# utils.py
Utilities module containing various useful
functions for use in other modules.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as sl
import scipy.sparse as sps
import scipy.special as ss
from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

import enterprise
from enterprise import constants as const
from enterprise.signals.parameter import function
from enterprise.signals.gp_priors import powerlaw, turnover  # noqa: F401
from enterprise import signals as sigs  # noqa: F401
from enterprise.signals.gp_bases import (  # noqa: F401

    from sksparse.cholmod import cholesky
    print("You'll need sksparse for get_coefficients() with common signals!")

def get_coefficients(pta, params, n=1, phiinv_method="cliques", common_sparse=False):
    ret = []

    TNrs = pta.get_TNr(params)
    TNTs = pta.get_TNT(params)
    phiinvs = pta.get_phiinv(params, logdet=False, method=phiinv_method)

    # ...repeated code in the two if branches... refactor at will!
    if pta._commonsignals:
        if common_sparse:
            Sigma = sps.block_diag(TNTs, "csc") + sps.csc_matrix(phiinvs)
            TNr = np.concatenate(TNrs)

            ch = cholesky(Sigma)
            mn = ch(TNr)
            Li = sps.linalg.inv(ch.L()).toarray()
            Sigma = sl.block_diag(*TNTs) + phiinvs
            TNr = np.concatenate(TNrs)

            u, s, _ = sl.svd(Sigma)
            mn = np.dot(u, np.dot(u.T, TNr) / s)
            Li = u * np.sqrt(1 / s)

        for j in range(n):
            b = mn + np.dot(Li, np.random.randn(Li.shape[0]))

            pardict, ntot = {}, 0
            for i, model in enumerate(pta.pulsarmodels):
                for sig in model._signals:
                    if sig.signal_type in ["basis", "common basis"]:
                        nb = sig.get_basis(params=params).shape[1]

                        if nb + ntot > len(b):
                            raise IndexError(
                                "Missing some parameters! " "You need to disable GP " "basis column reuse."

                        pardict[sig.name + "_coefficients"] = b[ntot : nb + ntot]
                        ntot += nb

            if len(ret) <= j:


        return ret[0] if n == 1 else ret
        for i, model in enumerate(pta.pulsarmodels):
            phiinv, d, TNT = phiinvs[i], TNrs[i], TNTs[i]

            Sigma = TNT + (np.diag(phiinv) if phiinv.ndim == 1 else phiinv)

                u, s, _ = sl.svd(Sigma)
                mn = np.dot(u, np.dot(u.T, d) / s)
                Li = u * np.sqrt(1 / s)
            except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
                Q, R = sl.qr(Sigma)
                Sigi = sl.solve(R, Q.T)
                mn = np.dot(Sigi, d)
                u, s, _ = sl.svd(Sigi)
                Li = u * np.sqrt(1 / s)

            for j in range(n):
                b = mn + np.dot(Li, np.random.randn(Li.shape[0]))

                pardict, ntot = {}, 0
                for sig in model._signals:
                    if sig.signal_type == "basis":
                        nb = sig.get_basis(params=params).shape[1]

                        if nb + ntot > len(b):
                            raise IndexError(
                                "Missing some parameters! " "You need to disable GP " "basis column reuse."

                        pardict[sig.name + "_coefficients"] = b[ntot : nb + ntot]
                        ntot += nb

                if len(ret) <= j:


        return ret[0] if n == 1 else ret

class KernelMatrix(np.ndarray):
    def __new__(cls, init):
        if isinstance(init, int):
            ret = np.zeros(init, "d").view(cls)
            ret = init.view(cls)

        if ret.ndim == 2:
            ret._cliques = -1 * np.ones(ret.shape[0])
            ret._clcount = 0

        return ret

    # see PTA._setcliques
    def _setcliques(self, idxs):
        allidx = set(self._cliques[idxs])
        maxidx = max(allidx)

        if maxidx == -1:
            self._cliques[idxs] = self._clcount
            self._clcount = self._clcount + 1
            self._cliques[idxs] = maxidx
            if len(allidx) > 1:
                self._cliques[np.in1d(self._cliques, allidx)] = maxidx

    def add(self, other, idx):
        if other.ndim == 2 and self.ndim == 1:
            self = KernelMatrix(np.diag(self))

