
import numpy
import scipy.signal

tau = numpy.pi * 2
max_samples = 1000000
debug = False

# determine the clock frequency
# input: magnitude spectrum of clock signal (numpy array)
# output: FFT bin number of clock frequency
def find_clock_frequency(spectrum):
    maxima = scipy.signal.argrelextrema(spectrum, numpy.greater_equal)[0]
    while maxima[0] < 2:
        maxima = maxima[1:]
    if maxima.any():
        threshold = max(spectrum[2:-1])*0.8
        indices_above_threshold = numpy.argwhere(spectrum[maxima] > threshold)
        return maxima[indices_above_threshold[0]]
        return 0

def midpoint(a):
    mean_a = numpy.mean(a)
    mean_a_greater = numpy.ma.masked_greater(a, mean_a)
    high = numpy.ma.median(mean_a_greater)
    mean_a_less_or_equal = numpy.ma.masked_array(a, ~mean_a_greater.mask)
    low = numpy.ma.median(mean_a_less_or_equal)
    return (high + low) / 2

# whole packet clock recovery
# input: real valued NRZ-like waveform (array, tuple, or list)
#        must have at least 2 samples per symbol
#        must have at least 2 symbol transitions
# output: list of symbols
def wpcr(a):
    if len(a) < 4:
        return []
    b = (a > midpoint(a)) * 1.0
    d = numpy.diff(b)**2
    if len(numpy.argwhere(d > 0)) < 2:
        return []
    f = scipy.fft(d, len(a))
    p = find_clock_frequency(abs(f))
    if p == 0:
        return []
    cycles_per_sample = (p*1.0)/len(f)
    clock_phase = 0.5 + numpy.angle(f[p])/(tau)
    if clock_phase <= 0.5:
        clock_phase += 1
    symbols = []
    for i in range(len(a)):
        if clock_phase >= 1:
            clock_phase -= 1
        clock_phase += cycles_per_sample
    if debug:
        print("peak frequency index: %d / %d" % (p, len(f)))
        print("samples per symbol: %f" % (1.0/cycles_per_sample))
        print("clock cycles per sample: %f" % (cycles_per_sample))
        print("clock phase in cycles between 1st and 2nd samples: %f" % (clock_phase))
        print("clock phase in cycles at 1st sample: %f" % (clock_phase - cycles_per_sample/2))
        print("symbol count: %d" % (len(symbols)))
    return symbols

# convert soft symbols into bits (assuming binary symbols)
def slice_bits(symbols):
    symbols_average = numpy.average(symbols)
    bits = (symbols >= symbols_average)
    return numpy.array(bits, dtype=numpy.uint8)

def read_from_stdin():
    return numpy.frombuffer(sys.stdin.buffer.read(), dtype=numpy.float32)

# If called directly from command line, take input file (or stdin) as a stream
# of floats and print binary symbols found therein.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    debug = True
    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] != '-':
        samples = numpy.fromfile(sys.argv[1], dtype=numpy.float32)
        samples = read_from_stdin()