# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation. 
# License: MIT See LICENSE file in root directory.

GREEN = '\033[1;32m'
RED = '\033[1;31m'
NOCOLOR = '\033[0m'
YELLOW = '\033[1;33m'

    from openvino.inference_engine import IENetwork, IECore
    print(RED + '\nPlease make sure your OpenVINO environment variables are set by sourcing the' + YELLOW + ' setupvars.sh ' + RED + 'script found in <your OpenVINO install location>/bin/ folder.\n' + NOCOLOR)

import sys
import numpy as np
import cv2
import argparse


def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Image classifier using \
                         IntelĀ® Neural Compute Stick 2.' )
    parser.add_argument( '--ir', metavar = 'IR_File',
                        type=str, default = 'tiny-yolo-v1_53000.xml', 
                        help = 'Absolute path to the neural network IR xml file.')
    parser.add_argument( '-l', '--labels', metavar = 'LABEL_FILE', 
                        type=str, default = 'labels.txt',
                        help='Absolute path to labels file.')
    parser.add_argument( '-i', '--image', metavar = 'IMAGE_FILE', 
                        type=str, default = '../../data/images/nps_chair.png',
                        help = 'Absolute path to image file.')
    parser.add_argument( '--threshold', metavar = 'FLOAT', 
                        type=float, default = DETECTION_THRESHOLD,
                        help = 'Threshold for detection.')
    return parser

# Interpret the output from a single inference of TinyYolo (GetResult)
# and filter out objects/boxes with low probabilities.
# output is the array of floats returned from the API GetResult but converted
# to float32 format.
# input_image_width is the width of the input image
# input_image_height is the height of the input image
# Returns a list of lists. each of the inner lists represent one found object and contain
# the following 6 values:
#    string that is network classification ie 'cat', or 'chair' etc
#    float value for box center X pixel location within source image
#    float value for box center Y pixel location within source image
#    float value for box width in pixels within source image
#    float value for box height in pixels within source image
#    float value that is the probability for the network classification.
def filter_objects(inference_result, input_image_width, input_image_height, labels, threshold):

    # tiny yolo v1 was trained using a 7x7 grid and 2 anchor boxes per grid box with 
    # 20 detection classes
    # the 20 classes this network was trained on

    num_classes = len(labels) # should be 20

    grid_size = 7 # the image is a 7x7 grid.  Each box in the grid is 64x64 pixels
    anchor_boxes_per_grid_cell = 2 # the number of anchor boxes returned for each grid cell
    num_coordinates = 4 # number of coordinates

    # the raw number of floats returned from the inference
    num_inference_results = len(inference_result)

    # only keep boxes with probabilities greater than this
    probability_threshold = threshold
    # -------------------- Inference result preprocessing --------------------
    # Split the Inference result into 3 arrays: class_probabilities, box_confidence_scores, box_coordinates
    # then Reshape them into the appropriate shapes.
    # -- Splitting up Inference result
    # Class probabilities: 
    # 7x7 = 49 grid cells. 
    # 49 grid cells x 20 classes per grid cell = 980 total class probabilities
    class_probabilities = inference_result[0:980]
    # Box confidence scores: 7x7 = 49 grid cells. "how likely the box contains an object" 
    # 49 grid cells x 2 boxes per grid cell = 98 box scales
    box_confidence_scores = inference_result[980:1078]
    # Box coordinates for all boxes 
    # 98 boxes * 4 box coordinates each = 392
    box_coordinates = inference_result[1078:]
    # -- Reshaping 
    # These values are the class probabilities for each grid
    # Reshape the probabilities to 7x7x20 (980 total values)
    class_probabilities = np.reshape(class_probabilities, (grid_size, grid_size, num_classes))

    # These values are how likely each box contains an object
    # Reshape the box confidence scores to 7x7x2 (98 total values)
    box_confidence_scores = np.reshape(box_confidence_scores, (grid_size, grid_size, anchor_boxes_per_grid_cell))

    # These values are the box coordinates for each box
    # Reshape the boxes coordinates to 7x7x2x4 (392 total values)
    box_coordinates = np.reshape(box_coordinates, (grid_size, grid_size, anchor_boxes_per_grid_cell, num_coordinates))
    # -------------------- Scale the box coordinates to the input image size --------------------
    boxes_to_pixel_units(box_coordinates, input_image_width, input_image_height, grid_size)

