def _is_fitted(self):
            check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        except Exception: # should really be except NotFitterError
            return False
        return True

    def connectivity(self):
        return self._connectivity

    def connectivity(self, val):
        self._connectivity = self._validate_connectivity(val)

    def _validate_connectivity(connectivity):
        connectivity = str(connectivity).strip().lower()
        options = ['continuous', 'discrete', 'circular']
        if connectivity in options:
            return connectivity
        raise NotImplementedError("connectivity '{}' is not supported yet!".format(str(connectivity)))

    def _units_from_X(X):
        Get unit_ids from bst X, or generate them from ndarray X.

        n_units :
        unit_ids :
        raise NotImplementedError

    def T(self):
        """transpose the ratemap.
        Here we transpose the x and y dims, and return a new RateMap object.
        if self.is_1d:
            return self
        out = copy.copy(self)
        out.ratemap_ = np.transpose(out.ratemap_, axes=(0,2,1))
        return out

    def shape(self):
            RateMap.shape = (n_units, n_features_x, n_features_y)
            RateMap.shape = (n_units, n_features)
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        return self.ratemap_.shape

    def is_1d(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if len(self.ratemap_.shape) == 2:
            return True
        return False

    def is_2d(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if len(self.ratemap_.shape) == 3:
            return True
        return False

    def n_units(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        return self.ratemap_.shape[0]

    def unit_ids(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        return self._unit_ids

    def n_bins(self):
        """(int) Number of external correlates (bins)."""
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if self.is_2d:
            return self.n_bins_x*self.n_bins_y
        return self.n_bins_x

    def n_bins_x(self):
        """(int) Number of external correlates (bins)."""
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        return self.ratemap_.shape[1]

    def n_bins_y(self):
        """(int) Number of external correlates (bins)."""
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if self.is_1d:
            raise ValueError('RateMap is 1D; no y bins are defined.')
        return self.ratemap_.shape[2]

    def max(self, axis=None, out=None):
        maximum firing rate for each unit:
        maximum firing rate across units:
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if axis == None:
            if self.is_2d:
                return self.ratemap_.max(axis=1, out=out).max(axis=1, out=out)
                return self.ratemap_.max(axis=1, out=out)
        return self.ratemap_.max(axis=axis, out=out)

    def min(self, axis=None, out=None):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if axis == None:
            if self.is_2d:
                return self.ratemap_.min(axis=1, out=out).min(axis=1, out=out)
                return self.ratemap_.min(axis=1, out=out)
        return self.ratemap_.min(axis=axis, out=out)

    def mean(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        kwargs = {'dtype':dtype,
        if axis == None:
            if self.is_2d:
                return self.ratemap_.mean(axis=1, **kwargs).mean(axis=1, **kwargs)
                return self.ratemap_.mean(axis=1, **kwargs)
        return self.ratemap_.mean(axis=axis, **kwargs)

    def bins(self):
        if self.is_1d:
            return self._bins_x
        return np.vstack((self._bins_x, self._bins_y))

    def bins_x(self):
        return self._bins_x

    def bins_y(self):
        if self.is_2d:
            return self._bins_y
            raise ValueError('only valid for 2D RateMap() objects.')

    def bin_centers(self):
        if self.is_1d:
            return self._bin_centers_x
        return np.vstack((self._bin_centers_x, self._bin_centers_y))

    def bin_centers_x(self):
        return self._bin_centers_x

    def bin_centers_y(self):
        if self.is_2d:
            return self._bin_centers_y
            raise ValueError('only valid for 2D RateMap() objects.')

    def mask(self):
        return self._mask

    def mask(self, val):
        #TODO: mask validation
        raise NotImplementedError
        self._mask = val

    def plot(self, **kwargs):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if self.is_2d:
            raise NotImplementedError("plot() not yet implemented for 2D RateMaps.")
        pad = kwargs.pop('pad', None)
        _plot_ratemap(self, pad=pad, **kwargs)

    def smooth(self, *, sigma=None, truncate=None, inplace=False, mode=None, cval=None):
        """Smooths the tuning curve with a Gaussian kernel.