        if self.ndim == 1:
            self[idx] += other
            if other.ndim == 1:
                self[idx, idx] += other
                idx = (idx, idx) if isinstance(idx, slice) else (idx[:, None], idx)
                self[idx] += other

        return self

    def set(self, other, idx):
        if other.ndim == 2 and self.ndim == 1:
            self = KernelMatrix(np.diag(self))

        if self.ndim == 1:
            self[idx] = other
            if other.ndim == 1:
                self[idx, idx] = other
                idx = (idx, idx) if isinstance(idx, slice) else (idx[:, None], idx)
                self[idx] = other

        return self

    def inv(self, logdet=False):
        if self.ndim == 1:
            inv = 1.0 / self

            if logdet:
                return inv, np.sum(np.log(self))
                return inv
                cf = sl.cho_factor(self)
                inv = sl.cho_solve(cf, np.identity(cf[0].shape[0]))
                if logdet:
                    ld = 2.0 * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(cf[0])))
            except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
                u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(self)
                inv = np.dot(u / s, u.T)
                if logdet:
                    ld = np.sum(np.log(s))
            if logdet:
                return inv, ld
                return inv

def create_stabletimingdesignmatrix(designmat, fastDesign=True):
    Stabilize the timing-model design matrix.

    :param designmat: Pulsar timing model design matrix
    :param fastDesign: Stabilize the design matrix the fast way [True]

    :return: Mm: Stabilized timing model design matrix

    Mm = designmat.copy()

    if fastDesign:

        norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(Mm ** 2, axis=0))
        Mm /= norm


        u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(Mm)
        Mm = u[:, : len(s)]

    return Mm

# Deterministic GW signal functions

def make_ecc_interpolant():

    Make interpolation function from eccentricity file to
    determine number of harmonics to use for a given

    :returns: interpolant

    pth = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("libstempo"), "libstempo/ecc_vs_nharm.txt")

    fil = np.loadtxt(pth)

    return interp1d(fil[:, 0], fil[:, 1])

# get interpolant for eccentric binaries
ecc_interp = make_ecc_interpolant()

def get_edot(F, mc, e):

    Compute eccentricity derivative from Taylor et al. (2016)

    :param F: Orbital frequency [Hz]
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param e: Eccentricity of binary

    :returns: de/dt

    # chirp mass
    mc *= const.Tsun

    dedt = -304 / (15 * mc) * (2 * np.pi * mc * F) ** (8 / 3) * e * (1 + 121 / 304 * e ** 2) / ((1 - e ** 2) ** (5 / 2))

    return dedt

def get_Fdot(F, mc, e):
    Compute frequency derivative from Taylor et al. (2016)

    :param F: Orbital frequency [Hz]
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param e: Eccentricity of binary

    :returns: dF/dt

    # chirp mass
    mc *= const.Tsun

    dFdt = (
        / (5 * np.pi * mc ** 2)
        * (2 * np.pi * mc * F) ** (11 / 3)
        * (1 + 73 / 24 * e ** 2 + 37 / 96 * e ** 4)
        / ((1 - e ** 2) ** (7 / 2))

    return dFdt

def get_gammadot(F, mc, q, e):
    Compute gamma dot from Barack and Cutler (2004)

    :param F: Orbital frequency [Hz]
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param q: Mass ratio of binary
    :param e: Eccentricity of binary

    :returns: dgamma/dt

    # chirp mass
    mc *= const.Tsun

    # total mass
    m = (((1 + q) ** 2) / q) ** (3 / 5) * mc

    dgdt = (
        * np.pi
        * F
        * (2 * np.pi * F * m) ** (2 / 3)
        / (1 - e ** 2)
        * (1 + 0.25 * (2 * np.pi * F * m) ** (2 / 3) / (1 - e ** 2) * (26 - 15 * e ** 2))

    return dgdt

def get_coupled_constecc_eqns(y, t, mc, e0):
    Computes the coupled system of differential
    equations from Peters (1964) and Barack &
    Cutler (2004). This is a system of three variables:

    F: Orbital frequency [Hz]
    phase0: Orbital phase [rad]

    :param y: Vector of input parameters [F, e, gamma]
    :param t: Time [s]
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]

    :returns: array of derivatives [dF/dt, dphase/dt]

    F = y[0]

    dFdt = get_Fdot(F, mc, e0)
    dphasedt = 2 * np.pi * F

    return np.array([dFdt, dphasedt])

def get_coupled_ecc_eqns(y, t, mc, q):
    Computes the coupled system of differential
    equations from Peters (1964) and Barack &
    Cutler (2004). This is a system of three variables:

    F: Orbital frequency [Hz]
    e: Orbital eccentricity
    gamma: Angle of precession of periastron [rad]
    phase0: Orbital phase [rad]

    :param y: Vector of input parameters [F, e, gamma]
    :param t: Time [s]
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param q: Mass ratio of binary

    :returns: array of derivatives [dF/dt, de/dt, dgamma/dt, dphase/dt]

    F = y[0]
    e = y[1]

    dFdt = get_Fdot(F, mc, e)
    dedt = get_edot(F, mc, e)
    dgdt = get_gammadot(F, mc, q, e)
    dphasedt = 2 * np.pi * F

    return np.array([dFdt, dedt, dgdt, dphasedt])

def solve_coupled_constecc_solution(F0, e0, phase0, mc, t):
    Compute the solution to the coupled system of equations
    from from Peters (1964) and Barack & Cutler (2004) at
    a given time.

    :param F0: Initial orbital frequency [Hz]
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param t: Time at which to evaluate solution [s]

    :returns: (F(t), phase(t))

    y0 = np.array([F0, phase0])

    y, infodict = odeint(get_coupled_constecc_eqns, y0, t, args=(mc, e0), full_output=True)

    if infodict["message"] == "Integration successful.":
        ret = y
        ret = 0

    return ret

def solve_coupled_ecc_solution(F0, e0, gamma0, phase0, mc, q, t):
    Compute the solution to the coupled system of equations
    from from Peters (1964) and Barack & Cutler (2004) at
    a given time.

    :param F0: Initial orbital frequency [Hz]
    :param e0: Initial orbital eccentricity
    :param gamma0: Initial angle of precession of periastron [rad]
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param q: Mass ratio of binary
    :param t: Time at which to evaluate solution [s]

    :returns: (F(t), e(t), gamma(t), phase(t))

    y0 = np.array([F0, e0, gamma0, phase0])

    y, infodict = odeint(get_coupled_ecc_eqns, y0, t, args=(mc, q), full_output=True)

    if infodict["message"] == "Integration successful.":
        ret = y
        ret = 0

    return ret

def get_an(n, mc, dl, h0, F, e):
    Compute a_n from Eq. 22 of Taylor et al. (2016).

    :param n: Harmonic number
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param dl: Luminosity distance [Mpc]
    :param F: Orbital frequency of binary [Hz]
    :param e: Orbital Eccentricity

    :returns: a_n

    # convert to seconds
    mc *= const.Tsun
    dl *= const.Mpc / const.c

    omega = 2 * np.pi * F

    if h0 is None:
        amp = n * mc ** (5 / 3) * omega ** (2 / 3) / dl
    elif h0 is not None:
        amp = n * h0 / 2.0

    ret = -amp * (
        ss.jn(n - 2, n * e)
        - 2 * e * ss.jn(n - 1, n * e)
        + (2 / n) * ss.jn(n, n * e)
        + 2 * e * ss.jn(n + 1, n * e)
        - ss.jn(n + 2, n * e)

    return ret

def get_bn(n, mc, dl, h0, F, e):
    Compute b_n from Eq. 22 of Taylor et al. (2015).

    :param n: Harmonic number
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param dl: Luminosity distance [Mpc]
    :param F: Orbital frequency of binary [Hz]
    :param e: Orbital Eccentricity

    :returns: b_n

    # convert to seconds
    mc *= const.Tsun
    dl *= const.Mpc / const.c

    omega = 2 * np.pi * F

    if h0 is None:
        amp = n * mc ** (5 / 3) * omega ** (2 / 3) / dl
    elif h0 is not None:
        amp = n * h0 / 2.0

    ret = -amp * np.sqrt(1 - e ** 2) * (ss.jn(n - 2, n * e) - 2 * ss.jn(n, n * e) + ss.jn(n + 2, n * e))

    return ret

def get_cn(n, mc, dl, h0, F, e):
    Compute c_n from Eq. 22 of Taylor et al. (2016).

