# SSURGO_MergeDatabasesbyMap.py
# Based directly upon SSURGO_MergeDatabases.py. Only change is parameter order.
# Purpose: allow batch importing of SSURGO data into a custom Template database
# The custom Template database will need to have the AutoExec macro removed and
# a BatchImport macro created so that it can be used to import multiple datasets.
# Naming convention of the SSURGO datasets must follow the NRCS Geospatial Standard
# where each survey has it's own folder 'soil_ne109' with spatial and tabular subfolders.
# 09-30-2013
# Beta version 10-31-2013
# 11-22-2013
# 01-08-2014
# 01-13-2014 Fixed bug in SetProgressorLabel. Need to better document the use of the output DB name
#            for the tool parameter.
# 2014-09-27
# 2014-2016 Major rewrite. Removed MS Access Tabular Import and now use csv reader on text files
# 2014-10-18 Modified sdv table imports to only add unique values
# 2014-10-18 Modified SYSTEM table to only include cointerp records with ruledepth=0
## ===================================================================================
class MyError(Exception):

## ===================================================================================
def errorMsg():
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
        theMsg = tbinfo + " \n" + str(sys.exc_type)+ ": " + str(sys.exc_value) + " \n"
        PrintMsg(theMsg, 2)

        PrintMsg("Unhandled error in errorMsg method", 2)

## ===================================================================================
def PrintMsg(msg, severity=0):
    # Adds tool message to the geoprocessor
    #Split the message on \n first, so that if it's multiple lines, a GPMessage will be added for each line
        for string in msg.split('\n'):
            #Add a geoprocessing message (in case this is run as a tool)
            if severity == 0:

            elif severity == 1:

            elif severity == 2:
                arcpy.AddError(" \n" + string)


## ===================================================================================
def Number_Format(num, places=0, bCommas=True):
    # Format a number according to locality and given places
        #locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
        if bCommas:
            theNumber = locale.format("%.*f", (places, num), True)

            theNumber = locale.format("%.*f", (places, num), False)
        return theNumber

        #PrintMsg("Unhandled exception in Number_Format function (" + str(num) + ")", 2)
        return "???"

## ===================================================================================
def GetTemplateDate(newDB, areaSym):
    # Get SAVEREST date from previously existing Template database
    # Use it to compare with the date from the WSS dataset
    # If the existing database is same or newer, it will be kept and the WSS version skipped
        if not arcpy.Exists(newDB):
            return 0

        saCatalog = os.path.join(newDB, "SACATALOG")
        dbDate = 0

        if arcpy.Exists(saCatalog):
            with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(saCatalog, ("SAVEREST"), "[AREASYMBOL] = '" + areaSym + "'") as srcCursor:
                for rec in srcCursor:
                    dbDate = str(rec[0]).split(" ")[0]

            del saCatalog
            del newDB
            return dbDate

            # unable to open SACATALOG table in existing dataset
            # return 0 which will result in the existing dataset being overwritten by a new WSS download
            return 0

        return 0

## ===============================================================================================================
def GetTableInfo(newDB):
    # Adolfo's function
    # Retrieve physical and alias names from MDSTATTABS table and assigns them to a blank dictionary.
    # Stores physical names (key) and aliases (value) in a Python dictionary i.e. {chasshto:'Horizon AASHTO,chaashto'}
    # Fieldnames are Physical Name = AliasName,IEfilename

        tblInfo = dict()

        # Open mdstattabs table containing information for other SSURGO tables
        theMDTable = "mdstattabs"
        env.workspace = newDB

        # Establishes a cursor for searching through field rows. A search cursor can be used to retrieve rows.
        # This method will return an enumeration object that will, in turn, hand out row objects
        if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(newDB, theMDTable)):

            fldNames = ["tabphyname","tablabel","iefilename"]
            with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(os.path.join(newDB, theMDTable), fldNames) as rows:

                for row in rows:
                    # read each table record and assign 'tabphyname' and 'tablabel' to 2 variables
                    physicalName = row[0]
                    aliasName = row[1]
                    importFileName = row[2]

