#!/usr/bin/env python
# page_dewarp.py - Proof-of-concept of page-dewarping based on a
# "cubic sheet" model. Requires OpenCV (version 3 or greater),
# PIL/Pillow, and scipy.optimize.
# Author:  Matt Zucker
# Date:    July 2016
# License: MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)

import os
import sys
import datetime
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize

# for some reason pylint complains about cv2 members being undefined :(
# pylint: disable=E1101

PAGE_MARGIN_X = 50       # reduced px to ignore near L/R edge
PAGE_MARGIN_Y = 20       # reduced px to ignore near T/B edge

OUTPUT_ZOOM = 1.0        # how much to zoom output relative to *original* image
OUTPUT_DPI = 300         # just affects stated DPI of PNG, not appearance
REMAP_DECIMATE = 16      # downscaling factor for remapping image

ADAPTIVE_WINSZ = 55      # window size for adaptive threshold in reduced px

TEXT_MIN_WIDTH = 15      # min reduced px width of detected text contour
TEXT_MIN_HEIGHT = 2      # min reduced px height of detected text contour
TEXT_MIN_ASPECT = 1.5    # filter out text contours below this w/h ratio
TEXT_MAX_THICKNESS = 10  # max reduced px thickness of detected text contour

EDGE_MAX_OVERLAP = 1.0   # max reduced px horiz. overlap of contours in span
EDGE_MAX_LENGTH = 100.0  # max reduced px length of edge connecting contours
EDGE_ANGLE_COST = 10.0   # cost of angles in edges (tradeoff vs. length)
EDGE_MAX_ANGLE = 7.5     # maximum change in angle allowed between contours

RVEC_IDX = slice(0, 3)   # index of rvec in params vector
TVEC_IDX = slice(3, 6)   # index of tvec in params vector
CUBIC_IDX = slice(6, 8)  # index of cubic slopes in params vector

SPAN_MIN_WIDTH = 30      # minimum reduced px width for span
SPAN_PX_PER_STEP = 20    # reduced px spacing for sampling along spans
FOCAL_LENGTH = 1.2       # normalized focal length of camera

DEBUG_LEVEL = 0          # 0=none, 1=some, 2=lots, 3=all
DEBUG_OUTPUT = 'file'    # file, screen, both

WINDOW_NAME = 'Dewarp'   # Window name for visualization

# nice color palette for visualizing contours, etc.
    (255, 0, 0),
    (255, 63, 0),
    (255, 127, 0),
    (255, 191, 0),
    (255, 255, 0),
    (191, 255, 0),
    (127, 255, 0),
    (63, 255, 0),
    (0, 255, 0),
    (0, 255, 63),
    (0, 255, 127),
    (0, 255, 191),
    (0, 255, 255),
    (0, 191, 255),
    (0, 127, 255),
    (0, 63, 255),
    (0, 0, 255),
    (63, 0, 255),
    (127, 0, 255),
    (191, 0, 255),
    (255, 0, 255),
    (255, 0, 191),
    (255, 0, 127),
    (255, 0, 63),

# default intrinsic parameter matrix
K = np.array([
    [FOCAL_LENGTH, 0, 0],
    [0, FOCAL_LENGTH, 0],
    [0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32)

def debug_show(name, step, text, display):

    if DEBUG_OUTPUT != 'screen':
        filetext = text.replace(' ', '_')
        outfile = name + '_debug_' + str(step) + '_' + filetext + '.png'
        cv2.imwrite(outfile, display)

    if DEBUG_OUTPUT != 'file':

        image = display.copy()
        height = image.shape[0]

        cv2.putText(image, text, (16, height-16),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,
                    (0, 0, 0), 3, cv2.LINE_AA)

        cv2.putText(image, text, (16, height-16),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,
                    (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

        cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, image)

        while cv2.waitKey(5) < 0:

def round_nearest_multiple(i, factor):
    i = int(i)
    rem = i % factor
    if not rem:
        return i
        return i + factor - rem

def pix2norm(shape, pts):
    height, width = shape[:2]
    scl = 2.0/(max(height, width))
    offset = np.array([width, height], dtype=pts.dtype).reshape((-1, 1, 2))*0.5
    return (pts - offset) * scl