    :param n: Harmonic number
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param dl: Luminosity distance [Mpc]
    :param F: Orbital frequency of binary [Hz]
    :param e: Orbital Eccentricity

    :returns: c_n

    # convert to seconds
    mc *= const.Tsun
    dl *= const.Mpc / const.c

    omega = 2 * np.pi * F

    if h0 is None:
        amp = 2 * mc ** (5 / 3) * omega ** (2 / 3) / dl
    elif h0 is not None:
        amp = h0

    ret = amp * ss.jn(n, n * e) / (n * omega)

    return ret

def calculate_splus_scross(nmax, mc, dl, h0, F, e, t, l0, gamma, gammadot, inc):
    Calculate splus and scross for a CGW summed over all harmonics.
    This waveform differs slightly from that in Taylor et al (2016)
    in that it includes the time dependence of the advance of periastron.

    :param nmax: Total number of harmonics to use
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param dl: Luminosity distance [Mpc]
    :param F: Orbital frequency of binary [Hz]
    :param e: Orbital Eccentricity
    :param t: TOAs [s]
    :param l0: Initial eccentric anomoly [rad]
    :param gamma: Angle of periastron advance [rad]
    :param gammadot: Time derivative of angle of periastron advance [rad/s]
    :param inc: Inclination angle [rad]

    :return splus, scross: plus and cross time-domain waveforms for a CGW
    n = np.arange(1, nmax)

    # time dependent amplitudes
    an = get_an(n, mc, dl, h0, F, e)
    bn = get_bn(n, mc, dl, h0, F, e)
    cn = get_cn(n, mc, dl, h0, F, e)

    # time dependent terms
    omega = 2 * np.pi * F
    gt = gamma + gammadot * t
    lt = l0 + omega * t

    # tiled phase
    phase1 = n * np.tile(lt, (nmax - 1, 1)).T
    phase2 = np.tile(gt, (nmax - 1, 1)).T

    sinp1 = np.sin(phase1)
    cosp1 = np.cos(phase1)
    sinp2 = np.sin(2 * phase2)
    cosp2 = np.cos(2 * phase2)

    sinpp = sinp1 * cosp2 + cosp1 * sinp2
    cospp = cosp1 * cosp2 - sinp1 * sinp2
    sinpm = sinp1 * cosp2 - cosp1 * sinp2
    cospm = cosp1 * cosp2 + sinp1 * sinp2

    # intermediate terms
    sp = sinpm / (n * omega - 2 * gammadot) + sinpp / (n * omega + 2 * gammadot)
    sm = sinpm / (n * omega - 2 * gammadot) - sinpp / (n * omega + 2 * gammadot)
    cp = cospm / (n * omega - 2 * gammadot) + cospp / (n * omega + 2 * gammadot)
    cm = cospm / (n * omega - 2 * gammadot) - cospp / (n * omega + 2 * gammadot)

    splus_n = -0.5 * (1 + np.cos(inc) ** 2) * (an * sp - bn * sm) + (1 - np.cos(inc) ** 2) * cn * sinp1
    scross_n = np.cos(inc) * (an * cm - bn * cp)

    return np.sum(splus_n, axis=1), np.sum(scross_n, axis=1)

def create_gw_antenna_pattern(pos, gwtheta, gwphi):
    Function to create pulsar antenna pattern functions as defined
    in Ellis, Siemens, and Creighton (2012).
    :param pos: Unit vector from Earth to pulsar
    :param gwtheta: GW polar angle in radians
    :param gwphi: GW azimuthal angle in radians

    :return: (fplus, fcross, cosMu), where fplus and fcross
             are the plus and cross antenna pattern functions
             and cosMu is the cosine of the angle between the
             pulsar and the GW source.

    # use definition from Sesana et al 2010 and Ellis et al 2012
    m = np.array([np.sin(gwphi), -np.cos(gwphi), 0.0])
    n = np.array([-np.cos(gwtheta) * np.cos(gwphi), -np.cos(gwtheta) * np.sin(gwphi), np.sin(gwtheta)])
    omhat = np.array([-np.sin(gwtheta) * np.cos(gwphi), -np.sin(gwtheta) * np.sin(gwphi), -np.cos(gwtheta)])

    fplus = 0.5 * (np.dot(m, pos) ** 2 - np.dot(n, pos) ** 2) / (1 + np.dot(omhat, pos))
    fcross = (np.dot(m, pos) * np.dot(n, pos)) / (1 + np.dot(omhat, pos))
    cosMu = -np.dot(omhat, pos)

    return fplus, fcross, cosMu

def bwm_delay(toas, pos, log10_h=-14.0, cos_gwtheta=0.0, gwphi=0.0, gwpol=0.0, t0=55000, antenna_pattern_fn=None):
    Function that calculates the earth-term gravitational-wave
    burst-with-memory signal, as described in:
    Seto et al, van haasteren and Levin, phsirkov et al, Cordes and Jenet.
    This version uses the F+/Fx polarization modes, as verified with the
    Continuous Wave and Anisotropy papers.

