import base64
import json
import os
import sys

import requests
import tornado
from nbconvert.exporters.export import export_by_name
from notebook.base.handlers import IPythonHandler
from tornado.web import HTTPError


PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3

if PY3:
    string_types = (str,)
    string_types = (basestring,)  # noqa

request_session = requests.Session()

def raise_error(msg):
    raise HTTPError(500, "ERROR: " + msg)

def raise_github_error(msg):
    raise HTTPError(500, "ERROR: Github returned the following: " + msg)

class BaseHandler(IPythonHandler):

    def initialize(self, oauth_client_id, oauth_client_secret):
        self.oauth_client_id = oauth_client_id
        self.oauth_client_secret = oauth_client_secret

    def request_access_token(self, access_code):
        "Request access token from GitHub"
        token_response =
                "client_id": self.oauth_client_id,
                "client_secret": self.oauth_client_secret,
                "code": access_code
            headers={"Accept": "application/json"},
        return helper_request_access_token(token_response.json())

class GistHandler(BaseHandler):
    """Handler for saving and editing Gists.

    This handler will save out the notebook to GitHub gists in either a new
    Gist or it will create a new revision for a gist that already contains
    these two files.
    def get(self):

        # Extract access code
        access_code = extract_code_from_args(self.request.arguments)

        # Request access token from github
        access_token = self.request_access_token(access_code)

        # Extract notebook path
        nb_path = extract_notebook_path_from_args(self.request.arguments)

        # Extract file name
        filename, filename_no_ext = get_notebook_filename(nb_path)

        # Extract file contents given the path to the notebook
        notebook_output, python_output = get_notebook_contents(nb_path)

        # Prepare and our github request to create the new gist
        filename_with_py = filename_no_ext + ".py"
        gist_contents = {
            "description": filename_no_ext,
            "public": False,
            "files": {
                filename: {"filename": filename, "content": notebook_output},
                filename_with_py: {"filename": filename_with_py,
                                   "content": python_output}

        # Get the authenticated user's matching gist (if available)
        match_id = find_existing_gist_by_name(filename,

        # If no gist with this name exists yet, create a new gist
        if match_id is None:
            gist_response = create_new_gist(gist_contents, access_token)

        # If we have another gist with the same files, create a new revision
        # Note: The case where we have multiple gists with the files is handled
        # by find_existing_gist_by_name
        # This else catches the case where there is exactly 1 match
            gist_response = edit_existing_gist(gist_contents,

        gist_response_json = gist_response.json()

        # If we get here, we are good and can redirect
        gist_url = gist_response_json.get("html_url", None)

class DownloadNotebookHandler(IPythonHandler):
    def post(self):
        # url and filename are sent in a JSON encoded blob
        post_data = tornado.escape.json_decode(self.request.body)

        nb_url = post_data['nb_url']
        nb_name = base64.b64decode(post_data['nb_name']).decode('utf-8')
        force_download = post_data['force_download']

        file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), nb_name)

        if os.path.isfile(file_path):
            if not force_download:
                raise HTTPError(409, "ERROR: File already exists.")

        response = request_session.get(nb_url, stream=True)
        with open(file_path, 'wb') as fd:
            # TODO: check if this is a good chunk size
            for chunk in response.iter_content(1024):


class LoadGistHandler(BaseHandler):

    def get(self):

        # Extract access code
        access_code = extract_code_from_args(self.request.arguments)

        # Request access token from github
        access_token = self.request_access_token(access_code)

        github_headers = {"Accept": "application/json",
                          "Authorization": "token " + access_token}

        response = request_session.get("",
        response_to_send = bytearray(response.text, 'utf-8')
        self.write("<script>var gists = '")
        self.write("window.opener.postMessage(gists, window.opener.location)")

def extract_code_from_args(args):
    Extracts the access code from the arguments dictionary (given back
    from github)
    if args is None:
        raise_error("Couldn't extract GitHub authentication code "
                    "from response")

    # TODO: Is there a case where the length of the error will be < 0?
    error = args.get("error_description", None)
    if error is not None:
        if len(error) >= 0:
            raise_error("Something went wrong")

    access_code = args.get("code", None)