        mode : {‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’}, optional
            The mode parameter determines how the array borders are handled,
            where cval is the value when mode is equal to ‘constant’. Default is
        truncate : float
            Truncate the filter at this many standard deviations. Default is 4.0.
        truncate : float, deprecated
            Truncate the filter at this many standard deviations. Default is 4.0.
        cval : scalar, optional
            Value to fill past edges of input if mode is ‘constant’. Default is 0.0

        if sigma is None:
            sigma = 0.1 # in units of extern
        if truncate is None:
            truncate = 4
        if mode is None:
            mode = 'reflect'
        if cval is None:
            cval = 0.0

        raise NotImplementedError

class BayesianDecoderTemp(BaseEstimator):
    Bayesian decoder wrapper class.

    mode = ['hist', 'glm-poisson', 'glm-binomial', 'glm', 'gvm', 'bars', 'gp']

    (gvm = generalized von mises; see

    QQQ. Do we always bin first? does GLM and BARS use spike times, or binned
         spike counts? I think GLM uses binned spike counts with Poisson
         regression; not sure about BARS.

    QQQ. What other methods should be supported? BAKS? What is state of the art?

    QQQ. What if we want to know the fring rate over time? What does the input y
         look like then? How about trial averaged? How about a tuning curve?

    AAA. At the end of the day, this class should estimate a ratemap, and we
         need some way to set the domain of that ratemap, if desired, but it
         should not have to assume anything else. Values in y might be repeated,
         but if not, then we estimate the (single-trial) firing rate over time
         or whatever the associated y represents.

    See for more GLM intuition? and




    def __init__(self, rate_estimator=None, w=None, ratemap=None):
        self._rate_estimator = self._validate_rate_estimator(rate_estimator)
        self._ratemap = self._validate_ratemap(ratemap)
        self._w = self._validate_window(w)

    def rate_estimator(self):
        return self._rate_estimator

    def ratemap(self):
        return self._ratemap

    def w(self):
        return self._w

    def _validate_rate_estimator(rate_estimator):
        if rate_estimator is None:
            rate_estimator = FiringRateEstimator()
        elif not isinstance(rate_estimator, FiringRateEstimator):
            raise TypeError("'rate_estimator' must be a nelpy FiringRateEstimator() type!")
        return rate_estimator

    def _validate_ratemap(ratemap):
        if ratemap is None:
            ratemap = NDRateMap()
        elif not isinstance(ratemap, NDRateMap):
            raise TypeError("'ratemap' must be a nelpy RateMap() type!")
        return ratemap

    def _validate_window(w):
        if w is None:
            w = DataWindow(sum=True, bin_width=1)
        elif not isinstance(w, DataWindow):
            raise TypeError('w must be a nelpy DataWindow() type!')
            w = copy.copy(w)
        if w._sum is False:
            logging.warning('BayesianDecoder requires DataWindow (w) to have sum=True; changing to True')
            w._sum = True
        if w.bin_width is None:
            w.bin_width = 1
        return w

    def _check_X_dt(self, X, *, lengths=None, dt=None):

        if isinstance(X, core.BinnedEventArray):
            if dt is not None:
                logging.warning("A {} was passed in, so 'dt' will be ignored...".format(X.type_name))
            dt = X.ds
            if self._w.bin_width != dt:
                raise ValueError('BayesianDecoder was fit with a bin_width of {}, but is being used to predict data with a bin_width of {}'.format(self.w.bin_width, dt))
            X, T = self.w.transform(X, lengths=lengths, sum=True)
            if dt is not None:
                if self._w.bin_width != dt:
                    raise ValueError('BayesianDecoder was fit with a bin_width of {}, but is being used to predict data with a bin_width of {}'.format(self.w.bin_width, dt))
                dt = self._w.bin_width

        return X, dt

    def _check_X_y(self, X, y, *, method='score', lengths=None):

        if isinstance(X, core.BinnedEventArray):
            if method == 'fit':
                self._w.bin_width = X.ds
      'Updating DataWindow.bin_width from training data.')
                if self._w.bin_width != X.ds:
                    raise ValueError('BayesianDecoder was fit with a bin_width of {}, but is being used to predict data with a bin_width of {}'.format(self.w.bin_width, X.ds))

            X, T = self.w.transform(X, lengths=lengths, sum=True)

            if isinstance(y, core.RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray):
                y = y(T).T

        if isinstance(y, core.RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray):
            raise TypeError('y can only be a RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray if X is a BinnedEventArray.')

        assert len(X) == len(y), "X and y must have the same number of samples!"

        return X, y

    def _ratemap_permute_unit_order(self, unit_ids, inplace=False):
        """Permute the unit ordering.

