#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Some tools to create Morse Code audible message

Some ideas was taken from
import sys
from math import pi, sin
import wave
import struct
from itertools import count, islice
from morse_talk.utils import (samples_nb, _seconds_per_dot, _limit_value)
from morse_talk.encoding import _encode_binary

BITS = 16

    from itertools import zip_longest
except ImportError:
    from itertools import imap
    from itertools import izip
    from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest

    stdout = sys.stdout.buffer
except AttributeError:
    stdout = sys.stdout

def grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None):
    "grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
    args = [iter(iterable)] * n
    return zip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)

def compute_samples(channels, nsamples=None):
    create a generator which computes the samples.
    essentially it creates a sequence of the sum of each function in the channel
    at each sample in the file for each channel.
    return islice(izip(*(imap(sum, izip(*channel)) for channel in channels)), nsamples)

def write_wavefile(f, samples, nframes=None, nchannels=2, sampwidth=2, framerate=44100, bufsize=2048):
    "Write samples to a wavefile."
    if nframes is None:
        nframes = 0

    w = wave.open(f, 'wb')
    w.setparams((nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, 'NONE', 'not compressed'))

    max_amplitude = float(int((2 ** (sampwidth * 8)) / 2) - 1)

    # split the samples into chunks (to reduce memory consumption and improve performance)
    for chunk in grouper(bufsize, samples):
        frames = b''.join(b''.join(struct.pack('h', int(max_amplitude * sample)) for sample in channels) for channels in chunk if channels is not None)


def sine_wave(i, frequency=FREQUENCY, framerate=FRAMERATE, amplitude=AMPLITUDE):
    Returns value of a sine wave at a given frequency and framerate
    for a given sample i
    omega = 2.0 * pi * float(frequency)
    sine = sin(omega * (float(i) / float(framerate)))
    return float(amplitude) * sine

def generate_wave(message, wpm=WPM, framerate=FRAMERATE, skip_frame=0, amplitude=AMPLITUDE, frequency=FREQUENCY, word_ref=WORD):
    Generate binary Morse code of message at a given code speed wpm and framerate

    word : string
    wpm : int or float - word per minute
    framerate : nb of samples / seconds
    word_spaced : bool - calculate with spaces between 2 words (default is False)
    skip_frame : int - nb of frame to skip

    value : float

    lst_bin = _encode_binary(message)
    if amplitude > 1.0:
        amplitude = 1.0
    if amplitude < 0.0:
        amplitude = 0.0
    seconds_per_dot = _seconds_per_dot(word_ref)  # =1.2
    for i in count(skip_frame):
        bit = morse_bin(i=i, lst_bin=lst_bin, wpm=wpm, framerate=framerate, default_value=0.0, seconds_per_dot=seconds_per_dot)
        sine = sine_wave(i=i, frequency=frequency, framerate=framerate, amplitude=amplitude)
        yield sine * bit

def morse_bin(i, lst_bin, wpm=WPM, framerate=FRAMERATE, default_value=0.0, seconds_per_dot=1.2):
    Returns value of a morse bin list at a given framerate  and code speed (wpm)
    for a given sample i
        return lst_bin[int(float(wpm) * float(i) / (seconds_per_dot * float(framerate)))]
    except IndexError:
        return default_value

def calculate_wave(i, lst_bin, wpm=WPM, frequency=FREQUENCY, framerate=FRAMERATE, amplitude=AMPLITUDE, seconds_per_dot=SECONDS_PER_DOT):
    Returns product of a sin wave and morse code (dit, dah, silent)
    bit = morse_bin(i=i, lst_bin=lst_bin, wpm=wpm, framerate=framerate,
                    default_value=0.0, seconds_per_dot=seconds_per_dot)
    sine = sine_wave(i=i, frequency=frequency, framerate=framerate, amplitude=amplitude)
    return bit * sine

def preview_wave(message, wpm=WPM, frequency=FREQUENCY, framerate=FRAMERATE, amplitude=AMPLITUDE, word_ref=WORD):
    Listen (preview) wave

    sounddevice is required http://python-sounddevice.readthedocs.org/
    $ pip install sounddevice
    samp_nb = samples_nb(message=message, wpm=wpm, framerate=framerate, word_spaced=False)
    import sounddevice as sd
    lst_bin = _encode_binary(message)
    amplitude = _limit_value(amplitude)
    seconds_per_dot = _seconds_per_dot(word_ref)  # 1.2
    a = [calculate_wave(i, lst_bin, wpm, frequency, framerate, amplitude, seconds_per_dot)
         for i in range(samp_nb)]
    sd.play(a, framerate, blocking=True)

def main():
    import doctest

if __name__ == '__main__':