import requests
from .objects.accounts import Accounts
from .objects.customfields import CustomFields
from .objects.customredirects import CustomRedirects
from .objects.dynamiccontent import DynamicContent
from .objects.emailclicks import EmailClicks
from .objects.emailtemplates import EmailTemplates
from .objects.forms import Forms
from .objects.lifecyclehistories import LifecycleHistories
from .objects.lifecyclestages import LifecycleStages
from .objects.lists import Lists
from .objects.listmemberships import ListMemberships
from .objects.emails import Emails
from .objects.prospects import Prospects
from .objects.opportunities import Opportunities
from .objects.prospectaccounts import ProspectAccounts
from .objects.tags import Tags
from .objects.tagobjects import TagObjects
from .objects.users import Users
from .objects.visits import Visits
from .objects.visitors import Visitors
from .objects.visitoractivities import VisitorActivities
from .objects.campaigns import Campaigns

from .errors import PardotAPIError

# Issue #1 (
# Python 2.6 has json built in, 2.5 needs simplejson
    import json
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json


class PardotAPI(object):
    def __init__(self, email, password, user_key, version=4): = email
        self.password = password
        self.user_key = user_key
        self.api_key = None
        self.version = version
        self.accounts = Accounts(self)
        self.campaigns = Campaigns(self)
        self.customfields = CustomFields(self)
        self.customredirects = CustomRedirects(self)
        self.dynamiccontent = DynamicContent(self)
        self.emailclicks = EmailClicks(self)
        self.emails = Emails(self)
        self.emailtemplates = EmailTemplates(self)
        self.forms = Forms(self)
        self.lifecyclehistories = LifecycleHistories(self)
        self.lifecyclestages = LifecycleStages(self)
        self.listmemberships = ListMemberships(self)
        self.lists = Lists(self)
        self.opportunities = Opportunities(self)
        self.prospects = Prospects(self)
        self.prospectaccounts = ProspectAccounts(self)
        self.tags = Tags(self)
        self.tagobjects = TagObjects(self)
        self.users = Users(self)
        self.visits = Visits(self)
        self.visitors = Visitors(self)
        self.visitoractivities = VisitorActivities(self)

    def post(self, object_name, path=None, params=None, retries=0):
        Makes a POST request to the API. Checks for invalid requests that raise PardotAPIErrors. If the API key is
        invalid, one re-authentication request is made, in case the key has simply expired. If no errors are raised,
        returns either the JSON response, or if no JSON was returned, returns the HTTP response status code.
        if params is None:
            params = {}
        params.update({'user_key': self.user_key, 'api_key': self.api_key, 'format': 'json'})
            request =, self.version, path), data=params)
            response = self._check_response(request)
            return response
        except PardotAPIError as err:
            if err.message == 'Invalid API key or user key':
                response = self._handle_expired_api_key(err, retries, 'post', object_name, path, params)
                return response
                raise err

    def get(self, object_name, path=None, params=None, retries=0):
        Makes a GET request to the API. Checks for invalid requests that raise PardotAPIErrors. If the API key is
        invalid, one re-authentication request is made, in case the key has simply expired. If no errors are raised,
        returns either the JSON response, or if no JSON was returned, returns the HTTP response status code.
        if params is None:
            params = {}
        params.update({'format': 'json'})
        headers = self._build_auth_header()
            request = requests.get(self._full_path(object_name, self.version, path), params=params, headers=headers)
            response = self._check_response(request)
            return response
        except PardotAPIError as err:
            if err.message == 'Invalid API key or user key':
                response = self._handle_expired_api_key(err, retries, 'get', object_name, path, params)
                return response
                raise err

    def _handle_expired_api_key(self, err, retries, method, object_name, path, params):
        Tries to refresh an expired API key and re-issue the HTTP request. If the refresh has already been attempted,
        an error is raised.
        if retries != 0:
            raise err
        self.api_key = None
        if self.authenticate():
            response = getattr(self, method)(object_name=object_name, path=path, params=params, retries=1)
            return response
            raise err

    def _full_path(object_name, version, path=None):
        """Builds the full path for the API request"""
        full = '{0}/api/{1}/version/{2}'.format(BASE_URI, object_name, version)
        if path:
            return full + '{0}'.format(path)
        return full

    def _check_response(response):
        Checks the HTTP response to see if it contains JSON. If it does, checks the JSON for error codes and messages.
        Raises PardotAPIError if an error was found. If no error was found, returns the JSON. If JSON was not found,
        returns the response status code.
        if response.headers.get('content-type') == 'application/json':
            json = response.json()
            error = json.get('err')
            if error:
                raise PardotAPIError(json_response=json)
            return json
            return response.status_code

    def _check_auth(self, object_name):
        if object_name == 'login':
        if self.api_key is None:

    def authenticate(self):
         Authenticates the user and sets the API key if successful. Returns True if authentication is successful,
         False if authentication fails.
            auth ='login', params={'email':, 'password': self.password})
            if type(auth) is int:
                # sometimes the method will return a status code instead of JSON response on failures
                return False
            self.api_key = auth.get('api_key', None)
            if self.api_key is not None:
                return True
            return False
        except PardotAPIError:
            return False

    def _build_auth_header(self):
        Builds Pardot Authorization Header to be used with GET requests
        if not self.user_key or not self.api_key:
            raise Exception('Cannot build Authorization header. user or api key is empty')
        auth_string = 'Pardot api_key=%s, user_key=%s' % (self.api_key, self.user_key)
        return {'Authorization': auth_string}