        If no order is specified, and an ordering exists from fit(), then the
        data in X will automatically be permuted to match that registered during

        unit_ids : array-like, shape (n_units,)
        unit_ids = self._check_unit_ids(unit_ids=unit_ids)
        if len(unit_ids) != len(self.unit_ids):
            raise ValueError("To re-order (permute) units, 'unit_ids' must have the same length as self._unit_ids.")
        self._ratemap.reorder_units_by_ids(unit_ids, inplace=inplace)

    def _check_unit_ids(self,*, X=None, unit_ids=None, fit=False):
        """Check that unit_ids are valid (if provided), and return unit_ids.

        if calling from fit(), pass in fit=True, which will skip checks against
        self.ratemap, which doesn't exist before fitting...

        def a_contains_b(a, b):
            """Returns True iff 'b' is a subset of 'a'."""
            for bb in b:
                if bb not in a:
                    logging.warning("{} was not found in set".format(bb))
                    return False
            return True

        if isinstance(X, core.BinnedEventArray):
            if unit_ids is not None:
                # unit_ids were passed in, even though it's also contained in X.unit_ids
                # 1. check that unit_ids are contained in the data:
                if not a_contains_b(X.series_ids, unit_ids):
                    raise ValueError('Some unit_ids were not contained in X!')
                # 2. check that unit_ids are contained in self (decoder ratemap)
                if not fit:
                    if not a_contains_b(self.unit_ids, unit_ids):
                        raise ValueError('Some unit_ids were not contained in ratemap!')
                # infer unit_ids from X
                unit_ids = X.series_ids
                # check that unit_ids are contained in self (decoder ratemap)
                if not fit:
                    if not a_contains_b(self.unit_ids, unit_ids):
                        raise ValueError('Some unit_ids from X were not contained in ratemap!')
        else: # a non-nelpy X was passed, possibly X=None
            if unit_ids is not None:
                # 1. check that unit_ids are contained in self (decoder ratemap)
                if not fit:
                    if not a_contains_b(self.unit_ids, unit_ids):
                        raise ValueError('Some unit_ids were not contained in ratemap!')
            else: # no unit_ids were passed, only a non-nelpy X
                if X is not None:
                    n_samples, n_units = X.shape
                    if not fit:
                        if n_units > self.n_units:
                            raise ValueError("X contains more units than decoder! {} > {}".format(n_units, self.n_units))
                        unit_ids = self.unit_ids[:n_units]
                        unit_ids = np.arange(n_units)
                    raise NotImplementedError ("unexpected branch reached...")
        return unit_ids

    def _get_transformed_ratemap(self, unit_ids):
            # first, trim ratemap to subset of units
        ratemap = self.ratemap.loc[unit_ids]
        # then, permute the ratemap
        ratemap = ratemap.reorder_units_by_ids(unit_ids) # maybe unneccessary, since .loc already permutes
        return ratemap

    def fit(self, X, y, *, lengths=None, dt=None, unit_ids=None, n_bins=None, sample_weight=None):
        """Fit Gaussian Naive Bayes according to X, y

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Training vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples
            and n_features is the number of features.
            nelpy.core.BinnedEventArray / BinnedSpikeTrainArray
                The number of spikes in each time bin for each neuron/unit.
        y : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_output_dims)
            Target values.
                containing the target values corresponding to X.
            NOTE: If X is an array-like, then y must be an array-like.
        lengths : array-like, shape (n_epochs,), optional (default=None)
            Lengths (in samples) of contiguous segments in (X, y).
            .. versionadded:: x.xx
                BayesianDecoder does not yet support *lengths*.
        unit_ids : array-like, shape (n_units,), optional (default=None)
            Persistent unit IDs that are used to associate units after
            permutation. Unit IDs are inherited from nelpy.core.BinnedEventArray
            objects, or initialized to np.arange(n_units).
        sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional (default=None)
            Weights applied to individual samples (1. for unweighted).
            .. versionadded:: x.xx
               BayesianDecoder does not yet support fitting with *sample_weight*.
        self : object


        #TODO dt should probably come from datawindow specification, but may be overridden here!

        unit_ids = self._check_unit_ids(X=X, unit_ids=unit_ids, fit=True)