                    # i.e. {chaashto:'Horizon AASHTO',chaashto}; will create a one-to-many dictionary
                    # As long as the physical name doesn't exist in dict() add physical name
                    # as Key and alias as Value.
                    #if not physicalName in tblAliases:
                    if not importFileName in tblInfo:
                        #PrintMsg("\t" + importFileName + ": " + physicalName, 1)
                        tblInfo[importFileName] = physicalName, aliasName

            del theMDTable

            return tblInfo

            # The mdstattabs table was not found
            raise MyError, "Missing mdstattabs table"
            return tblInfo

    except MyError, e:
        # Example: raise MyError, "This is an error message"
        PrintMsg(str(e), 2)
        return False

        return dict()

## ===================================================================================
def SSURGOVersion(newDB, tabularFolder):
    # Get SSURGO version from the Template database "SYSTEM Template Database Information" table
    # Ideally we want to compare with the value in version.txt with the version in
    # the "SYSTEM - Template Database Information" table. If they are not the same
    # the tabular import should be aborted. There are some more specifics about the
    # SSURGO version.txt valu in one of the Import macros of the Template database.
    # Need to follow up and research this more.
    # At this time we are only checking the first 'digit' of the string value.
    # Should be able to get this to work using wildcard for fields and then
    # use the version.txt as an alternative or failover.
        # Valid SSURGO version for data model. Ensures
        # compatibility between template database and SSURGO download.
        versionTxt = os.path.join(tabularFolder, "version.txt")

        if not arcpy.Exists(newDB):
            raise MyError, "Missing input database (" + newDB + ")"

        if arcpy.Exists(versionTxt):
            # read just the first line of the version.txt file
            fh = open(versionTxt, "r")
            txtVersion = fh.readline().split(".")[0]

            # Unable to compare versions. Warn user but continue
            PrintMsg("Unable to find file: version.txt", 1)
            return True

        systemInfo = os.path.join(newDB, "SYSTEM - Template Database Information")

        if arcpy.Exists(systemInfo):
            # Get SSURGO Version from template database
            dbVersion = 0

            with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(systemInfo, "*", "") as srcCursor:
                for rec in srcCursor:
                    if rec[0] == "SSURGO Version":
                        dbVersion = str(rec[2]).split(".")[0]
                        #PrintMsg("\tSSURGO Version from DB: " + dbVersion, 1)

            del systemInfo
            del newDB

            if txtVersion != dbVersion:
                # SSURGO Versions do not match. Warn user but continue
                PrintMsg("Discrepancy in SSURGO Version number for Template database and SSURGO download", 1)

            # Unable to open SYSTEM table in existing dataset
            # Warn user but continue
            PrintMsg("Unable to open 'SYSTEM - Template Database Information'", 1)

        return True

    except MyError, e:
        # Example: raise MyError, "This is an error message"
        PrintMsg(str(e), 2)
        return False

        return False

## ===================================================================================
def SortMapunits(newDB):
    # Populate table 'SYSTEM - Mapunit Sort Specifications'. Required for Soil Data Viewer
    # Populate table "SYSTEM - INTERP DEPTH SEQUENCE" from COINTERP using cointerpkey and seqnum
        # Make query table using MAPUNIT and LEGEND tables and use it to assemble all
        # of the data elements required to create the "SYSTEM - Mapunit Sort Specification" table
        inputTbls = ["legend", "mapunit"]

        fldList = "legend.areasymbol areasymbol;legend.lkey lkey; mapunit.musym musym; mapunit.mukey mukey"
        sqlJoin = "mapunit.lkey = legend.lkey"
        queryTbl = "musorted"

        # Cleanup
        if arcpy.Exists(queryTbl):

        # Find output SYSTEM table
        sysFields = ["lseq", "museq", "lkey", "mukey"]
        sysTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "SYSTEM - Mapunit Sort Specifications")
        if not arcpy.Exists(sysTbl):
            raise MyError, "Could not find " + sysTbl

        # Clear the table

        arcpy.MakeQueryTable_management(inputTbls, queryTbl, "ADD_VIRTUAL_KEY_FIELD", "", fldList, sqlJoin)