    # -------------------- Calculate class confidence scores --------------------
    # Find the class confidence scores for each grid. 
    # This is done by multiplying the class probabilities by the box confidence scores 
    # Shape of class confidence scores: 7x7x2x20 (1960 values)
    class_confidence_scores = np.zeros((grid_size, grid_size, anchor_boxes_per_grid_cell, num_classes))
    for box_index in range(anchor_boxes_per_grid_cell): # loop over boxes
        for class_index in range(num_classes): # loop over classifications
            class_confidence_scores[:,:,box_index,class_index] = np.multiply(class_probabilities[:,:,class_index], box_confidence_scores[:,:,box_index])

    # -------------------- Filter object scores/coordinates/indexes >= threshold --------------------
    # Find all scores that are larger than or equal to the threshold using a mask.
    # Array of 1960 bools: True if >= threshold. otherwise False. 
    score_threshold_mask = np.array(class_confidence_scores>=probability_threshold, dtype='bool')
    # Using the array of bools, filter all scores >= threshold
    filtered_scores = class_confidence_scores[score_threshold_mask]
    # Get tuple of arrays of indexes from the bool array that have a >= score than the threshold
    # These tuple of array indexes will help to filter out our box coordinates and class indexes 
    # tuple 0 and 1 are the coordinates of the 7x7 grid (values = 0-6)
    # tuple 2 is the anchor box index (values = 0-1)
    # tuple 3 is the class indexes (labels) (values = 0-19)
    box_threshold_mask = np.nonzero(score_threshold_mask)
    # Use those indexes to find the coordinates for box confidence scores >= than the threshold
    filtered_box_coordinates = box_coordinates[box_threshold_mask[0], box_threshold_mask[1], box_threshold_mask[2]]
    # Use those indexes to find the class indexes that have a score >= threshold 
    filtered_class_indexes = np.argmax(class_confidence_scores, axis=3)[box_threshold_mask[0], box_threshold_mask[1], box_threshold_mask[2]]
    # -------------------- Sort the filtered scores/coordinates/indexes --------------------
    # Sort the indexes from highest score to lowest 
    # and then use those indexes to sort box coordinates, scores, class indexes
    sort_by_highest_score = np.array(np.argsort(filtered_scores))[::-1]
    # Sort the box coordinates, scores, and class indexes to match 
    filtered_box_coordinates = filtered_box_coordinates[sort_by_highest_score]
    filtered_scores = filtered_scores[sort_by_highest_score]    
    filtered_class_indexes = filtered_class_indexes[sort_by_highest_score]

    # -------------------- Filter out duplicates --------------------
    # Get mask for boxes that seem to be the same object by calculating iou (intersection over union)
    # these will filter out duplicate objects
    duplicate_box_mask = get_duplicate_box_mask(filtered_box_coordinates)
    # Update the boxes, probabilities and classifications removing duplicates.
    filtered_box_coordinates = filtered_box_coordinates[duplicate_box_mask]
    filtered_scores = filtered_scores[duplicate_box_mask]
    filtered_class_indexes = filtered_class_indexes[duplicate_box_mask]
    # -------------------- Gather the results --------------------
    # Set up list and return class labels, coordinates and scores
    filtered_results = []
    for object_index in range( len( filtered_box_coordinates ) ):
        labels [ filtered_class_indexes [ object_index ] ], # label of the object
        filtered_box_coordinates [ object_index ] [ 0 ],    # xmin (before image scaling)
        filtered_box_coordinates [ object_index ] [ 1 ],    # ymin (before image scaling)
        filtered_box_coordinates [ object_index ] [ 2 ],    # width (before image scaling)
        filtered_box_coordinates [ object_index ] [ 3 ],    # height (before image scaling)
        filtered_scores [ object_index ]                    # object score

    return filtered_results

# creates a mask to remove duplicate objects (boxes) and their related probabilities and classifications
# that should be considered the same object.  This is determined by how similar the boxes are
# based on the intersection-over-union metric.
# box_list is as list of boxes (4 floats for centerX, centerY and Length and Width)
def get_duplicate_box_mask(box_list):
    # The intersection-over-union threshold to use when determining duplicates.
    # objects/boxes found that are over this threshold will be
    # considered the same object
    max_iou = IOU_THRESHOLD

    box_mask = np.ones(len(box_list))

    for i in range(len(box_list)):
        if box_mask[i] == 0: continue
        for j in range(i + 1, len(box_list)):
            if get_intersection_over_union(box_list[i], box_list[j]) > max_iou:
                box_mask[j] = 0.0

    filter_iou_mask = np.array(box_mask > 0.0, dtype='bool')
    return filter_iou_mask