        # estimate the firing rate(s):,

        # store the estimated firing rates as a rate map:
        bin_centers = self.rate_estimator.tc_.bin_centers #temp code FIXME
        bins = self.rate_estimator.tc_.bins #temp code FIXME
        rates = self.rate_estimator.tc_.ratemap #temp code FIXME
        # unit_ids = np.array(self.rate_estimator.tc_.unit_ids) #temp code FIXME,
                         unit_ids=unit_ids) #temp code FIXME

        X, y = self._check_X_y(X, y, method='fit', lengths=lengths) # can I remove this? no; it sets the bin width... but maybe we should refactor...
        self.ratemap_ = self.ratemap.ratemap_

    def predict(self, X, *, output=None, mode='mean', lengths=None, unit_ids=None, dt=None):
        # if output is 'asa', then return an ASA
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        unit_ids = self._check_unit_ids(X=X, unit_ids=unit_ids)
        ratemap = self._get_transformed_ratemap(unit_ids)
        X, dt = self._check_X_dt(X=X, lengths=lengths, dt=dt)

        posterior, mean_pth = decode_bayesian_memoryless_nd(X=X,

        if output is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("output mode not implemented yet")
        return posterior, mean_pth

    def predict_proba(self, X, *, lengths=None, unit_ids=None, dt=None):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        raise NotImplementedError
        ratemap = self._get_transformed_ratemap(unit_ids)
        return self._predict_proba_from_ratemap(X, ratemap)

    def score(self, X, y, *, lengths=None, unit_ids=None, dt=None):

        # check that unit_ids are valid
        # THEN, transform X, y into standardized form (including trimming and permutation) and continue with scoring

        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        unit_ids = self._check_unit_ids(X=X, unit_ids=unit_ids)
        ratemap = self._get_transformed_ratemap(unit_ids)
        # X = self._permute_unit_order(X)
        # X, y = self._check_X_y(X, y, method='score', unit_ids=unit_ids)

        raise NotImplementedError
        ratemap = self._get_transformed_ratemap(unit_ids)
        return self._score_from_ratemap(X, ratemap)

    def score_samples(self, X, y, *, lengths=None, unit_ids=None, dt=None):
        # X = self._permute_unit_order(X)
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        raise NotImplementedError

    def unit_ids(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        return self.ratemap.unit_ids

    def n_units(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        return len(self.unit_ids)

class FiringRateEstimator(BaseEstimator):
    Estimate the firing rate of a spike train.

    mode = ['hist', 'glm-poisson', 'glm-binomial', 'glm', 'gvm', 'bars', 'gp']

    (gvm = generalized von mises; see

    QQQ. Do we always bin first? does GLM and BARS use spike times, or binned
         spike counts? I think GLM uses binned spike counts with Poisson
         regression; not sure about BARS.

    QQQ. What other methods should be supported? BAKS? What is state of the art?

    QQQ. What if we want to know the fring rate over time? What does the input y
         look like then? How about trial averaged? How about a tuning curve?

    AAA. At the end of the day, this class should estimate a ratemap, and we
         need some way to set the domain of that ratemap, if desired, but it
         should not have to assume anything else. Values in y might be repeated,
         but if not, then we estimate the (single-trial) firing rate over time
         or whatever the associated y represents.

    See for more GLM intuition? and




    def __init__(self, mode='hist'):

        if mode not in ['hist']:
            raise NotImplementedError("mode '{}' not supported / implemented yet!".format(mode))

        self._mode = mode

    def _check_X_y_dt(self, X, y, lengths=None, dt=None, timestamps=None, n_bins=None):
        if isinstance(X, core.BinnedEventArray):
            T = X.bin_centers
            if lengths is not None:
                logging.warning("'lengths' was passed in, but will be" \
                                " overwritten by 'X's 'lengths' attribute")
            if timestamps is not None:
                logging.warning("'timestamps' was passed in, but will be" \
                                " overwritten by 'X's 'bin_centers' attribute")
            if dt is not None:
                logging.warning("'dt' was passed in, but will be overwritten" \
                                " by 'X's 'ds' attribute")
            if isinstance(y, core.RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray):
                y = y(T).T

            dt = X.ds
            lengths = X.lengths
            X =
        elif isinstance(X, np.ndarray):
            if dt is None:
                raise ValueError("'dt' is a required argument when 'X' is passed in as a numpy array!")
            if isinstance(y, core.RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray):
                if timestamps is not None:
                    y = y(timestamps).T
                    raise ValueError("'timestamps' required when passing in 'X' as a numpy array and 'y' as a nelpy RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray!")
            raise TypeError("'X' should be either a nelpy BinnedEventArray, or a numpy array!")