        # Open the query table, sorting on areasymbol
        #sqlClause = [None, "order by legend_areasymbol asc"]
        dMapunitSort = dict()  # dictionary to contain list of musyms for each survey. Will be sorted
        dMapunitData = dict()  # dictionary for containing all neccessary data for SYSTEM -Map Unit Sort Specification
        convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
        alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(queryTbl, ["legend_areasymbol", "legend_lkey", "mapunit_musym", "mapunit_mukey"]) as cur:
            for rec in cur:
                areaSym = rec[0].encode('ascii')
                lkey = rec[1].encode('ascii')
                musym = rec[2].encode('ascii')
                mukey = rec[3].encode('ascii')

                # Append muysm values to dictionary by areasymbol key
                if areaSym in dMapunitSort:
                    musymList = dMapunitSort[areaSym]
                    dMapunitSort[areaSym] = musymList

                    dMapunitSort[areaSym] = [musym]

                # store legend and map unit keys by areasymbol and map unit symbol
                dMapunitData[(areaSym, musym)] = (lkey, mukey)

        # Iterate through dMapunitSort dictionary, sorting muysm values
        areaList = sorted(dMapunitSort.keys())  # sorted list of areasymbols
        lseq = 0
        mseq = 0

        # Now read the dictionary back out in sorted order and populate the SYSTEM - Mapunit Sort Specifications table
        with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(sysTbl, "*") as outCur:

            for areaSym in areaList:
                #PrintMsg(" \nProcessing survey: " + areaSym, 1)
                lseq += 1
                musymList = sorted(dMapunitSort[areaSym], key = alphanum_key)

                for musym in musymList:
                    mseq += 1
                    mKey = (areaSym, musym)
                    lkey, mukey = dMapunitData[(areaSym, musym)]
                    outrec = lseq, mseq, lkey, mukey

        # Populate "SYSTEM - INTERP DEPTH SEQUENCE" fields: cointerpkey and depthseq
        # from COINTERP fields: cointerpkey and seqnum
        # I am assuming that the cointerp table is already sorted. Is that safe??
        #PrintMsg("\tUpdating SYSTEM - Interp Depth Sequence", 1)
        inTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "cointerp")
        inFlds = ["cointerpkey", "seqnum"]
        outTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "SYSTEM - INTERP DEPTH SEQUENCE")
        outFlds = ["cointerpkey", "depthseq"]
        interpSQL = "ruledepth = 1"

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inTbl, inFlds, interpSQL) as sCur:
            outCur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outTbl, outFlds)

            for inRec in sCur:

            del outCur
            del inRec

        return True

    except MyError, e:
        # Example: raise MyError, "This is an error message"
        PrintMsg(str(e), 2)
        return False

        return False

## ===================================================================================
def ImportTabular(inputFolder, subFolder, newDB, areaSym, iCnt):
    # This function is designed to import tabular data from the text files
    # If the text files have been deleted this won't work!

        # move to tabular folder for the current SSURGO dataset
        env.workspace = os.path.join(inputFolder, subFolder)

        # import the tabular data from text files in the tabular folder
        PrintMsg("\tImporting textfiles from tabular folder...", 0)
        tabularFolder = os.path.join(env.workspace, "tabular")

        # if the tabular directory is empty return False
        if len(os.listdir(tabularFolder)) < 1:
            raise MyError, "No text files found in the tabular folder"

        # Make sure tha the tabular data (version.txt) matches the Access database version
        if not SSURGOVersion(newDB, tabularFolder):
            raise MyError, ""

        # Create a dictionary with table information
        tblInfo = GetTableInfo(newDB)

        # Create a list of textfiles to be imported. The import process MUST follow the
        # order in this list in order to maintain referential integrity. This list
        # will need to be updated if the SSURGO data model is changed in the future.
        # This list of tables and their schema is related to the SSURGO version.
        txtFiles = ["distmd","legend","distimd","distlmd","lareao","ltext","mapunit", \
        "comp","muaggatt","muareao","mucrpyd","mutext","chorizon","ccancov","ccrpyd", \
        "cdfeat","cecoclas","ceplants","cerosnac","cfprod","cgeomord","chydcrit", \
        "cinterp","cmonth", "cpmatgrp", "cpwndbrk","crstrcts","csfrags","ctxfmmin", \
        "ctxmoicl","ctext","ctreestm","ctxfmoth","chaashto","chconsis","chdsuffx", \
        "chfrags","chpores","chstrgrp","chtext","chtexgrp","chunifie","cfprodo","cpmat","csmoist", \
        "cstemp","csmorgc","csmorhpp","csmormr","csmorss","chstr","chtextur", \
        # Need to add featdesc import as a separate item (ie. spatial\soilsf_t_al001.txt: featdesc)

