import math

import numpy as np

from myia import operations
from myia.utils.errors import MyiaTypeError
from myia.xtype import Bool, Nil, f16, f32, f64, i8, i16, i32, i64, u32, u64

from ..common import (
from ..multitest import infer, mt, run

def Shp(*values):
    """Convert values to a tuple of numpy unsigned itnegers."""
    return tuple(np.uint64(value) for value in values)

    infer(u32, u32, result=u32),
    infer(i32, i32, result=i32),
    infer(i64, i64, result=i64),
    run(5, 7, result=5),
def test_bitwise_and(a, b):
    return a & b

    infer(u32, u32, result=u32),
    infer(i32, i32, result=i32),
    infer(i64, i64, result=i64),
    run(5, 2, result=7),
def test_bitwise_or(a, b):
    return a | b

    infer(u32, u32, result=u32),
    infer(i32, i32, result=i32),
    infer(i64, i64, result=i64),
    run(10, 8, result=2),
def test_bitwise_xor(a, b):
    return a ^ b

    infer(u32, u32, result=u32),
    infer(i32, i32, result=i32),
    infer(i64, i64, result=i64),
    run(3, 2, result=12),
def test_bitwise_lshift(a, b):
    return a << b

    infer(u32, u32, result=u32),
    infer(i32, i32, result=i32),
    infer(i64, i64, result=i64),
    run(12, 2, result=3),
def test_bitwise_rshift(a, b):
    return a >> b

    infer(u32, result=u32),
    infer(i32, result=i32),
    infer(i64, result=i64),
    run(0, result=~0),
    run(-37, result=~(-37)),
    run(np.uint16(0b0000110101001101), result=np.uint16(0b1111001010110010)),
def test_bitwise_not(a):
    return ~a

    # seems to not accept integers
    run(0.0, result=0),
    run(np.float16(0), result=0),
    run(np.float32(0), result=0),
    run(np.float64(0), result=0),
    run(math.pi / 2, result=1),
    run(2 * math.pi / 3, result=math.sin(2 * math.pi / 3)),
def test_sin(a):
    return math.sin(a)

    # seems to not accept integers
    run(0.0, result=1),
    run(np.float16(0), result=1),
    run(np.float32(0), result=1),
    run(np.float64(0), result=1),
    run(math.pi / 2, result=0),
    run(2 * math.pi / 3, result=math.cos(2 * math.pi / 3)),
def test_cos(a):
    return math.cos(a)

    # seems to not accept integers
    run(0.0, result=0),
    run(np.float16(0), result=0),
    run(np.float32(0), result=0),
    run(np.float64(0), result=0),
    run(math.pi / 4, result=1),
    run(2 * math.pi / 3, result=math.tan(2 * math.pi / 3)),
def test_tan(a):
    return math.tan(a)

    run(-2.7, result=-2),
    run(7.8, result=7),
    run(np.float16(7.8), result=7),
    run(np.float32(7.8), result=7),
    run(np.float64(7.8), result=7),
def test_trunc(a):
    return math.trunc(a)

    # sin seems not supported for pytorch/CPU/float16
    run(MA(3, 3, dtype="float32"), result=np.sin(MA(3, 3, dtype="float32"))),
    run(MA(3, 3, dtype="float64"), result=np.sin(MA(3, 3, dtype="float64"))),
def test_elemwise_sin(a):
    return np.sin(a)

    # cos seems not supported for pytorch/CPU/float16
    run(MA(3, 3, dtype="float32"), result=np.cos(MA(3, 3, dtype="float32"))),
    run(MA(3, 3, dtype="float64"), result=np.cos(MA(3, 3, dtype="float64"))),
def test_elemwise_cos(a):
    return np.cos(a)

    # cos seems not supported for pytorch/CPU/float16
    run(MA(3, 3, dtype="float32"), result=np.tan(MA(3, 3, dtype="float32"))),
    run(MA(3, 3, dtype="float64"), result=np.tan(MA(3, 3, dtype="float64"))),
def test_elemwise_tan(a):
    return np.tan(a)

    run(MA(3, 3, dtype="float32"), result=np.trunc(MA(3, 3, dtype="float32"))),
    run(MA(3, 3, dtype="float64"), result=np.trunc(MA(3, 3, dtype="float64"))),
def test_elemwise_trunc(a):
    return np.trunc(a)

    infer(af16_of(2, 3), result=af16_of()),
    infer(ai32_of(2, 3), result=ai32_of()),
    infer(au64_of(2, 3), result=au64_of()),
    run(np.arange(1, 11), result=3628800),
    run(np.asarray([-2, -1, 2, 11], dtype="float32"), result=np.float32(44)),
def test_prod(arr):

    run(Shp(2, 3), 0, None, result=np.zeros((2, 3))),
    run(Shp(8), 1, "float16", result=np.ones((8,), "float16")),
    run(Shp(1, 4), -2.5, None, result=(-2.5 * np.ones((1, 4)))),
    run(Shp(1, 4), -2.5, "double", result=(-2.5 * np.ones((1, 4), "double"))),
    broad_specs=(False, False, False),
def test_full(shape, value, dtype):
    return np.full(shape, value, dtype)

