"""Copyright 2008 Orbitz WorldWide

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License."""

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import daylight
import pytz

months = [
weekdays = ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat']

def parseATTime(s, tzinfo=None):
    if tzinfo is None:
        tzinfo = pytz.utc
    s = s.strip().lower().replace('_', '').replace(',', '').replace(' ', '')
    if s.isdigit():
        if len(s) == 8 and int(s[:4]) > 1900 and int(
                s[4:6]) < 13 and int(s[6:]) < 32:
            pass  # Fall back because its not a timestamp, its YYYYMMDD form
            return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(s), tzinfo)
    elif ':' in s and len(s) == 13:
        return tzinfo.localize(datetime.strptime(s, '%H:%M%Y%m%d'), daylight)
    if '+' in s:
        ref, offset = s.split('+', 1)
        offset = '+' + offset
    elif '-' in s:
        ref, offset = s.split('-', 1)
        offset = '-' + offset
        ref, offset = s, ''
    return (
        parseTimeReference(ref) +

def parseTimeReference(ref):
    if not ref or ref == 'now':
        return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())

    # Time-of-day reference
    i = ref.find(':')
    hour, min = 0, 0
    if i != -1:
        hour = int(ref[:i])
        min = int(ref[i + 1:i + 3])
        ref = ref[i + 3:]
        if ref[:2] == 'am':
            ref = ref[2:]
        elif ref[:2] == 'pm':
            hour = (hour + 12) % 24
            ref = ref[2:]
    if ref.startswith('noon'):
        hour, min = 12, 0
        ref = ref[4:]
    elif ref.startswith('midnight'):
        hour, min = 0, 0
        ref = ref[8:]
    elif ref.startswith('teatime'):
        hour, min = 16, 0
        ref = ref[7:]

    refDate = datetime.now().replace(hour=hour, minute=min, second=0)

    # Day reference
    if ref in ('yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow'):  # yesterday, today, tomorrow
        if ref == 'yesterday':
            refDate = refDate - timedelta(days=1)
        if ref == 'tomorrow':
            refDate = refDate + timedelta(days=1)
    elif ref.count('/') == 2:  # MM/DD/YY[YY]
        m, d, y = map(int, ref.split('/'))
        if y < 1900:
            y += 1900
        if y < 1970:
            y += 100
        refDate = refDate.replace(year=y)

        try:  # Fix for Bug #551771
            refDate = refDate.replace(month=m)
            refDate = refDate.replace(day=d)
            refDate = refDate.replace(day=d)
            refDate = refDate.replace(month=m)

    elif len(ref) == 8 and ref.isdigit():  # YYYYMMDD
        refDate = refDate.replace(year=int(ref[:4]))

        try:  # Fix for Bug #551771
            refDate = refDate.replace(month=int(ref[4:6]))
            refDate = refDate.replace(day=int(ref[6:8]))
            refDate = refDate.replace(day=int(ref[6:8]))
            refDate = refDate.replace(month=int(ref[4:6]))

    elif ref[:3] in months:  # MonthName DayOfMonth
        refDate = refDate.replace(month=months.index(ref[:3]) + 1)
        if ref[-2:].isdigit():
            refDate = refDate.replace(day=int(ref[-2:]))
        elif ref[-1:].isdigit():
            refDate = refDate.replace(day=int(ref[-1:]))
            raise Exception("Day of month required after month name")
    elif ref[:3] in weekdays:  # DayOfWeek (Monday, etc)
        todayDayName = refDate.strftime("%a").lower()[:3]
        today = weekdays.index(todayDayName)
        twoWeeks = weekdays * 2
        dayOffset = today - twoWeeks.index(ref[:3])
        if dayOffset < 0:
            dayOffset += 7
        refDate -= timedelta(days=dayOffset)
    elif ref:
        raise Exception("Unknown day reference")
    return refDate

def parseTimeOffset(offset):
    if not offset:
        return timedelta()

    t = timedelta()

    if offset[0].isdigit():
        sign = 1
        sign = {'+': 1, '-': -1}[offset[0]]
        offset = offset[1:]

    while offset:
        i = 1
        while offset[:i].isdigit() and i <= len(offset):
            i += 1
        num = int(offset[:i - 1])
        offset = offset[i - 1:]
        i = 1
        while offset[:i].isalpha() and i <= len(offset):
            i += 1
        unit = offset[:i - 1]
        offset = offset[i - 1:]
        unitString = getUnitString(unit)
        if unitString == 'months':
            unitString = 'days'
            num = num * 30
        if unitString == 'years':
            unitString = 'days'
            num = num * 365
        t += timedelta(**{unitString: sign * num})

    return t

def getUnitString(s):
    if s.startswith('s'):
        return 'seconds'
    if s.startswith('min'):
        return 'minutes'
    if s.startswith('h'):
        return 'hours'
    if s.startswith('d'):
        return 'days'
    if s.startswith('w'):
        return 'weeks'
    if s.startswith('mon'):
        return 'months'
    if s.startswith('m'):
        return 'minutes'
    if s.startswith('y'):
        return 'years'
    raise Exception("Invalid offset unit '%s'" % s)