# Converts the boxes in box list to pixel units
# assumes box_list is the output from the box output from
# the tiny yolo network and is [grid_size x grid_size x 2 x 4].
def boxes_to_pixel_units(box_list, image_width, image_height, grid_size):

    # number of boxes per grid cell
    boxes_per_cell = 2

    # setup some offset values to map boxes to pixels
    # box_offset will be [[ [0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4], [5, 5], [6, 6]] ...repeated for 7 ]
    box_offset = np.transpose(np.reshape(np.array([np.arange(grid_size)]*(grid_size*2)),(boxes_per_cell,grid_size, grid_size)),(1,2,0))

    # adjust the box center
    box_list[:,:,:,0] += box_offset
    box_list[:,:,:,1] += np.transpose(box_offset,(1, 0, 2))
    box_list[:,:,:,0:2] = box_list[:,:,:,0:2] / (grid_size * 1.0)

    # adjust the lengths and widths
    box_list[:,:,:,2] = np.multiply(box_list[:,:,:,2], box_list[:,:,:,2])
    box_list[:,:,:,3] = np.multiply(box_list[:,:,:,3], box_list[:,:,:,3])

    #scale the boxes to the image size in pixels
    box_list[:,:,:,0] *= image_width
    box_list[:,:,:,1] *= image_height
    box_list[:,:,:,2] *= image_width
    box_list[:,:,:,3] *= image_height

# Evaluate the intersection-over-union for two boxes
# The intersection-over-union metric determines how close
# two boxes are to being the same box.  The closer the boxes
# are to being the same, the closer the metric will be to 1.0
# box_1 and box_2 are arrays of 4 numbers which are the (x, y)
# points that define the center of the box and the length and width of
# the box.
# Returns the intersection-over-union (between 0.0 and 1.0)
# for the two boxes specified.
def get_intersection_over_union(box_1, box_2):

    # one diminsion of the intersecting box
    intersection_dim_1 = min(box_1[0]+0.5*box_1[2],box_2[0]+0.5*box_2[2])-\

    # the other dimension of the intersecting box
    intersection_dim_2 = min(box_1[1]+0.5*box_1[3],box_2[1]+0.5*box_2[3])-\

    if intersection_dim_1 < 0 or intersection_dim_2 < 0 :
        # no intersection area
        intersection_area = 0
    else :
        # intersection area is product of intersection dimensions
        intersection_area =  intersection_dim_1*intersection_dim_2

    # calculate the union area which is the area of each box added
    # and then we need to subtract out the intersection area since
    # it is counted twice (by definition it is in each box)
    union_area = box_1[2]*box_1[3] + box_2[2]*box_2[3] - intersection_area;

    # now we can return the intersection over union
    iou = intersection_area / union_area

    return iou

# Displays a gui window with an image that contains
# boxes and lables for found objects.  will not return until
# user presses a key.
# source_image is the original image for the inference before it was resized or otherwise changed.
# filtered_objects is a list of lists (as returned from filter_objects()
# each of the inner lists represent one found object and contain
# the following 6 values:
#    string that is network classification ie 'cat', or 'chair' etc
#    float value for box center X pixel location within source image
#    float value for box center Y pixel location within source image
#    float value for box width in pixels within source image
#    float value for box height in pixels within source image
#    float value that is the probability for the network classification.
def display_objects_in_gui(source_image, filtered_objects, network_input_w, network_input_h):
    # copy image so we can draw on it. Could just draw directly on source image if not concerned about that.
    display_image = source_image.copy()
    source_image_width = source_image.shape[1]
    source_image_height = source_image.shape[0]

    x_ratio = float(source_image_width) / network_input_w
    y_ratio = float(source_image_height) / network_input_h

    # loop through each box and draw it on the image along with a classification label
    print('\n Found this many objects in the image: ' + str(len(filtered_objects)))
    for obj_index in range(len(filtered_objects)):
        center_x = int(filtered_objects[obj_index][1] * x_ratio) 
        center_y = int(filtered_objects[obj_index][2] * y_ratio)
        half_width = int(filtered_objects[obj_index][3] * x_ratio)//2
        half_height = int(filtered_objects[obj_index][4] * y_ratio)//2

