from __future__ import division, print_function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as tk
import matplotlib.colors as clr
import numpy as np

def traj_scatter(data, lons, lats, hymap, zorder=19, colormap='default',
                 edgecolor='none', size=25, sizedata=None, cnormalize=None,
                 snormalize=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, levels=11,
                 suppress_printmsg=False, **kwargs):
    Scatter-plot of ``Trajectory``, ``TrajectoryGroup``, or ``Cluster`` data.

    data : 1D ndarray of floats, ints
        The information to plot as color change.
    lons : 1D ndarray of floats, ints
        X-coordinates of ``data`` in decimal degrees
    lats : 1D ndarray of floats, ints
        Y-coordinates of ``data`` in decimal degrees
    hymap : ``Basemap`` instance
        Any ``Basemap`` instance.  For easy map creation, see ``MapDesign``
    zorder : int
        Default 19.  Data zorder.
    colormap : colormap
        Default 'default' is ```` if Python 2.7/matplotlib <=1.4.3.
        Otherwise ```` .  Any ``matplotlib`` colormap.
    edgecolor : string, tuple
        Default 'none'.  Any ``matplotlib``-accepted color
    size : int
        Default 25.  Point size of data unless ``sizedata`` specified.  Then,
        will be multiplied with ``sizedata``.
    sizedata : 1D ndarray of floats
        Default ``None``.  The data to plot as a change in marker size.
    cnormalize : string or float
        Default ``None``.  [None|'boundary'|'log'|'ln'|'sqrt'|float]
        Normalization of color scale.  If 'boundary', will create a discrete
        color map with ``levels`` number of colors.  For other norms, colorbar
        ticklabels will be updated with 'log' but not 'ln', 'sqrt', because
        no corresponding ``matplotlib colors Normalize`` classes are available.
        If a float is provided, a ``PowerNorm`` will be performed.
    snormalize : string
        Default ``None``.  [None|'log'|'ln'|'sqrt'].  Similar to cnormalize,
        except 'boundary' not available and does not use ``Normalize``.
    vmin : int or float
        Default ``None``.  Used to scale/normalize ``data``.
        If ``None``, then set to ``data`` min
    vmax : int or float
        Default ``None``.  Used to scale/normalize ``data``.
        If ``None``, then set to ``data`` max
    levels : int
        Only used in BoundaryNorm
        passed to ``Basemap.scatter()`` and ``Axes.scatter()``

    cm : ``matplotlib PathCollection`` instance
        Mappable for use in creating colorbars.  Colorbars may be created
        in ``PySPLIT`` using ``make_cbar()`` or ``make_cax_cbar()``

    # cnormalize = str.lower(cnormalize)
    norm = None
    msg = ('Use `` ' +
           'or` to change tick labels')

    transform_dict = {'sqrt': np.sqrt,
                      'log': np.log10,
                      'ln': np.log}

    if colormap is 'default':
            colormap =
        except AttributeError:
            colormap =

    if cnormalize is 'boundary':
        if vmin is None:
            vmin = data.min()
        if vmax is None:
            vmax = data.max()
        bounds = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, levels)
        norm = clr.BoundaryNorm(bounds, colormap.N)
    elif cnormalize is 'log':
        norm = clr.LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    elif cnormalize is 'ln':
        data = np.log(data)
        if not suppress_printmsg:
            print(msg, '\nnatural log normalization')
    elif cnormalize is 'sqrt':
        data = np.sqrt(data)
        if not suppress_printmsg:
            print(msg, '\nsqrt normalization')
    elif cnormalize is not None:
            norm = clr.PowerNorm(cnormalize, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)

    if sizedata is not None:
        if snormalize is not None:
            sizedata = transform_dict[snormalize](sizedata)
        size = sizedata * size

    cm = hymap.scatter(lons, lats, c=data, s=size, cmap=colormap,
                       vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, zorder=zorder,
                       edgecolor=edgecolor, norm=norm, latlon=True, **kwargs)

    return cm

def meteo_contouring(hymap, data, longitudes, latitudes, contourf=True,
                     vmin=None, vmax=None, steps=50, levels=None, colors=None,
           , zorder=13, **kwargs):
    Create contour or filled contour maps of ``data``.

