# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License

"""Module containing VizDoom environment wrapper."""

import logging
import os
import datetime

import gym
import gym.spaces
import numpy as np
import random
import imageio

from vizdoom import DoomGame, Button

    import cv2

    logging.info('OpenCV found, setting as default backend.')
except ImportError:

    import PIL


        logging.info('Pillow found, setting as default backend.')
except ImportError:

class VizDoom(gym.Env):
    Wraps a VizDoom environment

    def __init__(self, cfg_path, number_maps, scaled_resolution=(42, 42), action_frame_repeat=4, clip=(-1, 1),
                 seed=None, data_augmentation=False):
        Gym environment for training reinforcement learning agents.

        :param cfg_path: name of the mission (.cfg) to run
        :param number_maps: number of maps which are contained within the cfg file
        :param scaled_resolution: resolution (height, width) of the observation to be returned with each step
        :param action_frame_repeat: how many game tics should an action be active
        :param clip: how much the reward returned on each step should be clipped to
        :param seed: seed for random, used to determine the other that the doom maps should be shown.
        :param data_augmentation: bool to determine whether or not to use data augmentation
            (adding randomly colored, randomly sized boxes to observation)

        self.cfg_path = str(cfg_path)
        if not os.path.exists(self.cfg_path):
            raise ValueError("Cfg file not found", cfg_path)

        if not self.cfg_path.endswith('.cfg'):
            raise ValueError("cfg_path must end with .cfg")

        self.number_maps = number_maps
        self.scaled_resolution = scaled_resolution
        self.action_frame_repeat = action_frame_repeat
        self.clip = clip
        self.data_augmentation = data_augmentation

        if seed:

        super(VizDoom, self).__init__()
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._logger.info("Creating environment: VizDoom (%s)", self.cfg_path)

        # Create an instace on VizDoom game, initalise it from a scenario config file
        self.env = DoomGame()

        # Perform config validation:
        # Only RGB format with a seperate channel per colour is supported
        # assert self.env.get_screen_format() == ScreenFormat.RGB24
        # Only discreete actions are supported (no delta actions)
        available_actions = self.env.get_available_buttons()
        not_supported_actions = [Button.LOOK_UP_DOWN_DELTA, Button.TURN_LEFT_RIGHT_DELTA,
                                 Button.MOVE_LEFT_RIGHT_DELTA, Button.MOVE_UP_DOWN_DELTA,
        assert len((set(available_actions) - set(not_supported_actions))) == len(available_actions)

        # Allow only one button to be pressed at a given step
        self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.env.get_available_buttons_size())

        rows = scaled_resolution[1]
        columns = scaled_resolution[0]
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(0.0,
                                                shape=(columns, rows, 3),
        self._rgb_array = None

    def _process_image(self, shape=None):
        Convert the vizdoom environment observation numpy are into the desired resolution and shape
        :param shape: desired shape in the format (rows, columns)
        :return: resized and rescaled image in the format (rows, columns, channels)
        if shape is None:
            rows, columns, _ = self.observation_space.shape
            rows, columns = shape
        # PIL resize has indexing opposite to numpy array
        img = VizDoom._resize(self._rgb_array.transpose(1, 2, 0), (columns, rows))
        return img

    def _augment_data(img):
        Augment input image with N randomly colored boxes of dimension x by y
        where N is randomly sampled between 0 and 6
        and x and y are randomly sampled from between 0.1 and 0.35
        :param img: input image to be augmented - format (rows, columns, channels)
        :return img: augmented image - format (rows, columns, channels)
        dimx = img.shape[0]
        dimy = img.shape[1]
        max_rand_dim = .25
        min_rand_dim = .1
        num_blotches = np.random.randint(0, 6)

        for _ in range(num_blotches):
            # locations in [0,1]
            rand = np.random.rand
            rx = rand()
            ry = rand()
            rdx = rand() * max_rand_dim + min_rand_dim
            rdy = rand() * max_rand_dim + min_rand_dim

            rx, rdx = [round(r * dimx) for r in (rx, rdx)]
            ry, rdy = [round(r * dimy) for r in (ry, rdy)]
            for c in range(3):
                img[rx:rx + rdx, ry:ry + rdy, c] = np.random.randint(0, 255)
        return img

    def _resize(img, shape):
        """Resize the specified image.

