# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

from argparse import Namespace
import argparse
import logging
import os
import shutil
import time

import pytest

from moziris.api import *
from moziris.util.arg_parser import get_core_args, set_core_arg
from moziris.util.json_utils import update_run_index, create_run_log
from moziris.util.path_manager import PathManager
from moziris.util.run_report import create_footer
from moziris.util.test_assert import create_result_object
from moziris.email_report.email_client import submit_email_report

core_args = get_core_args()
target_args = None
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BaseTarget:
    completed_tests = []
    rerun_tests = {}
    flaky_tests = []
    values = {}

    def __init__(self):
        self.args = self.get_target_args()
        self.target_name = "Default target"
        self.cc_settings = [
                "name": "locale",
                "type": "list",
                "label": "Locale",
                "value": OSHelper.LOCALES,
                "default": "en-US",
                "name": "max_tries",
                "type": "list",
                "label": "Maximum tries per test",
                "value": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"],
                "default": "3",
                "name": "highlight",
                "type": "checkbox",
                "label": "Debug using highlighting",
            {"name": "override", "type": "checkbox", "label": "Run disabled tests"},
        self.clean_run = True
        Settings.debug_image = True
        Settings.locale = core_args.locale

    def get_target_args(self):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            description="Target-specific arguments", prog="iris"
        return parser.parse_known_args()[0]

    def update_settings(self, response):
        self.cc_settings = response
        global core_args
        core_arg_dict = vars(core_args)
        target_arg_dict = vars(self.args)

        for arg in response:
            if arg in core_arg_dict:
                set_core_arg(arg, response[arg])
            if arg in target_arg_dict:
                self.set_target_arg(arg, response[arg])

    def set_target_arg(self, arg, value):
        logger.info("Setting %s to %s" % (arg, value))
        arg_dict = vars(self.args)
        arg_dict[arg] = value
        self.args = Namespace(**arg_dict)

    def pytest_sessionstart(self, session):
        """Called after the 'Session' object has been created and before performing test collection.

        :param _pytest.main.Session session: the pytest session object.
        self.start_time = time.time()
            + "Test session {} started".format(session.name).center(
                shutil.get_terminal_size().columns, "-"

        core_settings_list = []
        for arg in vars(core_args):
            core_settings_list.append("{}: {}".format(arg, getattr(core_args, arg)))
        logger.info("\nIris settings:\n" + ", ".join(core_settings_list))

        target_settings_list = []

        for arg in vars(self.args):
            target_settings_list.append("{}: {}".format(arg, getattr(self.args, arg)))
            ("\n{} settings:\n" + ", ".join(target_settings_list)).format(
        update_run_index(self, False)

    def pytest_sessionfinish(self, session):
        """ called after whole test run finished, right before returning the exit status to the system.

        :param _pytest.main.Session session: the pytest session object.
        :param int exitstatus: the status which pytest will return to the system.
        for test in self.completed_tests:
            if test.outcome == "FAILED" or test.outcome == "ERROR":
                self.clean_run = False

        self.end_time = time.time()

        update_run_index(self, True)
        footer = create_footer(self)
        result = footer.print_report_footer()

            + "Test session {} complete".format(session.name).center(
                shutil.get_terminal_size().columns, "-"

        if core_args.email:
                submit_email_report(self, result)
            except SyntaxError:
                    "Problem with email report - check config file for correct values."

    def pytest_runtest_setup(self, item):
        os.environ["CURRENT_TEST"] = str(item.__dict__.get("fspath"))
        Settings.debug_image_path = PathManager.get_debug_image_directory()

    def pytest_runtest_teardown(self, item):

    def pytest_runtestloop(self, session):

    def pytest_runtest_logstart(self, nodeid, location):

    def pytest_runtest_call(self, item):

    def pytest_runtest_logfinish(self, nodeid, location):

    def option(self, pytestconfig):
        fixture for ovewriting values in pytest.ini file

        :return: Option Object

        new_value = {}

        class Options:
            def get(name):
                return new_value.get(name, pytestconfig.getini(name))

        return Options()

    def pytest_runtest_makereport(self, item, call):

        """ return a :py:class:`_pytest.runner.TestReport` object
            for the given :py:class:`pytest.Item <_pytest.main.Item>` and

            Stops at first non-None result

        if call.when == "call" and call.excinfo is not None:
            # Examine the last line of the call stack.
            tb = call.excinfo.traceback.pop()

            # Convert extra backslashes that appear on Windows
            tb_str = str(tb).replace("\\\\", "\\")

            if str(item.__dict__.get("fspath")) in tb_str:
                if "AssertionError" in str(call.excinfo):
                    logger.debug("Test failed with assert")
                    outcome = "FAILED"
                    logger.debug("Test failed with error")
                    outcome = "ERROR"
                logger.debug("Test failed with error")
                outcome = "ERROR"

            # We have found that call.excinfo can be turned to a string, but its
            # format can vary. Therefore, we build an exception string from more
            # predictable values.

            file_name = tb_str.split("'")[1]
            line_number = tb_str.split("':")[1].split(" ")[0]
            exception_error_class = call.excinfo.exconly(True).split(":")[0]
            message_only = str(call.excinfo.value).split("\n")[0]
            exc_str = "%s:%s: %s: %s" % (
            assert_object = (item, outcome, exc_str, call.excinfo.traceback)
            test_result = create_result_object(assert_object, call.start, call.stop)

        elif call.when == "call" and call.excinfo is None:
            outcome = "PASSED"
            test_instance = (item, outcome, None)
            test_result = create_result_object(test_instance, call.start, call.stop)

        elif call.when == "setup" and item._skipped_by_mark:
            outcome = "SKIPPED"
            test_instance = (item, outcome, None)
            test_result = create_result_object(test_instance, call.start, call.stop)

    def add_test_result(self, test_result):
        if len(self.completed_tests) > 0:

            # If a result for this test already exists, and we have run it again:
            # 1. Keep track of the test and how many times it was rerun.
            # 2. Remove the previous result.
            # 3. Add the new result.

            prev_test_path = str(self.completed_tests[-1].file_name)
            test_path_1 = str(test_result.file_name)
            test_path_2 = str(test_result.node_name)

            if prev_test_path != "None":
                if prev_test_path == test_path_1 or prev_test_path == test_path_2:
                    if self.rerun_tests.get(prev_test_path) is not None:
                        self.rerun_tests[prev_test_path] += 1
                        self.rerun_tests[prev_test_path] = 1

                    if test_result.outcome == "PASSED":
                            (prev_test_path, self.rerun_tests[prev_test_path])

                    logger.debug("Previous test: %s" % prev_test_path)
                    logger.debug("Current test file name: %s" % test_path_1)
                    logger.debug("Current test node name: %s" % test_path_2)
                    removed_test = self.completed_tests.pop()
                    logger.debug("\nRemoved test: %s" % removed_test.file_name)

def reason_for_failure(report):
    if report.outcome == "passed":
        return ""
        return report.longreprtext