# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime

DATES_KEY = "dates"
COMMITS_KEY = "git-commits"
HISTORY_KEY = "history"
NAME_KEY = "name"
TYPE_KEY = "type"
REFLOG_KEY = "reflog-index"

def is_test_probe(probe_type, name):
    if probe_type == 'histogram':
        # These are test-only probes and never sent out.
        return name.startswith("TELEMETRY_TEST_")
    elif probe_type in ['scalar', 'event']:
        return name.startswith("telemetry.test.")

    return False

def get_from_nested_dict(dictionary, path, default=None):
    keys = path.split('/')
    for k in keys[:-1]:
        dictionary = dictionary[k]
    return dictionary.get(keys[-1], default)

def get_probe_id(probe_type, name):
    return probe_type + "/" + name

def probes_equal(probe1, probe2):
    props = [
        # Common.
        # Histograms & scalars.
        # Histograms.
        # Events.

    for prop in props:
        if get_from_nested_dict(probe1, prop) != get_from_nested_dict(probe2, prop):
            return False
    return True

def extract_node_data(node_id, channel, probe_type, probe_data, result_data,
                      version, break_by_channel):
    """ Extract the probe data and group it by channel.

    :param node_id: the revision the probe data comes from, with th
    :param channel: the channel the probe was found in.
    :param probe_type: the probe type (e.g. 'histogram').
    :param probe_data: the probe data, with the following form:
              node_id: {
                histogram: {
                  name: ...,
                scalar: {
    :param result_data: the dictionary to which the processed probe data is appended
           to. Extract probe data will be added to result_data in the form:
              channel: {
                probe_id: {
                  type: 'histogram',
                  name: 'some-name',
                  history: {
                    channel: [
                        optout: True,
                        revisions: {first: ..., last: ...},
                        versions: {first: ..., last: ...}
    :param version: a human readable version string.
    :param break_by_channel: True if probe data for different channels needs to be
           stored separately, False otherwise. If True, probe data will be saved
           to result_data[channel] instead of just result_data.
    for name, probe in probe_data.items():
        # Telemetrys test probes are never submitted to the servers.
        if is_test_probe(probe_type, name):

        storage = result_data
        if break_by_channel:
            if channel not in result_data:
                result_data[channel] = {}
            storage = result_data[channel]

        probe_id = get_probe_id(probe_type, name)
        if probe_id in storage and channel in storage[probe_id][HISTORY_KEY]:
            # If the probes state didn't change from the previous revision,
            # we just override with the latest state and continue.
            previous = storage[probe_id][HISTORY_KEY][channel][-1]
            if probes_equal(previous, probe):
                previous["revisions"]["first"] = node_id
                previous["versions"]["first"] = version

        if probe_id not in storage:
            storage[probe_id] = {
                TYPE_KEY: probe_type,
                NAME_KEY: name,
                HISTORY_KEY: {channel: []},

        if channel not in storage[probe_id][HISTORY_KEY]:
            storage[probe_id][HISTORY_KEY][channel] = []

        probe["revisions"] = {
            "first": node_id,
            "last": node_id,

        probe["versions"] = {
            "first": version,
            "last": version,


def sorted_node_lists_by_channel(node_data):
    channels = defaultdict(list)
    for channel, nodes in node_data.items():
        for node_id, data in nodes.items():
                'node_id': node_id,
                'version': data['version'],

    for channel, data in channels.items():
        channels[channel] = sorted(data, key=lambda n: int(n["version"]), reverse=True)

    return channels

def sorted_node_lists_by_date(node_data, revision_dates):
    def get_date(revision):
        return revision_dates[channel][revision]["date"]

    channels = defaultdict(list)
    for channel, nodes in node_data.items():
        for node_id, data in nodes.items():
                'node_id': node_id,
                'version': data['version'],

    for channel, data in channels.items():
        channels[channel] = sorted(data, key=lambda x: get_date(x["node_id"]), reverse=True)

    return channels

def transform(probe_data, node_data, break_by_channel, revision_dates=None):
    """ Transform the probe data into the final format.

    :param probe_data: the preprocessed probe data.
    :param node_data: the raw probe data.
    :param break_by_channel: True if we want the probe output grouped by
           release channel.
    :param revision_dates: (optional) A dictionary of channel-revisions
           and their publish date, used to sort the revisions
    if revision_dates is None:
        channels = sorted_node_lists_by_channel(node_data)
        channels = sorted_node_lists_by_date(node_data, revision_dates)

    result_data = {}
    for channel, channel_data in channels.items():
        print("\n" + channel + " - transforming probe data:")
        for entry in channel_data:
            node_id = entry['node_id']

            readable_version = str(entry["version"])
            print("  from: " + str({"node": node_id, "version": readable_version}))
            for probe_type, probes in probe_data[channel][node_id].items():
                # Group the probes by the release channel, if requested
                extract_node_data(node_id, channel, probe_type, probes, result_data,
                                  readable_version, break_by_channel)

