# Blender Plugin: Camera Calibration with Perspective Views of Rectangles
# Copyright (C) 2017  Marco Rossini
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# This Blender plugin is based on the research paper "Recovery of Intrinsic
# and Extrinsic Camera Parameters Using Perspective Views of Rectangles" by
# T. N. Tan, G. D. Sullivan and K. D. Baker, Department of Computer Science,
# The University of Reading, Berkshire RG6 6AY, UK, Email: T.Tan@reading.ac.uk,
# from the Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, published by
# the BMVA Press.

import bpy
import mathutils
from math import sqrt, pi, atan2, degrees

bl_info = {
    "name": "Camera Calibration using Perspective Views of Rectangles",
    "author": "Marco Rossini",
    "version": (0, 4, 0),
    # "warning": "This is an unreleased development version.",
    "blender": (2, 7, 0),
    "location": "3D View > Tools Panel > Tools (Or custom panel category) ",
    "description": "Calibrates position, rotation and focal length of a camera using a single image of a rectangle.",
    "wiki_url": "https://github.com/mrossini-ethz/camera-calibration-pvr",
    "tracker_url": "https://github.com/mrossini-ethz/camera-calibration-pvr/issues",
    "support": "COMMUNITY",
    "category": "3D View"

### Polynomials ##################################################################

def make_poly(coeffs):
    """Make a new polynomial"""
    return list(coeffs)

def poly_norm(poly):
    """Normalizes a given polynomial"""
    f = poly[-1]
    result = []
    for coeff in poly:
        result.append(coeff / f)
    return result

def poly_sub(a, b):
    """Subtract the two polynomials"""
    n = max(len(a), len(b))
    _a = [0] * n
    _b = [0] * n
    for i in range(len(a)):
        _a[i] = a[i]
    for i in range(len(b)):
        _b[i] = b[i]
    result = []
    for i in range(n):
        result.append(_a[i] - _b[i])
    return result

def poly_scale(poly, factor):
    """Normalizes a given polynomial"""
    f = poly[-1]
    result = []
    for coeff in poly:
        result.append(coeff * factor)
    return result

def poly_reduce(poly):
    """Removes leading coefficients that are zero"""
    result = []
    for i in range(len(poly) - 1, -1, -1):
        if poly[i] != 0 or len(result) > 0:
    return result

def poly_derivative(poly):
    """Calculates the derivative of the polynomial"""
    result = []
    for i in range(1, len(poly)):
        result.append(i * poly[i])
    return result

def poly_eval(poly, x):
    """Evaluate the polynomial"""
    result = 0.0
    for i in range(len(poly)):
        result += poly[i] * x ** i
    return result

def poly_order(poly):
    """Get the order of the polynomial"""
    return len(poly) - 1

def poly_coeff(poly, idx):
    """Get the nth coefficient of the polynomial"""
    if idx > len(poly) - 1:
        return 0.0
    elif idx >= 0:
        return poly[idx]

def poly_div(a, b):
    """Calculate the polynom division of a and b"""
    na = poly_order(a)
    nb = poly_order(b)
    result = [0] * (na - nb + 1)
    for n in range(na, nb - 1, -1):
        f = a[n] / b[-1]
        result[n - nb] = f
        a = poly_sub(a, [0] * (n - nb) + poly_scale(b, f))
    return result

### Root Finder ##################################################################

def find_root(f, df, ddf, initial_guess = 0.0, limit = 0.00001, max_iterations = 1000):
    """Find the root of the function f using Halley's method"""
    xn_1 = initial_guess
    i = 0
    while i < max_iterations:
        fx = f(xn_1)
        dfx = df(xn_1)
        ddfx = ddf(xn_1)
        xn = xn_1 - 2 * fx * dfx / (2 * dfx ** 2 - fx * ddfx)
        if abs(xn - xn_1) < limit:
            return xn
        xn_1 = xn
        i += 1
    return None

def find_poly_root(poly, initial_guess = 0.0, limit = 0.00001, max_iterations = 1000):
    """Find a root of the given polynomial"""
    # Calculate the polynomial derivatives
    dpoly = poly_derivative(poly)
    ddpoly = poly_derivative(dpoly)
    # Closures !!!
    f = lambda x: poly_eval(poly, x)
    df = lambda x: poly_eval(dpoly, x)
    ddf = lambda x: poly_eval(ddpoly, x)
    # Call the generic root finder
    return find_root(f, df, ddf, initial_guess, limit, max_iterations)

def find_poly_roots(poly, initial_guess = 0.0, limit = 0.00001, max_iterations = 1000):
    """Find all roots of the given polynomial"""
    solutions = []
    # Find solutions numerically for n > 0, split them off until n = 2
    for q in range(poly_order(poly) - 2):
        x = find_poly_root(poly, initial_guess, limit, max_iterations)
        if not x:
        poly = poly_div(poly, make_poly([-x, 1]))
    # Find the rest of the roots analytically
    if poly_order(poly) == 1:
        solutions.append(- poly_coeff(poly, 1) / poly_coeff(poly, 0))
    elif poly_order(poly) == 2:
        a = poly_coeff(poly, 2)
        b = poly_coeff(poly, 1)
        c = poly_coeff(poly, 0)
        d = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c
        if d == 0:
            solutions.append(-b / (2 * a))
        elif d > 0:
            solutions.append((- b + sqrt(d)) / (2 * a))
            solutions.append((- b - sqrt(d)) / (2 * a))
    return solutions