def norm2pix(shape, pts, as_integer):
    height, width = shape[:2]
    scl = max(height, width)*0.5
    offset = np.array([0.5*width, 0.5*height],
                      dtype=pts.dtype).reshape((-1, 1, 2))
    rval = pts * scl + offset
    if as_integer:
        return (rval + 0.5).astype(int)
        return rval

def fltp(point):
    return tuple(point.astype(int).flatten())

def draw_correspondences(img, dstpoints, projpts):

    display = img.copy()
    dstpoints = norm2pix(img.shape, dstpoints, True)
    projpts = norm2pix(img.shape, projpts, True)

    for pts, color in [(projpts, (255, 0, 0)),
                       (dstpoints, (0, 0, 255))]:

        for point in pts:
            cv2.circle(display, fltp(point), 3, color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA)

    for point_a, point_b in zip(projpts, dstpoints):
        cv2.line(display, fltp(point_a), fltp(point_b),
                 (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

    return display

def get_default_params(corners, ycoords, xcoords):

    # page width and height
    page_width = np.linalg.norm(corners[1] - corners[0])
    page_height = np.linalg.norm(corners[-1] - corners[0])
    rough_dims = (page_width, page_height)

    # our initial guess for the cubic has no slope
    cubic_slopes = [0.0, 0.0]

    # object points of flat page in 3D coordinates
    corners_object3d = np.array([
        [0, 0, 0],
        [page_width, 0, 0],
        [page_width, page_height, 0],
        [0, page_height, 0]])

    # estimate rotation and translation from four 2D-to-3D point
    # correspondences
    _, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(corners_object3d,
                                 corners, K, np.zeros(5))

    span_counts = [len(xc) for xc in xcoords]

    params = np.hstack((np.array(rvec).flatten(),
                        ycoords.flatten()) +

    return rough_dims, span_counts, params

def project_xy(xy_coords, pvec):

    # get cubic polynomial coefficients given
    #  f(0) = 0, f'(0) = alpha
    #  f(1) = 0, f'(1) = beta

    alpha, beta = tuple(pvec[CUBIC_IDX])

    poly = np.array([
        alpha + beta,
        -2*alpha - beta,

    xy_coords = xy_coords.reshape((-1, 2))
    z_coords = np.polyval(poly, xy_coords[:, 0])

    objpoints = np.hstack((xy_coords, z_coords.reshape((-1, 1))))

    image_points, _ = cv2.projectPoints(objpoints,
                                        K, np.zeros(5))

    return image_points

def project_keypoints(pvec, keypoint_index):

    xy_coords = pvec[keypoint_index]
    xy_coords[0, :] = 0

    return project_xy(xy_coords, pvec)

def resize_to_screen(src, maxw=1280, maxh=700, copy=False):

    height, width = src.shape[:2]

    scl_x = float(width)/maxw
    scl_y = float(height)/maxh

    scl = int(np.ceil(max(scl_x, scl_y)))

    if scl > 1.0:
        inv_scl = 1.0/scl
        img = cv2.resize(src, (0, 0), None, inv_scl, inv_scl, cv2.INTER_AREA)
    elif copy:
        img = src.copy()
        img = src

    return img

def box(width, height):
    return np.ones((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)

def get_page_extents(small):

    height, width = small.shape[:2]

    xmin = PAGE_MARGIN_X
    ymin = PAGE_MARGIN_Y
    xmax = width-PAGE_MARGIN_X
    ymax = height-PAGE_MARGIN_Y

    page = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
    cv2.rectangle(page, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (255, 255, 255), -1)

    outline = np.array([
        [xmin, ymin],
        [xmin, ymax],
        [xmax, ymax],
        [xmax, ymin]])

    return page, outline

def get_mask(name, small, pagemask, masktype):

    sgray = cv2.cvtColor(small, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

    if masktype == 'text':

        mask = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(sgray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,

        if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:
            debug_show(name, 0.1, 'thresholded', mask)

        mask = cv2.dilate(mask, box(9, 1))

        if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:
            debug_show(name, 0.2, 'dilated', mask)

        mask = cv2.erode(mask, box(1, 3))

        if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:
            debug_show(name, 0.3, 'eroded', mask)