    return result_data

def get_minimum_date(probe_data, revision_data, revision_dates):
    probe_histories = transform(probe_data, revision_data, break_by_channel=True,
    min_dates = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(str))

    for channel, probes in probe_histories.items():
        for probe_id, entry in probes.items():
            dates = []
            for history in entry['history'][channel]:
                revision = history['revisions']['first']
            min_dates[probe_id][channel] = min(dates)

    return min_dates

def pretty_ts(ts):
    return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).isoformat(' ')

def make_item_defn(definition, commit, commit_timestamps):
    if COMMITS_KEY not in definition:
        # This is the first time we've seen this definition
        definition[COMMITS_KEY] = {
            "first": commit,
            "last": commit
        definition[DATES_KEY] = {
            "first": pretty_ts(commit_timestamps[commit][0]),
            "last": pretty_ts(commit_timestamps[commit][0])
        definition[REFLOG_KEY] = {
            "first": commit_timestamps[commit][1],
            "last": commit_timestamps[commit][1]
        # we've seen this definition, update the `last` commit
        definition[COMMITS_KEY]["last"] = commit
        definition[DATES_KEY]["last"] = pretty_ts(commit_timestamps[commit][0])
        definition[REFLOG_KEY]["last"] = commit_timestamps[commit][1]

    return definition

def metrics_equal(def1, def2):
    return all((
        def1.get(l) == def2.get(l)
        for l in {

def ping_equal(def1, def2):
    # Test all keys except the ones the probe-scraper adds
    all_keys = set(def1.keys()).union(def2.keys()).difference(ignored_keys)

    return all((
        def1.get(l) == def2.get(l)
        for l in all_keys

def metric_constructor(defn, metric):
    return {
        TYPE_KEY: defn[TYPE_KEY],
        NAME_KEY: metric,
        HISTORY_KEY: [defn]

def ping_constructor(defn, metric):
    return {
        NAME_KEY: metric,
        HISTORY_KEY: [defn]

def update_or_add_item(repo_items, commit_hash, item, definition, commit_timestamps,
                       equal_fn, type_ctor):
    # If we've seen this item before, check previous definitions
    if item in repo_items:
        prev_defns = repo_items[item][HISTORY_KEY]
        max_defn_i = max(range(len(prev_defns)),
                         key=lambda i: datetime.fromisoformat(prev_defns[i][DATES_KEY]["last"]))
        max_defn = prev_defns[max_defn_i]

        # If equal to previous commit, update date and commit on existing definition
        if equal_fn(definition, max_defn):
            new_defn = make_item_defn(max_defn, commit_hash, commit_timestamps)
            repo_items[item][HISTORY_KEY][max_defn_i] = new_defn

        # Otherwise, prepend changed definition for existing item
            new_defn = make_item_defn(definition, commit_hash, commit_timestamps)
            repo_items[item][HISTORY_KEY] = prev_defns + [new_defn]

    # We haven't seen this item before, add it
        defn = make_item_defn(definition, commit_hash, commit_timestamps)
        repo_items[item] = type_ctor(defn, item)

    return repo_items

def transform_by_hash(commit_timestamps, data, equal_fn, type_ctor):
    :param commit_timestamps - of the form
      <repo_name>: {
        <commit-hash>: (<commit-timestamp>, <commit-index>),

    :param data - of the form
      <repo_name>: {
        <commit-hash>: {
          <item-name>: {

    Outputs deduplicated data of the form
        <repo_name>: {
            <name>: {
                "type": <type>,
                "name": <name>,
                "history": [
                        "bugs": [<bug#>, ...],
                        ...other info (from metrics.yaml or pings.yaml)...,
                        "git-commits": {
                            "first": <hash>,
                            "last": <hash>
                        "dates": {
                            "first": <datetime>,
                            "last": <datetime>

    # We need to sort by timestamp in ascending order, but reflog index in
    # descending order.
    def timestamp_sorter(entry):
        return (entry[0], -entry[1])

    all_items = {}
    for repo_name, commits in data.items():
        repo_items = {}

        # iterate through commits, sorted by timestamp of the commit
        sorted_commits = sorted(
            key=lambda x_y: timestamp_sorter(commit_timestamps[repo_name][x_y[0]])

        for commit_hash, items in sorted_commits:
            for item, definition in items.items():
                repo_items = update_or_add_item(repo_items,

        all_items[repo_name] = repo_items

    return all_items

def transform_metrics_by_hash(commit_timestamps, metric_data):
    return transform_by_hash(commit_timestamps, metric_data, metrics_equal, metric_constructor)

def transform_pings_by_hash(commit_timestamps, ping_data):
    return transform_by_hash(commit_timestamps, ping_data, ping_equal, ping_constructor)