    :param toas: Time-of-arrival measurements [s]
    :param pos: Unit vector from Earth to pulsar
    :param log10_h: log10 of GW strain
    :param cos_gwtheta: Cosine of GW polar angle
    :param gwphi: GW azimuthal polar angle [rad]
    :param gwpol: GW polarization angle
    :param t0: Burst central time [day]
    :param antenna_pattern_fn:
        User defined function that takes `pos`, `gwtheta`, `gwphi` as
        arguments and returns (fplus, fcross)

    :return: the waveform as induced timing residuals (seconds)

    # convert
    h = 10 ** log10_h
    gwtheta = np.arccos(cos_gwtheta)
    t0 *= const.day

    # antenna patterns
    if antenna_pattern_fn is None:
        apc = create_gw_antenna_pattern(pos, gwtheta, gwphi)
        apc = antenna_pattern_fn(pos, gwtheta, gwphi)

    # grab fplus, fcross
    fp, fc = apc[0], apc[1]

    # combined polarization
    pol = np.cos(2 * gwpol) * fp + np.sin(2 * gwpol) * fc

    # Define the heaviside function
    heaviside = lambda x: 0.5 * (np.sign(x) + 1)

    # Return the time-series for the pulsar
    return pol * h * heaviside(toas - t0) * (toas - t0)

def create_quantization_matrix(toas, dt=1, nmin=2):
    """Create quantization matrix mapping TOAs to observing epochs."""
    isort = np.argsort(toas)

    bucket_ref = [toas[isort[0]]]
    bucket_ind = [[isort[0]]]

    for i in isort[1:]:
        if toas[i] - bucket_ref[-1] < dt:

    # find only epochs with more than 1 TOA
    bucket_ind2 = [ind for ind in bucket_ind if len(ind) >= nmin]

    U = np.zeros((len(toas), len(bucket_ind2)), "d")
    for i, l in enumerate(bucket_ind2):
        U[l, i] = 1

    weights = np.ones(U.shape[1])

    return U, weights

def quant2ind(U):
    Use quantization matrix to return slices of non-zero elements.

    :param U: quantization matrix

    :return: list of `slice`s for non-zero elements of U

    .. note:: This function assumes that the pulsar TOAs were sorted by time.

    inds = []
    for cc, col in enumerate(U.T):
        epinds = np.flatnonzero(col)
        if epinds[-1] - epinds[0] + 1 != len(epinds):
            raise ValueError("ERROR: TOAs not sorted properly!")
        inds.append(slice(epinds[0], epinds[-1] + 1))
    return inds

def linear_interp_basis(toas, dt=30 * 86400):
    """Provides a basis for linear interpolation.

    :param toas: Pulsar TOAs in seconds
    :param dt: Linear interpolation step size in seconds.

    :returns: Linear interpolation basis and nodes

    # evenly spaced points
    x = np.arange(toas.min(), toas.max() + dt, dt)
    M = np.zeros((len(toas), len(x)))

    # make linear interpolation basis
    for ii in range(len(x) - 1):
        idx = np.logical_and(toas >= x[ii], toas <= x[ii + 1])
        M[idx, ii] = (toas[idx] - x[ii + 1]) / (x[ii] - x[ii + 1])
        M[idx, ii + 1] = (toas[idx] - x[ii]) / (x[ii + 1] - x[ii])

    # only return non-zero columns
    idx = M.sum(axis=0) != 0

    return M[:, idx], x[idx]

# overlap reduction functions

def hd_orf(pos1, pos2):
    """Hellings & Downs spatial correlation function."""
    if np.all(pos1 == pos2):
        return 1
        omc2 = (1 - np.dot(pos1, pos2)) / 2
        return 1.5 * omc2 * np.log(omc2) - 0.25 * omc2 + 0.5

def dipole_orf(pos1, pos2):
    """Dipole spatial correlation function."""
    if np.all(pos1 == pos2):
        return 1 + 1e-5
        return np.dot(pos1, pos2)

def monopole_orf(pos1, pos2):
    """Monopole spatial correlation function."""
    if np.all(pos1 == pos2):
        return 1.0 + 1e-5
        return 1.0

def anis_orf(pos1, pos2, params, **kwargs):
    """Anisotropic GWB spatial correlation function."""

