from __future__ import division
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
import gzip
import io
import os
import logging
import os.path

import h5py
import numpy
from picklable_itertools.extras import equizip
from PIL import Image
from import loadmat
from six.moves import zip, xrange
import zmq

from fuel.converters.base import check_exists, progress_bar
from fuel.datasets import H5PYDataset
from fuel.utils.formats import tar_open
from fuel.utils.parallel import producer_consumer
from fuel import config

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEVKIT_ARCHIVE = 'ILSVRC2010_devkit-1.0.tar.gz'
DEVKIT_META_PATH = 'devkit-1.0/data/meta.mat'
PATCH_IMAGES_TAR = 'patch_images.tar'
TEST_GROUNDTRUTH = 'ILSVRC2010_test_ground_truth.txt'
TRAIN_IMAGES_TAR = 'ILSVRC2010_images_train.tar'
VALID_IMAGES_TAR = 'ILSVRC2010_images_val.tar'
TEST_IMAGES_TAR = 'ILSVRC2010_images_test.tar'

def convert_ilsvrc2010(directory, output_directory,
    """Converter for data from the ILSVRC 2010 competition.

    Source files for this dataset can be obtained by registering at

    input_directory : str
        Path from which to read raw data files.
    output_directory : str
        Path to which to save the HDF5 file.
    output_filename : str, optional
        The output filename for the HDF5 file. Default: 'ilsvrc2010.hdf5'.
    shuffle_seed : int or sequence, optional
        Seed for a random number generator used to shuffle the order
        of the training set on disk, so that sequential reads will not
        be ordered by class.

    .. [ILSVRC2010WEB]

    devkit_path = os.path.join(directory, DEVKIT_ARCHIVE)
    test_groundtruth_path = os.path.join(directory, TEST_GROUNDTRUTH)
    train, valid, test, patch = [os.path.join(directory, fn)
                                 for fn in IMAGE_TARS]
    n_train, valid_groundtruth, test_groundtruth, wnid_map = \
        prepare_metadata(devkit_path, test_groundtruth_path)
    n_valid, n_test = len(valid_groundtruth), len(test_groundtruth)
    output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename)

    with h5py.File(output_path, 'w') as f:'Creating HDF5 datasets...')
        prepare_hdf5_file(f, n_train, n_valid, n_test)'Processing training set...')
        process_train_set(f, train, patch, n_train, wnid_map, shuffle_seed)'Processing validation set...')
        process_other_set(f, 'valid', valid, patch, valid_groundtruth, n_train)'Processing test set...')
        process_other_set(f, 'test', test, patch, test_groundtruth,
                          n_train + n_valid)'Done.')

    return (output_path,)

def fill_subparser(subparser):
    """Sets up a subparser to convert the ILSVRC2010 dataset files.

    subparser : :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser`
        Subparser handling the `ilsvrc2010` command.

        "--shuffle-seed", help="Seed to use for randomizing order of the "
                               "training set on disk.",
        default=config.default_seed, type=int, required=False)
    return convert_ilsvrc2010

def prepare_metadata(devkit_archive, test_groundtruth_path):
    """Extract dataset metadata required for HDF5 file setup.

    devkit_archive : str or file-like object
        The filename or file-handle for the gzipped TAR archive
        containing the ILSVRC2010 development kit.
    test_groundtruth_path : str or file-like object
        The filename or file-handle for the text file containing
        the ILSVRC2010 test set ground truth.

    n_train : int
        The number of examples in the training set.
    valid_groundtruth : ndarray, 1-dimensional
        An ndarray containing the validation set groundtruth in terms of
        0-based class indices.
    test_groundtruth : ndarray, 1-dimensional
        An ndarray containing the test groundtruth in terms of 0-based
        class indices.
    wnid_map : dict
        A dictionary that maps WordNet IDs to 0-based class indices.

    # Read what's necessary from the development kit.
    synsets, cost_matrix, raw_valid_groundtruth = read_devkit(devkit_archive)

    # Mapping to take WordNet IDs to our internal 0-999 encoding.
    wnid_map = dict(zip((s.decode('utf8') for s in synsets['WNID']),

    # Map the 'ILSVRC2010 ID' to our zero-based ID.
    ilsvrc_id_to_zero_based = dict(zip(synsets['ILSVRC2010_ID'],

    # Map the validation set groundtruth to 0-999 labels.
    valid_groundtruth = [ilsvrc_id_to_zero_based[id_]
                         for id_ in raw_valid_groundtruth]

    # Raw test data groundtruth, ILSVRC2010 IDs.
    raw_test_groundtruth = numpy.loadtxt(test_groundtruth_path,

    # Map the test set groundtruth to 0-999 labels.
    test_groundtruth = [ilsvrc_id_to_zero_based[id_]
                        for id_ in raw_test_groundtruth]