        # set progressor object which allows progress information to be passed for every merge complete
        arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Importing tabular data", 0, len(txtFiles) + 1, 1)

        # Problem with length of some memo fields, need to allocate more memory

        # Need to skip sdv tables if they already have data. Check to see.
        sdvCnt = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(newDB, "sdvfolderattribute")).getOutput(0))

        # Read existing sdvfolderattribute keys into a list
        # Two fields: folderkey, attributekey
        sdvTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "sdvfolderattribute")
        fattKeys = list()

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sdvTbl, ("attributekey")) as sdvCur:
            for rec in sdvCur:

        # Read existing sdvattribute keys into a list
        # Several fields: first one is attributekey
        sdvTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "sdvattribute")
        attKeys = list()

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sdvTbl, ("attributekey")) as sdvCur:
            for rec in sdvCur:

        # Read existing sdvfolder keys into a list
        # Six fields: foldersequence, foldenname, folderdescription, folderkey, parentfolderkey, wlupdated
        # Fourth field is key
        sdvTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "sdvfolder")
        fKeys = list()

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sdvTbl, ("folderkey")) as sdvCur:
            for rec in sdvCur:

        # Read existing sdvalgorithm keys into a list
        # Several fields: treating first field algorithmsequence as key
        sdvTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "sdvalgorithm")
        alKeys = list()

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sdvTbl, ("algorithmsequence")) as sdvCur:
            for rec in sdvCur:

        # End of sdv keys

        for txtFile in txtFiles:

            # Get table name and alias from dictionary
            if txtFile in tblInfo:

                # Get the table name from the dictionary
                tbl, aliasName = tblInfo[txtFile]

                raise MyError, "Textfile reference '" + txtFile + "' not found in 'mdstattabs table'"

            arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Importing " + tbl + "...")

            # Full path to SSURGO text file
            txtPath = os.path.join(tabularFolder, txtFile + ".txt")

            # Process existing table
            if arcpy.Exists(tbl):
                with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(os.path.join(newDB, tbl), "*") as cursor:

                    # Add new records for sdvfolderattribute tabl
                    if tbl == "sdvfolderattribute":
                        # Use csv reader to read each line in the sdv text file
                        for row in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                            fattKey = int(row[1])
                            if not fattKey in fattKeys:
                                newRow = [None if value == '' else value for value in row]

                    # Add new records for sdvattribute table
                    elif tbl == "sdvattribute":
                        # Use csv reader to read each line in the sdv text file
                        for row in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                            aKey = int(row[0])
                            if not aKey in attKeys:
                                newRow = [None if value == '' else value for value in row]

                    # Add new records for sdvfolder
                    elif tbl == "sdvfolder":
                        # Use csv reader to read each line in the sdv text file
                        for row in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                            fKey = int(row[3])
                            if not fKey in fKeys:
                                newRow = [None if value == '' else value for value in row]

                    # Add new records for sdvalgorithm
                    elif tbl == "sdvalgorithm":
                        # Use csv reader to read each line in the sdv text file
                        for row in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                            alKey = int(row[0])
                            if not alKey in alKeys:

                        # Process non-sdv tables. These should all be unique records. If
                        # somehow the record is not unique and exception will be thrown.
                            # Use csv reader to read each line in the text file
                            for row in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                                # replace all blank values with 'None' so that the values are properly inserted
                                # into integer values otherwise insertRow fails
                                newRow = [None if value == '' else value for value in row]

                            PrintMsg("\t" + tbl + ": error reading line for " + txtFile + ".txt", 1)

                raise MyError, "Required table '" + tbl + "' not found in " + newDB


        # Import feature description file located in spatial folder
        # ex. soilsf_t_al001.txt
        spatialFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tabularFolder), "spatial")
        txtFile ="soilsf_t_" + areaSym
        txtPath = os.path.join(spatialFolder, txtFile + ".txt")
        tbl = "featdesc"
        if arcpy.Exists(txtPath):

            # Create cursor for all fields to populate the featdesc table
            with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(tbl, "*") as cursor:

                arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(tbl + "...")