        mask = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(sgray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,

        if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:
            debug_show(name, 0.4, 'thresholded', mask)

        mask = cv2.erode(mask, box(3, 1), iterations=3)

        if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:
            debug_show(name, 0.5, 'eroded', mask)

        mask = cv2.dilate(mask, box(8, 2))

        if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:
            debug_show(name, 0.6, 'dilated', mask)

    return np.minimum(mask, pagemask)

def interval_measure_overlap(int_a, int_b):
    return min(int_a[1], int_b[1]) - max(int_a[0], int_b[0])

def angle_dist(angle_b, angle_a):

    diff = angle_b - angle_a

    while diff > np.pi:
        diff -= 2*np.pi

    while diff < -np.pi:
        diff += 2*np.pi

    return np.abs(diff)

def blob_mean_and_tangent(contour):

    moments = cv2.moments(contour)

    area = moments['m00']

    mean_x = moments['m10'] / area
    mean_y = moments['m01'] / area

    moments_matrix = np.array([
        [moments['mu20'], moments['mu11']],
        [moments['mu11'], moments['mu02']]
    ]) / area

    _, svd_u, _ = cv2.SVDecomp(moments_matrix)

    center = np.array([mean_x, mean_y])
    tangent = svd_u[:, 0].flatten().copy()

    return center, tangent

class ContourInfo(object):

    def __init__(self, contour, rect, mask):

        self.contour = contour
        self.rect = rect
        self.mask = mask

        self.center, self.tangent = blob_mean_and_tangent(contour)

        self.angle = np.arctan2(self.tangent[1], self.tangent[0])

        clx = [self.proj_x(point) for point in contour]

        lxmin = min(clx)
        lxmax = max(clx)

        self.local_xrng = (lxmin, lxmax)

        self.point0 = self.center + self.tangent * lxmin
        self.point1 = self.center + self.tangent * lxmax

        self.pred = None
        self.succ = None

    def proj_x(self, point):
        return np.dot(self.tangent, point.flatten()-self.center)

    def local_overlap(self, other):
        xmin = self.proj_x(other.point0)
        xmax = self.proj_x(other.point1)
        return interval_measure_overlap(self.local_xrng, (xmin, xmax))

def generate_candidate_edge(cinfo_a, cinfo_b):

    # we want a left of b (so a's successor will be b and b's
    # predecessor will be a) make sure right endpoint of b is to the
    # right of left endpoint of a.
    if cinfo_a.point0[0] > cinfo_b.point1[0]:
        tmp = cinfo_a
        cinfo_a = cinfo_b
        cinfo_b = tmp

    x_overlap_a = cinfo_a.local_overlap(cinfo_b)
    x_overlap_b = cinfo_b.local_overlap(cinfo_a)

    overall_tangent = cinfo_b.center - cinfo_a.center
    overall_angle = np.arctan2(overall_tangent[1], overall_tangent[0])

    delta_angle = max(angle_dist(cinfo_a.angle, overall_angle),
                      angle_dist(cinfo_b.angle, overall_angle)) * 180/np.pi

    # we want the largest overlap in x to be small
    x_overlap = max(x_overlap_a, x_overlap_b)

    dist = np.linalg.norm(cinfo_b.point0 - cinfo_a.point1)

    if (dist > EDGE_MAX_LENGTH or
            x_overlap > EDGE_MAX_OVERLAP or
            delta_angle > EDGE_MAX_ANGLE):
        return None
        score = dist + delta_angle*EDGE_ANGLE_COST
        return (score, cinfo_a, cinfo_b)

def make_tight_mask(contour, xmin, ymin, width, height):

    tight_mask = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
    tight_contour = contour - np.array((xmin, ymin)).reshape((-1, 1, 2))

    cv2.drawContours(tight_mask, [tight_contour], 0,
                     (1, 1, 1), -1)

    return tight_mask

def get_contours(name, small, pagemask, masktype):

    mask = get_mask(name, small, pagemask, masktype)