    hymap : ``Basemap`` instance
        Any ``Basemap`` instance.  For easy map creation, see ``MapDesign``
    data : (M, N) ndarray of floats
        The information to contour
    longitudes : (M) ndarray of floats
        X-coordinates of ``data`` in decimal degrees
    latitudes : (N) ndarray of floats
        Y-coordinates of ``data`` in decimal degrees
    contourf : Boolean
        Default ``True``.  Create filled contour (``True``) or contour
        (``False``) plot.
    vmin : int or float
        Default ``None``.  The minimum value for contouring.
        If ``None``, ``vmin`` is the ``data`` minimum.
    vmax : int or float
        Default ``None``.  The maximum value for contouring.
        If ``None``, ``vmax`` is the ``data`` maximum.
    steps : int
        Default 50.  The number of steps between ``vmin`` and ``vmax``.
    levels : list of ints or floats
        Default ``None``.  The contouring levels, overriding level creation
        with ``vmin``, ``vmax``, ``steps``
    colors : list of strings or tuples
        Default ``None``.  The colors to use for contouring.
    colormap : ``matplotlib`` colormap
        Default ````.  Any ``matplotlib`` colormap.
    zorder : int
        Default 13.  Zorder of ``data`` on ``hymap``.
        Passed to ``Basemap.contour()`` then ``Axes.contour()``
        (or ``Axes.contourf()``)

    cm : ``matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet`` instance
        Mappable for use in creating colorbars.  Colorbars may be created
        in ``PySPLIT`` using ``make_cbar()`` or ``make_cax_cbar()``

    if vmin is None:
        vmin = data.min()
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = data.max()

    if levels is None:
        levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, steps)

    if colors is not None:
        colormap = None

    if longitudes.ndim == 1 and data.ndim == 2:
        longitudes, latitudes = np.meshgrid(longitudes, latitudes)

    if contourf:
        cm = hymap.contourf(longitudes, latitudes, data, zorder=zorder,
                            cmap=colormap, levels=levels, latlon=True,
                            colors=colors, **kwargs)
        cm = hymap.contour(longitudes, latitudes, data, zorder=zorder,
                           levels=levels, colors=colors, latlon=True,
                           cmap=colormap, **kwargs)

    return cm

def adjust_contourparams(cm, contours, colors=[None],
                         othercontours_visible=True, **kwargs):
    Adjust contour parameters.

    Shortcut for recoloring particular contours and/or rendering other
    contours invisible.  Can also pass other kwargs to chosen contours.

    cm : ``matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet`` instance
        The contour set to adjust
    contours : list of ints or floats
        The levels to adjust
    colors : list of strings, tuples
        Default [``None``].  The colors of ``contours``
    othercontours_visible : Boolean
        Default ``True``.  If ``False``, then levels not in ``contours`` will
        be set invisible.
        Collection of keywords for ``contours``.

    if len(contours) != len(colors):
        colors = [colors[0]] * len(contours)

    for level, coll in zip(cm.levels, cm.collections):
        if level in contours:
            ind = contours.index(level)
            color = colors[ind]
            plt.setp(coll, **kwargs)
            if color is not None:
            if not othercontours_visible:

def make_cbar(data, ax, orientation='horizontal', cbar_size=(20, 1.0),
              reverse_cbar=False, **kwargs):
    Make a colorbar on the same axis as ``ax``.

    data : ``matplotlib PathCollection``
        The mappable
    ax : ``Axes`` instance
        The axis on which ``data`` is plotted
    orientation : string
        Default 'horizontal'.  ['horizontal'|'vertical'].  Colorbar orientation
    cbar_size : tuple of int, float
        Default (20, 1.0).  Colobar (aspect, shrink).  The H/W ratio of the
        colorbar, the fractional size of the colorbar.
    reverse_cbar : Boolean
        Default ``False``. If ``True``, colorbar is flipped over short axis.
        Value-color mapping is unaffected.
        Passed to ``edit_cbar()``

    cbar : ``matplotlib`` ``ColorBar`` instance
        The new colorbar

    # Initialize colorbar
    cbar = plt.colorbar(data, ax=ax, orientation=orientation,
                        aspect=cbar_size[0], shrink=cbar_size[1])