                    # Use csv reader to read each line in the text file
                    for rowInFile in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                        # replace all blank values with 'None' so that the values are properly inserted
                        # into integer values otherwise insertRow fails
                        newRow = [None if value == '' else value for value in rowInFile]

                    raise MyError, "Error loading " + txtFile + ".txt"

        arcpy.SetProgressorPosition()  # for featdesc table

        # Check the database to make sure that it completed properly, with at least the
        # SAVEREST date populated in the SACATALOG table. Added this primarily to halt
        # processing when the user forgets to set the Trusted Location in MS Access.
        dbDate = GetTemplateDate(newDB, areaSym)

        if dbDate == 0:
            # With this error, it would be best to bailout and fix the problem before proceeding
            raise MyError, "Failed to import tabular data"

            # Compact database (~30% reduction in mdb filesize)
                arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Compacting database ...")
                PrintMsg("\tCompacted database", 0)

                # Sometimes ArcGIS is unable to compact (locked database?)
                # Usually restarting the ArcGIS application fixes this problem
                PrintMsg("\tUnable to compact database", 1)

            # Set the Progressor to show completed status
            arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Tabular import complete")

        return True

    except MyError, e:
        # Example: raise MyError, "This is an error message"
        PrintMsg(str(e), 2)
        return False

        return False

## ===================================================================================
def ImportTabular2(inputFolder, subFolder, newDB, areaSym, iCnt):
    # This function is designed to import tabular data from the Access databases
    # Text files are not used.

        # move to tabular folder for the current SSURGO dataset
        env.workspace = os.path.join(inputFolder, subFolder)

        # get Access database name and path. Assuming that it is located in 'tabular' folder.
        dbPath = os.path.join( inputFolder, os.path.join( subFolder, "tabular"))
        dbName = "soil_d_" + areaSym + ".mdb"
        dbFile = os.path.join(dbPath, dbName)
        if not arcpy.Exists(dbFile):
            raise MyError, "Missing database " + dbFile

        # import the tabular data from text files in the tabular folder
        PrintMsg("\tImporting tables from database...", 0)
        tabularFolder = os.path.join(env.workspace, "tabular")

        # Make sure tha the tabular data (version.txt) matches the Access database version
        if not SSURGOVersion(newDB, tabularFolder):
            raise MyError, ""

        # Create a dictionary with table information
        tblInfo = GetTableInfo(newDB)

        # Create a list of textfiles to be imported. The import process MUST follow the
        # order in this list in order to maintain referential integrity. This list
        # will need to be updated if the SSURGO data model is changed in the future.
        # This list of tables and their schema is related to the SSURGO version.
        txtFiles = ["distmd","legend","distimd","distlmd","lareao","ltext","mapunit", \
        "comp","muaggatt","muareao","mucrpyd","mutext","chorizon","ccancov","ccrpyd", \
        "cdfeat","cecoclas","ceplants","cerosnac","cfprod","cgeomord","chydcrit", \
        "cinterp","cmonth", "cpmatgrp", "cpwndbrk","crstrcts","csfrags","ctxfmmin", \
        "ctxmoicl","ctext","ctreestm","ctxfmoth","chaashto","chconsis","chdsuffx", \
        "chfrags","chpores","chstrgrp","chtext","chtexgrp","chunifie","cfprodo","cpmat","csmoist", \
        "cstemp","csmorgc","csmorhpp","csmormr","csmorss","chstr","chtextur", \
        # Need to add featdesc import as a separate item (ie. spatial\soilsf_t_al001.txt: featdesc)

        # set progressor object which allows progress information to be passed for every merge complete
        arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Importing tabular data", 0, len(txtFiles) + 1, 1)