    _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,

    contours_out = []

    for contour in contours:

        rect = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
        xmin, ymin, width, height = rect

        if (width < TEXT_MIN_WIDTH or
                height < TEXT_MIN_HEIGHT or
                width < TEXT_MIN_ASPECT*height):

        tight_mask = make_tight_mask(contour, xmin, ymin, width, height)

        if tight_mask.sum(axis=0).max() > TEXT_MAX_THICKNESS:

        contours_out.append(ContourInfo(contour, rect, tight_mask))

    if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2:
        visualize_contours(name, small, contours_out)

    return contours_out

def assemble_spans(name, small, pagemask, cinfo_list):

    # sort list
    cinfo_list = sorted(cinfo_list, key=lambda cinfo: cinfo.rect[1])

    # generate all candidate edges
    candidate_edges = []

    for i, cinfo_i in enumerate(cinfo_list):
        for j in range(i):
            # note e is of the form (score, left_cinfo, right_cinfo)
            edge = generate_candidate_edge(cinfo_i, cinfo_list[j])
            if edge is not None:

    # sort candidate edges by score (lower is better)

    # for each candidate edge
    for _, cinfo_a, cinfo_b in candidate_edges:
        # if left and right are unassigned, join them
        if cinfo_a.succ is None and cinfo_b.pred is None:
            cinfo_a.succ = cinfo_b
            cinfo_b.pred = cinfo_a

    # generate list of spans as output
    spans = []

    # until we have removed everything from the list
    while cinfo_list:

        # get the first on the list
        cinfo = cinfo_list[0]

        # keep following predecessors until none exists
        while cinfo.pred:
            cinfo = cinfo.pred

        # start a new span
        cur_span = []

        width = 0.0

        # follow successors til end of span
        while cinfo:
            # remove from list (sadly making this loop *also* O(n^2)
            # add to span
            width += cinfo.local_xrng[1] - cinfo.local_xrng[0]
            # set successor
            cinfo = cinfo.succ

        # add if long enough
        if width > SPAN_MIN_WIDTH:

    if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2:
        visualize_spans(name, small, pagemask, spans)

    return spans

def sample_spans(shape, spans):

    span_points = []

    for span in spans:

        contour_points = []

        for cinfo in span:

            yvals = np.arange(cinfo.mask.shape[0]).reshape((-1, 1))
            totals = (yvals * cinfo.mask).sum(axis=0)
            means = totals / cinfo.mask.sum(axis=0)

            xmin, ymin = cinfo.rect[:2]

            step = SPAN_PX_PER_STEP
            start = ((len(means)-1) % step) / 2

            contour_points += [(x+xmin, means[x]+ymin)
                               for x in range(start, len(means), step)]

        contour_points = np.array(contour_points,
                                  dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, 1, 2))

        contour_points = pix2norm(shape, contour_points)


    return span_points

def keypoints_from_samples(name, small, pagemask, page_outline,

    all_evecs = np.array([[0.0, 0.0]])
    all_weights = 0

    for points in span_points:

        _, evec = cv2.PCACompute(points.reshape((-1, 2)),
                                 None, maxComponents=1)

        weight = np.linalg.norm(points[-1] - points[0])

        all_evecs += evec * weight
        all_weights += weight

    evec = all_evecs / all_weights

    x_dir = evec.flatten()

    if x_dir[0] < 0:
        x_dir = -x_dir

    y_dir = np.array([-x_dir[1], x_dir[0]])

    pagecoords = cv2.convexHull(page_outline)
    pagecoords = pix2norm(pagemask.shape, pagecoords.reshape((-1, 1, 2)))
    pagecoords = pagecoords.reshape((-1, 2))

    px_coords = np.dot(pagecoords, x_dir)
    py_coords = np.dot(pagecoords, y_dir)

    px0 = px_coords.min()
    px1 = px_coords.max()

    py0 = py_coords.min()
    py1 = py_coords.max()

    p00 = px0 * x_dir + py0 * y_dir
    p10 = px1 * x_dir + py0 * y_dir
    p11 = px1 * x_dir + py1 * y_dir
    p01 = px0 * x_dir + py1 * y_dir

    corners = np.vstack((p00, p10, p11, p01)).reshape((-1, 1, 2))

    ycoords = []
    xcoords = []

    for points in span_points:
        pts = points.reshape((-1, 2))
        px_coords = np.dot(pts, x_dir)
        py_coords = np.dot(pts, y_dir)
        ycoords.append(py_coords.mean() - py0)
        xcoords.append(px_coords - px0)