    # Ascertain the number of filenames to prepare appropriate sized
    # arrays.
    n_train = int(synsets['num_train_images'].sum())'Training set: {} images'.format(n_train))'Validation set: {} images'.format(len(valid_groundtruth)))'Test set: {} images'.format(len(test_groundtruth)))
    n_total = n_train + len(valid_groundtruth) + len(test_groundtruth)'Total (train/valid/test): {} images'.format(n_total))
    return n_train, valid_groundtruth, test_groundtruth, wnid_map

def create_splits(n_train, n_valid, n_test):
    n_total = n_train + n_valid + n_test
    tuples = {}
    tuples['train'] = (0, n_train)
    tuples['valid'] = (n_train, n_train + n_valid)
    tuples['test'] = (n_train + n_valid, n_total)
    sources = ['encoded_images', 'targets', 'filenames']
    return OrderedDict(
        (split, OrderedDict((source, tuples[split]) for source in sources))
        for split in ('train', 'valid', 'test')

def prepare_hdf5_file(hdf5_file, n_train, n_valid, n_test):
    """Create datasets within a given HDF5 file.

    hdf5_file : :class:`h5py.File` instance
        HDF5 file handle to which to write.
    n_train : int
        The number of training set examples.
    n_valid : int
        The number of validation set examples.
    n_test : int
        The number of test set examples.

    n_total = n_train + n_valid + n_test
    splits = create_splits(n_train, n_valid, n_test)
    hdf5_file.attrs['split'] = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(splits)
    vlen_dtype = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('uint8'))
    hdf5_file.create_dataset('encoded_images', shape=(n_total,),
    hdf5_file.create_dataset('targets', shape=(n_total, 1), dtype=numpy.int16)
    hdf5_file.create_dataset('filenames', shape=(n_total, 1), dtype='S32')

def process_train_set(hdf5_file, train_archive, patch_archive, n_train,
                      wnid_map, shuffle_seed=None):
    """Process the ILSVRC2010 training set.

    hdf5_file : :class:`h5py.File` instance
        HDF5 file handle to which to write. Assumes `features`, `targets`
        and `filenames` already exist and have first dimension larger than
    train_archive :  str or file-like object
        Filename or file handle for the TAR archive of training images.
    patch_archive :  str or file-like object
        Filename or file handle for the TAR archive of patch images.
    n_train : int
        The number of items in the training set.
    wnid_map : dict
        A dictionary mapping WordNet IDs to class indices.
    shuffle_seed : int or sequence, optional
        Seed for a NumPy random number generator that permutes the
        training set on disk. If `None`, no permutation is performed
        (this is the default).

    producer = partial(train_set_producer, train_archive=train_archive,
                       patch_archive=patch_archive, wnid_map=wnid_map)
    consumer = partial(image_consumer, hdf5_file=hdf5_file,
                       num_expected=n_train, shuffle_seed=shuffle_seed)
    producer_consumer(producer, consumer)

def _write_to_hdf5(hdf5_file, index, image_filename, image_data,
    hdf5_file['filenames'][index] = image_filename.encode('ascii')
    hdf5_file['encoded_images'][index] = image_data
    if class_index is not None:
        hdf5_file['targets'][index] = class_index

def train_set_producer(socket, train_archive, patch_archive, wnid_map):
    """Load/send images from the training set TAR file or patch images.

    socket : :class:`zmq.Socket`
        PUSH socket on which to send loaded images.
    train_archive :  str or file-like object
        Filename or file handle for the TAR archive of training images.
    patch_archive :  str or file-like object
        Filename or file handle for the TAR archive of patch images.
    wnid_map : dict
        A dictionary that maps WordNet IDs to 0-based class indices.
        Used to decode the filenames of the inner TAR files.

    patch_images = extract_patch_images(patch_archive, 'train')
    num_patched = 0
    with tar_open(train_archive) as tar:
        for inner_tar_info in tar:
            with tar_open(tar.extractfile( as inner:
                wnid ='.')[0]
                class_index = wnid_map[wnid]
                filenames = sorted( for info in inner
                                   if info.isfile())
                images_gen = (load_from_tar_or_patch(inner, filename,
                              for filename in filenames)
                pathless_filenames = (os.path.split(fn)[-1]
                                      for fn in filenames)
                stream = equizip(pathless_filenames, images_gen)
                for image_fn, (image_data, patched) in stream:
                    if patched:
                        num_patched += 1
                    socket.send_pyobj((image_fn, class_index), zmq.SNDMORE)
    if num_patched != len(patch_images):
        raise ValueError('not all patch images were used')

def image_consumer(socket, hdf5_file, num_expected, shuffle_seed=None,
    """Fill an HDF5 file with incoming images from a socket.