        # calculate box (left, top) and (right, bottom) coordinates
        box_left = max(center_x - half_width, 0)
        box_top = max(center_y - half_height, 0)
        box_right = min(center_x + half_width, source_image_width)
        box_bottom = min(center_y + half_height, source_image_height)

        print(' - object: ' + YELLOW + str(filtered_objects[obj_index][0]) + NOCOLOR + ' is at left: ' + str(box_left) + ', top: ' + str(box_top) + ', right: ' + str(box_right) + ', bottom: ' + str(box_bottom))  

        #draw the rectangle on the image.  This is hopefully around the object
        box_color = (0, 255, 0)  # green box
        box_thickness = 2
        cv2.rectangle(display_image, (box_left, box_top),(box_right, box_bottom), box_color, box_thickness)

        # draw the classification label string just above and to the left of the rectangle
        label_background_color = (70, 120, 70) # greyish green background for text
        label_text_color = (255, 255, 255)   # white text
        cv2.rectangle(display_image,(box_left, box_top+20),(box_right,box_top), label_background_color, -1)
        cv2.putText(display_image,filtered_objects[obj_index][0] + ' : %.2f' % filtered_objects[obj_index][5], (box_left+5, box_top+15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, label_text_color, 1)

    window_name = 'TinyYolo (hit key to exit)'
    cv2.imshow(window_name, display_image)
    cv2.moveWindow(window_name, 10, 10)
    while (True):
        raw_key = cv2.waitKey(1)

        # check if the window is visible, this means the user hasn't closed
        # the window via the X button (may only work with opencv 3.x
        prop_val = cv2.getWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_ASPECT_RATIO)
        if ((raw_key != -1) or (prop_val < 0.0)):
            # the user hit a key or closed the window (in that order)

def display_info(input_shape, output_shape, image, ir, labels):
    print(YELLOW + 'Tiny Yolo v1: Starting application...' + NOCOLOR)
    print('   - ' + YELLOW + 'Plugin:       ' + NOCOLOR + 'Myriad')
    print('   - ' + YELLOW + 'IR File:     ' + NOCOLOR, ir)
    print('   - ' + YELLOW + 'Input Shape: ' + NOCOLOR, input_shape)
    print('   - ' + YELLOW + 'Output Shape:' + NOCOLOR, output_shape)
    print('   - ' + YELLOW + 'Labels File: ' + NOCOLOR, labels)
    print('   - ' + YELLOW + 'Image File:   ' + NOCOLOR, image)

# This function is called from the entry point to do
# all the work.
def main():
    ARGS = parse_args().parse_args()
    image = ARGS.image
    labels = ARGS.labels
    ir = ARGS.ir
    threshold = ARGS.threshold
    # Prepare Categories
    with open(labels) as labels_file:
	    label_list = labels_file.read().splitlines()
    print(YELLOW + 'Running NCS Caffe TinyYolo example...')

    ####################### 1. Setup Plugin and Network #######################
    # Select the myriad plugin and IRs to be used
    ie = IECore()
    net = IENetwork(model = ir, weights = ir[:-3] + 'bin')

    # Set up the input and output blobs
    input_blob = next(iter(net.inputs))
    output_blob = next(iter(net.outputs))
    input_shape = net.inputs[input_blob].shape
    output_shape = net.outputs[output_blob].shape
    # Display model information
    display_info(input_shape, output_shape, image, ir, labels)
    # Load the network and get the network shape information
    exec_net = ie.load_network(network = net, device_name = DEVICE)
    n, c, h, w = input_shape

    # Read image from file, resize it to network width and height
    # save a copy in display_image for display, then convert to float32, normalize (divide by 255),
    # and finally convert to convert to float16 to pass to LoadTensor as input for an inference
    input_image = cv2.imread(image)
    display_image = input_image
    input_image = cv2.resize(input_image, (w, h), cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
    input_image = input_image.astype(np.float32)
    input_image = np.transpose(input_image, (2,0,1))
    output = exec_net.infer({input_blob: input_image})
    output = output[output_blob][0].flatten()

    filtered_objs = filter_objects(output.astype(np.float32), input_image.shape[1], input_image.shape[2], label_list, threshold)

    print('\n Displaying image with objects detected in GUI...')
    print(' Click in the GUI window and hit any key to exit.')
    # display the filtered objects/boxes in a GUI window
    display_objects_in_gui(display_image, filtered_objs, input_image.shape[1], input_image.shape[2])

    print('\n Finished.')

# main entry point for program. we'll call main() to do what needs to be done.
if __name__ == "__main__":