        :param img: image to resize
        :param shape: desired shape in the format (rows, columns)
        :return: resized image
            raise ValueError('No image library backend found.'' Install either '
                             'OpenCV or Pillow to support image processing.')

            return cv2.resize(img, shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

            return np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(img).resize(shape))

        raise NotImplementedError

    def reset(self):
        Resets environment to start a new mission.

        If there is more than one maze it will randomly select a new maze.

        :return: initial observation of the environment as an rgb array in the format (rows, columns, channels)
        if self.number_maps is not 0:
            self.doom_map = random.choice(["map" + str(i).zfill(2) for i in range(self.number_maps)])
        self._rgb_array = self.env.get_state().screen_buffer
        observation = self._process_image()
        return observation

    def step(self, action):
        """Perform the specified action for the self.action_frame_repeat ticks within the environment.
        :param action: the index of the action to perform. The actions are specified when the cfg is created. The
        defaults are "MOVE_FORWARD TURN_LEFT TURN_RIGHT"
        :return: tuple following the gym interface, containing:
            - observation as a numpy array of shape (rows, height, channels)
            - scalar clipped reward
            - boolean which is true when the environment is done
            - {}
        one_hot_action = np.zeros(self.action_space.n, dtype=int)
        one_hot_action[action] = 1

        reward = self.env.make_action(list(one_hot_action), self.action_frame_repeat)
        done = self.env.is_episode_finished()
        # state is available only if the episode is still running
        if not done:
            self._rgb_array = self.env.get_state().screen_buffer
        observation = self._process_image()

        if self.data_augmentation:
            observation = VizDoom._augment_data(observation)

        if self.clip:
            reward = np.clip(reward, self.clip[0], self.clip[1])

        return observation, reward, done, {}

    def step_record(self, action, record_path, record_shape=(120, 140)):
        """Perform the specified action for the self.action_frame_repeat ticks within the environment.
        :param action: the index of the action to perform. The actions are specified when the cfg is created. The
        defaults are "MOVE_FORWARD TURN_LEFT TURN_RIGHT"
        :param record_path: the path to save the image of the environment to
        :param record_shape: the shape of the image to save
        :return: tuple following the gym interface, containing:
            - observation as a numpy array of shape (rows, height, channels)
            - scalar clipped reward
            - boolean which is true when the environment is done
            - {}
        one_hot_action = np.zeros(self.action_space.n, dtype=int)
        one_hot_action[action] = 1

        reward = 0
        for _ in range(self.action_frame_repeat // 2):
            reward += self.env.make_action(list(one_hot_action), 2)
            env_state = self.env.get_state()
            if env_state:
                self._rgb_array = self.env.get_state().screen_buffer
                imageio.imwrite(os.path.join(record_path, str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ".png"),

        done = self.env.is_episode_finished()
        # state is available only if the episode is still running
        if not done:
            self._rgb_array = self.env.get_state().screen_buffer
        observation = self._process_image()

        if self.clip:
            reward = np.clip(reward, self.clip[0], self.clip[1])

        return observation, reward, done, {}

    def close(self):
        """Close environment"""

    def render(self, mode='rgb_array'):
        """Render frame"""
        if mode == 'rgb_array':
            return self._rgb_array

        raise NotImplementedError

    def create_env(self):
        Returns a function to create an environment with the generated mazes.

        Used for vectorising the environment. For example as used by Stable Baselines

        :return: a function to create an environment with the generated mazes
        return lambda: VizDoom(self.cfg_path, number_maps=self.number_maps, scaled_resolution=self.scaled_resolution,