#!/usr/bin/env python
    Greynir: Natural language processing for Icelandic

    Parser test module

    Copyright (c) 2015 Vilhjalmur Thorsteinsson
    All rights reserved
    See the accompanying README.md file for further licensing and copyright information.


import time
from contextlib import closing

# Import the Psycopg2 connector for PostgreSQL
    # For CPython
    import psycopg2.extensions as psycopg2ext
    import psycopg2
except ImportError:
    # For PyPy
    import psycopg2cffi.extensions as psycopg2ext
    import psycopg2cffi as psycopg2

from tokenizer import tokenize
from grammar import Nonterminal, Terminal, Token, Production
from fastparser import Fast_Parser, ParseError, ParseForestPrinter
from settings import Settings, ConfigError

# Make Psycopg2 and PostgreSQL happy with UTF-8

class Test_DB:

    """ Encapsulates a database of test sentences and results """

    MAXINT = 2 ** 31 - 1 # Maximum for PostgreSQL integer type

    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialize DB connection instance """
        self._conn = None # Connection
        self._c = None # Cursor

    def open_db(cls):
        """ Return an open instance of the database on the default host """
        return cls().open(Settings.DB_HOSTNAME)

    def open(self, host):
        """ Open and initialize a database connection """
        self._conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname="test", user="reynir", password="reynir",
            host=host, client_encoding="utf8")
        if not self._conn:
            raise Exception("Unable to open connection to database at host " + host)
        # Ask for automatic commit after all operations
        # We're doing only reads, so this is fine and makes things less complicated
        self._conn.autocommit = True
        self._c = self._conn.cursor()
        return None if self._c is None else self

    def close(self):
        """ Close the DB connection and the associated cursor """
        self._c = self._conn = None

    def create_sentence_table(self):
        """ Create a fresh test sentence table if it doesn't already exist """
        assert self._c is not None
        self._c.execute("CREATE TABLE sentences (id serial PRIMARY KEY, sentence varchar, numtrees int, best int, target int);")
        return True

    def add_sentence(self, sentence, numtrees = 0, best = -1, target = 1):
        """ Add a sentence to the test sentence table """
        assert self._c is not None
        self._c.execute("INSERT INTO sentences (sentence, numtrees, best, target) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);",
            [ sentence, min(numtrees, self.MAXINT), min(best, self.MAXINT), target ])
        return True

    def update_sentence(self, identity, sentence, numtrees = 0, best = -1, target = 1):
        """ Update a sentence and its statistics in the table """
        assert self._c is not None
        self._c.execute("UPDATE sentences SET (sentence, numtrees, best, target) = (%s, %s, %s, %s) WHERE id = %s;",
            [ sentence, min(numtrees, self.MAXINT), min(best, self.MAXINT), target, identity ])
        return True

    def delete_sentence(self, identity):
        """ Delete a sentence from the table """
        assert self._c is not None
        self._c.execute("DELETE FROM sentences WHERE id = %s;", [ identity ])
        return True

    def sentences(self):
        """ Return a list of all test sentences in the database """
        assert self._c is not None
        m = [ ]
            self._c.execute("SELECT id, sentence, numtrees, best, target FROM sentences ORDER BY id;")
            t = self._c.fetchall()
            m = [ dict(
                    identity = r[0],
                    sentence = r[1],
                    numtrees = r[2],
                    best = r[3],
                    target = r[4])
                for r in t]
        except psycopg2.DataError as e:
            # Fall through with empty m
        return m

def test1():
    # Test grammar 1

    print("------ Test 1 ---------")

    # Abbreviations
    NT = Nonterminal
    TERM = Terminal

    # Hard-coded test case - grammar not read from file

    E = NT ('E')
    T = NT ('T')
    P = NT ('P')
    plus = TERM ('+')
    mult = TERM ('*')
    ident = TERM ('ident')

    g = {
        E: [Production(rhs=[E,plus,T]), Production(rhs=[T])],
        T: [Production(rhs=[T,mult,P]), Production(rhs=[P])],
        P: [Production(rhs=[ident])],

    p = Parser(g, E)
    s = [
        Token('ident', 'a'),
        Token('*', '*'),
        Token('ident', 'b'),
        Token('+', '+'),
        Token('ident', 'c'),
        Token('*', '*'),
        Token('ident', 'd'),
        Token('+', '+'),
        Token('ident', 'e'),
        Token('+', '+'),
        Token('ident', 'f')

    forest = p.go(s)

    print("Parse combinations: {0}".format(Parser.num_combinations(forest)))


def run_test(fast_p):
    """ Run a test parse on all sentences in the test table """

    with closing(Test_DB.open_db()) as db:

        slist = db.sentences()

        for s in slist:

            txt = s["sentence"]
            target = s["target"] # The ideal number of parse trees (1 or 0)

            tokens = tokenize(txt)

            tlist = list(tokens)
            err = ""