        # Problem with length of some memo fields, need to allocate more memory

        # Need to skip sdv tables if they already have data. Check to see.
        sdvCnt = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(newDB, "sdvfolderattribute")).getOutput(0))

        # Read existing sdvfolderattribute keys into a list
        # Two fields: folderkey, attributekey
        sdvTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "sdvfolderattribute")
        fattKeys = list()

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sdvTbl, ("attributekey")) as sdvCur:
            for rec in sdvCur:

        # Read existing sdvattribute keys into a list
        # Several fields: first one is attributekey
        sdvTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "sdvattribute")
        attKeys = list()

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sdvTbl, ("attributekey")) as sdvCur:
            for rec in sdvCur:

        # Read existing sdvfolder keys into a list
        # Six fields: foldersequence, foldenname, folderdescription, folderkey, parentfolderkey, wlupdated
        # Fourth field is key
        sdvTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "sdvfolder")
        fKeys = list()

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sdvTbl, ("folderkey")) as sdvCur:
            for rec in sdvCur:

        # Read existing sdvalgorithm keys into a list
        # Several fields: treating first field algorithmsequence as key
        sdvTbl = os.path.join(newDB, "sdvalgorithm")
        alKeys = list()

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sdvTbl, ("algorithmsequence")) as sdvCur:
            for rec in sdvCur:

        # End of sdv keys

        for txtFile in txtFiles:

            # Get table name and alias from dictionary
            if txtFile in tblInfo:

                # Get the table name from the dictionary
                tbl, aliasName = tblInfo[txtFile]

                raise MyError, "Textfile reference '" + txtFile + "' not found in 'mdstattabs table'"

            arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Importing " + tbl + "...")

            # Full path to SSURGO text file
            txtPath = os.path.join(tabularFolder, txtFile + ".txt")

            # Process existing table
            if arcpy.Exists(tbl):
                with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(os.path.join(newDB, tbl), "*") as cursor:

                    # Add new records for sdvfolderattribute tabl
                    if tbl == "sdvfolderattribute":
                        # Use csv reader to read each line in the sdv text file
                        for row in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                            fattKey = int(row[1])
                            if not fattKey in fattKeys:
                                newRow = [None if value == '' else value for value in row]

                    # Add new records for sdvattribute table
                    elif tbl == "sdvattribute":
                        # Use csv reader to read each line in the sdv text file
                        for row in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                            aKey = int(row[0])
                            if not aKey in attKeys:
                                newRow = [None if value == '' else value for value in row]

                    # Add new records for sdvfolder
                    elif tbl == "sdvfolder":
                        # Use csv reader to read each line in the sdv text file
                        for row in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                            fKey = int(row[3])
                            if not fKey in fKeys:
                                newRow = [None if value == '' else value for value in row]

                    # Add new records for sdvalgorithm
                    elif tbl == "sdvalgorithm":
                        # Use csv reader to read each line in the sdv text file
                        for row in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                            alKey = int(row[0])
                            if not alKey in alKeys:

                        # Process non-sdv tables. These should all be unique records. If
                        # somehow the record is not unique and exception will be thrown.
                            # Use csv reader to read each line in the text file
                            for row in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                                # replace all blank values with 'None' so that the values are properly inserted
                                # into integer values otherwise insertRow fails
                                newRow = [None if value == '' else value for value in row]

                            PrintMsg("\t" + tbl + ": error reading line for " + txtFile + ".txt", 1)

                raise MyError, "Required table '" + tbl + "' not found in " + newDB


        # Import feature description file located in spatial folder
        # ex. soilsf_t_al001.txt
        spatialFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tabularFolder), "spatial")
        txtFile ="soilsf_t_" + areaSym
        txtPath = os.path.join(spatialFolder, txtFile + ".txt")
        tbl = "featdesc"
        if arcpy.Exists(txtPath):

            # Create cursor for all fields to populate the featdesc table
            with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(tbl, "*") as cursor:

                arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(tbl + "...")