        n_samples, n_units = X.shape
        _, n_dims = y.shape
        print('{}-dimensional y passed in'.format(n_dims))

        assert n_samples == len(y), "'X' and 'y' must have the same number" \
                    " of samples! len(X)=={} but len(y)=={}".format(n_samples,
        if n_bins is not None:
            n_bins = np.atleast_1d(n_bins)
            assert len(n_bins) == n_dims, "'n_bins' must have one entry for each dimension in 'y'!"

        return X, y, dt, n_bins

    def fit(self, X, y, lengths=None, dt=None, timestamps=None, unit_ids=None, n_bins=None, sample_weight=None):
        """Fit Gaussian Naive Bayes according to X, y
        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_X_features)
            Training vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples
            and n_X_features is the number of features, typically n_units.
        y : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_y_features)
            Target values.
        sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional (default=None)
            Weights applied to individual samples (1. for unweighted).
            .. versionadded:: 0.17
               Gaussian Naive Bayes supports fitting with *sample_weight*.
        self : object
        X, y, dt, n_bins = self._check_X_y_dt(X=X,

        # 1. estimate mask
        # 2. estimate occupancy
        # 3. compute spikes histogram
        # 4. normalize spike histogram by occupancy
        # 5. apply mask

        # if y.n_signals == 1:
        #     self.tc_ = TuningCurve1D(bst=X, extern=y, n_extern=100, extmin=y.min(), extmax=y.max(), sigma=2.5, min_duration=0)
        # if y.n_signals == 2:
        #     xmin, ymin = y.min()
        #     xmax, ymax = y.max()
        #     self.tc_ = TuningCurve2D(bst=X, extern=y, ext_nx=50, ext_ny=50, ext_xmin=xmin, ext_xmax=xmax, ext_ymin=ymin, ext_ymax=ymax, sigma=2.5, min_duration=0)

    def mode(self):
        return self._mode

    def predict(self, X, lengths=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def predict_proba(self, X, lengths=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def score(self, X, y, lengths=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def score_samples(self, X, y, lengths=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

# def decode_bayes_from_ratemap_1d(X, ratemap, dt, xmin, xmax, bin_centers):
#     """
#     X has been standardized to (n_samples, n_units), where each sample is a singleton window
#     """
#     n_samples, n_features = X.shape
#     n_units, n_xbins = ratemap.shape

#     assert n_features == n_units, "X has {} units, whereas ratemap has {}".format(n_features, n_units)

#     lfx = np.log(ratemap)
#     eterm = -ratemap.sum(axis=0)*dt

#     posterior = np.empty((n_xbins, n_samples))
#     posterior[:] = np.nan

#     # decode each sample / bin separately
#     for tt in range(n_samples):
#         obs = X[tt]
#         if obs.sum() > 0:
#             posterior[:,tt] = (np.tile(np.array(obs, ndmin=2).T, n_xbins) * lfx).sum(axis=0) + eterm

#     # normalize posterior:
#     posterior = np.exp(posterior - logsumexp(posterior, axis=0))

#     mode_pth = np.argmax(posterior, axis=0)*xmax/n_xbins
#     mode_pth = np.where(np.isnan(posterior.sum(axis=0)), np.nan, mode_pth)
#     mean_pth = (bin_centers * posterior.T).sum(axis=1)

#     return posterior, mode_pth, mean_pth

def decode_bayesian_memoryless_nd(X, *, ratemap, bin_centers, dt=1):
    """Memoryless Bayesian decoding (supports multidimensional decoding).

    Decode binned spike counts (e.g. from a BinnedSpikeTrainArray) to an
    external correlate (e.g. position), using a memoryless Bayesian decoder and
    a previously estimated ratemap.

    X : numpy array with shape (n_samples, n_features),
        where the features are generally putative units / cells, and where
        each sample represents spike counts in a singleton data window.
    ratemap : array-like of shape (n_units, n_bins_d1, ..., n_bins_dN)
        Expected number of spikes for each unit, within each bin, along each
    bin_centers : array-like with shape (n_dims, ), where each element is also
        an array-like with shape (n_bins_dn, ) containing the bin centers for
        the particular dimension.
    dt : float, optional (default=1)
        Temporal bin width corresponding to X, in seconds.