### Linear Algebra functions #####################################################

def solve_linear_system_2d(a, b, c, d, e, f):
    """Solves the system of equations a*x + b*y = c, d*x + e*y = e using Gaussian Elimination (for numerical stability)."""
    # Pivoting (to obtain stability)
    if abs(d) > abs(a):
        a, b, c, d, e, f = (d, e, f, a, b, c)
    # Check for singularity
    if a == 0:
        return None
    tmp = e - d * b / a
    if tmp == 0:
        return None
    # This is final answer of the gaussian elimination
    y = (f - d * c / a) / tmp
    x = (c - b * y) / a
    return (x, y)

### Algorithm helper functions ###################################################

def intersect_2d(pa, pb, pc, pd):
    """Find the intersection point of the lines AB and DC (2 dimensions)."""
    # Helper vectors
    ad = pd - pa
    ab = pb - pa
    cd = pd - pc
    # Solve linear system of equations s * ab + t * cd = ad
    tmp = solve_linear_system_2d(ab[0], cd[0], ad[0], ab[1], cd[1], ad[1])
    # Check for parallel lines
    if not tmp:
        return None
    s, t = tmp
    # Return the intersection point
    return pa + s * ab

def get_vanishing_point(pa, pb, pc, pd):
    """Get the vanishing point of the lines AB and DC."""
    return intersect_2d(pa, pb, pc, pd)

def get_vanishing_points(pa, pb, pc, pd):
    """Get the two vanishing points of the rectangle defined by the corners pa pb pc pd"""
    return (get_vanishing_point(pa, pb, pd, pc), get_vanishing_point(pa, pd, pb, pc))

def get_camera_plane_vector(p, scale, focal_length = 1.0):
    """Convert a 2d point in the camera plane into a 3d vector from the camera onto the camera plane"""
    # field_of_view = 2 * atan(sensor_size / 2 * focal_length), assume sensor_size = 32
    s = (16.0 / focal_length) / (scale / 2.0)
    return mathutils.Vector((p[0] * s, p[1] * s, -1.0))

### Algorithms for intrinsic camera parameters ###################################

# The algorithm solves the following intrinsic parameters of the camera:
# - (F) focal length
# - (X) lens shift in x
# - (Y) lens shift in y
# - (A) pixel aspect ratio
# There are the following solutions for the extrinsic parameters:
# - (P) camera position
# - (R) camera rotation
# The following inputs are accepted:
# - (S) single rectangle
# - (V) single rectangle with dangling vertex
# - (D) dual rectangle
# Naming convention for the different solvers (examples):
# - solve_F_S(): solves for the focal length using a single rectangle as input
# - solve_FY_V(): solves for the focal length and y-shift from a single rectangle with dangling vertex
# - solve_FXY_VV(): solves for the focal length and x- and y- shift from a single rectangle with two dangling vertices
# - calibrate_camera_F_PR_S(): calibrates focal length, position and rotation from a single rectangle
# - calibrate_camera_FX_PR_V(): calibrates focal length, x-shift, position and rotation from a single rectangle with dangling vertex
# - calibrate_camera_FXY_PR_VV(): calibrates focal length, x- and y-shift, position and rotation from a single rectangle with two dangling vertices

def solve_F_S(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale):
    """Get the vanishing points of the rectangle as defined by pa, pb, pc and pd"""
    pm, pn = get_vanishing_points(pa, pb, pc, pd)
    # Calculate the vectors from camera to the camera plane where the vanishing points are located
    vm = get_camera_plane_vector(pm, scale)
    vn = get_camera_plane_vector(pn, scale)
    # Calculate the focal length
    return sqrt(abs(vm.dot(vn)))

def solve_FY_V(pa, pb, pc, pd, pe, pf, scale):
    # Determine which two edges of the polygon ABCD are parallel, reorder if necessary
    if is_collinear(pb - pa, pc - pd):
        # rename vertices to make AD and BC parallel
        tmp = [pa, pb, pc, pd]
        pa = tmp[1]
        pb = tmp[2]
        pc = tmp[3]
        pd = tmp[0]
    # Get the horizon direction vector
    vertical = pd - pa + pc - pb
    horizon = mathutils.Vector((-vertical[1], vertical[0]))
    # FIXME: remove debugging printouts in this function
    print("horizon", horizon)
    # Determine the vanishing point of the polygon ABCD
    vanish1 = get_vanishing_point(pa, pb, pc, pd)
    print("vanish1", vanish1)
    # Intersect the dangling edge with the horizon to find the second vanishing point
    vanish2 = get_vanishing_point(pe, pf, vanish1, vanish1 + horizon)
    print("vanish2", vanish2)
    # Find the rotation point
    # FIXME: don't use the x-coordinate directly
    t = -vanish1[0] / horizon[0]
    optical_centre = vanish1 + t * horizon
    # Get the camera shift
    shift = -optical_centre[1] / scale
    print("shift", shift)
    # Find the focal length
    dist = sqrt((vanish1 - optical_centre).length * (vanish2 - optical_centre).length)
    # Assume sensor size of 32
    focal = dist / (scale / 2.) * 16
    print("focal", focal)
    return (focal, optical_centre, shift)