    socket : :class:`zmq.Socket`
        PULL socket on which to receive images.
    hdf5_file : :class:`h5py.File` instance
        HDF5 file handle to which to write. Assumes `features`, `targets`
        and `filenames` already exist and have first dimension larger than
    num_expected : int
        The number of items we expect to be sent over the socket.
    shuffle_seed : int or sequence, optional
        Seed for a NumPy random number generator that permutes the
        images on disk.
    offset : int, optional
        The offset in the HDF5 datasets at which to start writing
        received examples. Defaults to 0.

    with progress_bar('images', maxval=num_expected) as pb:
        if shuffle_seed is None:
            index_gen = iter(xrange(num_expected))
            rng = numpy.random.RandomState(shuffle_seed)
            index_gen = iter(rng.permutation(num_expected))
        for i, num in enumerate(index_gen):
            image_filename, class_index = socket.recv_pyobj(zmq.SNDMORE)
            image_data = numpy.fromstring(socket.recv(), dtype='uint8')
            _write_to_hdf5(hdf5_file, num + offset, image_filename,
                           image_data, class_index)
            pb.update(i + 1)

def process_other_set(hdf5_file, which_set, image_archive, patch_archive,
                      groundtruth, offset):
    """Process the validation or test set.

    hdf5_file : :class:`h5py.File` instance
        HDF5 file handle to which to write. Assumes `features`, `targets`
        and `filenames` already exist and have first dimension larger than
    which_set : str
        Which set of images is being processed. One of 'train', 'valid',
        'test'.  Used for extracting the appropriate images from the patch
    image_archive : str or file-like object
        The filename or file-handle for the TAR archive containing images.
    patch_archive : str or file-like object
        Filename or file handle for the TAR archive of patch images.
    groundtruth : iterable
        Iterable container containing scalar 0-based class index for each
        image, sorted by filename.
    offset : int
        The offset in the HDF5 datasets at which to start writing.

    producer = partial(other_set_producer, image_archive=image_archive,
                       groundtruth=groundtruth, which_set=which_set)
    consumer = partial(image_consumer, hdf5_file=hdf5_file,
                       num_expected=len(groundtruth), offset=offset)
    producer_consumer(producer, consumer)

def other_set_producer(socket, which_set, image_archive, patch_archive,
    """Push image files read from the valid/test set TAR to a socket.

    socket : :class:`zmq.Socket`
        PUSH socket on which to send images.
    which_set : str
        Which set of images is being processed. One of 'train', 'valid',
        'test'.  Used for extracting the appropriate images from the patch
    image_archive : str or file-like object
        The filename or file-handle for the TAR archive containing images.
    patch_archive : str or file-like object
        Filename or file handle for the TAR archive of patch images.
    groundtruth : iterable
        Iterable container containing scalar 0-based class index for each
        image, sorted by filename.

    patch_images = extract_patch_images(patch_archive, which_set)
    num_patched = 0
    with tar_open(image_archive) as tar:
        filenames = sorted( for info in tar if info.isfile())
        images = (load_from_tar_or_patch(tar, filename, patch_images)
                  for filename in filenames)
        pathless_filenames = (os.path.split(fn)[-1] for fn in filenames)
        image_iterator = equizip(images, pathless_filenames, groundtruth)
        for (image_data, patched), filename, class_index in image_iterator:
            if patched:
                num_patched += 1
            socket.send_pyobj((filename, class_index), zmq.SNDMORE)
            socket.send(image_data, copy=False)
    if num_patched != len(patch_images):
        raise Exception

def load_from_tar_or_patch(tar, image_filename, patch_images):
    """Do everything necessary to process an image inside a TAR.

    tar : `TarFile` instance
        The tar from which to read `image_filename`.
    image_filename : str
        Fully-qualified path inside of `tar` from which to read an
        image file.
    patch_images : dict
        A dictionary containing filenames (without path) of replacements
        to be substituted in place of the version of the same file found
        in `tar`.

    image_data : bytes
        The JPEG bytes representing either the image from the TAR archive
        or its replacement from the patch dictionary.
    patched : bool
        True if the image was retrieved from the patch dictionary. False
        if it was retrieved from the TAR file.

    patched = True
    image_bytes = patch_images.get(os.path.basename(image_filename), None)
    if image_bytes is None:
        patched = False
            image_bytes = tar.extractfile(image_filename).read()
        except (IOError, OSError):
            with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=tar.extractfile(image_filename)) as gz:
                image_bytes =
    return image_bytes, patched

def read_devkit(f):
    """Read relevant information from the development kit archive.

    f : str or file-like object
        The filename or file-handle for the gzipped TAR archive
        containing the ILSVRC2010 development kit.