        NOTE: generally it is assumed that ratemap will be given in Hz (that is,
        it has dt=1). If ratemap has a different unit, then dt might have to be
        adjusted to compensate for this. This can get tricky / confusing, so the
        recommended approach is always to construct ratemap with dt=1, and then
        to use the data-specific dt here when decoding.

    posterior : numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_bins_d1, ..., n_bins_dN)
        Posterior probabilities for each voxel.
    expected_pth : numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_dims)
        Expected (posterior-averaged) decoded trajectory.
    def tile_obs(obs, *n_bins):
        n_units = len(obs)
        out = np.zeros((n_units, *n_bins))
        for unit in range(n_units):
            out[unit,:] = obs[unit]
        return out

    n_samples, n_features = X.shape
    n_units = ratemap.shape[0]
    n_bins = np.atleast_1d(ratemap.shape[1:])
    n_dims = len(n_bins)

    assert n_features == n_units, "X has {} units, whereas ratemap has {}".format(n_features, n_units)

    lfx = np.log(ratemap)
    eterm = -ratemap.sum(axis=0)*dt

    posterior = np.empty((n_samples, *n_bins))
    posterior[:] = np.nan

    # decode each sample / bin separately
    for tt in range(n_samples):
        obs = X[tt]
        if obs.sum() > 0:
            posterior[tt] = (tile_obs(obs, *n_bins) * lfx).sum(axis=0) + eterm

    # normalize posterior:
    posterior = np.exp(posterior - logsumexp(posterior, axis=tuple(np.arange(1, n_dims+1)), keepdims=True))

    if n_dims > 1:
        expected = []
        for dd in range(1, n_dims+1):
            axes = tuple(set(np.arange(1, n_dims+1)) - set([dd]))
            expected.append((bin_centers[dd-1] * posterior.sum(axis=axes)).sum(axis=1))
        expected_pth = np.vstack(expected).T
        expected_pth = (bin_centers * posterior).sum(axis=1)

    return posterior, expected_pth

class NDRateMap(BaseEstimator):
    RateMap with persistent unit_ids and firing rates in Hz.

    NOTE: RateMap assumes a [uniform] isometric spacing in all dimensions of the
          rate map. This is only relevant when smoothing is applied.

    mode = ['continuous', 'discrete', 'circular']

    fit(X, y) estimates ratemap [discrete, continuous, circular]
    predict(X) predicts firing rate
    synthesize(X) generates spikes based on input (inhomogenous Poisson?)

    connectivity : string ['continuous', 'discrete', 'circular'], optional
        Defines how smoothing is applied. If 'discrete', then no smoothing is
        applied. Default is 'continuous'.

    def __init__(self, connectivity='continuous'):
        self.connectivity = connectivity

        self._slicer = UnitSlicer(self)
        self.loc = ItemGetter_loc(self)
        self.iloc = ItemGetter_iloc(self)

    def __repr__(self):
        r = super().__repr__()
        if self._is_fitted():
            dimstr = ''
            for dd in range(self.n_dims):
                dimstr += ", n_bins_d{}={}".format(dd+1, self.shape[dd+1])
            r += ' with shape (n_units={}{})'.format(self.n_units, dimstr)
        return r

    def fit(self, X, y, dt=1, unit_ids=None):
        """Fit firing rates

        X : array-like, with shape (n_dims, ), each element of which has
            shape (n_bins_dn, ) for n=1, ..., N; N=n_dims.
            Bin locations (centers) where ratemap is defined.
        y : array-like, shape (n_units, n_bins_d1, ..., n_bins_dN)
            Expected number of spikes in a temporal bin of width dt, for each of
            the predictor bins specified in X.
        dt : float, optional (default=1)
            Temporal bin size with which firing rate y is defined.
            For example, if dt==1, then the firing rate is in Hz. If dt==0.001,
            then the firing rate is in kHz, and so on.
        unit_ids : array-like, shape (n_units,), optional (default=None)
            Persistent unit IDs that are used to associate units after
            permutation. Unit IDs are inherited from nelpy.core.BinnedEventArray
            objects, or initialized to np.arange(n_units).
        n_units, n_bins, n_dims = self._check_X_y(X, y)

        self.ratemap_ = y/dt
        self._bin_centers = X
        self._bins = np.array(n_dims*[None])