    # Reverse colorbar
    if reverse_cbar:
        if orientation is 'horizontal':

    # Make pretty
    edit_cbar(cbar, **kwargs)

    return cbar

def make_cax_cbar(fig, rect, data, orientation='horizontal',
                  reverse_cbar=False, extend='neither', **kwargs):
    Make a colorbar on a new axis.

    fig : ``figure`` instance
    rect : list of floats
        The colorbar position and size.  [Distance from left, distance from
        bottom, size in x dimension, size in y dimension]
    data : ``matplotlib PathCollection``
    orientation : string
        Default 'horizontal'.  ['horizontal'|'vertical'].  The orientation of
        the colormapping within the colorbar.
    cbar_size : tuple of int, float
        Default (20, 1.0).  Colobar (aspect, shrink).  The H/W ratio of the
        colorbar, the fractional size of the colorbar.
    reverse_cbar : Boolean
        Default ``False``. If ``True``, colorbar is flipped over short axis.
        Value-color mapping is unaffected.
    extend : string
        Default 'neither'.  ['both'|'neither'|'under'|'over'].
        Extend colorbar with pointed ends.
        Passed to ``edit_cbar()``

    cax : ``matplotlib Axes`` instance
        The axis of the new colorbar.  Remove using ``fig.delaxes(cax)``
    cbar : ``matplotlib ColorBar`` instance
        The new colorbar

    # Initialize cax and colorbar on cax
    cax = fig.add_axes(rect)
    cbar = fig.colorbar(data, cax=cax, orientation=orientation,
    # Reverse colorbar
    if reverse_cbar:
        if orientation is 'horizontal':

    # Make pretty
    edit_cbar(cbar, **kwargs)

    return cax, cbar

def edit_cbar(cbar, divisions=5, cbar_label=None, tick_fs=16, label_fs=18,
              labelpad=24, rotation=0, tick_dir='out', tick_dim=(4, 2)):
    Make the colorbar pretty.

    Adjust fontsizes, add label, get a reasonable number of nice ticks, etc.

    cbar : ``matplotlib colorbar`` instance
        The colorbar created in ``make_cbar()`` or ``make_cax_cbar()``.
    divisions : int
        Default 5.  The number of nice ticks on the colorbar.  May be ``None``.
    cbar_label : string
        Default ``None``.  Colorbar label.
    tick_fs : int
        Default 16.  Font size of ticks
    label_fs : int
        Default 18.  Font size of ``cbar_label``
    labelpad : int
        Default 24.  Spacing between tick labels and ``cbar`` label
    rotation : int
        Default 0.  Label rotation in degrees.
    tick_dir : string
        Default 'out'.  ['out'|'in'|'inout']
        Direction that ticks are pointing relative to colorbar
    tick_dim : tuple of floats
        Default (4, 2).  The (length, width) of ``cbar`` ticks

    # Adjust ticks and tick labels
    if divisions is not None:
        cbar.locator = tk.MaxNLocator(divisions, integer=False), direction=tick_dir,
                        length=tick_dim[0], width=tick_dim[1])

    # Label colorbar
    if cbar_label is not None:
        cbar.set_label(cbar_label, labelpad=labelpad, fontsize=label_fs,

    # Cbar will have lines through it if mappable's alpha < 1

def random_colors(number_ofcolors):
    Generate random RGB tuples.

    number_ofcolors : int
        Number of tuples to generate

    colors : list of tuples of floats
        List of ``len(number_ofcolors)``, the requested random colors
    color_tmp = np.random.rand(number_ofcolors, 3)
    color_tmp = np.vsplit(color_tmp, number_ofcolors)
    colors = []
    for c in color_tmp:

    return colors