    if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2:
        visualize_span_points(name, small, span_points, corners)

    return corners, np.array(ycoords), xcoords

def visualize_contours(name, small, cinfo_list):

    regions = np.zeros_like(small)

    for j, cinfo in enumerate(cinfo_list):

        cv2.drawContours(regions, [cinfo.contour], 0,
                         CCOLORS[j % len(CCOLORS)], -1)

    mask = (regions.max(axis=2) != 0)

    display = small.copy()
    display[mask] = (display[mask]/2) + (regions[mask]/2)

    for j, cinfo in enumerate(cinfo_list):
        color = CCOLORS[j % len(CCOLORS)]
        color = tuple([c/4 for c in color])

        cv2.circle(display, fltp(cinfo.center), 3,
                   (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

        cv2.line(display, fltp(cinfo.point0), fltp(cinfo.point1),
                 (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

    debug_show(name, 1, 'contours', display)

def visualize_spans(name, small, pagemask, spans):

    regions = np.zeros_like(small)

    for i, span in enumerate(spans):
        contours = [cinfo.contour for cinfo in span]
        cv2.drawContours(regions, contours, -1,
                         CCOLORS[i*3 % len(CCOLORS)], -1)

    mask = (regions.max(axis=2) != 0)

    display = small.copy()
    display[mask] = (display[mask]/2) + (regions[mask]/2)
    display[pagemask == 0] /= 4

    debug_show(name, 2, 'spans', display)

def visualize_span_points(name, small, span_points, corners):

    display = small.copy()

    for i, points in enumerate(span_points):

        points = norm2pix(small.shape, points, False)

        mean, small_evec = cv2.PCACompute(points.reshape((-1, 2)),

        dps = np.dot(points.reshape((-1, 2)), small_evec.reshape((2, 1)))
        dpm = np.dot(mean.flatten(), small_evec.flatten())

        point0 = mean + small_evec * (dps.min()-dpm)
        point1 = mean + small_evec * (dps.max()-dpm)

        for point in points:
            cv2.circle(display, fltp(point), 3,
                       CCOLORS[i % len(CCOLORS)], -1, cv2.LINE_AA)

        cv2.line(display, fltp(point0), fltp(point1),
                 (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

    cv2.polylines(display, [norm2pix(small.shape, corners, True)],
                  True, (255, 255, 255))

    debug_show(name, 3, 'span points', display)

def imgsize(img):
    height, width = img.shape[:2]
    return '{}x{}'.format(width, height)

def make_keypoint_index(span_counts):

    nspans = len(span_counts)
    npts = sum(span_counts)
    keypoint_index = np.zeros((npts+1, 2), dtype=int)
    start = 1

    for i, count in enumerate(span_counts):
        end = start + count
        keypoint_index[start:start+end, 1] = 8+i
        start = end

    keypoint_index[1:, 0] = np.arange(npts) + 8 + nspans

    return keypoint_index

def optimize_params(name, small, dstpoints, span_counts, params):

    keypoint_index = make_keypoint_index(span_counts)

    def objective(pvec):
        ppts = project_keypoints(pvec, keypoint_index)
        return np.sum((dstpoints - ppts)**2)

    print '  initial objective is', objective(params)

    if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1:
        projpts = project_keypoints(params, keypoint_index)
        display = draw_correspondences(small, dstpoints, projpts)
        debug_show(name, 4, 'keypoints before', display)

    print '  optimizing', len(params), 'parameters...'
    start = datetime.datetime.now()
    res = scipy.optimize.minimize(objective, params,
    end = datetime.datetime.now()
    print '  optimization took', round((end-start).total_seconds(), 2), 'sec.'
    print '  final objective is', res.fun
    params = res.x

    if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1:
        projpts = project_keypoints(params, keypoint_index)
        display = draw_correspondences(small, dstpoints, projpts)
        debug_show(name, 5, 'keypoints after', display)

    return params

def get_page_dims(corners, rough_dims, params):

    dst_br = corners[2].flatten()

    dims = np.array(rough_dims)

    def objective(dims):
        proj_br = project_xy(dims, params)
        return np.sum((dst_br - proj_br.flatten())**2)