        if n_dims > 1:
            for dd in range(n_dims):
                bin_centers = np.squeeze(X[dd])
                dx = np.median(np.diff(bin_centers))
                bins = np.insert(bin_centers[-1] + np.diff(bin_centers)/2, 0, bin_centers[0] - dx/2)
                bins = np.append(bins, bins[-1] + dx)
                self._bins[dd] = bins
            bin_centers = np.squeeze(X)
            dx = np.median(np.diff(bin_centers))
            bins = np.insert(bin_centers[-1] + np.diff(bin_centers)/2, 0, bin_centers[0] - dx/2)
            bins = np.append(bins, bins[-1] + dx)
            self._bins = bins

        if unit_ids is not None:
            if len(unit_ids) != n_units:
                raise ValueError("'unit_ids' must have same number of elements as 'n_units'. {} != {}".format(len(unit_ids), n_units))
            self._unit_ids = unit_ids
            self._unit_ids = np.arange(n_units)

    def predict(self, X):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        raise NotImplementedError

    def synthesize(self, X):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __len__(self):
        return self.n_units

    def __iter__(self):
        """TuningCurve1D iterator initialization"""
        # initialize the internal index to zero when used as iterator
        self._index = 0
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        """TuningCurve1D iterator advancer."""
        index = self._index
        if index > self.n_units - 1:
            raise StopIteration
        out = copy.copy(self)
        out.ratemap_ = self.ratemap_[tuple([index])]
        out._unit_ids = self._unit_ids[index]
        self._index += 1
        return out

    def __getitem__(self, *idx):
        """RateMap unit index access.

        NOTE: this is index-based, not label-based. For label-based,
              use loc[...]

        Accepts integers, slices, and lists"""
        idx = [ii for ii in idx]
        if len(idx) == 1 and not isinstance(idx[0], int):
            idx = idx[0]
        if isinstance(idx, tuple):
            idx = [ii for ii in idx]

            out = copy.copy(self)
            out.ratemap_ = self.ratemap_[tuple([idx])]
            out._unit_ids = list(np.array(out._unit_ids)[tuple([idx])])
            out._slicer = UnitSlicer(out)
            out.loc = ItemGetter_loc(out)
            out.iloc = ItemGetter_iloc(out)
            return out
        except Exception:
            raise TypeError(
                'unsupported subsctipting type {}'.format(type(idx)))

    def get_peak_firing_order_ids(self):
        """Get the unit_ids in order of peak firing location for 1D RateMaps.

        unit_ids : array-like
            The permutaiton of unit_ids such that after reordering, the peak
            firing locations are ordered along the RateMap.
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if self.is_2d:
            raise NotImplementedError("get_peak_firing_order_ids() only implemented for 1D RateMaps.")
        peakorder = np.argmax(self.ratemap_, axis=1).argsort()
        return np.array(self.unit_ids)[peakorder]

    def reorder_units_by_ids(self, unit_ids, inplace=False):
        """Permute the unit ordering.

        If no order is specified, and an ordering exists from fit(), then the
        data in X will automatically be permuted to match that registered during

        unit_ids : array-like, shape (n_units,)

        out : reordered RateMap
        def swap_units(arr, frm, to):
            """swap 'units' of a 3D np.array"""
            arr[(frm, to),:] = arr[(to, frm),:]

        if len(unit_ids) != len(self._unit_ids):
            raise ValueError('unit_ids must be a permutation of self.unit_ids, not a subset thereof.')

        if inplace:
            out = self
            out = copy.deepcopy(self)

        neworder = [list(self.unit_ids).index(x) for x in unit_ids]

        oldorder = list(range(len(neworder)))
        for oi, ni in enumerate(neworder):
            frm = oldorder.index(ni)
            to = oi
            swap_units(out.ratemap_, frm, to)
            out._unit_ids[frm], out._unit_ids[to] = out._unit_ids[to], out._unit_ids[frm]
            oldorder[frm], oldorder[to] = oldorder[to], oldorder[frm]
        return out

    def _check_X_y(self, X, y):
        y = np.atleast_2d(y)

        n_units = y.shape[0]
        n_bins = y.shape[1:]
        n_dims = len(n_bins)

        if n_dims > 1:
            n_x_bins = tuple([len(x) for x in X])
            n_x_bins = tuple([len(X)])

        assert n_units > 0, "n_units must be a positive integer!"
        assert n_x_bins == n_bins, "X and y must have the same number of bins!"