    # An error should be raised if wrong values are given as types.
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i32, "bad string", result=MyiaTypeError),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i32, 10, result=MyiaTypeError),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i32, (), result=MyiaTypeError),
    # If d-type is not specified, output type should be type of fill value.
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i16, None, result=ai16_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i64, None, result=ai64_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), f16, None, result=af16_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), f32, None, result=af32_of(2, 3)),
    # Otherwise, output type should be specified d-type.
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i64, "int16", result=ai16_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i64, "float16", result=af16_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i64, "float64", result=af64_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), f64, "int16", result=ai16_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), f64, "int32", result=ai32_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), f64, "uint64", result=au64_of(2, 3)),
    # Numpy d-types should also be accepted as d-types.
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i64, Ty(np.int16), result=ai16_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i64, Ty(np.float16), result=af16_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), f64, Ty(np.uint64), result=au64_of(2, 3)),
def test_infer_full(shape, value, dtype):
    return np.full(shape, value, dtype)

    # we could not cast to a Nil,
    infer(Ty(Nil), i64, result=MyiaTypeError),
    # We could cast to a Bool,
    infer(Ty(Bool), i64, result=Bool),
    # we could create an int8 from any floating.
    infer(Ty(np.int8), f16, result=i8),
    infer(Ty(np.int8), f32, result=i8),
    infer(Ty(np.int8), f64, result=i8),
    # we could cast an int64 to any lower precision integer.
    infer(Ty(np.int8), i64, result=i8),
    infer(Ty(np.int16), i64, result=i16),
    infer(Ty(np.int32), i64, result=i32),
    infer(Ty(np.int64), i64, result=i64),
    # we could instantiate an uint from an int, and vice versa
    infer(Ty(np.int64), u64, result=i64),
    infer(Ty(np.uint64), i64, result=u64),
def test_infer_scalar_cast(dtype, value):
    return dtype(value)

    # test each scalar type
    run(np.uint8, 0, result=0),
    run(np.uint16, 0, result=0),
    run(np.uint32, 0, result=0),
    run(np.uint64, 0, result=0),
    run(np.int8, 0, result=0),
    run(np.int16, 0, result=0),
    run(np.int32, 0, result=0),
    run(np.int64, 0, result=0),
    run(np.float16, 0, result=0),
    run(np.float32, 0, result=0),
    run(np.float64, 0, result=0),
    run(np.bool, 0, result=0),
    run(, 0, result=0),
    run(np.float, 0, result=0),
    run(np.double, 0, result=0),
    run(bool, 0, result=0),
    run(int, 0, result=0),
    run(float, 0, result=0),
    # test bool
    run(np.bool, 0.0, result=False),
    run(np.bool, 1, result=True),
    run(np.bool, 1, result=1),
    run(np.bool, -1, result=1),
    run(np.bool, -1.23456, result=1),
    run(np.bool, -1.23456, result=1),
    # test uint8
    run(np.uint8, 0, result=0),
    run(np.uint8, 255, result=255),
    run(np.uint8, 256, result=0),
    run(np.uint8, 257, result=1),
    run(np.uint8, -1, result=255),
    run(np.uint8, -1.5, result=255),  # -1.5 => -1 => forced to 255
    run(np.uint8, 255.123456789, result=255),
    # test int8
    run(np.int8, -128, result=-128),
    run(np.int8, 127, result=127),
    run(np.int8, 128, result=-128),
    run(np.int8, 129, result=-127),
    run(np.int8, -129, result=127),
    # test float16
    run(np.float16, 1, result=1),
    run(np.float16, -1.1, result=np.float16(-1.1)),
    run(np.float16, -1.23456789, result=-1.234375),
    broad_specs=(False, False),
def test_scalar_cast(dtype, value):
    return dtype(value)

    run((7, 4, 9), 0, result=7),
    run((7, 4, 9), 1, result=4),
    run((7, 4, 9), 2, result=9),
    # Only index must be passed as raw (constant) value
    broad_specs=(True, False),
def test_tuple_getitem(t, i):
    return t[i]

    run((7, 4, 9), 0, 44, result=(44, 4, 9)),
    run((7, 4, 9), 1, 44, result=(7, 44, 9)),
    run((7, 4, 9), 2, 44, result=(7, 4, 44)),
    # Only index must be passed as raw value
    broad_specs=(True, False, True),
def test_tuple_setitem(t, i, v):
    return operations.tuple_setitem(t, i, v)