from celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded, TimeLimitExceeded
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from httpobs.conf import (RETRIEVER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
from httpobs.scanner.utils import parse_http_equiv_headers

import logging
import requests

# Disable the requests InsecureRequestWarning -- we will track certificate errors manually when
# verification is disabled. Also disable requests errors at levels lower than CRITICAL, see:
# for crashy details
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

# MIME types for HTML requests
HTML_TYPES = ('text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml')

# Maximum timeout for requests for all GET requests for anything but the TLS Observatory
# The default ConnectionTimeout is something like 75 seconds, which means that things like
# tiles can take ~600s to timeout, since they have 8 DNS entries.  Setting it to lower
# should hopefully keep requests from taking forever

# Create a session, returning the session and the HTTP response in a dictionary
# Don't create the sessions if it can't connect and retrieve the root of the website
# TODO: Allow people to scan a subdirectory instead of using '/' as the default path?
def __create_session(url: str, **kwargs) -> dict:
    s = requests.Session()

    # Allow certificate verification to be disabled on the initial request, which means that sites won't get
    # penalized on things like HSTS, even for self-signed certificates
    s.verify = kwargs['verify']

    # Add the headers to the session
    if kwargs['headers']:

    # Set all the cookies and force them to be sent only over HTTPS; this might change in the future
    if kwargs['cookies']:

        for cookie in s.cookies:
   = True

    # Override the User-Agent; some sites (like twitter) don't send the CSP header unless you have a modern
    # user agent
        'User-Agent': RETRIEVER_USER_AGENT,

        r = s.get(url, timeout=TIMEOUT)

        # No tls errors
        r.verified = True
    # Let celery exceptions percolate upward
    except (SoftTimeLimitExceeded, TimeLimitExceeded):
    # We can try again if there's an SSL error, making sure to note it in the session
    except requests.exceptions.SSLError:
            r = s.get(url, timeout=TIMEOUT, verify=False)
            r.verified = False
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            r = None
            s = None
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        r = None
        s = None

    # Store the domain name and scheme in the session
    if r is not None and s is not None:
        s.url = urlparse(r.url)

    return {'session': s, 'response': r}

def __get(session, relative_path='/', headers=None, cookies=None):
    if not headers:
        headers = {}

    if not cookies:
        cookies = {}

        # TODO: limit the maximum size of the response, to keep malicious site operators from killing us
        # TODO: Perhaps we can naively do it for now by simply setting a timeout?
        # TODO: catch TLS errors instead of just setting it to None?
        return session.get(session.url.scheme + '://' + session.url.netloc + relative_path,
    # Let celery exceptions percolate upward
    except (SoftTimeLimitExceeded, TimeLimitExceeded):
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        return None

def __get_page_text(response: requests.Response, force: bool = False) -> str:
    if response is None:
        return None
    elif response.status_code == 200 or force:  # Some pages we want to get the page text even with non-200s
        # A quick and dirty check to make sure that somebody's 404 page didn't actually return 200 with html
        ext = (response.history[0].url if response.history else response.url).split('.')[-1]
        if response.headers.get('Content-Type', '') in HTML_TYPES and ext in ('json', 'txt', 'xml'):
            return None

        return response.text
        return None

def retrieve_all(hostname, **kwargs):
    kwargs['cookies'] = kwargs.get('cookies', {})   # HTTP cookies to send, instead of from the database
    kwargs['headers'] = kwargs.get('headers', {})   # HTTP headers to send, instead of from the database

    # This way of doing it keeps the urls tidy even if makes the code ugly
    kwargs['http_port'] = ':' + str(kwargs.get('http_port', '')) if 'http_port' in kwargs else ''
    kwargs['https_port'] = ':' + str(kwargs.get('https_port', '')) if 'https_port' in kwargs else ''
    kwargs['path'] = kwargs.get('path', '/')
    kwargs['verify'] = kwargs.get('verify', True)

    retrievals = {
        'hostname': hostname,
        'resources': {
        'responses': {
            'auto': None,  # whichever of 'http' or 'https' actually works, with 'https' as higher priority
            'cors': None,  # CORS preflight test
            'http': None,
            'https': None,
        'session': None,

    # The list of resources to get
    resources = (

    # Create some reusable sessions, one for HTTP and one for HTTPS
    http_session = __create_session('http://' + hostname + kwargs['http_port'] + kwargs['path'], **kwargs)
    https_session = __create_session('https://' + hostname + kwargs['https_port'] + kwargs['path'], **kwargs)

    # If neither one works, then the site just can't be loaded
    if http_session['session'] is None and https_session['session'] is None:
        return retrievals

        # Store the HTTP only and HTTPS only responses (some things can only be retrieved over one or the other)
        retrievals['responses']['http'] = http_session['response']
        retrievals['responses']['https'] = https_session['response']

        if https_session['session'] is not None:
            retrievals['responses']['auto'] = https_session['response']
            retrievals['session'] = https_session['session']
            retrievals['responses']['auto'] = http_session['response']
            retrievals['session'] = http_session['session']

        # Store the contents of the "base" page
        retrievals['resources']['__path__'] = __get_page_text(retrievals['responses']['auto'], force=True)

        # Do a CORS preflight request
        retrievals['responses']['cors'] = __get(retrievals['session'],
                                                headers={'Origin': RETRIEVER_CORS_ORIGIN})

        # Store all the files we retrieve
        for resource in resources:
            resp = __get(retrievals['session'], resource)
            retrievals['resources'][resource] = __get_page_text(resp)

    # Parse out the HTTP meta-equiv headers
    if (retrievals['responses']['auto'].headers.get('Content-Type', '').split(';')[0] in HTML_TYPES and
        retrievals['responses']['auto'].http_equiv = parse_http_equiv_headers(retrievals['resources']['__path__'])
        retrievals['responses']['auto'].http_equiv = {}

    return retrievals