        return n_units, n_bins, n_dims

    def _validate_unit_ids(self, unit_ids):

        if len(set(unit_ids)) != len(unit_ids):
            raise ValueError("Duplicate unit_ids are not allowed.")

    def _check_unit_ids_in_ratemap(self, unit_ids):
        for unit_id in unit_ids:
            # NOTE: the check below allows for predict() to pass on only
            # a subset of the units that were used during fit! So we
            # could fit on 100 units, and then predict on only 10 of
            # them, if we wanted.
            if unit_id not in self.unit_ids:
                raise ValueError('unit_id {} was not present during fit(); aborting...'.format(unit_id))

    def _is_fitted(self):
            check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        except Exception: # should really be except NotFitterError
            return False
        return True

    def connectivity(self):
        return self._connectivity

    def connectivity(self, val):
        self._connectivity = self._validate_connectivity(val)

    def _validate_connectivity(connectivity):
        connectivity = str(connectivity).strip().lower()
        options = ['continuous', 'discrete', 'circular']
        if connectivity in options:
            return connectivity
        raise NotImplementedError("connectivity '{}' is not supported yet!".format(str(connectivity)))

    def shape(self):
            RateMap.shape = (n_units, n_features_x, n_features_y)
            RateMap.shape = (n_units, n_features)
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        return self.ratemap_.shape

    def n_dims(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        n_dims = len(self.shape) - 1
        return n_dims

    def is_1d(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if len(self.ratemap_.shape) == 2:
            return True
        return False

    def is_2d(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if len(self.ratemap_.shape) == 3:
            return True
        return False

    def n_units(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        return self.ratemap_.shape[0]

    def unit_ids(self):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        return self._unit_ids

    def n_bins(self):
        """(int) Number of external correlates (bins) along each dimension."""
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if self.n_dims > 1:
            n_bins = tuple([len(x) for x in self.bin_centers])
            n_bins = len(self.bin_centers)
        return n_bins

    def max(self, axis=None, out=None):
        maximum firing rate for each unit:
        maximum firing rate across units:
        raise NotImplementedError("the code was still for the 1D and 2D only version")
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if axis == None:
            if self.is_2d:
                return self.ratemap_.max(axis=1, out=out).max(axis=1, out=out)
                return self.ratemap_.max(axis=1, out=out)
        return self.ratemap_.max(axis=axis, out=out)

    def min(self, axis=None, out=None):
        raise NotImplementedError("the code was still for the 1D and 2D only version")
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if axis == None:
            if self.is_2d:
                return self.ratemap_.min(axis=1, out=out).min(axis=1, out=out)
                return self.ratemap_.min(axis=1, out=out)
        return self.ratemap_.min(axis=axis, out=out)

    def mean(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False):
        raise NotImplementedError("the code was still for the 1D and 2D only version")
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        kwargs = {'dtype':dtype,
        if axis == None:
            if self.is_2d:
                return self.ratemap_.mean(axis=1, **kwargs).mean(axis=1, **kwargs)
                return self.ratemap_.mean(axis=1, **kwargs)
        return self.ratemap_.mean(axis=axis, **kwargs)

    def bins(self):
        return self._bins

    def bin_centers(self):
        return self._bin_centers

    def mask(self):
        return self._mask

    def mask(self, val):
        #TODO: mask validation
        raise NotImplementedError
        self._mask = val

    def plot(self, **kwargs):
        check_is_fitted(self, 'ratemap_')
        if self.is_2d:
            raise NotImplementedError("plot() not yet implemented for 2D RateMaps.")
        pad = kwargs.pop('pad', None)
        _plot_ratemap(self, pad=pad, **kwargs)

    def smooth(self, *, sigma=None, truncate=None, inplace=False, mode=None, cval=None):
        """Smooths the tuning curve with a Gaussian kernel.

        mode : {‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’}, optional
            The mode parameter determines how the array borders are handled,
            where cval is the value when mode is equal to ‘constant’. Default is
        truncate : float
            Truncate the filter at this many standard deviations. Default is 4.0.
        truncate : float, deprecated
            Truncate the filter at this many standard deviations. Default is 4.0.
        cval : scalar, optional
            Value to fill past edges of input if mode is ‘constant’. Default is 0.0

        if sigma is None:
            sigma = 0.1 # in units of extern
        if truncate is None:
            truncate = 4
        if mode is None:
            mode = 'reflect'
        if cval is None:
            cval = 0.0

        raise NotImplementedError