def solve_FXY_VV(vertices, attached_vertices, dangling_vertices, scale):
    # Get the 3 vanishing points
    v1 = get_vanishing_point(vertices[0], vertices[3], vertices[1], vertices[2])
    v2 = get_vanishing_point(attached_vertices[0], dangling_vertices[0], attached_vertices[1], dangling_vertices[1])
    v3 = get_vanishing_point(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[3], vertices[2])
    print("Vanishing points:", v1, v2, v3)
    # Use that v1, v2, and v3 are all perpendicular to each other to solve for the lens shift
    # x*(v2x - v3x) + y*(v2y - v3y) = v1y*v2y - v1y*v3y + v1x*v2x - v1x*v3x
    # x*(v1x - v3x) + y*(v1y - v3y) = v1y*v2y - v2y*v3y + v1x*v2x - v2x*v3x
    A1 = v2[0] - v3[0]
    B1 = v2[1] - v3[1]
    C1 = v1[1] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v3[1] + v1[0] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v3[0]
    A2 = v1[0] - v3[0]
    B2 = v1[1] - v3[1]
    C2 = v1[1] * v2[1] - v2[1] * v3[1] + v1[0] * v2[0] - v2[0] * v3[0]
    # Solve A1 * x + B1 * y = C1, A2 * x + B2 * y = C2
    shift_x, shift_y = solve_linear_system_2d(A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2)
    optical_centre = mathutils.Vector((shift_x, shift_y))
    shift_x /= -scale
    shift_y /= -scale
    print("Shift:", shift_x, shift_y)
    # Get the focal length
    vm = get_camera_plane_vector(v1 - optical_centre, scale)
    vn = get_camera_plane_vector(v3 - optical_centre, scale)
    # Calculate the focal length
    focal = sqrt(abs(vm.dot(vn)))
    print("Focal:", focal)
    return focal, shift_x, shift_y, optical_centre

### Helper functions for extrinsic camera parameter algorithms ###################

def get_lambda_d_poly_a(qab, qac, qad, qbc, qbd, qcd):
    """Equation A (see paper)"""
    d4 = qac * qbd ** 2 - qad * qbc * qbd
    d3 = qab * qad * qbc + qad ** 2 * qbc * qbd + qad ** 2 * qcd + qbc * qbd - 2 * qab * qac * qbd - qab * qad * qbd * qcd - qac * qad * qbd ** 2
    d2 = qab ** 2 * qac + qab ** 2 * qad * qcd + 3 * qab * qac * qad * qbd + qab * qbd * qcd - qab * qad ** 2 * qbc - qab * qbc - qac * qad ** 2 - qad * qbc * qbd - 2 * qad * qcd
    d1 = qab * qad * qbc + 2 * qac * qad + qcd - 2 * qab ** 2 * qac * qad - qab ** 2 * qcd - qab * qac * qbd
    d0 = qab ** 2 * qac - qac
    return make_poly([d0, d1, d2, d3, d4])

def get_lambda_d_poly_b(qab, qac, qad, qbc, qbd, qcd):
    """Equation B (see paper)"""
    d4 = qbd - qbd * qcd ** 2
    d3 = qab * qcd ** 2 + qac * qbd * qcd + 2 * qad * qbd * qcd ** 2 - qab - 2 * qad * qbd - qad * qbc * qcd
    d2 = 2 * qab * qad + qac * qad * qbc + qad ** 2 * qbc * qcd + qad **2 * qbd + qbc * qcd - qab * qac * qcd - qab * qad * qcd ** 2 - 3 * qac * qad * qbd * qcd - qbd * qcd ** 2
    d1 = qab * qac * qad * qcd + qac ** 2 * qad * qbd + 2 * qac * qbd * qcd - qab * qad ** 2 - qac * qad ** 2 * qbc - qac * qbc - qad * qbc * qcd
    d0 = qac * qad * qbc - qac ** 2 * qbd
    return make_poly([d0, d1, d2, d3, d4])