    anis_basis = kwargs["anis_basis"]
    psrs_pos = kwargs["psrs_pos"]
    lmax = kwargs["lmax"]

    psr1_index = [ii for ii in range(len(psrs_pos)) if np.all(psrs_pos[ii] == pos1)][0]
    psr2_index = [ii for ii in range(len(psrs_pos)) if np.all(psrs_pos[ii] == pos2)][0]

    clm = np.zeros((lmax + 1) ** 2)
    clm[0] = 2.0 * np.sqrt(np.pi)
    if lmax > 0:
        clm[1:] = params

    return sum(clm[ii] * basis for ii, basis in enumerate(anis_basis[: (lmax + 1) ** 2, psr1_index, psr2_index]))

def unnormed_tm_basis(Mmat):
    return Mmat, np.ones_like(Mmat.shape[1])

def normed_tm_basis(Mmat, norm=None):
    if norm is None:
        norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(Mmat ** 2, axis=0))

    nmat = Mmat / norm
    nmat[:, norm == 0] = 0

    return nmat, np.ones_like(Mmat.shape[1])

def svd_tm_basis(Mmat):
    u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(Mmat, full_matrices=False)
    return u, np.ones_like(s)

def tm_prior(weights):
    return weights * 1e40

# Physical ephemeris model utility functions

t_offset = 55197.0
e_ecl = 23.43704 * np.pi / 180.0
M_ecl = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.cos(e_ecl), -np.sin(e_ecl)], [0.0, np.sin(e_ecl), np.cos(e_ecl)]])

def get_planet_orbital_elements(model="setIII"):
    """Grab physical ephemeris model files"""
    dpath = enterprise.__path__[0] + "/datafiles/ephemeris/"

    return (
        np.load(dpath + "/jupiter-" + model + "-mjd.npy"),
        np.load(dpath + "/jupiter-" + model + "-xyz-svd.npy"),
        np.load(dpath + "/saturn-" + model + "-xyz-svd.npy"),

def ecl2eq_vec(x):
    Rotate (n,3) vector time series from ecliptic to equatorial.
    return np.einsum("jk,ik->ij", M_ecl, x)

def eq2ecl_vec(x):
    Rotate (n,3) vector time series from equatorial to ecliptic.
    return np.einsum("kj,ik->ij", M_ecl, x)

def euler_vec(z, y, x, n):
    Return (n,3,3) tensor with each (3,3) block containing an
    Euler rotation with angles z, y, x. Optionally each of z, y, x
    can be a vector of length n.
    L = np.zeros((n, 3, 3), "d")
    cosx, sinx = np.cos(x), np.sin(x)
    L[:, 0, 0] = 1
    L[:, 1, 1] = L[:, 2, 2] = cosx
    L[:, 1, 2] = -sinx
    L[:, 2, 1] = sinx

    N = np.zeros((n, 3, 3), "d")
    cosy, siny = np.cos(y), np.sin(y)
    N[:, 0, 0] = N[:, 2, 2] = cosy
    N[:, 1, 1] = 1
    N[:, 0, 2] = siny
    N[:, 2, 0] = -siny

    ret = np.einsum("ijk,ikl->ijl", L, N)

    M = np.zeros((n, 3, 3), "d")
    cosz, sinz = np.cos(z), np.sin(z)
    M[:, 0, 0] = M[:, 1, 1] = cosz
    M[:, 0, 1] = -sinz
    M[:, 1, 0] = sinz
    M[:, 2, 2] = 1

    ret = np.einsum("ijk,ikl->ijl", ret, M)

    return ret

def ss_framerotate(mjd, planet, x, y, z, dz, offset=None, equatorial=False):
    Rotate planet trajectory given as (n,3) tensor,
    by ecliptic Euler angles x, y, z, and by z rate
    dz. The rate has units of rad/year, and is referred
    to offset 2010/1/1. dates must be given in MJD.
    if equatorial:
        planet = eq2ecl_vec(planet)