    synsets : ndarray, 1-dimensional, compound dtype
        See :func:`read_metadata_mat_file` for details.
    cost_matrix : ndarray, 2-dimensional, uint8
        See :func:`read_metadata_mat_file` for details.
    raw_valid_groundtruth : ndarray, 1-dimensional, int16
        The labels for the ILSVRC2010 validation set,
        distributed with the development kit code.

    with tar_open(f) as tar:
        # Metadata table containing class hierarchy, textual descriptions, etc.
        meta_mat = tar.extractfile(DEVKIT_META_PATH)
        synsets, cost_matrix = read_metadata_mat_file(meta_mat)

        # Raw validation data groundtruth, ILSVRC2010 IDs. Confusingly
        # distributed inside the development kit archive.
        raw_valid_groundtruth = numpy.loadtxt(tar.extractfile(
            DEVKIT_VALID_GROUNDTRUTH_PATH), dtype=numpy.int16)
    return synsets, cost_matrix, raw_valid_groundtruth

def read_metadata_mat_file(meta_mat):
    """Read ILSVRC2010 metadata from the distributed MAT file.

    meta_mat : str or file-like object
        The filename or file-handle for `meta.mat` from the
        ILSVRC2010 development kit.

    synsets : ndarray, 1-dimensional, compound dtype
        A table containing ILSVRC2010 metadata for the "synonym sets"
        or "synsets" that comprise the classes and superclasses,
        including the following fields:
         * `ILSVRC2010_ID`: the integer ID used in the original
           competition data.
         * `WNID`: A string identifier that uniquely identifies
           a synset in ImageNet and WordNet.
         * `wordnet_height`: The length of the longest path to
           a leaf node in the FULL ImageNet/WordNet hierarchy
           (leaf nodes in the FULL ImageNet/WordNet hierarchy
           have `wordnet_height` 0).
         * `gloss`: A string representation of an English
           textual description of the concept represented by
           this synset.
         * `num_children`: The number of children in the hierarchy
           for this synset.
         * `words`: A string representation, comma separated,
           of different synoym words or phrases for the concept
           represented by this synset.
         * `children`: A vector of `ILSVRC2010_ID`s of children
           of this synset, padded with -1. Note that these refer
           to `ILSVRC2010_ID`s from the original data and *not*
           the zero-based index in the table.
         * `num_train_images`: The number of training images for
           this synset.
    cost_matrix : ndarray, 2-dimensional, uint8
        A 1000x1000 matrix containing the precomputed pairwise
        cost (based on distance in the hierarchy) for all
        low-level synsets (i.e. the thousand possible output
        classes with training data associated).

    mat = loadmat(meta_mat, squeeze_me=True)
    synsets = mat['synsets']
    cost_matrix = mat['cost_matrix']
    new_dtype = numpy.dtype([
        ('ILSVRC2010_ID', numpy.int16),
        ('WNID', ('S', max(map(len, synsets['WNID'])))),
        ('wordnet_height', numpy.int8),
        ('gloss', ('S', max(map(len, synsets['gloss'])))),
        ('num_children', numpy.int8),
        ('words', ('S', max(map(len, synsets['words'])))),
        ('children', (numpy.int8, max(synsets['num_children']))),
        ('num_train_images', numpy.uint16)
    new_synsets = numpy.empty(synsets.shape, dtype=new_dtype)
    for attr in ['ILSVRC2010_ID', 'WNID', 'wordnet_height', 'gloss',
                 'num_children', 'words', 'num_train_images']:
        new_synsets[attr] = synsets[attr]
    children = [numpy.atleast_1d(ch) for ch in synsets['children']]
    padded_children = [
                           -numpy.ones(new_dtype['children'].shape[0] - len(c),
        for c in children
    new_synsets['children'] = padded_children
    return new_synsets, cost_matrix

def extract_patch_images(f, which_set):
    """Extracts a dict of the "patch images" for ILSVRC2010.

    f : str or file-like object
        The filename or file-handle to the patch images TAR file.
    which_set : str
        Which set of images to extract. One of 'train', 'valid', 'test'.

        A dictionary contains a mapping of filenames (without path) to a
        bytes object containing the replacement image.

    Certain images in the distributed archives are blank, or display
    an "image not available" banner. A separate TAR file of
    "patch images" is distributed with the corrected versions of
    these. It is this archive that this function is intended to read.

    if which_set not in ('train', 'valid', 'test'):
        raise ValueError('which_set must be one of train, valid, or test')
    which_set = 'val' if which_set == 'valid' else which_set
    patch_images = {}
    with tar_open(f) as tar:
        for info_obj in tar:
            if not'.JPEG'):
            # Pretty sure that '/' is used for tarfile regardless of
            # os.path.sep, but I officially don't care about Windows.
            tokens ='/')
            file_which_set = tokens[-2]
            if file_which_set != which_set:
            filename = tokens[-1]
            patch_images[filename] = tar.extractfile(
    return patch_images