def get_lambda_d(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale, focal_length):
    """Calculate the vectors from camera to the camera plane where the rectangle corners are located"""
    va = get_camera_plane_vector(pa, scale, focal_length).normalized()
    vb = get_camera_plane_vector(pb, scale, focal_length).normalized()
    vc = get_camera_plane_vector(pc, scale, focal_length).normalized()
    vd = get_camera_plane_vector(pd, scale, focal_length).normalized()
    # Calculate dot products
    qab = va.dot(vb)
    qac = va.dot(vc)
    qad = va.dot(vd)
    qbc = vb.dot(vc)
    qbd = vb.dot(vd)
    qcd = vc.dot(vd)
    # Determine the equation that needs to be solved
    pa = poly_norm(get_lambda_d_poly_a(qab, qac, qad, qbc, qbd, qcd))
    pb = poly_norm(get_lambda_d_poly_b(qab, qac, qad, qbc, qbd, qcd))
    print("A:", pa)
    print("B:", pb)
    p = poly_reduce(poly_sub(pa, pb))
    print("P:", p)
    # Solve the equation
    roots = find_poly_roots(p)
    # Iterate over all roots
    solutions = []
    for ld in roots:
        # Calculate the other parameters
        #ld = 1.10201
        lb = (qad * ld - 1) / (qbd * ld - qab)
        lc = (qad * ld - ld ** 2) / (qac - qcd * ld)
        # Scale the vectors pointing to the corners from the camera plane to 3d space
        ra = va
        rb = vb * lb
        rc = vc * lc
        rd = vd * ld
        # Printout for debugging
        print("x:", ld)
        # Corner angles
        angles = [degrees((rb - ra).angle(rd - ra)), degrees((ra - rb).angle(rc - rb)), degrees((rb - rc).angle(rd - rc)), degrees((rc - rd).angle(ra - rd))]
        print("Corner angles:", angles)
        # Rectangle size
        width = (rb - ra).length
        height = (rd - ra).length
        # Flatness (normal distance of point rd to plane defined by ra, rb, rc
        n = (ra - rb).cross(rc - rb)
        d = n.dot(ra)
        dist = abs(n.dot(rd) - d) / n.length
        print("Flatness:", dist, "=", dist / max(width, height) * 100, "%")
        # Calculate badness
        badness = 0.0
        # FIXME: angle badness and flatness badness should be weighted somehow
        for ang in angles:
            badness += abs(ang - 90)
        badness += abs(dist / max(width, height) * 100)
        print("Badness:", badness)
        solutions.append((badness, [ra, rb, rc, rd]))
    # Chose solution with best score
    best_badness = solutions[0][0]
    best_index = 0
    for i in range(1, len(solutions)):
        if best_badness > solutions[i][0]:
            best_index = i
            best_badness = solutions[i][0]
    # Return the best solution
    return solutions[best_index][1]

def get_transformation(ra, rb, rc, rd):
    """Average the vectors AD, BC and AB, DC and normalize them"""
    ex = (rb - ra + rc - rd).normalized()
    ey = (rd - ra + rc - rb).normalized()
    # Get the unit vector in z-direction by using the cross product
    # Normalize, because rx and ry may not be perfectly perpendicular
    ez = ex.cross(ey).normalized()
    return [ex, ey, ez, (ra + rb + rc + rd) / 4.0]

def get_rot_angles(ex, ey, ez):
    """Get the x- and y-rotation from the ez unit vector"""
    rx = atan2(ez[1], ez[2])
    rx_matrix = mathutils.Euler((rx, 0.0, 0.0), "XYZ")
    # Rotate the ez vector by the previously found angle
    # Negative value because of right handed rotation
    ry = - atan2(ez[0], ez[2])
    # Rotate the ex vector by the previously found angles
    rxy_matrix = mathutils.Euler((rx, ry, 0.0), "XYZ")
    # Negative value because of right handed rotation
    rz = - atan2(ex[1], ex[0])
    return [rx, ry, rz]

def apply_transformation(vertices, translation, rotation):
    n = len(vertices)
    result = []
    for i in range(len(vertices)):
        result.append(vertices[i] - translation)
    return result

### Algorithms for extrinsic camera parameters ###################################

def reconstruct_rectangle(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale, focal):
    # Calculate the coordinates of the rectangle in 3d
    coords = get_lambda_d(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale, focal)
    # Calculate the transformation of the rectangle
    trafo = get_transformation(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3])
    # Reconstruct the rotation angles of the transformation
    angles = get_rot_angles(trafo[0], trafo[1], trafo[2])
    xyz_matrix = mathutils.Euler((angles[0], angles[1], angles[2]), "XYZ")
    # Reconstruct the camera position and the corners of the rectangle in 3d such that it lies on the xy-plane
    tr = trafo[-1]
    cam_pos = apply_transformation([mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))], tr, xyz_matrix)[0]
    corners = apply_transformation(coords, tr, xyz_matrix)
    # Printout for debugging
    print("Focal length:", focal)
    print("Camera rotation:", degrees(angles[0]), degrees(angles[1]), degrees(angles[2]))
    print("Camera position:", cam_pos)
    length = (coords[0] - coords[1]).length
    width = (coords[0] - coords[3]).length
    size = max(length, width)
    print("Rectangle length:", length)
    print("Rectangle width:", width)
    print("Rectangle corners:", corners)
    return (cam_pos, xyz_matrix, corners, size)