                    # Use csv reader to read each line in the text file
                    for rowInFile in csv.reader(open(txtPath, 'rb'), delimiter='|', quotechar='"'):
                        # replace all blank values with 'None' so that the values are properly inserted
                        # into integer values otherwise insertRow fails
                        newRow = [None if value == '' else value for value in rowInFile]

                    raise MyError, "Error loading " + txtFile + ".txt"

        arcpy.SetProgressorPosition()  # for featdesc table

        # Check the database to make sure that it completed properly, with at least the
        # SAVEREST date populated in the SACATALOG table. Added this primarily to halt
        # processing when the user forgets to set the Trusted Location in MS Access.
        dbDate = GetTemplateDate(newDB, areaSym)

        if dbDate == 0:
            # With this error, it would be best to bailout and fix the problem before proceeding
            raise MyError, "Failed to import tabular data"

            # Compact database (~30% reduction in mdb filesize)
                arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Compacting database ...")
                PrintMsg("\tCompacted database", 0)

                # Sometimes ArcGIS is unable to compact (locked database?)
                # Usually restarting the ArcGIS application fixes this problem
                PrintMsg("\tUnable to compact database", 1)

            # Set the Progressor to show completed status
            arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Tabular import complete")

        return True

    except MyError, e:
        # Example: raise MyError, "This is an error message"
        PrintMsg(str(e), 2)
        return False

        return False

## ===================================================================================

# Import system modules
import arcpy, sys, string, os, traceback, locale, tempfile, time, shutil, subprocess, csv

# Create the Geoprocessor object
from arcpy import env
from time import sleep
#from _winreg import *

    inputFolder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)  # location of SSURGO datasets containing tabular folders
    tabList = arcpy.GetParameter(2)            # list of SSURGO folder names to be proccessed
    inputDB = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)      # custom Template SSURGO database (check version date?)
    newDB = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4)        # new name for final ouput Template database
    bImportTxt = arcpy.GetParameter(4)         # boolean. If true, import textfiles. if false, import from Access db.

    if newDB == inputDB:
        raise MyError, "Place input Template database in a different folder"

    if arcpy.Exists(newDB):
        raise MyError, "Template database already exists in the output folder"

    # copy archive version of custom Template DB to a local copy in the input folder
    PrintMsg(" \nCreating new database...", 0)
    shutil.copy2(inputDB, newDB)
    #lastDB = newDB
    iCnt = 0

    # Keep track of any surveys that are skipped
    skippedList = list()

    # process each selected soil survey
    arcpy.SetProgressor("default", "Merging SSURGO databases...")
    PrintMsg(" \nMerging " + str(len(tabList)) + " soil survey datasets", 0)

    for subFolder in tabList:
        iCnt += 1
        if not subFolder.encode('ascii').startswith("soil_"):
            raise MyError, subFolder + " is not a valid SSURGO folder name"

        # assume that last 5 characters represent the areasymbol
        areaSym = subFolder[-5:]

        # Need to make sure that this survey does not already exist in the new database
        if GetTemplateDate(newDB, areaSym) == 0:
            # OK. this survey does not yet exist in the new database
            PrintMsg(" \nProcessing " + subFolder + "...", 0)
            arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Processing " + subFolder + "   (" + str(iCnt) + " of " + str(len(tabList)) + ")")
            #bProcessed, lastDB = ImportFolder(msAccess, lastDB, inputFolder, subFolder)

            bProcessed = ImportTabular(inputFolder, subFolder, newDB, areaSym, iCnt)

            # cancel entire process if an import fails
            if bProcessed == False:
                raise MyError, ""


            PrintMsg(" \nSkipping survey " + areaSym + " because it already exists in the new database", 1)

    # move database from last folder processed back to original location
    # Some how I need to put that SYSTEM table sort at the end
    # Sort map units for Soil Data Viewer SYSTEM table
    arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Sorting SYSTEM tables...")
    bSorted = SortMapunits(newDB)

    if len(skippedList) > 0:
        PrintMsg(" \nThe following surveys already existed in the new database: " + ", ".join(skippedList), 1)

    PrintMsg(" \nCompleted database merge to " + newDB + " \n ", 0)

except MyError, e:
    PrintMsg(str(e), 2)