    E = euler_vec(z + dz * (mjd - t_offset) / 365.25, y, x, planet.shape[0])

    planet = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", E, planet)

    if offset is not None:
        planet = np.array(offset) + planet

    if equatorial:
        planet = ecl2eq_vec(planet)

    return planet

def dmass(planet, dm_over_Msun):
    return dm_over_Msun * planet

def physicalephem_spectrum(sigmas):
    # note the creative use of the "labels" (the very sigmas, not frequencies)
    return sigmas ** 2

def createfourierdesignmatrix_physicalephem(
    Construct physical ephemeris perturbation design matrix and 'frequencies'.
    Parameters can be excluded by setting the corresponding prior sigma to None

    :param toas:             vector of time series in seconds
    :param pos:              pulsar position as Cartesian vector
    :param frame_drift_rate: normal sigma for frame drift rate
    :param d_jupiter_mass:   normal sigma for Jupiter mass perturbation
    :param d_saturn_mass:    normal sigma for Saturn mass perturbation
    :param d_uranus_mass:    normal sigma for Uranus mass perturbation
    :param d_neptune_mass:   normal sigma for Neptune mass perturbation
    :param jup_orb_elements: normal sigma for Jupiter orbital elem. perturb.
    :param sat_orb_elements: normal sigma for Saturn orbital elem. perturb.
    :param model:            vector basis used by Jupiter and Saturn perturb.;
                             see PhysicalEphemerisSignal, defaults to "setIII"

    :return: F: Fourier design matrix of shape (len(toas), nvecs)
    :return: sigmas: Phi sigmas (nvecs, to be passed to physicalephem_spectrum)

    # Jupiter + Saturn orbit definitions that we pass to physical_ephem_delay
    oa = {}
    (oa["times"], oa["jup_orbit"], oa["sat_orbit"]) = get_planet_orbital_elements(model)

    dpar = 1e-5  # may need finessing
    Fl, Phil = [], []

    for parname in [

        ppar = locals()[parname]
        if ppar:
            if parname not in ["jup_orb_elements", "sat_orb_elements"]:
                # need to normalize?
                Fl.append(physical_ephem_delay(toas, planetssb, pos_t, **{parname: dpar}) / dpar)
                for i in range(6):
                    c = np.zeros(6)
                    c[i] = dpar

                    # Fl.append(physical_ephem_delay(toas, planetssb, pos_t,
                    #                               **{parname: c}, **oa)/dpar)
                    kwarg_dict = {parname: c}
                    Fl.append(physical_ephem_delay(toas, planetssb, pos_t, **kwarg_dict) / dpar)


    return np.array(Fl).T.copy(), np.array(Phil)

def physical_ephem_delay(
    jup_orb_elements=np.zeros(6, "d"),
    sat_orb_elements=np.zeros(6, "d"),

    # convert toas to MJD
    mjd = toas / 86400

    # grab planet-to-SSB vectors
    earth = planetssb[:, 2, :3]
    jupiter = planetssb[:, 4, :3]
    saturn = planetssb[:, 5, :3]
    uranus = planetssb[:, 6, :3]
    neptune = planetssb[:, 7, :3]

    # do frame rotation
    earth = ss_framerotate(mjd, earth, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, frame_drift_rate, offset=None, equatorial=equatorial)

    # mass perturbations
    for planet, dm in [
        (jupiter, d_jupiter_mass),
        (saturn, d_saturn_mass),
        (uranus, d_uranus_mass),
        (neptune, d_neptune_mass),
        earth += dmass(planet, dm)

    # Jupiter orbit perturbation
    if np.any(jup_orb_elements):
        tmp = 0.0009547918983127075 * np.einsum("i,ijk->jk", jup_orb_elements, jup_orbit)

        earth += np.array([np.interp(mjd, times, tmp[:, aa]) for aa in range(3)]).T

    # Saturn orbit perturbation
    if np.any(sat_orb_elements):
        tmp = 0.00028588567008942334 * np.einsum("i,ijk->jk", sat_orb_elements, sat_orbit)

        earth += np.array([np.interp(mjd, times, tmp[:, aa]) for aa in range(3)]).T

    # construct the true geocenter to barycenter roemer
    tmp_roemer = np.einsum("ij,ij->i", planetssb[:, 2, :3], pos_t)

    # create the delay
    delay = tmp_roemer - np.einsum("ij,ij->i", earth, pos_t)

    return delay