def calibrate_camera_F_PR_S(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale):
    # Calculate the focal length of the camera
    focal = solve_F_S(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale)
    # Reconstruct the rectangle using this focal length
    return (focal,) + reconstruct_rectangle(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale, focal)

def calibrate_camera_FX_PR_V(pa, pb, pc, pd, pe, pf, scale):
    # Get the focal length, the optical centre and the vertical shift of the camera
    focal, optical_centre, shift = solve_FY_V(pa, pb, pc, pd, pe, pf, scale)
    # Correct for the camera shift
    pa = pa - optical_centre
    pb = pb - optical_centre
    pc = pc - optical_centre
    pd = pd - optical_centre
    # Reconstruct the rectangle using the focal length and return the results, together with the shift value
    return (focal,) + reconstruct_rectangle(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale, focal) + (shift,)

def calibrate_camera_FXY_PR_VV(vertices, attached_vertices, dangling_vertices, scale):
    # Get the focal length, the optical centre and the vertical shift of the camera
    focal, shift_x, shift_y, optical_centre = solve_FXY_VV(vertices, attached_vertices, dangling_vertices, scale)
    # Correct for the camera shift
    for i in range(len(vertices)):
        vertices[i] -= optical_centre
    # Reconstruct the rectangle using the focal length and return the results, together with the shift values
    return (focal,) + reconstruct_rectangle(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], vertices[3], scale, focal) + (shift_x, shift_y)

### Utilities ####################################################################

# Get the background images
def get_background_image_data(context):
    bkg_images = context.space_data.background_images
    if len(bkg_images) == 1:
        # If there is only one background image, take that one
        img = bkg_images[0]
        # Get the visible background images with view axis 'top'
        bkg_images_top = []
        for img in bkg_images:
            if (img.view_axis == "TOP" or img.view_axis == "ALL") and img.show_background_image:
        # Check the number of images
        if len(bkg_images_top) != 1:
            # Check only the TOP images
            bkg_images_top = []
            for img in bkg_images:
                if img.view_axis == "TOP" and img.show_background_image:
            if len(bkg_images_top) != 1:
                return None
        # Get the background image properties
        img = bkg_images_top[0]
    offx = img.offset_x
    offy = img.offset_y
    rot = img.rotation
    scale = img.size
    flipx = img.use_flip_x
    flipy = img.use_flip_y
    w, h = img.image.size
    return (offx, offy, rot, scale, flipx, flipy, w, h)

def vertex_apply_transformation(p, scale, rotation, translation):
    # Make a copy of the vertex
    p = p.copy()
    # Apply the scale
    for i in range(3):
        p[i] *= scale[i]
    # Apply rotation
    # Apply translation and project to x-y-plane
    p = p + translation
    return p

def is_collinear(v1, v2):
    """Determines whether the two given vectors are collinear using a limit of 0.1 degrees"""
    limit = 0.1 * pi / 180
    # Test the angle
    return abs(v1.angle(v2)) < limit

def is_trapezoid(pa, pb, pc, pd):
    """Determines whether the polygon with the vertices pa, pb, pc, pd is a trapezoid"""
    return is_collinear(pb - pa, pc - pd) or is_collinear(pd - pa, pc - pb)

def is_trapezoid_but_not_rectangle(pa, pb, pc, pd):
    """Determines whether the polygon with the vertices pa, pb, pc, pd is a trapezoid"""
    a = is_collinear(pb - pa, pc - pd)
    b = is_collinear(pd - pa, pc - pb)
    # Exclusive OR
    return a != b

def is_to_the_right(a, b, c):
    """Checks whether the rotation angle from vector AB to vector BC is between 0 and 180 degrees when rotating to the right. Returns a number."""
    # Vector from a to b
    ab = b - a
    # Vector from b to c
    bc = c - b
    # This is a simple dot product with bc and the vector perpendicular to ab (rotated clockwise)
    return - ab[0] * bc[1] + ab[1] * bc[0]

def is_convex(pa, pb, pc, pd):
    """Checks whether the given quadrilateral corners form a convex quadrilateral."""
    # Check, which side each point is on
    to_the_right = []
    to_the_right.append(is_to_the_right(pa, pb, pc))
    to_the_right.append(is_to_the_right(pb, pc, pd))
    to_the_right.append(is_to_the_right(pc, pd, pa))
    to_the_right.append(is_to_the_right(pd, pa, pb))
    # Check whether all are on the same side
    a = True
    b = True
    for ttr in to_the_right:
        a = a and ttr > 0
        b = b and ttr < 0
    return a or b

def object_name_append(name, suffix):
    # Check whether the object name is numbered
    if len(name) > 4 and name[-4] == "." and name[-3:].isdecimal():
        return name[:-4] + suffix + name[-4:]
    return name + suffix