    # access_code is supposed to be a list with 1 thing in it
    if not isinstance(access_code, list) or access_code[0] is None or \
            len(access_code) != 1 or len(access_code[0]) <= 0:

        raise_error("Couldn't extract GitHub authentication code from "

    # If we get here, everything was good - no errors
    access_code = access_code[0].decode('ascii')
    return access_code

# Extracts the notebook path from the arguments dictionary (given back
# from github)
def extract_notebook_path_from_args(args):

    if args is None:
        raise_error("Couldn't extract notebook path from response")

    error = args.get("error_description", None)
    if error is not None:
        if len(error) >= 0:

    path_bytes = args.get("nb_path", None)
    # path_bytes is supposed to be a list with 1 thing in it
    if not isinstance(path_bytes, list) or path_bytes[0] \
       is None or len(path_bytes) != 1 or len(path_bytes[0]) <= 0:

            raise_error("Couldn't extract notebook path from response")

    # If we get here, everything was good - no errors
    nb_path = base64.b64decode(path_bytes[0]).decode('utf-8').lstrip("/")

    return nb_path

def helper_request_access_token(token_args):
    token_error = token_args.get("error_description", None)
    if token_error is not None:

    # Extract token and other info from github response
    access_token = token_args.get("access_token", None)
    token_type = token_args.get("token_type", None)
    scope = token_args.get("scope", None)
    if access_token is None or token_type is None or scope is None:
        raise_error("Couldn't extract needed info from GitHub access "
                    "token response")

    # If we get here everything is good
    return access_token  # do not care about scope or token_type

def get_notebook_filename(nb_path):
    if not isinstance(nb_path, string_types) or len(nb_path) == 0:
        raise_error("Problem with notebook file name")

    # Extract file names given path to notebook
    filename = os.path.basename(nb_path)
    ext_start_ind = filename.rfind(".")

    # TODO: is it possible to have a notebook without an extension?
    if ext_start_ind == -1:
        filename_no_ext = filename
        filename_no_ext = filename[:ext_start_ind]

    return filename, filename_no_ext

def get_notebook_contents(nb_path):
    if not isinstance(nb_path, string_types) or len(nb_path) == 0:
        raise_error("Couldn't export notebook contents")

    # Extract file contents given the path to the notebook
        notebook_output, _ = export_by_name("notebook", nb_path)
        python_output, _ = export_by_name("python", nb_path)
    except OSError:  # python 2 does not support FileNotFoundError
        raise_error("Couldn't export notebook contents")

    return (notebook_output, python_output)

def find_existing_gist_by_name(nb_filename, py_filename, access_token):
    github_headers = {"Accept": "application/json",
                      "Authorization": "token " + access_token}

    response = request_session.get(GITHUB_API_ROOT + "/gists",
    gist_args = response.json()

    return helper_find_existing_gist_by_name(gist_args, nb_filename,

def helper_find_existing_gist_by_name(gist_args, nb_filename, py_filename):
    match_counter = 0
    match_id = None
    for gist in gist_args:
        gist_files = gist.get("files", None)
        if (gist_files is not None and nb_filename in gist_files and
                py_filename in gist_files):
            match_counter += 1
            if "id" in gist:
                match_id = gist["id"]

    # TODO: This probably shouldn't actually be an error
    # Instead, we should ask the user which gist they meant?
    if match_counter > 1:
        raise_error("You had multiple gists with the same name as this "
                    "notebook. Aborting.")

    # If we are here we have either 0 or 1 gists that match.
    return match_id

def create_new_gist(gist_contents, access_token):

    github_headers = {"Accept": "application/json",
                      "Authorization": "token " + access_token}

    gist_response =
        GITHUB_API_ROOT + "/gists",
    return gist_response

def edit_existing_gist(gist_contents, gist_id, access_token):
    github_headers = {"Accept": "application/json",
                      "Authorization": "token " + access_token}

    gist_response = request_session.patch(
        GITHUB_API_ROOT + "/gists/" + gist_id,
    return gist_response

def verify_gist_response(gist_response_json):

    if gist_response_json is None:
        raise_error("Couldn't get the URL for the gist that was just updated")

    update_gist_error = gist_response_json.get("error_description", None)
    if update_gist_error is not None:

    gist_url = gist_response_json.get("html_url", None)
    if gist_url is None:
        raise_error("Couldn't get the URL for the gist that was just updated")