            # Run the all-Python parser
            #    t0 = time.time()
            #    forest = p.go(tlist)
            #except ParseError as e:
            #    err = "{0}".format(e)
            #    forest = None
            #    t1 = time.time()

            # ParseForestPrinter.print_forest(p.grammar, forest, detailed = True)

            # Run the C++ parser
                tf0 = time.time()
                forest2 = fast_p.go(tlist)
            except ParseError as e:
                err = "{0}".format(e)
                forest2 = None
                tf1 = time.time()

            # num = 0 if forest is None else Parser.num_combinations(forest)
            num2 = 0 if forest2 is None else Fast_Parser.num_combinations(forest2)

            if Settings.DEBUG:
                #print("Python: Parsed in {0:.4f} seconds, {1} combinations".format(t1 - t0, num))
                print("C++:    Parsed in {0:.4f} seconds, {1} combinations".format(tf1 - tf0, num2))

            best = s["best"]
            if best <= 0 or abs(target - num2) < abs(target - best):
                # We are closer to the ideal number of parse trees (target) than
                # the best parse so far: change the best one
                best = num2

            db.update_sentence(s["identity"], s["sentence"], num2, best, target)

            yield dict(
                identity = s["identity"],
                sentence = txt,
                numtrees = num2,
                best = best,
                target = target,
                parse_time = tf1 - tf0,
                err = "" if target == 0 else err, # Don't bother showing errors that are expected
                forest = forest2

            #break # !!! DEBUG: only do one loop

def test3():

    print("\n\n------ Test 3 ---------")

    # p = BIN_Parser(verbose = False) # Don't emit diagnostic messages

    with Fast_Parser(verbose = False) as fast_p:

        g = fast_p.grammar

        print("Reynir.grammar has {0} nonterminals, {1} terminals, {2} productions"
            .format(g.num_nonterminals, g.num_terminals, g.num_productions))

        # g.follow_set(g.root)
        # return

        # Dump the grammar
        # print("\n" + str(g))

        def create_sentence_table():
            """ Only used to create a test fresh sentence table if one doesn't exist """
            with closing(Test_DB.open_db()) as db:


                    TEXTS = [
                        "Páll fór út með stóran kött og Jón keypti heitan graut.",
                        "Unga fallega konan frá Garðabæ elti ljóta og feita karlinn rösklega og fumlaust í svörtu myrkrinu",
                        "Kötturinn sem strákurinn átti veiddi feitu músina",
                        "Gamla bláa kommóðan var máluð fjólublá með olíumálningu",
                        "Landsframleiðslan hefur aukist frá því í fyrra",
                        "Guðmundur og Guðrún kusu Framsóknarflokkinn",
                        "Þú skalt fara til Danmerkur.",
                        "Ég og þú fórum til Frakklands í utanlandsferð",
                        "Stóru bláu könnunni mun hafa verið fleygt í ruslið",
                        "Már Guðmundsson segir margskonar misskilnings gæta hjá Hannesi Hólmsteini",
                        "Már Guðmundsson seðlabankastjóri Íslands segir þetta við Morgunblaðið í dag.",
                        "Það er náttúrlega einungis í samfélögum sem eiga við býsna stór vandamál að stríða " + \
                            "að ný stjórnmálaöfl geta snögglega sveiflast upp í þriðjungs fylgi.",
                        "Áætlaður kostnaður verkefnisins var tíu milljónir króna og áætluð verklok eru í byrjun september næstkomandi.",
                        "Pakkinn snerist um að ábyrgjast innlán og skuldabréfaútgáfu danskra fjármálafyrirtækja.",
                        "Kynningarfundurinn sem ég hélt í dag fjallaði um lausnina á þessum vanda.",
                        "Kynningarfundurinn sem haldinn var í dag fjallaði um lausnina á þessum vanda.",
                        "Það sakamál sé til meðferðar við Héraðsdóm Suðurlands."

                    for t in TEXTS:

                    slist = db.sentences()
                    for s in slist:

                except Exception as e:

        for test in run_test(fast_p):

            print("\n'{0}'\n{1} parse trees found in {2:.3f} seconds\n"
                .format(test["sentence"], test["numtrees"], test["parse_time"]))

            if test["numtrees"] > 0:
                # ParseForestPrinter.print_forest(test["forest"])
                # print("{0}".format(Parser.make_schema(test["forest"])))
            elif test["err"]:
                print("Error: {0}".format(test["err"]))
    # fast_p is automatically cleaned up via the context manager protocol

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Read the configuration settings file

    except ConfigError as e:
        print("Configuration error: {0}".format(e))

    # Run the tests

    # test1()

    # test2()

    import cProfile as profile
    import pstats

    filename = 'Reynir.profile'

    profile.run('test3()', filename)

    stats = pstats.Stats(filename)

    # Clean up filenames for the report

    # Sort the statistics by the total time spent in the function itself

    stats.print_stats(100) # Print 100 most significant lines