def get_or_create_camera(scene):
    cam_obj = scene.camera
    if not cam_obj:
        cam_obj = bpy.context.object
    cam = bpy.data.cameras[cam_obj.data.name]
    return (cam_obj, cam)

def set_camera_parameters(camera, lens = 35.0, shift_x = 0.0, shift_y = 0.0, sensor_size = 32.0):
    """Sets the intrinsic camera parameters, including default ones (to get reliable results)"""
    camera.lens = lens
    camera.lens_unit = "MILLIMETERS"
    camera.shift_x = shift_x
    camera.shift_y = shift_y
    camera.sensor_width = sensor_size
    camera.sensor_fit = "AUTO"
    camera.type = "PERSP"

def set_camera_transformation(camera_obj, translation, rotation):
    """Transforms the camera object according to the given parameters"""
    camera_obj.location = translation
    camera_obj.rotation_euler = rotation

def get_vertical_mode_matrix(is_vertical, camera_rotation):
    if is_vertical:
    # Get the up direction of the camera
        up_vec = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
        # Decide around which axis to rotate
        vert_mode_rotate_x = abs(up_vec[0]) < abs(up_vec[1])
        # Create rotation matrix
        if vert_mode_rotate_x:
            vert_angle = pi / 2 if up_vec[1] > 0 else -pi / 2
            return mathutils.Matrix().Rotation(vert_angle, 3, "X")
            vert_angle = pi / 2 if up_vec[0] < 0 else -pi / 2
            return mathutils.Matrix().Rotation(vert_angle, 3, "Y")
        return mathutils.Matrix().Identity(3)

def update_scene(camera, cam_pos, cam_rot, is_vertical, scene, img_width, img_height, object_name, coords, size_factor):
    """Updates the scene by moving the camera and creating a new rectangle"""
    # Get the 3D cursor location
    cursor_pos = bpy.context.space_data.cursor_location
    # Get transformation matrix for vertical orientation
    vert_matrix = get_vertical_mode_matrix(is_vertical, cam_rot)
    # Set the camera position and rotation
    cam_rot = cam_rot.copy()
    set_camera_transformation(camera, vert_matrix * cam_pos * size_factor + cursor_pos, cam_rot)
    # Apply the transformation matrix for vertical orientation
    for i in range(4):
    # Set the render resolution
    scene.render.resolution_x = img_width
    scene.render.resolution_y = img_height
    # Add the rectangle to the scene (at the 3D cursor location)
    rect = bpy.context.object
    # Rename the rectangle
    rect.name = object_name_append(object_name, "_Cal")
    # Set the correct size (local coordinates)
    for i in range(4):
        rect.data.vertices[rect.data.polygons[0].vertices[i]].co = coords[i] * size_factor

### Operator F PR S ##############################################################

class CameraCalibration_F_PR_S_Operator(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Calibrates the focal length, position and rotation of the active camera."""
    bl_idname = "camera.camera_calibration_f_pr_s"
    bl_label = "Solve Focal"
    bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}

    # Properties
    vertical_property = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = "Vertical orientation", description = "Places the reconstructed rectangle in vertical orientation", default = False)
    size_property = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Size", description = "Size of the reconstructed rectangle", default = 1.0, min = 0.0, soft_min = 0.0, unit = "LENGTH")

    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.active_object is not None and context.space_data.type == "VIEW_3D"

    def execute(self, context):
        # Get the camere of the scene
        scene = context.scene
        # Get the currently selected object
        obj = bpy.context.object
        # Check whether a mesh with 4 vertices in one polygon is selected
        if not obj.data.name in bpy.data.meshes or not len(obj.data.vertices) == 4 or not len(obj.data.polygons) == 1 or not len(obj.data.polygons[0].vertices) == 4:
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Selected object must be a mesh with 4 vertices in 1 polygon.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        # Get the vertex coordinates and transform them to get the global coordinates, then project to 2d
        pa = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[obj.data.polygons[0].vertices[0]].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        pb = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[obj.data.polygons[0].vertices[1]].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        pc = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[obj.data.polygons[0].vertices[2]].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        pd = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[obj.data.polygons[0].vertices[3]].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        # Check whether the polygon is convex (this also checks for degnerate polygons)
        if not is_convex(pa, pb, pc, pd):
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "The polygon in the mesh must be convex and may not be degenerate.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        # Check for parallel edges
        if is_trapezoid(pa, pb, pc, pd):
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Edges of the input rectangle must not be parallel.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        print("Vertices:", pa, pb, pc, pd)
        # Get the background image data
        img_data = get_background_image_data(bpy.context)
        if not img_data:
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Exactly 1 visible background image required in top view.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
            offx, offy, rot, scale, flipx, flipy, w, h = img_data
        # Scale is the horizontal dimension. If in portrait mode, use the vertical dimension.
        if h > w:
            scale = scale / w * h

