from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import total_ordering
import logging
import signal
import time
from six import add_metaclass
from six.moves.queue import PriorityQueue
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from threading import Thread

    from bokeh.document import Document
    from bokeh.plotting import figure
    from bokeh.session import Session
except ImportError:

from blocks.config import config
from blocks.extensions import SimpleExtension

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PlottingExtension(SimpleExtension):
    """Base class for extensions doing Bokeh plotting.

    document_name : str
        The name of the Bokeh document. Use a different name for each
        experiment if you are storing your plots.
    start_server : bool, optional
        Whether to try and start the Bokeh plotting server. Defaults to
        ``False``. The server started is not persistent i.e. after shutting
        it down you will lose your plots. If you want to store your plots,
        start the server manually using the ``bokeh-server`` command. Also
        see the warning above.
    server_url : str, optional
        Url of the bokeh-server. Ex: when starting the bokeh-server with
        ``bokeh-server --ip`` at ``alice``, server_url should be
        ``http://alice:5006``. When not specified the default configured
        by ``bokeh_server`` in ``.blocksrc`` will be used. Defaults to
    clear_document : bool, optional
        Whether or not to clear the contents of the server-side document
        upon creation. If `False`, previously existing plots within the
        document will be kept. Defaults to `True`.

    def __init__(self, document_name, server_url=None, start_server=False,
                 clear_document=True, **kwargs):
        self.document_name = document_name
        self.server_url = (config.bokeh_server if server_url is None
                           else server_url)
        self.start_server = start_server
        self.sub = self._start_server_process() if self.start_server else None
        self.session = Session(root_url=self.server_url)
        self.document = Document()
        super(PlottingExtension, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def _start_server_process(self):
        def preexec_fn():
            """Prevents the server from dying on training interrupt."""
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
        # Only memory works with subprocess, need to wait for it to start'Starting plotting server on localhost:5006')
        self.sub = Popen('bokeh-server --ip '
                         '--backend memory'.split(),
                         stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, preexec_fn=preexec_fn)
        time.sleep(2)'Plotting server PID: {}'.format(

    def _setup_document(self, clear_document=False):
        if clear_document:
        self._document_setup_done = True

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        state['sub'] = None
        state.pop('session', None)
        state.pop('_push_thread', None)
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        if self.start_server:
        self.session = Session(root_url=self.server_url)
        self._document_setup_done = False

    def do(self, which_callback, *args):
        if not self._document_setup_done:

    def push_thread(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_push_thread'):
            self._push_thread = PushThread(self.session, self.document)
        return self._push_thread

    def store(self, obj):
        self.push_thread.put(obj, PushThread.PUT)

    def push(self, which_callback):
        self.push_thread.put(which_callback, PushThread.PUSH)

class Plot(PlottingExtension):
    r"""Live plotting of monitoring channels.

    In most cases it is preferable to start the Bokeh plotting server
    manually, so that your plots are stored permanently.

    Alternatively, you can set the ``start_server`` argument of this
    extension to ``True``, to automatically start a server when training
    starts. However, in that case your plots will be deleted when you shut
    down the plotting server!

    .. warning::

       When starting the server automatically using the ``start_server``
       argument, the extension won't attempt to shut down the server at the
       end of training (to make sure that you do not lose your plots the
       moment training completes). You have to shut it down manually (the
       PID will be shown in the logs). If you don't do this, this extension
       will crash when you try and train another model with
       ``start_server`` set to ``True``, because it can't run two servers
       at the same time.

    document_name : str
        See :class:`PlottingExtension` for details.
    channels : list of channel specifications
        A channel specification is either a list of channel names, or a
        dict with at least the entry ``channels`` mapping to a list of
        channel names. The channels in a channel specification will be
        plotted together in a single figure, so use e.g. ``[['test_cost',
        'train_cost'], ['weight_norms']]`` to plot a single figure with the
        training and test cost, and a second figure for the weight norms.

        When the channel specification is a list, a bokeh figure will
        be created with default arguments. When the channel specification
        is a dict, the field channels is used to specify the contnts of the
        figure, and all remaining keys are passed as ``\*\*kwargs`` to
        the ``figure`` function.

    # Tableau 10 colors
    colors = ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd',
              '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf']

    def __init__(self, document_name, channels, **kwargs):
        if not BOKEH_AVAILABLE:
            raise ImportError('Bokeh required for {} extension'
        self.plots = {}
        # Create figures for each group of channels
        self.p = []
        self.p_indices = {}
        self.color_indices = {}
        for i, channel_set in enumerate(channels):
            channel_set_opts = {}
            if isinstance(channel_set, dict):
                channel_set_opts = channel_set
                channel_set = channel_set_opts.pop('channels')
                                        '{} #{}'.format(document_name, i + 1))
            channel_set_opts.setdefault('x_axis_label', 'iterations')
            channel_set_opts.setdefault('y_axis_label', 'value')
            for j, channel in enumerate(channel_set):
                self.p_indices[channel] = i
                self.color_indices[channel] = j

        kwargs.setdefault('after_epoch', True)
        kwargs.setdefault('before_first_epoch', True)
        kwargs.setdefault('after_training', True)
        super(Plot, self).__init__(document_name, **kwargs)

    def do(self, which_callback, *args):
        super(Plot, self).do(which_callback, *args)
        log = self.main_loop.log
        iteration = log.status['iterations_done']
        for key, value in log.current_row.items():
            if key in self.p_indices:
                if key not in self.plots:
                    line_color = self.colors[
                        self.color_indices[key] % len(self.colors)]
                    fig = self.p[self.p_indices[key]]
                    fig.line([iteration], [value],
                             legend=key, name=key,
                    renderer =
                    self.plots[key] = renderer[0].data_source

class _WorkItem(namedtuple('BaseWorkItem', ['priority', 'obj'])):
    __slots__ = ()

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.priority < other.priority

class PushThread(Thread):
    PUSH, PUT = range(2)

    def __init__(self, session, document):
        self.session = session
        self.document = document
        super(PushThread, self).__init__()
        self.queue = PriorityQueue()

    def put(self, obj, priority):
        self.queue.put(_WorkItem(priority, obj))

    def run(self):
        while True:
            priority, obj = self.queue.get()
            if priority == PushThread.PUT:
            elif priority == PushThread.PUSH:
                # delete queued objects when training has finished
                if obj == 'after_training':
                    with self.queue.mutex:
                        del self.queue.queue[:]