    res = scipy.optimize.minimize(objective, dims, method='Powell')
    dims = res.x

    print '  got page dims', dims[0], 'x', dims[1]

    return dims

def remap_image(name, img, small, page_dims, params):

    height = 0.5 * page_dims[1] * OUTPUT_ZOOM * img.shape[0]
    height = round_nearest_multiple(height, REMAP_DECIMATE)

    width = round_nearest_multiple(height * page_dims[0] / page_dims[1],

    print '  output will be {}x{}'.format(width, height)

    height_small = height / REMAP_DECIMATE
    width_small = width / REMAP_DECIMATE

    page_x_range = np.linspace(0, page_dims[0], width_small)
    page_y_range = np.linspace(0, page_dims[1], height_small)

    page_x_coords, page_y_coords = np.meshgrid(page_x_range, page_y_range)

    page_xy_coords = np.hstack((page_x_coords.flatten().reshape((-1, 1)),
                                page_y_coords.flatten().reshape((-1, 1))))

    page_xy_coords = page_xy_coords.astype(np.float32)

    image_points = project_xy(page_xy_coords, params)
    image_points = norm2pix(img.shape, image_points, False)

    image_x_coords = image_points[:, 0, 0].reshape(page_x_coords.shape)
    image_y_coords = image_points[:, 0, 1].reshape(page_y_coords.shape)

    image_x_coords = cv2.resize(image_x_coords, (width, height),

    image_y_coords = cv2.resize(image_y_coords, (width, height),

    img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

    remapped = cv2.remap(img_gray, image_x_coords, image_y_coords,
                         None, cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)

    thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(remapped, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,
                                   cv2.THRESH_BINARY, ADAPTIVE_WINSZ, 25)

    pil_image = Image.fromarray(thresh)
    pil_image = pil_image.convert('1')

    threshfile = name + '_thresh.png'
    pil_image.save(threshfile, dpi=(OUTPUT_DPI, OUTPUT_DPI))

    if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1:
        height = small.shape[0]
        width = int(round(height * float(thresh.shape[1])/thresh.shape[0]))
        display = cv2.resize(thresh, (width, height),
        debug_show(name, 6, 'output', display)

    return threshfile

def main():

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print 'usage:', sys.argv[0], 'IMAGE1 [IMAGE2 ...]'

    if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 and DEBUG_OUTPUT != 'file':

    outfiles = []

    for imgfile in sys.argv[1:]:

        img = cv2.imread(imgfile)
        small = resize_to_screen(img)
        basename = os.path.basename(imgfile)
        name, _ = os.path.splitext(basename)

        print 'loaded', basename, 'with size', imgsize(img),
        print 'and resized to', imgsize(small)

        if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:
            debug_show(name, 0.0, 'original', small)

        pagemask, page_outline = get_page_extents(small)

        cinfo_list = get_contours(name, small, pagemask, 'text')
        spans = assemble_spans(name, small, pagemask, cinfo_list)

        if len(spans) < 3:
            print '  detecting lines because only', len(spans), 'text spans'
            cinfo_list = get_contours(name, small, pagemask, 'line')
            spans2 = assemble_spans(name, small, pagemask, cinfo_list)
            if len(spans2) > len(spans):
                spans = spans2

        if len(spans) < 1:
            print 'skipping', name, 'because only', len(spans), 'spans'

        span_points = sample_spans(small.shape, spans)

        print '  got', len(spans), 'spans',
        print 'with', sum([len(pts) for pts in span_points]), 'points.'

        corners, ycoords, xcoords = keypoints_from_samples(name, small,

        rough_dims, span_counts, params = get_default_params(corners,
                                                             ycoords, xcoords)

        dstpoints = np.vstack((corners[0].reshape((1, 1, 2)),) +

        params = optimize_params(name, small,
                                 span_counts, params)

        page_dims = get_page_dims(corners, rough_dims, params)

        outfile = remap_image(name, img, small, page_dims, params)


        print '  wrote', outfile

    print 'to convert to PDF (requires ImageMagick):'
    print '  convert -compress Group4 ' + ' '.join(outfiles) + ' output.pdf'

if __name__ == '__main__':