        # Perform the actual calibration
        cam_focal, cam_pos, cam_rot, coords, rec_size = calibrate_camera_F_PR_S(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale)

        if self.size_property > 0:
            size_factor = self.size_property / rec_size
            size_factor = 1.0 / rec_size
        cam_obj, cam = get_or_create_camera(scene)
        # Set intrinsic camera parameters
        set_camera_parameters(cam, lens = cam_focal)
        # Set extrinsic camera parameters and add a new rectangle
        update_scene(cam_obj, cam_pos, cam_rot, self.vertical_property, scene, w, h, obj.name, coords, size_factor)
        # Switch to the active camera
        if not bpy.context.space_data.region_3d.view_perspective == "CAMERA":
        return {'FINISHED'}

### Operator FX PR V #############################################################

class CameraCalibration_FX_PR_V_Operator(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Calibrates the focal length, vertical lens shift, position and rotation of the active camera."""
    bl_idname = "camera.camera_calibration_fx_pr_v"
    bl_label = "Solve Focal+Y"
    bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}

    # Properties
    vertical_property = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = "Vertical orientation", description = "Places the reconstructed rectangle in vertical orientation", default = False)
    size_property = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Size", description = "Size of the reconstructed rectangle", default = 1.0, min = 0.0, soft_min = 0.0, unit = "LENGTH")

    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.active_object is not None and context.space_data.type == "VIEW_3D"

    def execute(self, context):
        # Get the camere of the scene
        scene = context.scene
        # Get the currently selected object
        obj = bpy.context.object
        # Check whether it is a mesh with 5 vertices, 4 in a polygon, 1 dangling at an edge
        if not obj.data.name in bpy.data.meshes or not len(obj.data.vertices) == 5 or not len(obj.data.polygons) == 1 or not len(obj.data.polygons[0].vertices) == 4 or not len(obj.data.edges) == 5:
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Selected object must be a mesh with 4 vertices in 1 polygon and one dangling vertex.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        # Get the edge that is not part of the polygon
        dangling_edge = None
        for edge in obj.data.edges:
            if not edge.key in obj.data.polygons[0].edge_keys:
                dangling_edge = edge
        print("Dangling edge:", dangling_edge.key)
        # Get the index to the attached and dangling vertex
        if dangling_edge.key[0] in obj.data.polygons[0].vertices:
            dangling_vertex = dangling_edge.key[1]
            attached_vertex = dangling_edge.key[0]
            dangling_vertex = dangling_edge.key[0]
            attached_vertex = dangling_edge.key[1]
        print("Dangling vertex:", dangling_vertex)
        print("Attached vertex:", attached_vertex)
        print("Polygon edges:", obj.data.polygons[0].edge_keys)
        # Get the vertex coordinates and apply the transformation to get global coordinates, then project to 2d
        pa = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[obj.data.polygons[0].vertices[0]].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        pb = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[obj.data.polygons[0].vertices[1]].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        pc = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[obj.data.polygons[0].vertices[2]].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        pd = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[obj.data.polygons[0].vertices[3]].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        pe = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[attached_vertex].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        pf = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[dangling_vertex].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        # Check whether the polygon is convex (this also checks for degnerate polygons)
        if not is_convex(pa, pb, pc, pd):
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "The polygon in the mesh must be convex and may not be degenerate.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        # Check for parallel edges
        if not is_trapezoid_but_not_rectangle(pa, pb, pc, pd):
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Exactly one opposing edge pair of the input rectangle must be parallel.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        print("Vertices:", pa, pb, pc, pd, pe, pf)
        # Get the background image data
        img_data = get_background_image_data(bpy.context)
        if not img_data:
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Exactly 1 visible background image required in top view.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
            offx, offy, rot, scale, flipx, flipy, w, h = img_data
        # Scale is the horizontal dimension. If in portrait mode, use the vertical dimension.
        if h > w:
            scale = scale / w * h
        # Perform the actual calibration
        calibration_data = calibrate_camera_FX_PR_V(pa, pb, pc, pd, pe, pf, scale)
        cam_focal, cam_pos, cam_rot, coords, rec_size, camera_shift = calibration_data
        if self.size_property > 0:
            size_factor = self.size_property / rec_size
            size_factor = 1.0 / rec_size
        cam_obj, cam = get_or_create_camera(scene)
        # Set intrinsic camera parameters
        set_camera_parameters(cam, lens = cam_focal, shift_y = camera_shift)
        # Set extrinsic camera parameters and add a new rectangle
        update_scene(cam_obj, cam_pos, cam_rot, self.vertical_property, scene, w, h, obj.name, coords, size_factor)
        # Switch to the active camera
        if not bpy.context.space_data.region_3d.view_perspective == "CAMERA":
        return {'FINISHED'}

### Operator FXY PR VV ############################################################

class CameraCalibration_FXY_PR_VV_Operator(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Calibrates the focal length, lens shift (horizontal and vertical), position and rotation of the active camera."""
    bl_idname = "camera.camera_calibration_fxy_pr_vv"
    bl_label = "Solve Focal+X+Y"
    bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}

    # Properties
    vertical_property = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = "Vertical orientation", description = "Places the reconstructed rectangle in vertical orientation", default = False)
    size_property = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Size", description = "Size of the reconstructed rectangle", default = 1.0, min = 0.0, soft_min = 0.0, unit = "LENGTH")

    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.active_object is not None and context.space_data.type == "VIEW_3D"

    def execute(self, context):
        # Get the camere of the scene
        scene = context.scene
        # Get the currently selected object
        obj = bpy.context.object
        # Check whether it is a mesh with 6 vertices, 1 polygon, with 4 vertices and 2 dangling vertices
        if not obj.data.name in bpy.data.meshes or not len(obj.data.vertices) == 6 or not len(obj.data.polygons) == 1 or not len(obj.data.polygons[0].vertices) == 4 or not len(obj.data.edges) == 6:
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Selected object must be a mesh with one polygon of 4 vertices with two dangling vertices.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        # Get the edges that are not part of the polygon
        print("Polygon edges:", obj.data.polygons[0].edge_keys)
        dangling_edges = []
        for edge in obj.data.edges:
            if not edge.key in obj.data.polygons[0].edge_keys:
        print("Dangling edges:", dangling_edges[0].key, dangling_edges[1].key)
        # Get the indices of the attached and dangling vertices
        dangling_vertices = [0, 0]
        attached_vertices = [0, 0]
        for i in range(2):
            if dangling_edges[i].key[0] in obj.data.polygons[0].vertices:
                dangling_vertices[i] = dangling_edges[i].key[1]
                attached_vertices[i] = dangling_edges[i].key[0]
                dangling_vertices[i] = dangling_edges[i].key[0]
                attached_vertices[i] = dangling_edges[i].key[1]
        print("Dangling vertices:", dangling_vertices)
        print("Attached vertices:", attached_vertices)
        # Convert indices to vertices
        for i in range(2):
            dangling_vertices[i] = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[dangling_vertices[i]].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
            attached_vertices[i] = vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[attached_vertices[i]].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d()
        # Get the vertex coordinates and apply the transformation to get global coordinates, then project to 2d
        vertices = []
        for i in range(4):
            index = obj.data.polygons[0].vertices[i]
            vertices.append(vertex_apply_transformation(obj.data.vertices[index].co, obj.scale, obj.rotation_euler, obj.location).to_2d())
        # Check whether the polygon is convex (this also checks for degnerate polygons)
        if not is_convex(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], vertices[3]):
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "The polygon in the mesh must be convex and may not be degenerate.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        # Check for parallel edges
        if is_collinear(vertices[0] - vertices[1], vertices[3] - vertices[2]) or is_collinear(vertices[0] - vertices[3], vertices[1] - vertices[2]) or is_collinear(dangling_vertices[0] - attached_vertices[0], dangling_vertices[1] - attached_vertices[1]):
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Edges must not be parallel.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        # Get the background image data
        img_data = get_background_image_data(bpy.context)
        if not img_data:
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Exactly 1 visible background image required in top view.")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
            offx, offy, rot, scale, flipx, flipy, w, h = img_data
        # Scale is the horizontal dimension. If in portrait mode, use the vertical dimension.
        if h > w:
            scale = scale / w * h

        # Perform the actual calibration
        calibration_data = calibrate_camera_FXY_PR_VV(vertices, attached_vertices, dangling_vertices, scale)
        cam_focal, cam_pos, cam_rot, coords, rec_size, camera_shift_x, camera_shift_y = calibration_data

        if self.size_property > 0:
            size_factor = self.size_property / rec_size
            size_factor = 1.0 / rec_size
        cam_obj, cam = get_or_create_camera(scene)
        # Set intrinsic camera parameters
        set_camera_parameters(cam, lens = cam_focal, shift_x = camera_shift_x, shift_y = camera_shift_y)
        # Set extrinsic camera parameters and add a new rectangle
        update_scene(cam_obj, cam_pos, cam_rot, self.vertical_property, scene, w, h, obj.name, coords, size_factor)
        # Switch to the active camera
        if not bpy.context.space_data.region_3d.view_perspective == "CAMERA":
        return {'FINISHED'}

### Panel ########################################################################

class CameraCalibrationPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
    """Creates a Panel in the scene context of the properties editor"""
    bl_label = "Camera Calibration PVR"
    bl_idname = "VIEW_3D_camera_calibration"
    bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
    bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'
    bl_category = "Tools"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout

## Addons Preferences Update Panel
def update_panel(self, context):
    CameraCalibrationPanel.bl_category = context.user_preferences.addons[__name__].preferences.category

class LayerMAddonPreferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
    # this must match the addon name, use '__package__'
    # when defining this in a submodule of a python package.
    bl_idname = __name__

    category = bpy.props.StringProperty(
            name="Panel Category",
            description="Choose a name for the category of the panel",

    def draw(self, context):

        layout = self.layout
        row = layout.row()
        row.label(text="Panel Category:")
        row.prop(self, "category", text="")

### Register #####################################################################

def register():
    update_panel(None, bpy.context)

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":